Urban Image Magazine Volume 1

Page 1




Pg.4 A Note From Our Editor

Pg.5 Daddy Rich interview pt1 Pg.8 Urban Beauty Pg.12 Urban Eye Candy

Pg.14 The Amazing Life of My’Love Green Pg. 20 Comfort in the Eye of the Storm Pg.22 Reflections of Ourselves

Pg.24 Sharifah Hardie: “From Laid Off To Enjoying Life” Pg.28 Real Sisters Rising Pg.30 I’m Talkin Success with Brian P Pg. 32C Beauty Art Column Pg.34 Who is the REAL Rick Ross? Pg.36 Pg.36--37 Urban Book Reviews

Pg.40 Breaking and Entering: Incarcerated Entrepreneur Burst into the Literary world! Daddy Rich Interview Pt2 Pg.50 Battle of the Sexes with Kimani Nelson and Major Jackson Pg.52 Ask Emaij Pg.56 Cheating in a Relationship

Pg.62 Love Conquers All: Richarh and Taneisa Tyson Interview Pg.64 What Make’s a Relationship Work Pg.66 Will You Cum Already?

Pg.69 Dear Kitty Pg.72 Urban Comedy 2





Welcome to Urban Image Magazine! (I’ve been waiting to say this for a minute) We are all excited and thankful for the opportunity to bring you this publication. It is our goal to cover every aspect of Urban Life. I promise to bring you in every evolving magazine. Urban Image Magazine is a work in progress. We will continue to grow and elevate in each issue, constantly changing in order to give the world a reflection of who we are. So, if there is anything you would like to see or if you have any suggestions on how we could make your experience with us more enjoyable, please let me know, my email is open. This magazine is for ya’ll. We want you to see a reflection of yourself in every issue. This is only the begging of what’s to come, we are just getting started! Yours Truly , Richarh aka Daddy Rich (Publisher/CEO/Editor-n-Chief) DaddyRich@UrbanImageMagazine.com



Interview with Daddy Rich By Kimani Nelson dren. As he grew older he learned to balance between being a father and a hustler. He secured a legal job while he hustled, and he became a rapper as well.

Daddy Rich

Luck ran out for Author Daddy Rich when he served his first jail sentence, but he served his time and came right back to doing what he loved. This time he had a better head on his shoulders. His career as a rapper was taking off. He knew that he had to get himself financially secure for his children. He also knew that he wanted more than the women in his life were giving him. It was time to settle down with the right woman. He knew who she was; he just had yet to find her in the midst of the life he was living. So he continued to grow and learn from what he went through. Unfortunately for the author, he didn’t get to meet that woman until a year before being incarcerated. Just like everything else most people would see as a negative, he also made that a positive. He knew that woman was the one for him, and he married her. “Our marriage is stronger because we have to focus on the mental and the spiritual rather than the physical,” he says when asked what the secret to the strong marriage he and his wife seem to share is.

“I don’t like who I was, but I love who I am.” -Daddy Rich And despite his current circumstances, Author Daddy Rich should love who he is. Not even being locked up can keep him down. The hustle that he learned on the streets embedded itself in his heart and became who he is: a husband, a father, the founder of Urban Image Magazine, the author of Mack’s Revenge, and a Hip-hop artist. He’s working hard to put his city on the map, and Marion, Indiana, should be proud of what it produced.

This second period of incarceration was when the author was birthed. His debut novel, Mack’s Revenge, was loosely based on his life’s story. Through this he also created his own genre of fiction, “Gangsta-Lit.” The books and CD’s are just the beginning. With a mind that’s constantly working he has huge visions and plans to see each one in the physical. His faith will take him far, he truly believes. Five years from now the author sees himself as a free man, enjoying his life with his wife and children. He even plans to change his last name to Azzad, which means “free.” This is being done to create a new sense of identity for himself and his family. He wants something that can be traced back to him and who he really is, not to his forefathers’ slave masters. A man who works this hard to turn every negative into a positive definitely deserves his own name.

“The life of a hustler fascinated me,” says the author as he reflects on his life as a child. Grandma’s house gave him a front row seat to the game. “I saw all that money, power, and respect that the hustlers had,” he elaborates. At the age of sixteen, after a struggle against his parents, he left home and moved into his grandmother’s home. Then he became the thing that fascinated him. Success draped him from head to toe. He got the money and the clothes, and naturally the women followed. His popularity with women brought chil5


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You can check out these books above at Amazon.com, www.xlibris.com, and publishamerica.com

We also partner with Google and www.lulu.com


Urban Beauty Beauty is many different things to many different people and this month I have the pleasure of speaking with two people that I personally found to be beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. Both from different parts of country, different walks of life and represents beauty/handsomeness on two totally different levels yet both extremely beautiful, sexy people none the less. As this is our Urban beauty section we will always review products, let you know about the newest and most up-to-date products on the market, pick our favorites and have crazy give-ways!

