UPROAR! The T he W Wildcat ildcat Sanc Sanctuary ctuar y
January 2017 | Issue 12
Griffen, tiger
UPROAR! The Wildcat Sanctuary
Spartacus, Bengal cat
January 2017 | Issue 12
Tammy Thies Founder & Executive Director Julie Hanan Contributor Carissa L. Winter Graphic Designer Photography by TWS staff and Pamela Lammersen of PCML Photography
Mission: Provide natural sanctuary to wild cats in need and inspire change to end the captive wildlife crisis. Vision: Help create a world where wild animal sanctuaries are no longer needed. The Wildcat Sanctuary is a tax-exempt charity under the IRS code section 501c3, our federal tax ID number is 22-3857401.
The Wildcat Sanctuary PO Box 314 • Sandstone, MN 55072 320-245-6871 Follow us on:
Copyright © The Wildcat Sanctuary. All Rights Reserved.
January 2017
From the Found
Feeling Blessed
very night I lie awake. I lie awake because there’s still so much work to be done. So many thoughts run through my head. What can I do to ensure the sustainability of our sanctuary for years to come? I wonder, did we take on an issue so big that it can’t be solved? What if more big cats are suffering, but we don’t have the space or funding to help? What if the bad guys win? I’m not meaning to be negative, but instead, this huge responsibility of running a sanctuary and trying to end the captive wildlife crisis weighs on my shoulders every night. I made a promise years ago to the cats - and to you - and I don’t take that lightly. And then every day, I’m amazed. Amazed by all of you! The unconditional love and support you give our animals is unparalleled. The connection you have to all living beings and the responsibility you feel towards righting the wrongs of humans is inspirational. You love our animals as much as we do! Together, we’ve made strides to save hundreds of big cats. You’ve helped us educate millions of people to adopt an appropriate pet, stand up when they see an animal being mistreated or exploited, and speak up to be their voice and make change. During the days, I sigh a moment of relief, because that’s when I’m reminded I’m not in this alone. I have you. And so do the cats! The board, staff and I are the feet on the ground. We build the business and strategic plans, provide veterinary care, drive across country to bring home the next cat in need, feed, clean and care for 109 residents in all types of weather, 365 days a year. We provide a second chance to all of those that cross the sanctuary threshold. But we never lose sight that you enable us to do this. :KHQ 3DQGRUD FKXIIV DW XV IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH \RX¡UH WKHUH with us. When Autumn met her new family, you were by our side. When Shanti lioness roars her evening lullaby, she’s singing to you, too. You’re part of our family and we feel your presence every day. Last year, we received a million dollars in donations! A huge milestone for us. Our Sanctuary build out is almost complete after 10 years at this site. We’re now positioned for the next stage of growth, and we know you can help us get there. We have some big plans for 2017 and beyond. Not only do Autumn, bobcat we have projects that improve the Sanctuary, but we want to
January 2017
continue to make change to decrease the number of big cats needing sanctuary. To do that, we also need to focus outside our four walls to continue education and advocacy. I invite you to join us for the next phase of our journey. Only with your ongoing support, can we accomplish what we need for our animals, and those that still need us. We’ll continue to spearhead collaboration among reputable sanctuaries, mentor new sanctuaries, advocate for legislation that will end the private breeding and exploitation of big cats. As we continue to grow and be a leader in the sanctuary community, I promise you, we’ll never lose sight of our roots, mission or vision. The animals will DOZD\V FRPH ÀUVW SHULRG :H·G QHYHU ZDQW LW DQ\ RWKHU way, and neither would you.
As we plan for our future, there are so many ways you can help. Join our Monthly Pride by giving monthly, sign-up for an annual sponsorship of one of our residents, or leave a legacy for the cats that will always live on by naming The Wildcat Sanctuary in your estate plans. I’d be happy to discuss our future plans and how you can get involved. Don’t hesitate to call me at 320-245-6871 or reach me personally by email at cat@wildcatsanctuary.org
Tammy Thies Founder & Executive Director
Shanti Deva, lion
January 2017
Make a gift at WildcatSanctuary.org
Shadow, leopard
Raja and Liberty, cougars
Blaze, cougar
Sebastian, African serval
Nunda, African serval
Aurora, caracal
January 2017
Pandora’s Story
Pandora, tiger
One very special cat from one of the biggest rescues in history
o two rescues are ever the same. And after several decades in the industry, you get to know who the “bad guys” are. They’re the breeders and dealers. They often bring cats out on leashes for the public to see, offering photo opportunities with a cub. From the outside, it appears harmless, or even a thrilling, once-in-a-life opportunity. But once you know the truth, you can never unknow it. That’s the good and bad about being in the sanctuary world so long. So many of these exhibitors tell tales of how their education helps big cats in the wild. They tell a story about the cub growing up and going to a zoo or wildlife park. They wear khaki shirts with patches and try to embody the Jack Hanna image that’s all too familiar to the public. 6
January 2017
What’s never really told is how the cubs are often treated behind the scenes, how they’re pulled from their mothers at hours or days old. The reality is, they were never really rejected by their mother at all. They’re continuously bred to keep the pipeline of babies going. 7KDW·V ZKHUH WKH SURÀW LV
“110 exotic animals were housed on less than 15 acres.” And rarely does anyone ever ask where these babies go when they become adults or how they live. Visitors are just caught up in the moment, relishing being with an adorable cub, and they forget about these cats’ futures. After years of seeing different exhibitors continue to WildcatSanctuary.org
breed, sell, trade and receive animal welfare violation after violation, it sometimes feels like we’ll never make progress. Many exhibitors/breeders just pick up and move, starting the same cycle in a new state. Or when one is shut down, they move in with another and turn their “inventory� over to their dealer friends. Many of the players have been around for years. Some more slippery than others. Some more dangerous than others. But occasionally, an opportunity arises to change the tide. That’s what happened recently with one such exhibitor and 110 exotic animals. We, like many sanctuaries, wanted to help - to provide a home for life for these animals and stop the breeding cycle. We’re forever grateful for the organizations that initiated placement of these animals. With the outpouring of support from YOU and so many credible sanctuaries, thankfully most of the animals have moved to their forever homes.
