
Special ASA2023 Brisbane Conference Issue

Welcome to the ASA2023 Brisbane Conference issue of soundeffects news. We are excited to be able to bring you ASA’s 29th International Conference in Brisbane, celebrating the ASA’s 30th year. This issue provides you with everything you need to know about the conference, with the most up-to-date program information; great background information on our 13 keynote speakers, including 4 internationals with 3 in person; as well as the latest information about what you can access in person across the 3 days, as well as the online component.
The ASA International Conference is the largest sonography conference in the southern hemisphere, developed for sonographers by sonographers. The best way to experience this conference is in person, with over 170 lectures, over 80 workshops, the ability to catch up and network with your friends and colleagues at the networking drinks on the Friday night, and at the Gala Awards Dinner with a large dance floor to party the night away. This year, we are also introducing a new feature within the Exhibition Hall known as ASA Arena. This area is designed to be an interactive panel session run throughout the program, where panellists and the audience will contribute to a robust discussion on hot topics in ultrasound.
For our cardiac sonographers, we are offering you 30 dedicated cardiac sessions across the 3 days. We know there will be a number of you who will be unable to attend face to face, and to support you, we are streaming all Friday and Saturday lectures. For all attendees, you will have access to all the lectures for the days you attended for up to 3 months.
There are many people who make sure our conference goes off without a hitch, from volunteers to our partners and staff; literally hundreds of hours go into making the conference a success. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Program Committee of volunteer sonographers who have worked tirelessly with the ASA office team to deliver the outstanding program this year, as well as our speakers who volunteer significant amounts of their time working on their presentations.
There will be over 31 exhibitors at the conference for you to interact with in the breaks. We would like to thank all our partners for supporting the ASA, the profession and the conference. A special thank you to our Gold Conference Partners, without which we would not be able to deliver you the outstanding workshops in person.
The Gala Dinner will again host the Awards of Excellence, induction of new ASA Fellows, and the Pru Pratten Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award, recognising outstanding sonographer
achievements. Whether you attend in person or online for the awards part of the night, we encourage you to celebrate with your peers and applaud them on their achievements at the Gala Dinner on Saturday night.
Hopefully we will see many of you in person at ASA International Conference in Brisbane for three wonderful days together, celebrating how far the sonography profession and the ASA have come over the last 30 years.
Ian Schroen PresidentJ o i n u s a s w e r e c o g n i s e s o n o g r a p h e r s w h o h a v e s h a p e d o u r p r o f e s s i o n a n d h e l p u s c e l e b r a t e 3 0 y e a r s o f t h e A u s t r a l a s i a n S o n o g r a p h e r s A s s o c i a t i o n
A n n o u n c i n g t h e 2 0 2 3 r e c i p i e n t s o f t h e A w a r d s o f E x c e l l e n c e , A S A
F e l l o w s h i p s a n d P r u P r a t t e n M e m o r i a l L i f e t i m e A c h i e v e m e n t A w a r d A w a r d s c e r e m o n y w i l l b e s t r e a m e d o n l i n e
Paediatric Sonographer, Educator and Content Creator
Henry Suarez is a paediatric sonographer, sonography educator and content creator based in Florida, USA. Henry has amassed a huge following through his website Sonographic Tendencies (Practical Sonography) and social media accounts of the same name. His medical ultrasound educational resources are used by students, sonographers and radiologists.
Director of Fetal Medicine, St George’s Hospital
Basky Thilaganathan was appointed director of fetal medicine at St George’s Hospital in 1999. He has authored over 400 peer reviewed publications in indexed journals. His major research interest is placental dysfunction leading to pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction and stillbirth.
He has led on the implementation of algorithm-based screening at St George’s, which has led to an 80% reduction in preterm pre-eclampsia and a 30% reduction in perinatal death.
Consultant Sonographer, Past President of the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS)
Professional Topics & General
Pamela Parker is a consultant sonographer working in a large teaching hospital in the north of England, UK. Her areas of expertise are general medical, urogenital and prostate imaging, including a specialism in contrast enhanced and fusion guided ultrasound. She is currently studying for a PhD evaluating the use of US in the assessment of prostate cancer.