Mrakeish Everett-Harris

We will also have at least two interviews each month one with our Urban Beauty and one with our Urban Eye Candy. The interviews are our way of introducing you to other Beautiful Urbanites and providing you with insight into their beauty secrets and their thoughts on What Beauty really is. Markeisha Everett-Harris Current Mrs. Colorado competing in the Mrs. Colorado Pageant in the spring. Its late and our interview has been delayed due to a photo shoot Mrs. Everett is having in preparation for the Mrs. Colorado Pageant. Finally we get comfortable have a drink and talk ……. Kimse: So Markeisha tell me what you do for a living? Markeisha: I'm a dental EDDA (expanded duty dental assistant) Kimse: Is it ok for me to reveal your age to our readers even thought I know you’re not as old as I am! (We laugh) Markeish; Yes I'm 32 8

9 Kimse: Since this is all about beauty, tell me what is your current skin care routine: Markisha: I love scrubs and use a sugar scrub once a week religiously Kimse: What is your favorite beauty product? Markisha: I love mascara As you can see by her beautiful eyelashes Kimse: What aspect of your physical image do you love? Markisha: I love my eyes because I think a person’s eyes tells their story and that’s were you can find the story of my life….(she laughs) in my eyes. Kimse: What aspect of your physical image did you have to grow to love? Markisha: (She laughs nervously) That'll be my nose (with a smile) Kimse: What process did you use to get there (loving that physical aspect of you?) Markisha: I just think as I grew as a woman I learned to love myself as a person. Then everything just fell into place. Kimse: Describe for me what an Urban Beauty is to you? Markisha: Black, powerful, smart, & beauty. Kimse: Do you see yourself as an Urban Beauty or Eye Candy ? Markisha: Not really. I think I'm an attractive woman. But eye candy is a big word. Kimse: Why do you think you were selected to be Urban Eye Candy this month? Markisha: I think I was selected because I have a different look and looking different with confidence is very attractive. Kimse: And sexy as hell!!! (We laugh) Wither she knows it are not Markeisha EverettHarris is a REAL URBAN BEAUTY. She is a Wife, a Mother of four boys, A Career Women, Sister and a wonderful friend. She is Beautiful physically, mentally and spiritually …….An Urban Beauty 9


Sara Shaif

TonyRomello.com TonyRomello@gmail.com 202-292-0118 10


TONY ROMELLO URBAN EYE CANDY Tony Romello is a world known manager and consultant of musicians. He has managed very talented Indie artists, ranging from Rhythm & Blues to Country music. This gentleman of leisure also enjoys hosting some of the most entertaining parties in the capitol city Washington D.C. His ear for quality music is only paralleled by elder professional producers in the music industry.

Attention to detail when it comes to his health and wellness have most in awe when he chooses to reveal his age. This page will serve as a guide for the best positive indie music, the best positive indie fashion and the best products/food/exercise routines chosen by Tony Romello and a jury of his peers ;)




TONY ROMELLO Kimse: So Tony share with our readers What do you do? Tony: I'm a master barber/ inventor /sales contractor. Right now I am elated to announce my new invention which is a huge improvement on the current barber/ stylist disinfectant jar. It will be on the market this summer. My current business venture is a company called “Tony Romello” which is a website that hold the very best independent music by independent artist that listeners can sample then download at 1/2 the cost of itunes, this is music can’t be found on mainstream sites and it’s all positive music! Kimse: Where can we find this wonderful site? Tony: At TonyRomello.com Kimse: May I reveal your age to our readers Mr. Romello? Tony: I am old enough to eat chicken without choking ;) (he gives me a smile that would melt a glacier) Kimse: You look like you take really good care of yourself? What is your current skin care routine? Tony: I wash my face with ivory bar soap and drink plenty of water. I keep soda and cheese out of my diet. Kimse: What is your favorite beauty product? Tony: Besides Ivory soap I don't have one. Kimse: I must say that’s hard to believe you seem so well put together I would have bet money that you had an extensive line skin care products in your bathroom. I really had you pegged for a Pretty Boy. Would you consider yourself a pretty boy Tony? Tony: I was raised to eat right and take good care of my hygiene. I am my mother’s only son and the brother of 5 older sisters. Defending myself and their honor is no small feat. Pretty boy seems like too weak of an adj. To describe a grown ass man.



Kimse: What aspect of your physical image do you love? Tony: I love my hands. They are huge and powerfully strong. I feel like I can protect and destroy with my

hands. Of course now I can’t stop looking at his hands, and I must agree that they do indeed look very powerful J Kimse: What aspect of your physical image did you have to grow to love? Tony: I would say my lips. Although thick and juicy, (Kimse: that they are lol) they have a brown outline that make women think I'm a smoker. Kimse: Are you a smoker of anything Tony: Tony: No