Every animal counts Numbers like this can feel overwhelming. The historic placement of all these exotic animals has made national headlines. So did their sad back story. But sometimes, what gets lost is the individual animals themselves. Their stories, and who they are, are just as important to share. I’d like to share with you my personal experience when I arrived onsite at this facility. One hundred ten exotic animals were housed on less than 15 acres. (Contrast that with the 40 acres we have at The Wildcat Sanctuary). The sanctuary that took over the facility was working tirelessly to feed, clean, provide vet care and transport animals to new homes. We had taken in three tigers from the facility in the weeks before. Now, over 50 big cats remained on-site when our team arrived to transport a fourth tiger to The Wildcat Sanctuary. The facility didn’t look anything like what the exhibitor boasted about on social media. Running a sanctuary in Minnesota, I knew what fall and winter looked like so understood the grass would be dead and brown. But there was very little to no grass in any of the cages. It looked barren. All but one habitat was just too UPROAR!
Pandora, before
small to allow grass to grow, no matter the season. The pictures they’d showcased online of the facility’s onsite hospital must have been taken a decade ago, SRVVLEO\ ZKHQ LW ZDV ÀUVW HTXLSSHG 1RZ LW ZDV GLUW\ HTXLSPHQW ZDV KHDSHG LQ SLOHV GHDG URGHQWV ZHUH RQ WKH à RRU DQG WKH GXVW DQG GLUW ZDV DQ DFFXPXODWLRQ RI years, not weeks. And the hospital was supposed to be one of the best things about this facility.
Numerous USDA violations Most of the cats were comfortable with humans since many were former pay-to-play cubs and born or raised onsite. Without the human interaction through the fence, there was very little for them to do. Row after row of cages had one perch or hammock centered in the cage with only a small brick or deteriorating wood den box for shelter from the elements. I’d seen some cage photos posted online from this facility that showed one bear cage with a few perches and pool, and two tiger cages that had more than one perch. Those were the ones the paying public saw. But they were the exceptions, certainly not what all the other cats had. This facility had pages of USDA violations
January 2017
Pandora, tiger
We decided it was in her best interest to let her calm down vs. transport her. We offered to come back to get her when we had time to move her with the least amount of stress (and that offer still stands if another sanctuary can’t accommodate her). Instead, we decided that day to help another tiger there, since there were so many in need. As we walked through the compound, one girl caught my eye. So much so, I had to look twice. For D PRPHQW , WKRXJKW , VDZ 0HPH WKH ÀUVW WLJHU ZH rescued here at the sanctuary. It was as if I went back in time. I was so taken aback, I couldn’t tell you if she looked like Meme, or if she just felt like Meme. A very calm girl DPRQJVW WKH FKDRV 6KH TXLFNO\ DSSURDFKHG FKXIIHG WKHQ rolled to expose her belly. There was something so sweet and wonderful about her. She was Pandora. As social as she was, for the last 12 years she knew nothing except this cage in this compound. Much like an abused child, the unknown can be more frightening than the known. So, we wanted the move to be as least stressful as possible.