Principal Echocardiographer, Royal Brompton
Cathy is the principal echocardiographer at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London. She is a sonographer who has a passion for teaching all aspects of echo from the foundation principles & technical skills, right through to tips & tricks for adult congenital heart disease.
He is the clinical director of the Tommy’s National Centre for Maternity Improvement located at the RCOG and is editor emeritus of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the medical journal affiliated to ISUOG. He is a council member on the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RCOG) and represents the RCOG on the UK National Screening Committee and the DH Saving Babies Lives Care Bundle Oversight Committee. He is also the clinical lead for the first dedicated high throughput cfDNA screening NHS lab to undertake cfDNA aneuploidy screening (NIPT) in pregnancy.
Pamela is the immediate past president of the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) and has been active in the promotion and development of a career framework for the professional sonographer.
Gynaecological surgeon sonologist, Nepean Public and Private Hospitals, and Sydney Adventist Hospital
George Condous is gynaecological surgeon sonologist in the field of endometriosis with appointments at Nepean Public and Private Hospitals and Sydney Adventist Hospital. He is an Associate Professor of Gynaecology at Sydney Medical School Nepean, University of Sydney, with special interests in gynaecological ultrasound imaging (EFSUMB level 3 equivalent) and minimally invasive gynaecological surgery (AGES level 6 equivalent).
He is an ambassador for the World Endometriosis Society (WES). He is also Head of Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Sydney Medical School Nepean, University of Sydney.
He is the current vice president of the World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB).
He is the current chair of the Scientific Committee for the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG). He is the current Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery (AGES) Society Board member. He is the past president of the Australasian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM). He was the co-chair for the ISUOG World Congresses in Sydney 2013 and Singapore 2017, as well as the chair for the WFUMB World Congress in Melbourne 2019. George is recognised internationally for his work in endometriosis and early pregnancy. He has published more than 260 peer reviewed papers and published five books including How to perform ultrasonography in endometriosis
Senior Specialist Sonographer,
Michael is the Senior Specialist Sonographer for I-Med Radiology. He has 15 years’ experience in high end, point-of-care ultrasound in breast, MSK and paediatrics, and has an all-round passion for the profession. Michael has a Master in Medical Ultrasound from UniSA, a Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Sonography from UniSA and a Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science from Sydney University.
Besides his skills in ultrasound imaging, Andrew also holds a commercial pilot’s licence, which he has used to fly in and out of remote communities, establishing a strong presence as a flying sonographer.
Andrew has also worked for one of the top medical centres in western USA, UCLA Medical Centre, where he assisted in setting up the musculoskeletal ultrasound program. Andrew recently completed his Master of Medical Sonography at UniSA and now practises at I-Med East Melbourne Radiology, where he is the ultrasound supervisor.
Ultrasound Supervisor, I-Med East Melbourne
Andrew Grant completed radiography training in 1992 and since then has ventured to multiple countries sharing his expertise in sonography and radiography.
Andrew is a regular presenter on MSK, vascular, paediatrics and general anatomy, both in Australia and internationally.
Paul Hodges DSc MedDr PhD BPhty(Hons) FAA FAHMS APAM(Hon) is a neuroscientist and physiotherapy researcher at the University of Queensland in Australia. He is a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Leadership Fellow and Director of the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Spinal Pain, Injury and Health. He has three doctorates (one in rehabilitation and two in neuroscience) and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science, and the Australian College of Physiotherapists. Paul’s research has unlocked new understanding of pain, how it relates to how we move, and its rehabilitation. His work in men’s health has led to development of new measures and new approaches to prevention and management of incontinence after prostatectomy. He uses diverse approaches in research from studies of single cells to applied human research, clinical trials and translation into practice. For this work, Paul has won the
premier international prize for back pain (the ISSLS Prize) 5 times. He has authored more than 500 peer reviewed papers that have been cited more than 60,000 times and has received more than $AU64 million in research funds to undertake this work.
Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Associate Professor Andrew McLennan is a specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist whose particular interest is in prenatal diagnosis and ultrasound. He is a consultant to the Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit at Royal North Shore Hospital, a clinical associate professor at the University of Sydney and a sonologist at Sydney Ultrasound for Women.