Kimse: What process did you use to get there (loving that physical aspect of you) Tony: by praying, lifting heavy objects, protecting myself or embracing the opposite sex. Kimse: So Tony, what is the one thing that you have to do for your physical image everyday before you leave the house? Tony: 200 sit ups Kimse: So you know I want to see the proof of that right lol? And, yes ladies he has the proof!! Check out the pics! Kimse: Describe for me what an Urban Beauty is to you An urban beauty in my eyes should have a positive spiritual inner glow. Physically you should always be well rested, clean, well-nourished and current with your fashion statement. Do you see yourself as a pretty boy? I was raised to eat right and take good care of my hygiene. I am my mothers only son and the brother of 5 older sisters. Defending myself and their honor is no small feat. Pretty boy seems like too weak of a adj. To describe a grown ass man. Kimse: Do you see yourself as Urban Eye Candy? I am a humble man, so I’ll let the public be the judge. Well Tony Romello the jury is in and you are indeed Urban Eye Candy! With the qualities of a true renaissance man, the business mind of a mogul, a humble soul, a hard hot body, and the face of a pretty boy……You are Urban Image’s Magazine pick for Urban Eye Candy this month. 13




My'love The Great Gracing the covers of magazines is the dream and destiny of 10-year-old My'love Green. The North Carolina native has been modeling since birth, and has dabbled her hands in other skills, such as writing, singing, acting, and fashion. My'love has been passionate about modeling since birth, her source of inspiration comes from America's Next Top Model hostess, Tyra Banks. Her smile and beauty lead her to modeling, being camera friendly and photogenic played major roles as well. Along with modeling, My'love writes, sings, has fashion lines and is pursuing her acting career. Her ability to change her emotions and personality at the drop of a hat is keeping her motivated about the big screens. When preparing for auditions, My'love uses her own skits that she has written. Singing and writing were passed onto her from both parents who also sing and write. My'love is currently working on her first CD this year. My'love has her fashion line in the works, which includes clothes, shoes, sunglasses, bathing products, and jewelry. Many may wonder how a 10 year old is able to manage such success while going to school. My'love's parents instill the importance of her education and learning. Her education comes second to none of her other talents. The only other thing that takes up as much time and passion as her getting her education is her youth organization, MyLuv which stands for "My Youth Lifting Up Voices." My'love's mission is to keep children and youth safe from harm, regardless of the form of abuse, verbal, child abuse, or sexual abuse. My'love accepts all victims. For more information on MyLuv or abuse against youth, go online to themyluvorganization.com By :Vanna Nicole 15


Mission Statement: To reach out to children who have been victims of sexual, physical, mental and verbal abuse. To acknowledge that this is a real issue with long term effects. To highlight experiences that demonstrate they have the ability to be successful despite the abuse they have faced. To deliver a message of hope that assist them in reaching their dreams. Vision statement: To have a national impact that generates awareness and educates the public concerning abuse. To create partnerships and collaborations that enable our agency and others to work effectively and efficiently to address the damage resulting from all abuse towards children. To empower survivors of abuse with the recognition that they have been victimized but will not be victims all of their lives. 16


The Amazing Life of My'love Green My’love, born on July 13, 2000 in North Carolina, has always had a desire to model and act for as long as she could remember. Today she thanks Tyler Perry and David Mann for most of her inspiration. Although only ten years old, My’love is very passionate about her modeling and acting career and have dedicated herself to studying and hard work to further craft her art. Being the daughter of a singer and songwriter has also influenced My’love to sing and write as well. She often writes her skits that she used to display her talent. Because of her witty personality, gorgeous face, and eye popping eyes, My’love was given the opportunity to do a sound recording as lead singer on a gospel project as well as the opportunity to perform theater and commercials. Her last big job was with Brides Magazine for a commercial print project in Boca Raton Florida where she received high compliments for her hard work. ’ My ‘love’s dream is to one day make it big whether it be through modeling, acting, or singing if not all. Often being told that she is a star and belongs on the big screen, My’love continues to stay humble and is taught to give God all the glory. My’love is determine to rise to the top and often says that her hard work will soon land her on the big screen and she will not stop until she gets there. 17






Comfort in the Eye of the Storm


By: Nikki Johnson The eye of a storm also known as the “cyclone” is an area of calm weather, located in the center of tropical storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Even though the surrounding area (eyewall) and perimeters around the center (the eye) have the most severe weather and strongest winds and conditions-the actual area most commonly referred to as the “eye” is the area where there is very little rain or wind, and the barometric pressure (atmospheric pressure) is at the lowest. How amazing! As forceful as the effects, rains and winds can be in these devastating storms; there can be found more peace, right smack in the middle (or midst) Of the storm than anywhere else. I would love to be able to write to you and say that storms won’t happen in life-but the TRUTH of the matter is they happen all of the time. Whether they are natural (thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.) or spiritual (financial, loss, family “issues”, sickness, etc.) storms do come into our lives. All storms whether natural or spiritual serve a far greater purpose than “destruction”. Sometimes even natural storms that have caused extreme havoc are oftentimes beneficial to the environment in some way. For instance, hurricanes help to” maintain the global heat balance by moving warm, moist tropical air to mid-latitudes and polar regions~ were it not for these movements-the tropical regions would be unbearably hot.” Another example of a storm serving a greater purpose~ would be the spiritual storm that took place in the life of a man named Joseph (found in the book of Genesis located in the Bible in chapters 37-50). His storm began with the betrayal that he suffered at the hands of his brothers. This storm would sell him into slavery, put him into prison, and ultimately place him in a palace~ where he would save the entire known world at that time from a se20