over the years and it was obvious why. The den boxes didn’t provide much shelter or space for freezing winter nights or days. The cages were old, many with barbed wire on the tops of the cage walls. The walls weren’t tall enough to meet current standards. But the biggest and most dangerous safety issue was that, besides one den box for several cats, there was no way to shift cats safely for cleaning or maintenance. To For a moment, I thought I saw We pushed our transport make things worse, several of Meme, the first tiger we rescued crate up to a double door the guillotine doors on the shared by two adjoining tiger here at the sanctuary. dens were broken, meaning cages. On the right side was cats couldn’t be locked in or Pandora. On the left side out. This was a USDA licensed facility – and yet the USDA were her brother and sister. We were told they’d been GRHV 127 UHTXLUH VKLIW DUHDV RU HYHQ GRXEOH GRRUV separated years prior due to Pandora getting picked on. I can hear the exhibitor’s voice in my head saying We considered taking Pandora’s siblings, but could “True tiger people go in with their tigers.� And that’s see there was no bond between them at all. Another exactly what they did – all of them. I’ve heard it from sanctuary has committed to providing them a permanent private owners and exhibitors in the past. And sadly, home. And with so many in need, we chose to take TXLWH D IHZ RI WKHVH KDYH EHHQ VHYHUHO\ DWWDFNHG RQH in cats that would do best at our sanctuary and in our even killed, over the years. It just takes one incident and habitat space. Pandora preferred her own space and both humans and animals pay the ultimate price. that’s something we could immediately provide for her. With the transport crate ready, Pandora entered the There she was, Pandora hallway calmly. And then she laid against the fence. Her sister ran over and began chewing and biting the The day we loaded Pandora is a day I won’t ever fence to get at Pandora. It was not playful. It was very forget. We’d already taken in three tigers from this facility. Now, we traveled a long way cross country to pick aggressive behavior. But through all the taunting and up another tiger, too. There were so many needing new roaring, Pandora remained calm. As we tried to coax Pandora into her transport crate, homes, row after row of caged tigers. But the original she’d cautiously put one foot forward and then pull back. tiger we came for had become stressed and agitated. 8
January 2017
She seemed very concerned about the fresh straw we’d packed in her transport crate. This seemed to be a new strange sensation for her. So we closed the door, cut a small hole in the back of the crate and began removing the straw handful by handful. She seemed very pleased with this and approached closer as we reopened the door to the crate. She even put her front two feet in the crate. We held our breath WKLQNLQJ PD\EH VKH¡G ÀQDOO\ HQWHU RQ KHU RZQ %XW WKH small amount of motion the crate made with her weight sent her retreating back into the hallway. Again, her sister began trying to get at her through the fence. You could see this was a pattern of her sister’s since the fence had permanent bows in it from repeated pulling. As we were working on loading Pandora, a high pitched scream came from across the compound. Another tiger cub was being born. This exhibitor continued to claim they were not a breeding facility. Yet we saw tigers living in groups together, breeding and giving birth. The onsite nursery, a small shed-like building with large windows on two sides and a kennel off one side, was where they showcased the cubs to the public. It’s obvious, this was one of the big draws to the public – seeing cubs, touching cubs, having photos taken with cubs. After several patient hours waiting, it became clear Pandora was not going to enter the crate on her own. We decided to safely sedate her so we could get her on WKH URDG WR KHU QHZ KRPH %XW OLNH PRVW FDWV 3DQGRUD had a different plan. Once all the drugs were drawn and equipment ready, Pandora got startled while in her hallway and suddenly ran into her transport crate! No sedation needed. She’d even surprised herself as she looked around from inside the transport crate. Thankfully, she was safely loaded now and ready for the 15-hour trip home.
One look back As we prepared to leave, we couldn’t help but walk through the facility once more. There were cats with missing tails, cats that were blind or had abrasions on their pupils, limping cats. Luckily, there were also younger cats that appeared healthy. Like brothers Zeke, UPROAR!
Pandora at The Wildcat Sanctuary
'LPLWUL DQG *ULIIHQ %HVLGHV VRPH VPDOO WXPRUV XQGHU 'LPLWUL¡V H\H DW ÀUVW JODQFH WKH\ DUH KHDOWK\ ER\V The cages were rusted and deteriorated. The walls on most were very short and had no recurve at the top, besides a row of barbed wire. The tigers probably chose to stay in because it was the only life they ever knew. On the way out, we came across an old photo book. The photo book included many pictures of the previous owner in these cages, hugging cats. One page featured 3DQGRUD DQG KHU VLEOLQJV DV FXEV ,W FRQÀUPHG WKH\ ZHUH ERUQ RQ VLWH DQG WKLV KDG EHHQ WKHLU OLIH %XW IRU 3DQGRUD and so many others, life was about to change drastically. And she’d need time to adjust. January 2017
Their new life When cats arrive at The Wildcat Sanctuary, two WKLQJV KDSSHQ 6RPH VHWWOH LQ TXLFNO\ DQG DUH VR WKULOOHG with their new-found space, enrichment and toys. This is exactly what happened with the three brothers, Griffen, Zeke and Dimitri. Others are concerned about the open space and the unknown, so are hesitant in the beginning. This was how Pandora reacted, as did Caesar and Logan when they arrived last year. But after a few months at the Sanctuary, they’re able to be their true selves – or as much as they can be in captivity. What that means for each cat may be different. For docile cats like Caesar, he stretched his wild side and EHFDPH DVVHUWLYH +H ZDV SUHWW\ SURXG WR ÀQG RXW KH ZDV a big, strong, male tiger! We look forward to seeing how Pandora blossoms. She loves her high, multi-level perch and heated den box. She’s still a bit cautious about going into her building, something she’s never had before, or getting too close to her new tiger neighbor Tonka. She’s a gentle tiger and we see her progressing more and more each day as her caretakers reassure her and she builds a trusting bond with them. :H WU\ QRW WR OHW WKH SDVW GHÀQH WKH FDWV ZKR OLYH DW
The Wildcat Sanctuary. Their past is what happened to them, but that’s not who they are. I can’t help but wonder about the years of walking through the sanctuary with donors and volunteers, replaying their story over and over, and what effect that may have on them. I’m sure the same would be true for an abused child hearing all they’d gone through day in and day out. So now, as I pass each cat, I tell them how beautiful and strong they are. How proud I am that they are who they are. We don’t dwell on the past. We look ahead. It’s so important to us and them to focus on who they are, and what they become with the right care. What we give them can never replace the wild, but it can still have meaning. All beings have important work to do, and the cats are no different. I know rescuing many from their former situations motivates so many of you to give. And I thank you! But remember, a rescue is only one day. Once they’re here, they still have so much healing to do. They deserve a bright future and only with your ongoing support can we provide them the tools they need to become their true selves. I hope you’ll consider giving monthly as a member of our Monthly Pride. Insuring their future is just as important as rescuing them from their past.
