Emotional Intelligence & Empathy: Our Leadership Superpower

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How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

Emotional Intelligence & Empathy: Our Leadership Superpower

As women, our naturally high

Who are we developing? Think back

emotional intelligence and empathy

on our discussion about your

set us apart as leaders.

leadership philosophy. Brene Brown defines a leader as a person who

What exactly is EQ, or emotional

develops others. To connect with

intelligence? It’s exactly what it

other human beings, we must have a

sounds like. The ability to sense and

strong, intuitive sense of what they are

match the emotions of others around

feeling – i.e. Emotional Intelligence.

us. EQ has emerged as more highly correlated with successful leadership

Take it one step further. What is

than IQ (1). Why, you ask?

empathy? In essence, it’s our ability to put ourselves in another’s shoes. To

Leadership is about people. Without

see and feel through their eyes and

other people, who are we leading?

heart. EQ is the basic ability to sense

Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

and match emotions. Empathy is

This is exactly what EQ and empathy

seeing and feeling what the other sees

are all about. Our ability to sense the

and feels. Both EQ and empathy are

emotions of others, put ourselves in

essential qualities in an effective

their shoes, and sense what they need

leader and help us to sense what

in that moment.

others want and need. As leaders, people remember how we Think about the leaders you have

make them feel. If what we’re saying

worked with in your life. Who stands

and doesn’t match up with not only

out to you as having high emotional

our actions, but the intent and

intelligence and empathy? What is it

emotion behind our actions, people

about this leader that makes this

can sense this. Human beings have an

individual stand out to you? How does

intuitive sense when another human is

this leader make you feel?

aligned, and authentic. And human beings have a gut sense when another

Now think about a leader in your

human is not.

career who does not have high emotional intelligence or empathy.

This week, begin by noticing and

What stands out to you about this

naming the emotions of those around

leader? How does this leader make


you feel?

What are their emotions? What do they need in that

Maya Angelou famously said, “I've


learned that people will forget what

What is your level of empathy in

you said, people will forget what you

that moment?

did, but people will never forget how

What do you notice about the

you made them feel.”

impact of their emotions on you?

Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

What emotions are you experiencing in response? Notice the thoughts you have as you sense the emotions of those around you. Notice how your thoughts drive your own emotions, and your actions. References 1) Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Random House Publishing, 2005.

Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

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