vere famine. No matter what situation, circumstance, or storm you may be facing (experiencing) at this time; with the knowledge that your Creator will allow all the things that are going on in your life to work out a greater purpose in your best interest (Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose) ~ You can have peace, right smack in the middle of it! In times of storms, when the adverse effects can be painful, uncomfortable, confusing. Find your eye! Find that place where He hides in the secret places and you dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalms 91:1). Even though everything around you seems like it is spinning out of control, although the winds are growing stronger as you are facing “bad” reports, deadlines, financial emergencies, sickness, job loss, heartache, or even betrayal, there is serenity, comfort and strength in knowing that God’s word says “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Nikki’s Nugget: As you continue to “weather” the storms ~remember that God has a plan for everything and that plan serves a great purpose. Never forget that He is there holding your hand, comforting you, and giving you strength to endure--and come out victoriously. You will see the “rainbow” (or how all things worked together) after your storm. You will be stronger, wiser, and better! Remember, in the middle of the storm, the greatest place can be found! Empowerment Scriptures: Psalms 36:7, Deuteronomy 31:6-8, 1kings 8:57, Joshua 1:5

I Love You All, Nikki Johnson~ Inspirational/Life Empowerment Coach Be you, be great, be at peace, & bring the greatness out of others . 21


Reflections of Ourselves

Author, Sharon R. Wells

1 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:1-3 (New King James Version) It disturbs me to hear people gossip, circulate rumors and pass judgment on others. I am sure that we’ve all been guilty of it at one time or another. Have you ever known someone who loves to call you and is delighted to discuss the troubles and misfortunes of others? What about the co-workers who keep the rumor mill going by passing on negative hearsay about other co-workers? Unfortunately, you may have encountered someone who has disguised themselves as a friend and once you’ve turned your back, they share your private business with someone else. It is counter-productive to relish in the failures of our own sisters and brothers. Perhaps this type of negative behavior comes from the lack of willingness to address one’s own short comings? There’s a familiar phrase called “Passing the Buck”, which can refer to someone who is being lazy. They may find it easier to avoid doing the necessary internal work on themselves and chooses the low road by focusing on someone else’s failure. God’s written words expresses that we should not be judgmental towards others. We’ve all been created equal and will all be judged according to Him. I don’t believe that some people are aware of the damage they do to others when their tongues are used as weapons. When we seek God and pray for the courage and willingness to be self-seeking, it leaves no room to focus on negativity. Why is it so hard for so many to be happy for the success of others. When we see people who have done well for themselves, why can’t we all be happy for their success instead of accusing them of thinking they are better? Shouldn’t they be commended for their hard work and the fact that the fruits of their labor has paid off? Why can’t they book looked at with admiration instead of condemnation? We can all obtain success if we put our energy in positive thoughts and actions. Let us have a loving eye for our brother instead of celebrating in his failures. If we speak positive words and spread positive energy, we then draw our own blessings closer. ©2010



Wanda Mays Noel, Host and Executive Producer Prides herself in connecting powerful people, collaborating with only positive people and helping all people to become the best they can be. This show was created to bring a higher level of thinking to blog talk radio and present guests who are making a difference in their communities. She loves the Lord and appreciates Him using her in this way. Thanking Him daily for the favor. She currently owns and operates several businesses including La'John Media LLC, La'John Media Publishing Group, My Kids On the Go, LLC, Make It New Restoration Services, Medi-Go Transportation Services, just to name a few. Wanda After Dark International Blog Talk Radio seeks to add class to radio while giving our fans the best in news, up to date information and the hottest stars around.

Showcase for Wine About Books Join us every Tuesday at 9 p.m. for Wine About Books. This segment was created to showcase authors and their works. We pair your book with your favorite wine or spirit. We provide the ultimate setting and love to share with everyone. If you are interested in securing your Tuesday, email us at wandaafterdarkradio@gmail.com. Happy writing!!!!



SHARIFAH HARDIE FROM LAID OFF TO ENJOYING LIFE Sharifah Hardie is Google's #1 Ranked Professional Business Consultant! http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=professional+business+consultant Sharifah Hardie, a single mother of two began her online experience as a way to provide for her two children. After surviving several crushing disappointments including two failed marriages, being laid off six times, homelessness, the death of a close friend and the struggle to provide childcare for her children while she worked, Sharifah was determined to succeed. Being an Entrepreneur and PR/Marketing Consultant runs in Sharifah's blood. Her Father, ArRasheed Jordan is a respected figure in the plumbing industry providing services in California since 1985 through his company Jordan's Rooter & Plumbing at JordansRooter.com. Sharifah's Mother, Daaiyah Jordan is Director of Public Relations for St. Mary's Hospital in Long Beach, CA. Sharifah previously hosted her own radio show, Ask Sharifah Radio. As Host Sharifah interviewed business owners, non-profits, entertainers, organizations, celebrities and government officials to ask the questions you've always wanted to know and never had the opportunity to ask. As a professional business consultant Sharifah understands the struggles businesses experience in today's economy. Sharifah has been able to harness the power of the Internet to assist business owners obtain a successful online presence and reduce expenses, while increasing revenue and leisure time since 1994. Sharifah recently published her first book, And Here's Your Box - If one door closes, another door will open. Just pack your box and keep moving! In this inspirational story, Sharifah Hardie shares her humble beginnings, her work history, the repeat layoffs and the life lessons she learned in the workforce that led to her online success. 24