Pandora, tiger
January 2017
Dimitri plays with gusto! He’s the most destructive of the brothers, tearing into enrichment, and he never sees a toy he doesn’t like!! He’s your typical curious cat, always anxious to check out whatever’s new in the habitat. Many say Griffen is the most handsome of the brothers – and he seems to think so, too. That gorgeous long white ruff DURXQG KLV QHFN LV KDUG WR PLVV <RX·OO RIWHQ ÀQG *ULIIHQ striking a sophisticated pose high up on the tallest perch, as if he’s Fabio the male model.
Dimitri, tiger
Griffen, tiger
Zeke, tiger Zeke loves carrying on conversations with his caretakers, he’s so WDONDWLYH +H·V WKH ÀUVW RQH WR FRPH RYHU ZKHQ FDUHWDNHUV approach and, being very food motivated, he’s always looking for what’s new on the menu.
Pandora, tiger UPROAR!
Pandora is living next door to big boy Tonka and he’s GHÀQLWHO\ VPLWWHQ ZLWK KHU +H·V WU\LQJ KDUG WR ZLQ KHU affection, but she just turns her nose up and walks away. She’s busy enjoying KHU QHZ ODUJH QDWXUDO KDELWDW ÀOOHG ZLWK VR PXFK WR H[SORUH DQG GR
January 2017
Dimitri, tiger
Zeke and Griffen, tigers
Zeke, tiger
Pandora, tiger
November 2017
Dimitri, tiger
Dimitri, Zeke and Griffen, tigers
Pandora, tiger
Zeke, Griffen and Dimitri, tigers
November 2017
QH RI WKH PRVW SRSXODU DQG SURĂ&#x20AC;WDEOH activities of tiger breeders and exhibitors is using cubs for petting, playing, and as photo props. The majority of tigers at our sanctuary, and other sanctuaries throughout the country, came from this cub interaction industry. In the wild, a female tiger would only give birth to a litter of 3-4 cubs every 3 years. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the length of time it takes her to teach the cubs how to hunt and become VHOI VXIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW But in captivity, breeders take the cubs away when WKH\¡UH RQO\ GD\V ROG DQG WKH PRWKHU TXLFNO\ EHFRPHV fertile again. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s immediately re-bred and can have 3 litters a year for 10 years. Her body being spent, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll usually die of breast cancer. And where do all these cubs end up when theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re fully grown, expensive to care for and dangerous tigers? Some end up as â&#x20AC;&#x153;petsâ&#x20AC;? in backyard cages getting minimal care. Some end up slaughtered, sold in the unregulated exotic meat industry. Some disappear into the black market where theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re prized for their body parts and bones. Anytime you see exhibitors or attractions offering interaction, say â&#x20AC;&#x153;No!â&#x20AC;? and educate others why â&#x20AC;&#x201C; if they truly love animals â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t contribute to this animal abuse either. We can only save so many. The rest is up to you.
Caesar, tiger
Logan, tiger
Former Interaction Cubs Now Living at The Wildcat Sanctuary
Callie, tiger
Ekaterina, tiger
January 2017
Future Looks Bright
ach year, with your help, we accomplish the impossible for the cats! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to forget weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a very small staff in a very rural area. But with your generosity, the sweat and man power of volunteers, hardworking interns and a dedicated staff, we continue to move the Sanctuary into the future and remain a leader in this industry.