In a national first, Andrew introduced nuchal translucency (NT) screening for Down syndrome to Australia, helping to revolutionise the way prenatal screening for chromosome abnormality is conducted. He is the founding chairman of the National Early Pregnancy Assessment Program and the past president of the Australian Association of O&G Ultrasonologists.
Andrew has been involved in educating doctors and sonographers in Australia and South-East Asia in the conduct of early pregnancy screening for fetal chromosome abnormalities and adverse pregnancy outcomes. He is actively involved in research into early diagnosis of fetal abnormalities and quality assurance in ultrasound.
Consultant Radiographer/Sonographer, Queensland Children’s Hospital Paediatric
Tristan is the consultant radiographer/ sonographer at the Queensland Children’s Hospital, a role which he manages with medical imaging research and provides statewide paediatric sonography advice, as well as scanning as often as possible. He is also a Visiting Fellow and Sessional Lecturer in Paediatric Ultrasound at the QUT, where he completed his PhD that focused on improving appendiceal ultrasound in children. He is a member of the ASA Qld Branch Committee, the Research SIG, and was awarded an ASA Fellowship in 2018, ASA Sonographer of the Year – Queensland (2018 & 2021), and ASA Researcher of the Year (2019).
in women’s health and imaging 20 years ago in Cape Town, where she obtained her undergraduate medical qualification and later a postgraduate clinical genetics degree. Meiri also completed the Fetal Medicine Foundation’s Diploma in Fetal Medicine to complement her practice in the field. She has completed a Fetal Medicine Fellowship at the Canberra Hospital in 2003 and has called Australia home since then.
Meiri is now the director at the Fetal Medicine Unit at the Centenary Hospital for Women & Children where she has close involvement with managing high risk pregnancies. She is a lecturer at the Australia National University and regularly contributes to educational activities via scientific publications and invites lectures. Meiri was acknowledged for her contributions to the Australian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine in 2013, when she was named Volunteer of the Year and in 2014 as the Sonologist of the Year. In her free time, she enjoys walking in Bush Capital.
Director of the Fetal Medicine Unit, Centenary Hospital for Women & Children Obstetric
Dr Meiri Robertson MBChB; BSc (MedSc Hons); DipFM (Fetal Medicine Foundation, London) is an experienced sonologist in women’s imaging. She started her career
Ruth Ramm is currently the Director of Echo Ed. Ruth gained her adult echocardiography training and held the position of chief cardiac scientist at the Wesley Private Hospital (1995–2007) under the supervision of Professor Greg Scalia. In 2008, she worked at the Mater Children’s Hospital, Brisbane to further her paediatric knowledge and echocardiography skills.
Over the past 7 years, she has moved around Queensland educating junior echocardiographers and teaching one-onone echocardiography skills (both adult and paediatric echocardiography).
Kate has worked as a specialist sonographer in perinatal ultrasound at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide for the last 13 years, with a special interest in fetal echocardiography. Her ultrasound career started in Brisbane in 1998, where she spent 5 years, before moving to the United Kingdom. While in London, Kate worked primarily in obstetrics and gynaecology, developing her ultrasound skills in fetal medicine before returning to Adelaide in 2009. She has a keen interest in education and completed her research PhD titled ‘Maternal cardiac function in women high risk for pre-eclampsia’ in 2020. Kate also works as an academic with Central Queensland University and regularly gives presentations locally and nationally.
The ASA is thrilled to announce Dr Norman Swan as the ASA2023 Brisbane Conference Opening Plenary Speaker.
Dr Norman Swan hosts The Health Report on the ABC’s Radio National, which is the world’s longest running health program in the Englishspeaking world. Norman has won many awards for his work including Australia’s top prize for journalism, the Gold Walkley. He was the third person to be awarded the prestigious medal of the Australian Academy of Science and was given an honorary MD by the University of Sydney on its 150th anniversary.
Norman trained in medicine in Scotland and paediatrics in London and Sydney before joining the ABC and has hosted many other programs on radio and television. He has made several Four Corners, the most recent being on out-of-pocket expenses in health care. Norman was the medical host on Channel Ten’s Biggest Loser for six seasons and created, wrote and narrated Invisible Enemies, a four part series on disease and civilisation for Channel 4 UK and broadcast in 27 countries.