In "And Here's Your Box" Sharifah shares how she became Google's #1 Ranked, "Professional Business Consultant," and host of "Ask Sharifah Radio." Sharifah not only shares her story, she has also included interviews of nearly one hundred past guests including interview exerts from Wells Fargo, Verizon Small Business, Cox Business, Boost Mobile, Feed The Children, Actor/Producer Dorian Gregory, M Shannon Consulting, Mall of America, and more!

Ask Sharifah You've probably heard it many times before, but it's the same advice I give all of my clients, friends and family members when they ask me how I've made so much money online. I tell them, stop chasing the money. Once you decide to stop chasing the money and actually do what you love, the money will follow!

it...schemes...get rich schemes. I have tried them all. I tried to figure out all of the ways to quickly make money online, how to become an overnight success, how to make my websites sale without spending a dime, how to get the biggest bang for my buck and so on and so forth. Believe me, if it was out there I've tried it. Do you know what finally happened? I gave up because it wasn't fun any more. I gave up because I wasn't making any money online. I gave up because it was too time consuming to manage all of the different accounts here and there. Of course, I had made sales. At the point where I closed my doors I was still ahead of the game in online sales standards. Many online business owners make only occasional sales, while I had a constant revenue stream. I was earning hundreds of dollars from my online sales, but the money I was making was a far cry from the amount of money I was shelling

I know you've heard all of the talk about turning your hobby into a business or how easy it is these days to quit your day job and work from home, but I'm talking about more than just that. I'm talking about simply allowing the enjoyment of doing what you love to be the reason you get up in the morning and not the paycheck at the end of the day. For years I spent hundreds of dollars trying to figure out the latest and greatest online get rich quick schemes. Yes, I said 25


out. I wasn't even breaking even. So I just closed the doors to all of my websites and gave up.

If you are an online business owner I challenge you to take a very close look at your current business practices and to ask yourself this question, "Am I chasing the money?" Sometimes in the design of our websites we don't even realize that we create websites to "get the money" but our customers are turned off by the appearance and are not fooled by all of the advertising links and banner ads displayed all over the website.

The funny thing is as soon as I decided to give up and close the doors; the money began rolling in. One of the things I hadn't expected to happen is that I had unknowingly built a considerable sized network around me. My network continued coming to me for assistance and guidance with their online marketing efforts. It was the people in my network, people who later became my clients that emailed me, seeking my advice, asking search engine optimization questions, online marketing questions, website content questions, niche creation questions and pay per click advertising questions.

Take a look at your website and determine if you were a customer if would you purchase or actually spend any time on your website. Most people will spend money where they are comfortable, can have fun and will return often. Most of them will even tell a friend. Keep your customers in mind and not the money.

Soon I realized that I was giving away free advice. I also realized that for once in a very long time I was having fun again. I was having the time of my life. I was reviewing websites. I was coming up with exciting new ideas. I was thinking. I was brainstorming. I had absolutely no overhead and I was having a darn good time, so what did the money matter?

Personally I've given up chasing the money. I've concentrated more on paying forward the assistance so many in my network have given me and not how I'm going to pay my light bill. Because of my vast expertise and the valid consultant services I provide the money has followed. So again, I will offer you my free advice. Stop chasing the money and do what you love.

Eventually, I created another website to offer my services, but most of my new clients are still referred to me through my vast network of clients and friends. I also feel better about myself and my services now as I offer a free website review service on my website. The free service allows potential customers to discuss their business, receive vital feedback about their website, obtain and find out exactly what I can do for them before they even spend a dime.

Sharifah Hardie is the owner Enlightened Business Solutions. Sharifah provides marketing solutions and advertising management for businesses of all sizes. She has written several marketing articles, is the marketing representative for magazines, TV shows and entertainers. You can visit her on her website at http:// www.enlightenedbizsolutions.com