Join us in 2017 to make more dreams possible: â&#x20AC;˘ Redesign of Wildcat Pines: In 2006, Wildcat Pines ZDV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW DUHD EXLOW ZKHQ ZH PRYHG WR WKH Sanctuary and was used as temporary habitats for our residents as we built out. It includes 10 habitats and currently utilizes insulated and heated den boxes for native species such as bobcats, lynx and young cougars. The redesign will include roofed habitats with more vertical space, no shared walls to allow PRUH Ă H[LELOLW\ IRU QRQ VRFLDOL]HG FDWV DQG DFFHVV WR permanent, heated indoor areas. To be constructed in 2018. â&#x20AC;˘ 5HFRQĂ&#x20AC;JXUH +\EULG +DYHQ Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve accepted more hybrids into the program that do not want to share space with other cats. We want to accommodate cats that want to live alone by giving them their own indoor and outdoor area. â&#x20AC;˘ Upgrade indoor quarantine enclosures: Install permanent walls to allow for more vertical space to accommodate larger cats and aid in sanitation and drainage. â&#x20AC;˘ Plan and design the Animal Care Center: Expand our hospital for better use of space and provide a safe viewing area for veterinary training. It hosts our animal care staff, overnight staff, volunteer area, and allows us to provide more education and training opportunities. The Animal &DUH &HQWHU ZLOO LQFOXGH GLJLWDO ; UD\ HTXLSPHQW WKDW FDQ DOVR EH XVHG LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;HOG 0RYLQJ WKH hospital to this new building will allow us to expand our food preparation and animal supply storage. Construction will take place over the next 5 years. â&#x20AC;˘ Invest in much-needed equipment: Replace
ROGHU 8WLOLW\ 7HUUDLQ 9HKLFOHV IRU PRUH HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW IHHGLQJ DQG PDLQWHQDQFH $FTXLUH D UHOLDEOH ORZ mileage rescue truck able to pull rescue trailers cross-country. Commercial mowers, Feline Meadows Building back-up generator and transport cat crates are also needed. â&#x20AC;˘ Construction of multi-level platforms and pools: Replace aging perches as needed in habitats. Refurbish caves to maintain their integrity. Install 2 permanent pools for Ekaterina and Nikita. For more on our future plans, visit our blog at WildcatSanctuary.org
Nikita, tiger
January 2017
Working Together Big Cat Collaboration
ou know weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a Sanctuary for animals, but did you know weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re also in the forefront of education and advocacy for animals, too? We strongly believe that we cannot rescue ourselves out of the big cat crisis weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re facing today. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why we collaboratively work with other sanctuaries and advocacy groups to end the breeding and exploitation of big cats worldwide. This year, Director Tammy Thies participated in the 2nd annual Big Cat Sanctuary workshop hosted by International Fund for Animal Welfare and the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries in Colorado. The purpose of this conference was to identify approaches for sustainability and sanctuary stewardships. The Wildcat Sanctuary was a presenter on the topic of social media education, advocacy and fundraising. Tammy is also a member of the Big Cat Advocacy Working Group. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a busy time of year with Tammy also representing The Wildcat Sanctuary at the International Captive Wildlife Conference hosted by The Performing Animal Welfare Society in California. The sanctuary was asked WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKLV Ã&#x20AC;UVW HYHU %LJ &DW 6XPPLW We believe we are stronger by working together.
Tigers in America Endorses The Wildcat Sanctuary Tigers in America saw The Wildcat Sanctuaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s post that nominations for a local grant were needed. They took it upon themselves to submit this to the grant committee: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Wildcat Sanctuary is one of the best big cat sanctuaries in the 8 6 7KH\ DUH DFFUHGLWHG E\ HYHU\RQH ZKR PDWWHUV LQ WKH VDQFWXDU\ ZRUOG ZKLFK LV WHUULÃ&#x20AC;F EXW WKHLU PRVW UHPDUNDEOH TXDOLW\ LV WKHLU generosity and cooperation with other big cat sanctuaries. They provide leadership, expertise, collaboration and hands on help rescuing big cats in appalling circumstances. No job too big or too small. They show up, they work hard, they give attribution to their peers and they give JXLGDQFH DV DQG ZKHQ LW LV QHHGHG 7KLV LV D UDUH DWWULEXWH LQ WKH QRQSURÃ&#x20AC;W ZRUOG LQ P\ H[SHULHQFH 7KH\ DUH D OHDGHU LQ WKH HGXFDWLRQ RI WKH SXEOLF RQ ZLOG DQG H[RWLF ELJ FDW LVVXHV DQG PDQDJH WR PDNH WKDW HGXFDWLRQ FLYLO LQIRUPDWLYH DQG HYHQ HQWHUWDLQLQJ ZLWK QR VKDPLQJ of the people who are just discovering there is a problem with how these animals are treated in America. The Wildcat Sanctuary truly leads WKH ZD\ LQ KRZ , ZLVK HYHU\ QRQ SURÃ&#x20AC;W ZRXOG RSHUDWH FROODERUDWLRQ DWWULEXWLRQ FRQFUHWH KHOS LQ DQ\ FULVLV DQG GHGLFDWLRQ WR WKHLU FDXVH without diminishing the causes or values of anyone else. While I realize there are many deserving causes that may merit an award from you, , WUXO\ KRSH \RX ZLOO UHFRJQL]H 7KH :LOGFDW 6DQFWXDU\ ERWK IRU ZKDW WKH\ GR DQG HVSHFLDOO\ KRZ WKH\ GR LW 7KDQN \RX µ
January 2017
Volunteer Spotlight
Be a voice for animals who can’t speak.