He has consulted to the World Health Organisation and co chaired a global meeting of health ministers in Bamako West Africa focused on evidence-based policy and priorities in health research. He has been the Australian correspondent for both the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the British Medical Journal (BMJ).Norman is also co-founder of Tonic Health Media, an integrated health television channel and production company which has over 15 million viewers per month.
Norman will be speaking on the ‘Future Of Healthcare’ at the Opening Plenary on the first day of the conference.
Fernwood Fitness believes in a balanced lifestyle full of nourishment, exercise, wellness, and self-love. With 70 clubs nationwide, we’re the experts in women’s health, fitness and wellness for good reason.
Our network is proud to be attending ASA2023 in Brisbane to share our expertise. Join us for workshops and more!
➤ Workplace stretching
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Fernwood Fitness recognises the modern working woman’s need for diverse wellness services all in one space.
We offer a range of tailored solutions, group fitness classes, state-of-the-art equipment and machines, expert trainers and passionate instructors, food coaches, as well as a community like no other.
Our Reformer Pilates studios and FIIT30 high-intensity small group training classes are crowd favourites, continually delivering fresh, fun workouts that suit any body and any goal.
Fernwood offers the resources sonographers need to target work-related pain, and we also understand the importance of mental and emotional support. Try our wellness and meditation programs and classes that inspire members to recharge and unwind while improving overall life balance, or connect with a trainer for a tailored program based on your needs.
It can be challenging for many of us to get to the National ASA Conference, the tyranny of distance being the biggest hurdle for many of my rural and remote colleagues. It is such a wonderful initiative from the ASA and Guild Insurance to provide support packages to attend the National ASA Conference each year.
ALEXANDRA | ARMIDALEGreat opportunity to learn from highly educated and skilled sonographers. I filled a notebook with tips and tricks and was able to share and present these to my colleagues at our local ASA branch meeting.
HAYDN | WAGGA WAGGAI felt so welcomed by the ASA who organised for rural and remote sonographers to meet up for coffee before the conference. It was so nice to be introduced to people in similar workplaces as myself.
JENNA | NARRABRILiving and working in Broome presents many obstacles to meeting with other sonographers and engaging in learning opportunities. The conference was an amazing learning opportunity; I particularly enjoyed the live-scanning workshops. As well as learning some new things, I was also reassured that my practice was similar to what was being presented.
DUNCAN | BROOMEComing from a rural area that had been significantly impacted by recent flooding and bushfires, I had yet to experience an ASA conference in person. I was not disappointed. Attending in person I could learn about topics I would not normally have access to, increasing my knowledge and taking it back to my practice to provide the best possible care to my patients.
Glenelg St, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Undercover parking is available for up to 1500 vehicles. Car Parks 2 & 3 are best to access the ASA Conference rooms via Russell Street Walkway. Costing for car parking can be found at the BCEC Website
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Getting to BCEC via public transport is easy and efficient with bus, ferry and train options available. More information about planning your journey via public transport can be found on the TransLink website
TRAIN: South Brisbane Railway Station adjacent to the Convention Centre on Grey Street or South Bank Railway Station are the most convenient stations to the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
BUS SERVICES: The Cultural Centre Station on Melbourne Street and the South Bank Busway Station cnr of Colchester and Tribune Streets are closest to BCEC.
CITYCAT & FERRIES: The public transport ferries CityCats operate every day and stop at the South Bank River Terminal on the Clem Jones Promenade. The inner-city ferry travels between the CBD, North Quay and Kangaroo Point, stopping at South Bank Terminals 1 and 2 on the Clem Jones Promenade.
TAXI: Taxi ranks are located outside the main entrance to the Centre on Merivale Street and a taxi drop off located at the Convention Centre Grey Street entrance.
FROM BRISBANE AIRPORT: Both Brisbane domestic and international airports are 30 min drive from the Centre.
The AirTrain connects South Brisbane station to Brisbane’s international and domestic airports with stops in the Brisbane CBD and Fortitude Valley. Tickets and a timetable for this service can be found at the Information Desk or you can pre-book on the AirTrain Website
BCEC is a short stroll across from the Brisbane CBD connected by Victoria Bridge. Hotels, restaurants & bars, South Bank beach and its parklands are all within walking distance from BCEC.
