Alexander pdf 53ebe57ab6285

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CRUSTLESS QUI CHERECI PE Haveapar enthel pyoupr epar et hi sdel i ci ousdi shf r om t hef i l m! YI ELDS 5ser vi ngsf ort heCooper s ( notr ecommended f ort hebaby)

COOK TI ME 60 mi nut es



•1t abl espoonunsal t ed but t er

•Pr eheatovent o350 degr eesF.

•2t easpoonsol i veoi l

•Gr easean8x8gl assbaki ng di shOR 1 0i nchpi epl at e.

•½ oni on,di ced

•Heatbut t erand ol i veoi li naski l l etovermedi umhi ghheat .

•2cupssl i ced mushr ooms

•St i ri noni onand sl i ced mushr oomsand cookunt i lsof t ,

•1( 1 0oz)packagef r ozenchoppedspi nach, t hawed and dr ai ned •4 eggs •1cupwhol emi l k •½ cupheavycr eam

st i r r i ng occasi onal l y. •Add spi nachand cont i nuecooki ng unt i lmoi st ur eevapor at es. Setski l l etasi de. •I nabowl ,whi skeggs,cr eam,mi l k,sal t ,and gr ound pepper . Add cheese,spi nach,oni on,and mushr oom.

•Sal tand gr ound pepper

•Pourmi xt ur ei nt ot hegr eased baki ng di sh.

•1 ½ cupshr edded Swi sscheese

•Bakei npr eheat ed ovenunt i ll i ght l ygol denand cent eri ssol i d.

( oracheeseofyourchoosi ng)

( ~ 3035mi n; youshoul dbeabl et oi nser takni f ecl eanl yi nt hemi ddl e)

•Letcoolbef or ecut t i ng i nt osl i cesand ser vi ng!


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