t’s becoming easier and easier for people concerned about animal welfare to speak up and educate others about the need for compassion and rescue. It’s one of the single biggest acts you can do to make a difference and there are so many platforms available to help your voice be heard! Constance Schey heard about the overwhelming number of captive tigers needing rescue and wanted to be part of the solution so she found a way to take action! Constance was invited to speak at Ignite Minneapolis, “a high-energy evening of 5-minute talks by people who have a burning idea—and the guts to get onstage and share it with their hometown crowd.” Constance Schey She took the opportunity to educate the sold out audience about the cub petting industry, white tiger myths, and the need for reputable sanctuaries like The Wildcat Sanctuary. In her speech, she also encouraged people to take action in their own lives to help. Here are some easy steps that you can take to make a difference: 1. Follow accredited sanctuaries on social media and share their stories and videos. 2. Donate to reputable sanctuaries – general operating donations are the most effective way to support your IDYRULWH QRQSURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ 3. Donate your time – volunteer! 4. Sign petitions and encourage others to do so as well. 5. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper to voice your opposition to traveling circuses or other animal abuse that you witness. 6. Vote with your dollars – do not attend traveling ]RRV or “pay-to-play” opportunities. Callie, tiger
January 2017
In Honor & In Memory ,Q +RQRU In honor of my mother, Dahlia Boone
In honor and in memory of the many precious cats Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been blessed to have in my life.
Susie Reed
Kim Meline
In honor of Sweet Danteâ&#x20AC;Śforever in my heart
In honor of our tiger â&#x20AC;&#x153;in heart,â&#x20AC;? Indy
Mary Simon
In honor of Marilyn Parker who loved animals Andrea Parker
In honor of Nik Jeepie Juno Anonymous
In honor of Ruby Cheryl Nystrom
John Tschumperlin
In honor of Tonka Ĺ&#x161;Ć&#x152;Ĺ?Ć?Ć&#x;ĹśÄ&#x17E; &Ć&#x152;Ä&#x201A;ĹśÄ?Ĺ?Ć?
In honor of Kelsi, my mini panther Cindy Ridley
For all you do but I so love the Bobbie kittens!
For Gator
Kim Steele
In honor of Leo, Savannah
Lizbeth Dobbins
In honor of my housecat Brandon Kay Toca
Tribute for my wonderful mother! Hillary White
For my Ralph
Denise Donovan
For Carina DeMoura Judith Grahm-DeMoura
To Tammy and everyone at TWS for all you do!
In honor of Bella Peekaboo and Remoh
For my ever-inspiring mom Lynn Krapf who makes the world a better place with every move she makes
Linda and Todd Haug Dawn Perault
In honor of Carissa Winter Judy Hunter
In honor of all cats, big and small Jane Murschel
In honor of Jack Shahna Voita
In honor of Constance Schey Anonymous
Constance Rawa
,Q KRQRU RI .DWH¡V %,57+'$<
Ellen Stewart
In honor of Scooter and Aurora
Lauren MacNeil
In honor of Ekaterina
In honor of Zephyr
Victoria Kyle
:ĆľÄ&#x161;Ç&#x2021; ZÄ&#x201A;Ć&#x161;Ä?ĹŻĹ?ÄŤ
In honor of the Forsyth-Wilcox Family Christmas 2016
Donna Whistler
Cecilia Holman
Ron Mass
For Shadow and Banning my beloved companions.
In honor of Tonka
In honor of Diana Lang In honor of Merlin and General
Gifts through November 17, 2016
Megan Gingery
Sarah Bonnie
In honor of my lovely cats Alex Brodsky
Welcome new tigers! Margaret Owen Thorpe
In honor of Cleo Michelle Johnson
For all cats big and small!
Susan Nancarrow Michael Bartz Shirlee Harris
For Mitty Moo & Tigger Too Dana Briggs
In Memory In memory of Shirley Constans Kathy Eixon and Karen Smith
In memory of Luna Elizabeth Eide
In memory of Diablo Guapo Shelia Childress
In Loving Memory of, Tom â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a doting grandpa and Mandy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a loving Granddaughter, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You lit up our livesâ&#x20AC;? Peggy Burke
In memory of Alice K. Deimel Peter Deimel
,Q PHPRU\ RI %XG $O 6WDQFKĂ&#x20AC;HOG Tom and Judy Tyler
In memory of Sylvia Smith Laginess Charlene Hogan
In memory of Piper, you are missed by Dana and all your family &Ć&#x152;Ä&#x201A;Ĺś Ä?Ä?ŽƊ
In memory of Roark and Mickie, you are missed Janice Swanson
In honor of my wildcat Spunk 21 yrs old & still going strong
Karen Vowell Sales
:ƾůĹ?Ä&#x17E; DÄ&#x201A;ĹŻĹŻÄ&#x17E;ĆŠ
Joanne Manning
For all the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cecilâ&#x20AC;? we love
For Max who came from the Lake Superior Zoo in Duluth, MN
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For those still suffering in bad situations who need our help to be saved. Leigh Ann Naas
Welcome to the 4 new tigers!