The registration desk is located in the foyer of Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, corner of Glenelg & Merivale Street.
Hours of attendance are:
Thursday 25 May | 4.00–6.00 pm
Friday 26 May | 8.30 am–5.30 pm
Saturday 27 May | 8.30 am–5.30 pm
Sunday 28 May | 8.30 am–2.00 pm
There will also be a self-check-in kiosk for delegates to collect their name badges.
Information is correct at time of publication, however is subject to change without notice. Please visit our website for the latest details for the latest details.
Friday 26 May
10.00 am–5.00 pm | Opening plenary, lecture presentations and workshops*
5.00–7.00 pm Welcome Reception
Saturday 27 May
9.00 am–5.30 pm | Lecture presentations and workshops*
7.00–11.30 pm | ASA Gala Dinner, including Awards of Excellence, ASA Fellowships and Pru Pratten Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony
Sunday 28 May
9.00 am–1.30 pm | Lecture presentations, workshops* and closing plenary, including prize announcements
*Workshops are only available to delegates attending in person.
Your feedback is very important as it helps the ASA and Program Committee plan the next conference with your suggestions in mind.
We will be sending you a brief survey via email to complete at the close of ASA2023 Brisbane Conference and it will be open until 1 July 2023.
We encourage all delegates to share their feedback. One completed survey will be drawn at random and will be provided with a refund of their conference registration.
We encourage all delegates to share their feedback. One completed survey will be drawn at random and will be provided with a refund of their conference registration.
Enjoy complimentary Wi-Fi at BCEC. To access the free Wi-Fi , attendees will need to select ‘BCECLINK’ on their device to connect (no password required).
@Australasian SonographersAssociation
Australasian Sonographers Association
# #ASA2023BRIS
To reduce waste and decrease our footprint, the ASA has made the decision not to print the conference program in 2023.
The conference program will be available digitally on the conference app for those in attendance. It will also be on screens throughout BCEC.
For delegates who wish to have a physical copy of the program, we have created downloadable PDF versions for you to print at home and bring with you.
Visit our conference website to download the program.
All delegates will be given access to the online conference platform, for remote delegates to access the online conference platform live, and for in person and remote delegates who want access to the conference recordings postconference. An email will be sent to all delegates in the days prior to the conference outlining how to participate. We will keep you updated as to when to expect your email.
To access the live conference online, and for access to conference recordings, you will be sent an email with your own unique login to ASA2023 Brisbane Conference a few days before the event. For members who attended ASA2022 Melbourne Conference, you will be familiar with how this system operates, but if you are new, we have some tips for you. When you access the event platform, we recommend browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for the best experience.
When you log in for the first time, you may want to set up a profile. Select the ‘Account’ button at the top right of the screen and select ‘Edit Profile’ from the drop-down list. You can add a photo, short biography, and links to your social media accounts. Your profile will help your online friends locate you.
Looking for information on a particular stream or presentation? Select the ‘Stream’ button on the left-hand side menu and choose from the listing.
Sessions and speakers are all easily accessed via the left-hand side menu.
Select the ‘Program’ tab for an overview of the conference program. To join a live session, simply click on the ‘Watch Live’ button on the top menu.
Information about friends who may be attending can be found on the ‘Delegate List’ tab. Select an attendee’s profile to read more about them or send a direct message. Select the ‘Chat’ function to start a conversation.
You will appear on this list when you set your profile to public; however, please note that you won’t be able to see your own name on this list.
Yes, all live presentations from Friday 26 May and Saturday 27 May will be recorded and will be available exclusively to conference registrants on this platform from early June for at least three months.
We are offering a number of prizes throughout the conference to encourage delegates to interact and engage. Prizes include the trade quiz, the passport prize,
remote attendee passport prize and a special Fernwood Steps prize. Details below.
You must have your delegate QR code scanned by a participating exhibitor to be eligible for the trade prizes (in-person delegates only).
The prizes on offer will be announced in the lead-up to the ASA2023 Brisbane Conference.
All interactions will be tracked, so if you complete the task, you will automatically be entered into the draw.
All entries must be in by 9.00 am Sunday 28 May.
Trade prize winners will be notified via the ASA2023 conference app. Winners will be able to collect their prize from the exhibitor booth during the brunch break on Sunday.
