How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series
Your Personal Vision Statement
We explored the concept of Your
So, not unlike your Impact Statement,
Personal Impact Statement
your Vision Statement is absolutely a
(otherwise known as your personal
statement of the core of you who you
mission statement) a few weeks ago.
are and the impact you want to have on this world. The distinction here, is
Now that you’ve been introduced to
that your Vision Statement is who you
the concept of your Inner Leader and
want to become.
envisioning who you are and who you could be 20 years into the future, let’s
You are not there yet, and this is who
take your Personal Impact Statement
you strive to become in the future.
to the next level and create your
Who you want to continue to move
Personal Vision Statement.
toward in your life and career as a
Tammie Chang, MD, LLC