How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series: Your Personal Impact Statement

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How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

Your Personal Impact Statement

What is your personal mission in life?

Think back on the values exercise we

What is your purpose? What is your

did together. What are your top 5 core


values? What do you notice when you think about your values? What

One of the most powerful things we

emotion comes up for you when you

can do on our personal leadership

think about each of your values?

journey is to create a personal mission or impact statement. Like our values,

Now, consider an impact statement in

our personal impact statements

a form like this. I love this version of

encapsulate the core of who we are

the personal impact statement, from

and who we want to be. Our impact

Co-Active Coaching Institute. It’s

statements are both authentic and

powerful, yet simple and creative.

aspirational. They serve as the core of who we are, what we stand for, and

I am __________________ (metaphor

help us to align our lives to the impact

or individual) who

we want to have on the world.

___________________ (impact).

Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

Close your eyes. Take several deep

statement? What would take it to a 9

breaths. And begin to visualize -- What

or 10 inspiration level for you?

metaphor, image or individual stirs up inspiration and emotion for you, and

Practice saying your personal impact

most embodies you? What is it about

statement out loud, 10 times each day.

this metaphor or individual that

Stand up and say it to the room. How

inspires you? What is the energy

do you feel when you say it? Write it

behind this image? Does it have a

out and put it on your wall.

color, shape, warmth, or coolness? What does this image bring up for you?

It can take weeks or months to finally

What do you sense in yourself?

land on a personal impact statement that feels just right. And this is

Now imagine, what is the impact you

completely ok. You may also find that

want to have? Whether this is on you,

you may want to adjust or change

on others, on your community, or on

your statement every so often. As you

the world? When you think about

grow, so does your personal impact

coming to the end of your life, what

statement. Our statements are a work

will your life have been all about?

in progress, just as we all are.

What will have mattered most to you about this life? What do you want to

Each day, think about your personal

be remembered for?

impact statement. Together with your core values, say your personal impact

Now write down your personal impact

statement aloud. They are both your

statement. Read it aloud. On a

internal GPS and Compass, helping

personal inspiration level from 1 – 10

you to follow your own North Star as a

(with 1 the lowest, and 10 the highest),

woman and as a leader. What kind of

what number do you give your

leader do you want to be? Who do you

Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

How to Lead as a Woman Physician Series

long to be led by? What kind of impact do you want to have as a leader? Your personal impact statement is essential to leading by example, and in alignment with who you truly are. Email me at with questions, any time. I am here for you friend…!


Tammie Chang, MD, LLC

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