The passport prize draw will be conducted during the closing plenary, commencing at 1.00 pm AEST Sunday 29 May. The winner will be notified and listed on the ASA2023 Brisbane Conference website.
Go in the draw to win a Fernwood Prize Pack when you log 10,000 steps each day at the conference! How it works:
The competition will run over two days: 26 & 27 May 2023.
Delegates will log their steps using any counter they wish – for example, Fitbit, smart watches, step tracker apps.
Delegates can submit their entry by uploading a photo of their steps to the ‘Foot-steps’ tab on the conference app (this tab allows you to upload a photo).
Delegates must be present at the closing plenary on Sunday 28 May for the winner announcement.
The competition is only open to those attending ASA2023 Brisbane in person.
Delegates can submit an entry for Friday and/or the Saturday (so it’s possible to submit two entries).
Fernwood Prize Pack
• 1 x 6-month Fernwood Fitness membership (at winner’s local Fernwood) – valued at $600
• 1 x Fernwood gym towel – valued at $25
• 1 x Fernwood gym bag – valued at $25
• Total prize value: $650.
For those delegates attending remotely, the more you engage with the online live conference* by:
• asking questions in sessions
• viewing posters
• watching live lecture sessions.
The delegate with the highest number of interactions will win return flights, accommodation and full in-person registration for an upcoming ASA Conference, either Sydney in 2024 or Melbourne in 2025. The winner will be notified at the closing plenary and via email/phone call (closing plenary will not be livestreamed).
*Does not include conference recordings viewed post conference.
ASA2023 Brisbane Conference Best Presentation Awards
To encourage excellent contributions to the conference, the ASA awards prizes for the best presentations. Winners will be awarded AU$500, thanks to the generous support of our partners. Best Overall (Oral) Presentation, sponsored by ASA, will receive AU$750 plus free conference registration for Sydney 2024 or Melbourne 2025.
• Best Poster presentation; sponsored by ASA
• Best First-Time Oral presentation; sponsored by ASA
• Best Oral Research presentation; sponsored by Monash University
• People’s Choice for Best Poster presentation; sponsored by ASA
• Best Overall (Oral) presentation; sponsored by ASA.
The winner of the Best Overall presentation will be selected from the winners of the other 4 presentation categories. All winners will be announced at the closing plenary, 1.00–1.30 pm, Sunday 28 May.
We would like to introduce the Program Committee for the ASA2023 Brisbane Conference and thank them for their time, effort and dedication to develop and deliver an outstanding conference program for you in 2023.
General Coordinator: Iain Franklin
Vascular Coordinator: Alison Lacey
MSK Coordinators: Deborah Carmody Michelle Fenech
Professional Topics Coordinator: Bernadette Dellar
Paediatric Coordinator: Michael Woolgar
Women’s Health Coordinators: Julie Cahill – obstetrics
Mehrnaz Clifford – breast/gynae
Truc Nguyen – women’s health assist
Cardiac Coordinators: Joanne Sando Chrissy Thomson
Volunteer Coordinator: Saba Harrington
ASA2022 Representative: Saba Harrington
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Delivering early liver diagnosis: the difference is in the details
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The ACUSON Sequoia ultrasound system delivers a non-invasive approach to managing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by liver fat quantification in seconds to aid in successful clinical assessment. Improve diagnostic confidence by using Virtual Touch elastography technologies to determine liver tissue stiffness and the Ultrasound Derived Fat Fraction (UDFF) to quantify fat content in the liver.
Get everything you need to know about the conference via the free conference app.
With the conference app, you can:
• customise your program
• sort your program by stream
• see what topics each speaker will be presenting
• stay up to date with real-time messaging, alerts and news updates.
Downloading the app is easy
For most attendees, you can download and
install the app from your Apple or Android App Stores.
To download, you will need software that is at least 6.0 or later, on Android or iOS 11 or later on Apple devices. If your software is older than this, please follow the directions for opening the app in a web browser.
1 Search for ‘Eventsair’ from your Apple or Android App Store.
2 Install the app.
3 The first time the app is opened, the following event code will need to be entered: asa2023
4 Once the app is open, enter the following details:
The email address you used to register for the conference.