Leona Krieg
In memory of Peaches Finken Michael Finken
In memory of my small orange tiger Princess Julie Ronning
January 2017
In memory of Scooby -our little house lion
In memory of Leo and Chloe
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In memory of Sugar
In memory of Spring the cougar â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a sweet and gentle soul. Dearly loved and deeply missed. Your sweet smile will never be forgotten and will live forever in our hearts.
Rebecca Peachey Walter G Walske
In memory of all the domestic cats who have passed through my life Bonni Kautz
Kim Meline
In memory of Katja
To all my beloved cats who have passed onto the Rainbow Bridge, especially Scrathy, Cleo and Zorro
In memory of Milhouse
Lisa Eberhardt
In memory of Milo Terri Lewis
Judith Carlson
:ĆľĆ?Ć&#x;Ĺś ^Ĺ?ĹśĹ?ĹŻÄ&#x17E;Ć&#x161;ŽŜ
Always to Aslan Marsha Pache
In memory of Max Phelps
In memory of Roark Sanford
James Phelps
Ä&#x17E;ĹŻĹ?Ä&#x201A; tÄ&#x17E;Ĺ?ĆŤĹśĹ?
In memory of my wonderful and RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDO WUDYHO FDW $026 *RG EOHVV \RX +H ZDV D EHDXWLIXO UHG PDOH
In memory of Cloey ^ĆľÇ&#x152;Ä&#x201A;ŜŜÄ&#x17E; DÄ&#x17E;Ć&#x152;Ć&#x152;Ĺ?ĆŠ
In memory of Sophie
Patrick Clarey
Carol Johnson
In memory of both my Mombos
In memory of our son Eric R. Procaccini
In memory of Bear the Cat
Amber Jacobson-Williams
Ruth Procaccini
Tom Torborg
In memory of Brodie
In memory of Jean Pierre
Jennifer Harmatz
Cynthia Montgomery
In memory of my furbabies: Rambo, Rica, Beijing, Scooter, and Angel.
In memory of George Fisher
Debra Krook
Lynn Lawler
In memory of Fell the Dog
In memory of Aria
In memory of Milkies
In memory of Tummy Anne (my cat deceased 2012)
Benjamin Rosaasen
Cathy Silva
In memory of Alice Stahl
In memory of Magick and Peppermint
Victoria Celia
EĹ?Ä?ŽůÄ&#x17E; ^Ä?Ĺ&#x161;Ä&#x201A;ÄŤÄ&#x17E;Ć&#x152;
Marshall Oliphant
In memory of my precious boy Max. I sure do miss you my love.
In Memory of my Mother Bina Robinson
Kelly Stephens
Jeanie Robinson-Pownall
In memory of Baby Cat
In memory of Albert, our 20 year old Orange Tabby
Linda Lank
In memory of Sassy Don Ludewig
In memory of Teddy and Lina Susan Schramm
,Q PHPRU\ RI 6QHDNHU ERR DQG +HUVKH\ Mary Catherine Costello
In memory of Pepper, Rusty, Fritze, Megan, and Echo Cindy Olson
In memory of Tiger, Old-Cat, and Louis the Bengal Brian Link
Jet Auer
In memory of KitKat, Katrina, Twin, )X]]EDOO 3HSSHU +ROO\ Carole Chapman
In memory of Olive Kimberly Stroneck
In the name of my beloved cat Barney who disappeared in November 2012. +H ZDV MXVW OLWWOH WRR ZLOG DW KHDUW
In memory of Buster Brown (18.5 years old) Jerrie Rimas
For all the cats I have known and loved. Martha Perantoni
In memory of Callie and Ginger Susan Hobmann
In memory of Guido Cindy Kosen
In memory of Mr. Firestone Anonymous
In memory of Oliver Kathy Staruska
In loving memory of War Dog Jukon and War Dog Nero. Judie Mindrum
In memory of Sparky the WonderCat Cindy Oxley
In memory of Simba Gomez-Leon Sandy Gomez-Leon
In memory of Mr. P, my exotic shorthair Tux kitty <Ć&#x152;Ĺ?Ć? ,Ĺ?ĹŻĆ?Ä&#x17E;ĹśĹ&#x161;Žč
,Q PHPRU\ RI 'DYLG +XEHU Janet Renoad
In memory of Kyni
Shyamain Wickramasinghe
In memory of Rosemary Grace Deborah Claytor
,Q PHPRU\ RI P\ NLWWHV 6PXGJH (OĂ&#x20AC;Q and Marley. Rachel Simner
In memory of Guapo Kim Tyndall
In memory of Star and Pigmoon Eleanor Foor
In memory of Ollie Tamara Lukachy
From my fur babies waiting at the Rainbow Bridge Shirley Sinclaire
In memory of my buddy, Mayhem Susan Kirk
In memory of Diablo Guapo Mary King
In memory of Diablo Guapo
Tuire Cechin
Margaret Owen Thorpe
In memory of Mischief and for the love and care of cats everywhere.
In memory of BT, Natasha, Poppy, Cricket, and Fiona lions in their hearts.
