: Adobe
Exam Code : 9A0-281
Version: Free Demo
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Q: 1 You have recorded a simulation using Flash. You want to resize the highlight boxes. What should you do? Answer: Export the project to Captivate, edit the highlight box and import it back to Flash. Answer: In the timeline, edit the movie clip and resize the highlight box. Answer: You CANNOT edit the highlight boxes in Flash. Answer: On the timeline, locate the highlight box, double-click and resize It. Answer: C Q: 2 When is the Tracking tab available in Action Manager for CourseBuilder Interactions? A. When the Reset button is selected. B. When a Knowledge track is selected. C. When Judge interaction on specific event is selected. D. When Insert in DIV tag is selected. Answer: A Q: 3 You have a PDF document that has ten pages of static text and one page of a Captivate quiz. You have packaged and uploaded the PDF document using the Multi SCO packager. The learner takes the quiz and scores 90% but does NOT visit the static pages. What score will the learner see on the LMS? A. The LMS shows an error message that the course is NOT complete. B. The score is reported in actual marks. C. No score is reported. D. 90% Answer: A Q: 4 You have created a quiz using a Flash Quiz Template. This quiz has eight questions and you want to add two more to it. Which naming convention should you use for these last two questions? A. question_9, question_10 B. question_09, question_10 C. questionmc_09J questionmc_10 D. question_mc_9, question_mc_10 Answer: B Q: 5 You have created a Captivate project. In Bridge, you select an image that is bigger than the project size and place it in Captivate. Which statement about these steps is true? A. The image is added to the screen with its original dimensions. B. Images with dimensions bigger than the project size CANNOT be placed in Captivate. C. The Resize/Crop Image dialog appears. D. The image is resized as per project dimensions. Answer: B Q: 6 You have cleaned up your audio with Adobe Audition. After bringing the audio back to Captivate, you notice that the audio duration for the slides is modified. What is the reason for this behavior?
A. Captivate was closed when editing. B. The audio of different project was added. C. The slide markers were moved. D. The file was saved in a different format. Answer: D