Your personalised four-digit pin, sent in the ‘Welcome email’.
Once this is done, you are all set!
If you have any questions about the app, or need help downloading it, please contact the ASA Conference Team via memberservices@sonographers.org or see one of our friendly representatives at the registration desk at BCEC.
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ManufactureInformation is correct at time of publication; however, is subject to change without notice. Please visit our conference website for the latest details and to download and print a copy of the program.
assessment – post op rotator
lesions – not just a haematoma
Endofibrosis – a poorly understood
PM Long-term transcranial Doppler ultrasound follow-up of
children with sickle cell disease
Synovial osteochondromatosis: An uncommon shoulder presentation
and inflammatory changes
Research statistics Dr Andrew Johns
design and sonography
PM 1st trimester heart – What can we diagnose when?
Termination of pregnancy and the role of ultrasound
Suean Pascoe
ID the IUD
vs IOTA – What
Frauke Lever
PM Simplifying fetal arrhythmias: what the sonographer needs to know
4.20–4.30 PM Sonography of fetal atrioventricular heart block
Sree Kenche
PM Simplifying the sonographic assessment of the fetal heart in the first trimester – the importance of a standardised protocol and image optimisation
4.40–4.50 PM Communication in obstetric ultrasound – the fundamentals
Erika Cavanagh
Liver transplant
David Hatch
Abdominal and chest marking Chris Gilmore & Scott Barbour
The other pandemic: Hyoid fracture and recognising domestic violence
TBC 4.10–4.20 PM
Michael Foster-Greenwood
Why are so many sonographers being sued? and how can I protect myself?
Speaker TBC
The importance of recognising perimenopausal and Gillian Profaca
CSI gynaecology: Case Dr Meiri Robertson
Low level versus high level disinfection of ultrasound transducers after standardised contamination on skin: a non-inferiority randomised controlled trial. ULTIMO
Nathan Peters
Subtle exercises to do while scanning
interventions to improve wellbeing and systematic review
and educational approaches in
clinical audit including a scoring system
segmental analysis for CHD assessment
What should we be reporting?
Tetralogy of Fallot – What you need to know Justin O’Leary
Ankle: medial ankle and Chopart
recognising endometriosis in the and postmenopausal patient
Case review and discussion Going off-piste in search of congenital lesions – variations of the standard imaging planes
Cathy West
Q&A Session
Agenesis of the DV and portal venous system –how to scan
Information is correct at time of publication; however, is subject to change without notice. Please visit our conference website for the latest details and to download and print a copy of the program.
Career development opportunities for sonographers – is regulation a barrier?
& upper GIT
Paediatric adnexal torsion – Are we taking too long to get a diagnosis?
Shear-wave elastography of the breast to characterise breast lesions including the histologic profile, tumour grade and molecular subtype
Domains of professionalism: their impact for both newly qualified and experienced sonographers
assessment of the Sural nerve
Ovarian torsion – radiologist perspective
Breast ultrasound with mammographic correlations using interesting cases
Professional recognition: ASA Fellowship Dr Jessie Childs
Bowel and IBD Dr Paul Simkin
Lower limb arterial bypass grafts – Are we looking at the whole picture?
Daniel Rae
Twin pregnancy in a non-communicating rudimentary uterine horn – a unique case presentation
Natasha Kapkanova
11.25–11.35 AM A common lexicon for teaching probe manipulation – Why is it important?
Suean Pascoe
11.35–11.45 AM Ultrasound during COVID: Singapore perspective
11.45–11.55 AM
Siti Atiqah
11.55–12.05 PM A Day In The Life Of A SEED Christopher Mitchell
12.05–12.15 PM Financial planning Joseph Panthradil
12.15–12.25 PM
12.25–12.35 PM Students abroad: CQU students in Vietnam –‘it’s not wrong, it’s different’
Julie Cahill and Jane Wardell
TIRADS Craig Winnett
So you want to open your own practice ... Mark Smyth
The one to six of anatomical neck levels Paula King
Acute chest ultrasound Dr Shailesh Dass
Varicose vein treatment Dr Stuart McMaster
Pedal acceleration time for assessing peripheral vascular disease and foot perfusion in high risk patients
Annette O’Connor
Peripheral arteries James Maunder
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
Bernadette Dellar
Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the dysfunctional placenta – beyond the Doppler assessment
Erika Cavanagh
Early pregnancy miscarriage prediction Tracey Hanchard
Evaluation of a collaborative approach to cervical assessment in women at high risk preterm birth
Julie Thwaites
First trimester structural assessment – accuracy and failings
Andrew McLennan
Current practice of placental cord insertion documentation in Australia – a sonographer survey
Samantha Ward
The lasting impact of Maternal Birth
Information is correct at time of publication; however, is subject to change without notice. Please visit our conference website for the latest details and to download and print a copy of the program.
