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How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series: Your Personal Vision Statement
Tammie Chang, MD
We explored the concept of Your Personal Impact Statement (otherwise known as your personal mission statement) a few weeks ago.
Now that you’ve been introduced to the concept of your Inner Leader and envisioning who you are and who you could be 20 years into the future, let’s take your Personal Impact Statement to the next level and create your Personal Vision Statement.
So, not unlike your Impact Statement, your Vision Statement is absolutely a statement of the core of you who you are and the impact you want to have on this world. The distinction here, is that your Vision Statement is who you want to become.
You are not there yet, and this is who you strive to become in the future. Who you want to continue to move toward in your life and career as a woman, a physician and a leader.
So, pause now, and think forward 20 years into the future. As I type these words, it is now 2021 and I will turn 41 in a month. So, 20 years from now will be 2041. I will be 60.
So, who do you want to become? What is inspiring about this person to you? What is so wow and audacious about this person that you can merely stand and admire in awe? This is what I want to challenge you to create and envision for yourself.
Who are you in 2021? What have the last 20 years meant to you? What has been most important to you in these 20 years? What do you need to learn and how to you need to grow, to get to where you are 20 years into the future?
What do you look like? What is your presence like? Is this who you want to be or become?
Unless we are intentional with who we are and how we live our lives, this person 20 years into the future does not happen on purpose. It’s very unlikely that the person you could be 20 years from now, is who you dream of becoming, unless you put thought and intentionality into this vision.
Your personal impact/mission statement was in this form: I am ________ (metaphor or person) who ________ (impact).
Your personal vision statement is in this form: To become the _________________.
For instance, I shared previously that my personal impact statement is to be:
I am the trail guide who ignites and inspires others to be their most bold, joyful and authentic selves, and in turn inspire others.
My personal vision statement is:
To become the guiding light who models brave, courageous, humble,and vulnerable servant leadership in the service of a kinder, morecompassionate culture and world for others.
So now, brainstorm ideas for your own personal vision statement.
Who is it you want to become…?
Your Assignment:
Brainstorm a list of adjectives and words that resonate for and inspire you. What about each of these words inspires you? How do each relate back to your core values and your Why? Now draft a few personal vision statements for yourself. Write them all down, don’t edit in your head. Just dump out whatever is in your head onto the page! Now look at each statement you have come up with. What is the inspiration level for what you come up with? What can you do to take the inspiration level up to a #9 or #10…?? Continue to revisit this exercise, weekly, and at least monthly.
I personally come back and revisit my own personal impact/mission and vision statements at least once a month. Sometimes, I will tweak a word here and there, or shift things around. Most importantly, I do this exercise regularly to ensure that I am aligning myself with my purpose, my mission, and my vision, in all aspects of my life. This is a critically important check in and personal barometer for how you are showing up as a leader and as a human being -- Like your own compass, GPS system and North Start all rolled into one.
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