Michelle Younis
Gena Connelly
January 2017
In Memory continued In memory of George Keeble Heather Parsons
In memory of Noel, Wordsworth, and Allie Lisa Kohlmeier
In memory of Bill Anita Riley
In memory of Charlie the Cat Mishele Cunningham
In memory of Nigel the Caracal Pamela
Francis and Belvedere, bobcats
For Cecil and Jericho Anonymous
In loving memory of Maxwell Lisa Snyder
In memory of Charles Daniel Mitchell
Vicki Mitchel
For all my cats, living and deceased Hollida Underwager
In memory of our cats Gypsy and Persey Shannon Fawley
In memory of Esteban Joanne Manning
In memory of Titan and Lilly Kimberly Keofod
In memory of Diable Guapo E Renee Galen
To those who have gone before without the choice. Lauren Lynn
Francis, bobcat
In memory of Cosmo Marna Kielich
In memory of Diablo Guapo Marian Arden
In memory of our favorite Guapo. Lila Forro
For Charlie. RIP my sweet boy, 2yrs gone. Amanda Nevels
In memory of Cecile. Laureen Katana
In Memory of Betty and Leon Kaye Barbara Kaye
Make a memorial or honorarium gift at WildcatSanctuary.org. 20
January 2017
Autumn, bobcat
Bobcat Kittens Formed a Family
aving been born in the wild, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll never know the bobcat NLWWHQV· ELUWK GDWHV H[DFWO\ %XW LW·V clear theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re growing out of their kitten phase quickly! The world is full of excitement as caretakers provide them new toys, enrichment, and things to explore each day. The boys are always much more rambunctious than Autumn, but you can tell how much she enjoys ZDWFKLQJ WKHLU FUD]\ DQWLFV WRR %HLQJ VK\HU WKDQ KHU EURWKHUV VKH loves joining in when caretakers are out of view.
Autumn, bobcat
Autumn, Belvedere and Francis, bobcats January 2017
Will Lions Roam the Sanctuary Again?
Aslan, Asha, and Shanti Deva, lions
slan’s pride arrived at the Sanctuary in 2016 after the Catskill Game Farm closed its GRRUV 2XU TXLHW VDQFWXDU\ VXGGHQO\ HFKRHG with the most beautiful sound - the roar of the lion pride. Though Aslan was the male, Shanti Deva was always the leader, followed by Asha. Sadly, the Sanctuary’s melody changed when we lost Aslan and Asha. They lived long lives and both passed due to natural causes. Now at 21, lioness Shanti is our only lion and the matriarch of the Sanctuary. She greets us each morning with her roaring session and closes each evening the same. We’re often asked if we’ll provide a home for more lions in need? The answer’s yes. But it isn’t always that easy. Just like there are common dog breeds found at shelters across America, there are common species of wild cats that are overpopulated, too. Orange Bengal tigers, cougars, bobcats and servals breed easily in captivity and tend to be what we receive the most calls about. So, when a rare species such as a leopard or lion are in need, there are dozens of sanctuaries that come forward, especially those open to the public who want diverse species for visitors or education. Often, the
January 2017
orange Bengal tigers are left still needing placement. To us a tiger’s life is just as important as a lion’s. And iW·V LPSRUWDQW IRU XV WR HQVXUH DV PDQ\ DQLPDOV ÀQG reputable sanctuaries as possible. When we work coordinating placement for cats involved in national cases, we don’t allow facilities to cherry pick which they’ll take in. Instead, when a facility agrees to take in many animals in need, we try to arrange for them to take in certain cats that are important to their mission, too. It’s an exercise in balancing needs. Some sanctuaries specialize in geriatric residents. Others may have had several losses over the past year and for self-healing would like to help a younger cat. Others are open to the public, and having one white tiger is a very good educational opportunity to share the truth about white tigers. For us, all cats deserve our care, but honestly, it ZLOO EH GLIÀFXOW ZKHQ WKH OLRQ PHORG\ DW 7KH :LOGFDW Sanctuary ends. :H DOVR NQRZ 6KDQWL 'HYD ZRXOG EHQHÀW IURP D roaring partner. If we would ever introduce her to another lion, it would depend on temperament and age. We hope Shanti Deva will reign over the sanctuary for years to come. And our hearts and sanctuary doors are open to help any lion in need. We know the lion (s) WKDW QHHG XV PRVW ZLOO ÀQG WKHLU ZD\ WR 7KH :LOGFDW Sanctuary when the time is right. Shanti Deva and Aslan, lions
Aslan, lion
January 2017
PO Box 314 • Sandstone, MN • 55072
PERMIT 30308
Ways You Can Help Details of all our programs can be found at WildcatSanctuary.org SPONSOR-A-WILD-ONE Sponsor a cat of your choice for yourself or a loved one. As a sponsor parent, you will receive their personal story, photos and more.
LEAVE A LEGACY A planned gift is a way to leave a legacy of support for The Wildcat Sanctuary that endures even after your lifetime. There are numerous different types of gifts, each with unique IHDWXUHV DQG WD[ EHQHÀWV.
MIRACLE MATCH Save the date from March 1- April 30th when your gifts for the cats will be doubled.
email: info@wildcatsanctuary.org phone: 320-245-6871 Autumn, bobcat