Obstetric ultrasound and obesity – do we need industry guidelines?
Career pathways – benefits to further education Dr
Evaluation of a cranial ultrasound screening protocol Glenda McLean
Pelvic Floor anatomy & pathology
and MRI guided focused ultrasound system for veterinary applications
Ultrasound imaging in pelvic floor dysfunction Dr
Surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse & f/u ultrasound assessement
Obstetric cobotics – what? why? how?
Caterina Watson
AI – Where are we at? Dr
The digitisation of radiology – Is it just the beginning of the golden age in medical imaging?
Aarti Bajaj
Paediatric neck masses
Paediatric hip ultrasound using the Graf method Greg O’Connor
Post transplant Dopplers
Paediatric vascular case studies
Michael Malouf
A sonographer & patient perspective
PM Bilateral carotid artery disease. What are the haemodynamic and diagnostic implications?
Ian Schroen
PM Carotid disease in head and neck radiotherapy
Matt Adams
Caring for your mental health
Dr Rachel Bushing
Ultrasound of the inferior glenohumeral ligament in the assessment of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder
Mitchell Cassinh
Ultrasound diagnosis of an unusual hernia following a stabbing incident
Stephanie Kirk
Adductor with adductors: the long and short of it
Dr Dan Walkley
Renal transplants
David Hatch
Renal cyst classification
Nishal Patel
Developing the next generation of sonography leaders
Catherine Rienzo
QA and auditing program implementation – the RBWH experience
Naomi Dare
The importance of articulating optimum image criteria for learners
Suean Pascoe
The impact of virtual site visits on programmatic accreditation
Catherine Rienzo
Knowing arthritis. Understanding different sonographic appearances
Iwona Lipski
Post op ultrasound assessment scale Lisa Hackett
Finger ultrasound and its correlation to the biomechanics of the finger
Sophie O’Brien
Mass confusion: A renal case Joshua Sultmann
Renal tumours and CEUS Jane Keating
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy Brittany Stephen-Smith
Information is correct at time of publication; however, is subject to change without notice. Please visit our conference website for the latest details and to download and print a copy of the program.
sonographic differences between
The curious case of FC and what the clot?!
Unusual vascular pathology
growth: How important is fetal Prof Basky Thilaganathan
Suarez Boderline findings in obstetrics
Vascular trauma
Robinson CSI obstetrics: Case revision across all trimesters
3D imaging for beginners
Contrast imaging – what, when, how, why?
Grant King
GLS – Where can we benefit most?
Agatha Kwon
Live scanning demo – ‘GLS – tips and tricks across the chambers’
Agatha Kwon
Breast artifacts: how to recognise, remove or use them including elastography
MC twin complications
MSK clinical tests
transplant scanning
Analysis of laptop measuring Philips
AI – Are machines better than us?
Bec Perry fetal size?
Live scanning demo Philips
Renal arteries
Assessing for accreta
Endometriosis posterior compartment + bowel
Key discussions in cardiac ultrasound Endometriosis anterior compartment + ureters George Condous
Lateral knee
Abdominal ultrasound organ by organ: Working the windows
Biomechanics of the finger
Inguinal and femoral hernias
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soundeffects news is the biannual magazine of the Australasian Sonographers Association (ASA) Ltd.
The information in this publication is current when published and is general in nature; it does not constitute professional advice. Any views expressed are those of the author and may not reflect ASA’s views. ASA does not endorse any product or service identified in this publication. You use this information at your sole risk and ASA is not responsible for any errors or for any consequences arising from that use.
Please visit www.sonographers.org for the full version of the ASA’s publication disclaimer.