Online Whiteboard: 6Advantages and Functions
Online Whiteboard: 6Advantages and Functions There have been many tools created for instructors to use in this digital era. When the use of technology is being interwoven into education more than ever, especially when it comes to online whiteboard is one of these tools, and it is extremely useful and convenient for teachers to use in their online classes. Teachers can use this technology to bridge the gap between online learning and traditional classroom instruction. Ensuring that education remains of high quality regardless of delivery method. With the recent epidemic that has hit practically every country on the planet. Many of them are turning to online instruction to
comply with the safe-distancing or lockdown procedures placed in Weplace.believe that the online whiteboard is an excellent tool to test out, particularly at this time.If you’re a tutor interested in learning more about using the online whiteboard in your sessions, you’ve come to the perfect place. We’ve put together a list of the features and benefits of the online whiteboard for you! Continue reading to learn more.
Online Whiteboard Features and Benefits 1. It facilitates interactive learning. ● During online tutoring, students can learn by interacting with the learning content on an interactive whiteboard. Writing, drawing, or even touching on the board will make it easier for kids to study or understand a subject.
● These can be as easy as brainstorming.That is a great way to increase your student’s creativity and critical thinking abilities. The complex using as features given in the online whiteboard to improve your student’s creativity and critical thinking skills.
2. Updates documents can be made repeatedly and in great detail.
● In addition, the majority of pupils are unwilling to listen or pay attention in class. Tutors can use the features to build games for students to play in order to maintain their attention. They promote engagement between tutors and students.
● Teachers can mark papers in real time using the online whiteboard. That is a great means of assisting
● Another feature of Digital Whiteboard is that it allows tutors to make frequent. Further detailed modifications to a file. Also improving communication between students and teachers.
3. Supports file and screen sharing.
● Tutors or presenters can also use the Digital Whiteboard to share a screen during online tutoring .Thay exchange files with the class. That means that regardless of where the students or attendees are located, they will receive the same information.
● As previously said, the screen-sharing tool is quite useful for annotating notes with students. Assisting them in better understanding the topic. And allowing them to take note of additional information not included in the notes.
● Another advantage of this feature that eliminates the need for teachers to print the notes.Because no paper is utilised. This is an environmentally beneficial method of sending notes to their students.
students.Also comprehending notes and clarifying any questions that may have about the issue.
● It also guarantees that everyone is on the same page .And all students or attendees are moving along at the same time.
● When your calendar is packed ,and you won’t be able to deliver a lesson until very late at night or very early in the morning, that time online tutoring will be your best alternative because you may organise the tutorial according to your schedule by providing an online tutorial for a student in a different time zone.
5. Save time and money on transportation
● Furthermore, if you have multiple tutorials on the same day, you or the students will save time by not having to run from one location to another to meet with each other.
4. Schedule Flexibility
● You may be able to fit in more classes as a tutor because of the scheduling flexibility, and you may even use the extra time to tutor kids.
● This is an underappreciated benefit of using the online whiteboard: it saves time and money by eliminating the need to travel. Tutors will be able to cut the cost of going from location to location by using online tutoring.
● location by using online tutoring. Furthermore, tutors will not need to waste time travelling, particularly during peak hours.
● Dojoit is the simplest whiteboard this is additionally a workspace.A rapid and easy manner to visualise your story! Easy-to-examine bendy answer for board creation,
6. Additional
● Tutors can save a lot of time by using online tutoring, and they can accomplish a lot in that time. Tutors, for example, will have more time to create instructional materials for students or to conduct extra consultation sessions for students who truly require assistance with specific areas.
Furthermore, tutors will not need to waste time travelling, particularly during peak hours.
● Any tutor would appreciate having more time on their hands, and the online whiteboard makes this possible. beneficial functions of the online whiteboard
● Some online whiteboard apps have a set of features designed specifically for educators.
sharing, collaboration. It is the collaborative whiteboard platform for groups of any size.
● As you can see, the additional capabilities in these software can help in conducting lessons online, making it much easier for tutors and students to use!
● Finally, tutors can use file-sharing to post notes, reading materials, and other things for students to refer to during lessons.
Conclusion As you can see, the advantages of using an online whiteboard to conduct your lectures online demonstrate how valuable and practical it is. We understand why some instructors are hesitant to move their classes to the internet, but given the current state of the world and the constant stream of new developments, we may not have much of a choice.
However, with the online whiteboard and its benefits, we aim to allay your fears and show you how this can be a method to keep real-life teaching quality high. After all, this may be the closest you can come to a traditional classroom setting with a whiteboard in an online program. If you’re prepared to give it a shot, Dojoit is a great place to start! With the features listed above, this would undoubtedly be a valuable addition to your online teaching arsenal.