Tuition & Fees Hearing September 23, 2019
“…with the approval of the Chancellor, the president of each academic institution…is authorized to hold a public hearing at the institution regarding any proposed increase in designated tuition.” 2
How is TAMU-CC funded? Investment Sales and Income Services
Gifts Student Financial Assistance
Other Income State Appropriations Higher Education Fund
Contracts and Grants Tuition and Fees (Gross)
Tuition Plans Guaranteed Rate Variable Rate
History of the Guaranteed Rate
83rd Legislature passed HB29, which required offering a guaranteed tuition rate; went into effect Fall 2014
Intended to help families plan for tuition costs and incentivize timely degree completion
98.47% of students enrolled in guaranteed plan (as of Spring 2019) 5
Guaranteed Rate
Texas resident undergraduate students who opt-in to the Guaranteed Rate do so for 12 consecutive semesters for new and transfer students. (Fall, Spring, and Summer) If you exceed your rate’s time period, then your tuition and fees will be based on the rate in effect at that time for newly enrolled freshmen or transfer students.
Excludes lab fees, field trips, etc. 6
Variable Rate Applies to: • Current Texas-resident undergraduate students who did not opt-in to a Guaranteed Rate Tuition and Fee Plan • Students whose Guaranteed Rate Tuition and Fee Plan expires • Graduate students • Non-resident students 7
Dollars & Cents Pr o p o s ed f ee cha nges f o r t he 2020-2021 Aca d em ic Yea r Compulsory Fees
Current Rate
Proposed Increase
New Rate
Overall increase split between Designated Tuition & University services Fee
Varies by semester credit 2.6% HEPI adjustment hour
Varies by SCH
Health Services Fee
Athletic Fee
$25.12/semester credit hour
$1.13/semester credit hour
$26.25/semester credit hour
FR Compulsory Fees Overall increase split between Designated Tuition & University services Fee
Current Rate
Proposed Increase
Varies by semester credit 2.6% HEPI adjustment hour
New Rate Varies by SCH
• HEPI stands for Higher Education Price Index, more commonly referred to as rate of inflation. • For those with a current guaranteed tuition plan – This change does not affect you during your guaranteed time period.
1 5 S e m e s t e r C r e d i t H o u r s f o r a Te x a s R e s i d e n t U n d e r g r a d u a t e Guaranteed Rate: +$151.69
Variable Rate: +$145.37 9
FR Compulsory Fees Health Services Fee
Current Rate $54.95/semester
Proposed Increase $5.05/semester
New Rate $60.00/semester
The Health Services Fee Increase is needed to: • Address increased operational costs due to increased student demand for services. • Address increase in referrals to off-campus clinics, which is a greater expense to the student. On average, 35-40 students a week are not able to be seen on campus. • In 2018-2019, • University Counseling had an increase of 14% in appointments • The Health Center has seen an increase of 35% in appointments 10
Compulsory Fees Athletic Fee
Current Rate $25.12/semester credit hour
Proposed Increase $1.13/semester credit hour
New Rate
$26.25/semester credit hour
The Athletic Fee Increase is needed to: • Contribute to an on-campus arena and convocation center to serve as the home for Islanders men’s and women’s basketball and indoor volleyball competitions. • Provide meeting space for large events like Convocation. • Provide space for other student engagement opportunities like concerts or e-gaming competitions. • Provide food source for Momentum Campus. • Open up space on the Island for growing academic programs.
International Program Fee The international program fee is needed to: • To meet the student demand for increased social activities and cultural programs • This is a common fee across established universities with diverse international populations such as A&M University – Galveston, University of Houston, and University of Texas – Austin. Who will be impacted: • International Students What is the amount? • $85.00/semester 12
COB Online Program Fee The online program fee is needed: • To remain competitive in the online market through Academic Partners. Who will be impacted: • Non-Resident students taking online courses in the College of Business from outside the State of Texas What is the amount? • $198.24/student credit hour 13
Engineering & Computer Science Differential Tuition Differential tuition is needed to: • Offer competitive salaries to attract and retain the highest quality faculty to support student success • Provide the latest emerging technologies for students Who will be impacted: • New, Texas-resident undergraduate students who opt-in to a Guaranteed Rate or students on Variable Rate who are Engineering or Computer Science majors What is the amount? • $50.00/student credit hour
What Happens Next? • Feedback and vote (Health & Athletic Fees) will be gathered from SGA. • Then the proposed, approved increases will be submitted to the Board of Regents (BOR) for consideration. • If approved by the BOR, these annual increases will take effect fall 2020. • For new, Texas resident, undergraduate students who opt-in to the guaranteed rate tuition and fee plan, the new rates will be fixed for 12 consecutive semesters from initial enrollment in an institution of higher education. 15