Alexander pdf 53ebe5d159dc4

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HOPPI NG HI DE& SEEK Lennyt heBad LuckKangar oo l i kest o escapewheneverhecan,butheal so l ovest o pl ay! Oneofhi sf avor i t egamesi shoppi ng hi deandseek.

DI RECTI ONS •Haveanadul tcutal ong t hedot t ed l i nes,t hencur lt hebot t om st r i pi nt oaci r cl eand t apet he endssot hatLennycanst and onhi sown. •Takest ur ns,orhaveanadul thi deLennysomewher ei nsi det hehouse. •Forar ealchal l enge,sear cher smusthopast heyl ookf orhi ddenLenny–seehow qui ckl yi tt akes t of i nd hi m.Exper tsear cher smusthopononef oot !


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