The Essential Contents of a Property Management Contract

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The Essential Contents of a Property Management Contract

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When you finally decide that you need a property manager and hire one, you should be keen on what is within the contract. Look into the details and be sure that every word makes sense to you and you can handle the consequences in it. It is through the contract that you will know your role as the property owner and that of the manager.

One of the considerations in a contract is the costs of services the manager will be providing. Sit down with the company representative and understand the breakdown of the services. The property managers who charge lower fees at the beginning often increase their cost as you continue in the future, while those that charge a higher fee initially will charge you lower monthly.

Look at our Stress Free Property Management reviews on Trustlink. We always ensure that our clients understand the contract duration. On most occasions, contracts do not last less than a year. And then there is the termination clause.

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