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Involving Communities
There are also options that can involve members of a community. These are a way for those with a shared concern or issue to work together to promote positive action.
Environmental Investment programme
This initiative gives tenants and staff the opportunity to make recommendations to improve the environment in their local area, subject to budget availability. There are certain criteria that must be met for an application to be successful. Each application will be reviewed and selected by the Environmental Investment Panel.
Estate inspections
To help ensure estates are kept clean and in good condition, regular inspections are carried out by Neighbourhood Services and tenants.
After each inspection, the Tenant Regulatory and Involvement Team will collate the information and prepare a report grading the estate and highlighting areas for improvement. The results from the report will be fed back to those who attended the inspection. It will also be reported through the usual media channels, such as the tenants newsletter and the website.
Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Engagement days
The Police recognise the importance of working with the public and partner agencies to help combat crime and increase the quality of life for residents as well as serving in the community. Engagement days address local area issues through community contact, and give residents the opportunity to get involved and have their say in local issues that affect or are of interest to them.