“And Here's Your Box” Reveals How One Woman’s Repeat Layoffs Led To Her Online Success Author Sharifah Hardie used her repeat layoffs and the lessons she learned in the workforce to create her online success as Google’s #1 ranked “Professional Business Consultant” and host of “Ask Sharifah Radio.” (Los Angeles, CA) August 30, 2010 -- In her new book, And Here’s Your Box, Author Sharifah Hardie seeks to prove that everything happens for a reason. Hardie believes it was those moments of sheer frustration she experienced through repeat layoffs and workplace disappointments which gave her the strength to utilize the skills she acquired in the workforce. In today’s world, with the rising layoffs that are sending unemployment rates soaring there are many people that can relate to this story. This inspiring story And Here's Your Box: If one door closes, another door will open. Just pack your box and keep moving! will leave readers motivated to find their niche and understand that any moment, no matter how small, can change one’s life. When asked about her experiences Hardie reminds us that, “a single moment can be powerful and an instant can change the course of history.” In each instance when Hardie was given the news that she was laid off, she was also given a box to collect her personal belongings from her desk. This box is Hardie's only reminder of the job she used to have. In this inspirational story, Sharifah Hardie, shares how she became Google's #1 Ranked, "Professional Business Consultant," and host of "Ask Sharifah Radio." In And Here’s Your Box readers first follow Hardie’s journey through discovering that she may have been meant to be her own boss. Determined to find a job that would not lay her off, Hardie started consulting with other business owners teaching them how to start, grow, brand and market their services. This encouraging story will keep audiences captivated as they read about Hardie and businesses she has worked with along the way. Hardie not only shares her story, she has also included interviews of nearly one hundred past guests including interview exerts from Wells Fargo, Verizon Small Business, Cox Business, Boost Mobile, Feed The Children, Actor/Producer Dorian Gregory, M Shannon Consulting, Mall of America, and more! Author Sharifah Hardie Website: www.AskSharifah.com Store: www.createspace.com/3477086 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ILikeSharifah Contact: 888-295-4811 Email: Shardie@SharifahHardie.com 27


ShaChena Gibbs Women’s Empowerment Advocate, ShaChena Gibbs, is the founder and president of Real Sisters Rising, LLC. Her tireless work of empowering women to become self sustaining via entrepreneurship has resulted in her national recognition as an expert in direct sales and personal development. ShaChena is a sought after speaker and networking guru. She spends the better part of her day “Helping Women find the Diamond in their Destiny.” Through her company, ShaChena provides coaching sessions and resources to the women in her community. She speaks throughout the country at various events and at her organization’s chapter meetings; the RSR network boasts members of various ethnicities and professions. Her leadership experience helps her excel as a leader various MLM companies, like AVON; a company known for the personal and professional development of women and Chapter President for Black Business Works (Bronx, NY). She has been featured in numerous publications, including The New York Daily News; her articles have been broadly published throughout the internet. ShaChena resides in New York and is the proud mother to Diamond and Destiny. ShaChena Gibbs …..“Helping Women find the Diamond in their Destiny”

Real Sisters Rising “Helping Women find the Diamond in their Destiny”


29 ShaChena Gibbs has been molested, neglected, raped, lived in foster homes, lived with various family members, beaten, lived in shelters, received welfare, section 8, lights cut off, and had times where she had no food. Still she was able to rise.

Her Story… My mother didn’t raise any fool. I watched my mom draw for our neighbors to earn money to feed us. My father was the project barber. Although I went through all the negative issues in my life, there were a lot of positives. My mother loved us and so did the rest of the village. When I was born, I had a great life. I had the most expensive baby buggy, fur coats at the age of 2, floor model color TV with remote. Somewhere down the line, things changed. I believe, if my life didn’t flow the way it did, good and bad I wouldn’t be who I am today. I come from a long line of entrepreneurs and women who have been sexually abused. I’m sharing this with you to help you understand how not to be a victim of your circumstances. I talk a lot about building relationships and not giving up; I often wake and fell like throwing in the towel and giving it all up, I mean everything; the website, the network…simply everything. But I don’t. I understand I am doing this for my children and for yours. I am also doing this for other women (some men) who don’t know what to do next; those who have excuses and no reasons. This organization has been built from who I am as a woman, a person and a mother. When I was going through hard times, I didn’t give up. I figured out a solution or a way out. When I moved into my first apartment, I started braiding and weaving hair; then babysitting. I wanted to work, however I didn’t trust anyone with my little baby. No I didn’t give up. I wanted to run my own business!! That’s it! I had the will but I wasn’t sure how I was going to get it done. The next step knew my why for wanting to build this empire. My WHY became my daughters? I want to leave my children wealth and fewer struggles. So every day, when I want to give up, I remember my why. I remember what I went through to get here now. I remember the women who I will help by sharing what I have learned in life. Just know and remember your why before you decide to give up on your dreams. Be passionate about what you are doing. I started asking anybody that came within speaking distance of me where do I go what do I do. Eventually I was lead to a non profit organization called The Women’s business Resource Center in the Bronx. The consultant there helped me with a lot of information. This was the first step to building my empire. I am a proud single mom of two beautiful daughters Destiny (18) and Diamond (9). CEO and Founder of a National Networking Org. for Women Entrepreneurs, Author, Speaker, & Trainer. I have accomplished a lot in my life and I do not regret anything that I’ve been through. I’m a stronger woman because of it. If you don’t get anything else from my story, remember to stay focus and do not let anyone or anything take you off course. Keep Rising! REAL SISTERS RISING, LLC National Networking Organization for Women Entrepreneurs {NNOWE} Office: 347.476.7776

