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Transformation of Old Culture Hall into Techno Scene and a Community Center

Studio Project| Individual | Academic| Supervisor:



Winter 2019

Přibyslav is lacking the reason for young people to be there. Why not try to create a reason, an incentive for them to come?

After careful examination of ideas I decided to offer a function which, potentially, would invite people not only from the local community, but also from other cities of Czech Republic and Europe. I wanted to decide for the function, which would overcome the factor of place and distance.

The design proposes of creating a techno scene in the existing cinema hall, which is underused by now. As a concept, it will be transformed into “Dark” Space, where the main focus will be the full experience of the music itself without any sort of distractions.

Fully taking the space for a new function and giving nothing in return to the locat community would not be fair. The Cultural House hosts all variety of local events, therefore I propose to create additional space, the “White” Space for those kind of activities, including cinema sessions, theater performances, reading, art and craft workshops and small exhibitions.

The “Buffer” Zone between the Dark and White spaces are used for services and storage. Here is also located a small hostel, since the visitors who come overnight must have a place to take some rest after parties and maybe experience the local places around too later.

Cinema Sessions

Theater Performances

03 Path Of Legends

Sequences of Experiences Along the Spiral

Sedhiou Cultural Center in Senegal

Competition Entry | Individual Project

Summer 2018

The nature of the assignment inspired me to build a project upon a poetic concept.

Each legend has its starting point – the actual fact. The stories /narratives are spread in the spatial (over different regions of the land) and time (through centuries and through generations) context creating a spiral-wise development. This path of a single legend was taken as a design concept.

The concept is translated into sequences of experiences in space and time during a day. The experiences start from the “center”, where stories are told and performances take place. The story is afterwards extended into visual (exhibition) and touch(craftsmanship) experiences. To fully obtain the depth of the cultural experience, the kitchen space is designed for cuisine workshops.

Story telling 01

Ground Floor Plan

The plan takes the concept of a spiral as a base. The concept is translated into sequences of experiences, starting from the center - storytelling space and continued with the rest.

Axonometric View

Main spaces are located along the spiral path. The diagram shows the spatial structure of the project.

Materials And Rainwater

The design uses only local materials: bamboo, palm leaves, rammed earth and recycled materials, such as tires and wood boxes.

The project idea introduces rainwater harvesting system: the spiral shape palm roof collects the rainwater into an underground reservoir.

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