: Android
Exam Code : AND-403
Version: Free Demo
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Q: 1 Suppose you have built an application that communicates with the licensing server on application startup. What can you do to avoid communication and receiving the same response each time the user opens the application after the first usage? (Choose two) A. Save the response received in String variable. B. Save the response received permanently on device using SharedPreferences. C. Save the response to the disk using the device’s MySQL D. Save the response on the license server by sending the device ID. Answer: B,C Q: 2 When tracking the errors in your application using a mobile analytics service, which of the following is NOT a correct type of information you can collect? A. Where in the code the exception occurred. B. What time the error was thrown. C. What actions the user made that caused the error D. Which component of the Android OS threw an exception. Answer: D Q: 3 Which of the following can only be performed before an application release and not after? (Choose two) A. Create a product list to be purchased through in-app billing. B. Remove log messages. C. Build a signed release of your application. D. Create a Google Wallet merchant account. Answer: B,C Q: 4 Which of the following is not required to be handled by a developer if Google Play’s in-app billing is used in an Android application? A. Check out details for financial transactions. B. User authentication to use the application. C. Building items in the application and setting prices. D. Adding application layout and resources. Answer: A Q: 5 Which two of the following are required to add a list of in-app products on Google Play? (Choose two) A. Use permission in your application. B. User permission in your application C. Have a Google Wallet merchant account. D. An approval from Google before listing a product. Answer: A,C Q: 6 Which of the following cannot be done using Google Play Licensing? A. Your application can query Google Play at run time and obtain the licensing status for the current user.
B. You can apply licensing per application C. You can decide what restriction to apply in your application. D. You can convert your free application to paid application if your application reaches a high number of downloads. Answer: D Q: 7 Which of the following is true about APK expansion files? A. They are the special format files that developers get when the APK file of application is extracted. B. They are the format of files provided by Play Store against any paid application that can be used to extract the APK file. C. They are the additional file hosted by Google Play to overcome the size limit of your application’s APK file. D. It is the additional file directly sent by the developer to the user (if requested) to overcome the size limit of your application’s APK file. Answer: C Q: 8 Which of the following is NOT required to integrate Google Analytics service into your application? A. Create a Google Analytics account. B. Add permissions to your application’s manifest file. C. Add the license key in your application. D. Create and add file analytics.xml to your project under /res/values Answer: C Q: 9 Which of the following is not a billing method used to buy through Google Play? A. Credit card B. Direct Carrier Billing C. Gift card D. Google Play card Answer: D Q: 10 Which one of the following is the primary use of Google Play Licensing Service? A. To verify that the user did actually pay for the application. B. To check the number of time user has paid for the application C. To let the free application start downloading APK expansion files if your application needs them. D. To let the paid application start downloading APK expansion files if your application needs them. Answer: A