Fax: 734.939.4293

Website: www.realsistersrising.com Email: info@realsistersrising.com 29


The Empowerment Zone With Brian P I’ve often heard the best way to hide something from a black man is to put it in a book. Sound familiar? Of course this and other derogatory clichés had to have been originated by someone that is not of African descent. Being the proud man of color that I am I conquered the illness of illiteracy years ago therefore I don’t consider myself to fall under this stereotyped category and seek growth continuously. It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to see that the author is indicating that Blacks, African-Americans or people of color don’t read. My question: Are African-Americans the only race that has a large “non-reading” population? Let’s keep it one hundred here shall we? The person(s) responsible for this ridiculous statement is a racist so we have that established. I can only speak on behalf of my own race here.

While many of us seek continuous economic growth many more of are stuck in the same place they were years ago because they simply refuse to do what it takes and is required to advance or as I like to call it “escape from the chains and shackles of economic slavery”. Of course the black race is not the only race with many that fall under this category however I can’t speak for them. Please believe that I’m black by nature and proud by choice and continue to growth mentally for my own gratification. Through extensive research, surveying and much networking I’ve found many don’t read 30


simply because they feel they don’t need to unless it’s something that is an absolute must.

Others indicated that they were content with their economic state therefore sitting down and actually reading a book just was not a priority. Then there is that certain percentage and largest percentage that complained about being an economic slave for lack of better terms. They complained of being in stuck in a dead end job among other things. I’m cant reinvent the wheel however what I suggested to each of these individuals was to read any and every piece of material they could locate in efforts of finding the Underground Railroad to Economic Freedom. I received a forwarded email some years ago in which the author remains unknown but made some very valid points of concern and this is only a portion.

“They have gained the opportunity to read any book on any subject through their efforts of their fight for freedom yet they refuse to read. There are numerous books readily available at Borders, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com not to mention their own black bookstores that provide solid blueprints to reach economic equality which should have been their fight all along but few read consistently if at all.” Trust me there was more however I decided to just leave you on the edge of your seat for now.

Yes, there are many publications, articles, cd’s, dvd’s etc that provide solid blueprints to reaching, achieving and succeeding. I have some advice to the large percentage that I spoke of three paragraphs ago. “To get something you never had you have to do something you’ve never done.” Now what’s holding you back? You! Go “Read” and “Read” on a consistent basis because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

Author Brian P. www.imtalkingsuccess.com



CBeauty Art Column

By Christopher Brown Urban Image Magazine would like to welcome all our readers to another celebrated issue of UIM. My name is Christopher Brown, Art Columnist for UIM and I will be keeping all my readers updated on new artists of all genres. This month I’m going to highlight a Jewelry Designer by the name Holly Sharp. Awesome can’t even explain the great work that Holly captures! In 2001 Holly Sharp received training from a Master wire sculptor in Chicago Illinois and began making her wire sculpture creations. Predominantly working with Sterling Silver, 14kt gold and precious / semi precious gems. Holly has come up with her own unique style that has hit the jewelry industry with a bang!

Over time she has become an expert in her art form, creating jewelry for business, industry, models and commissioned work for weddings. Her designs have been showcased in Galleries in Cleveland Ohio and Chicago Illinois, as well as Boutiques and Fine Jewelers. In the future Holly hopes to expand her abilities to create wire jewelry and wire sculpted interchangeable lockets. The interchangeable lockets will enable women to change gemstones in a pendant to match their attire. Her life long love of jewelry will continue to provide her passion to pursue more challenging and intricate designs. I would like to thank Holly Sharp for her continued success in the genre of art she creates for our pleasure. For more information regarding Holly Sharp go to www.CBeautyArt.com STAY TUNED FOR MORE UPCOMING ARTISTS… 32




Hip-hop fans, it’s back for round three. Freeway Ricky Ross is back at it again, but with added force to his legal team. As of November 29th, Freeway Ricky Ross and his legal team has been concentration on clearing up the error of miscarrying justice. Many fans and viewers are under the impression that Freeway Ricky Ross has lost the case trademarking his name.

To set the record straight and clear the air Freeway Ricky Ross will held a live Ustream broadcast from his social networking website www.freewayenterprise.com and will take live calls or questions from only personnel that are currently members of his website.

his conviction. This is certainly not the case, as The Real Ricky Ross will let you know. Donnell Ross, better known as “Freeway” Ricky Ross, is one of those rare figures whose experience as a drug trafficker has lead him to a life of rebuilding the community in which he once helped destroy. Now, with a passion for helping the youth, Ross has been given a second chance to uplift his community by giving back through mentoring and sharing his story. He plans to inspire many of today’s

During this live broadcast he will discuss in more details regarding to why the first dismissal took place and why the Judge only talked about his past of being a drug trafficker as if he didn’t have a life before 34


youths to achieve their greatest successes without following in his footsteps.

per; William Roberts who stated out of his own mouth that he would be there to help The Real Rick in any way that he could.

To the contrary many fans believe, the rapper William Roberts is aimed at destroying the new life that " The Real Rick Ross" is trying to re-build through rapping and promoting his past. While The Real Rick Ross was incarcerated he reached out the rapper William Roberts as a symbolism of love in an effort to maybe show some love even after stealing the his name, persona and former lifestyle. Real Rick Ross stated to William Roberts " you are a talented artist that makes marketable music why not use your own name" As The R To the present date he has yet to even show some type of gratitude to the man that he considers himself to be.

The rapper William Roberts only only raps about his perception of what a drug dealer is. He glorifies a past that the Real Rick Ross is trying to steer away from. This praising of the Real Rick Ross past is tainting the positive movement he is now empowering. It is clear that the rapper William Roberts is only concerned about Rick's past crime life, not the bright future that lies ahead. I guess that he feels only violence and crime sells records. The Real Rick Ross begs to differ. Many fans wants answers why haven't the rapper not reached out and donated a small monetary amount of time and money to any of the local Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, HIP-HOP Detox, or the Nation of Islam where Rick dedicates his time to?

We have come to know this as "SWAG -JACKIN'" , at least that is what is it coined in the hip-hop community. To set the record straight " The Real Ricky Ross" is not looking for free-bees or a hand out. Everything that he gets, he rightfully earns- legally.

If this is a showmanship of gratitude, I would hate to see an act of ungratefulness. The rapper William Roberts better get his stamina together, because The Real Rick Ross and his legal team are not giving up without a fight. If the rapper William Roberts has done his homework, he is sure to find that The Real Ricky Ross is a true BOSS and definitely is not one to quit in a battle. His fans are firm believers that The REAL RICKY ROSS has five stones left to throw, Stay tuned in for the latest. If there are any questions please contact

Here is what the Judge did not hear: A lot of the projects that Rick is focusing on is charity work ,but he believes the rewards of success are far greater than any monetary value he could ever receive. He has successfully started Freeway Enterprises, which has several different entities including a record label. The Real Rick Ross understands that the hip hop community has a strong voice, and he is making major strides in his area. However, to everyone's dismay, there has been no acknowledgment or offer to help developed artist by the rap-




From The STreeTS To The ShelveS

Tra Verdejo was once one of those youth you would read about in the papers for some negative or illegal crimes, now, he’s being read period. The former troubled youth has bettered his life by being the author of 3 promising and positive books. Verdejo is proud of the work he has done to this date but is no-where near done. Verdejo’s first book, Born In The Streets, But Raised In Prison, is a self published book and has sold close to 20,000 copies, Corrupt City 1, has sold almost 7,000 copies, and Corrupt City 2 , close to 4,000. However, both Corrupt City 1 & 2, have been picked up by Urban Books and now are making big and selling nationally. Corrupt City 1 release date is 1/25/11 and Corrupt City 2 is 4/26/11. “I want to do 50,000 of each and make the NY best time seller list,” says the excited author. Each book written is based on true and reality facts of his struggling childhood spent behind bars, beginning at age 14. “Corrupt City is a straight fiction book but it also had a lot of realistic events. During my illegal ways of life, I came across many corrupt cops who did things to me and my crew that were disrespectful and degrading. So, in my mind, I also said I was going to write a book about dirty cops, I just couldn’t write a non-fiction book because they would have locked me up or even killed me.” The successful author is trying to reach several different types of readers with his work, mainly, the troubled youth and their parents. “I want to hopefully write all kind of books that will reach all kinds of readers. Of course, with my first book, it was about reaching the youth, inner city kids especially. I want to became a universal author, I don’t want to be known as just the street lit author, that’s putting limits on my craft,” stated the write. Verdejo’s inspiration for his novels are drawn from his ability to love and learn and to teach others’ of their inner gifts. Also, from life’s experiences and traveling. Not only does Verdejo write books, he also has a movie in the works, “Black Barbie.” Among his hidden talents, are movies and poetry. He began his fancy for writing in high school, with poetry. Among the goals Verdejo has set for himself, he also wants to be listed as one of the best top selling authors, period. He also wants to turn Street Scriptures into a powerhouse company. “I want to sell 50,000 on my opening week, I want to get on that James Patterson level, having fans around the corner in the cold, waiting to meet me. “ He currently has two bookstores 2509 E Monument Street in Baltimore, Maryland and the Patapsco Flea Market. Within the next five years, he hopes to have several more stores selling more than enough of his work. Until then, you can purchase his work and talents at www.streetscriptures.com By Vanna Nicole 36


Up Jumps The Beast Beastmode by Joe Awsum

Just when you had seen what you thought was the height of literary genius in the world of gangster literature, along comes a rookie to the game that has all but personally guaranteed that his debut book will amaze you like no other. Joe Awsums debut "Beastmode" from Gstreet books tells the story of two twins, Twon and Kwon. Two normal brothers from the streets whose lives change when they receive a note from their father (King) that was passed on by a tragic and unexpected passing of their mother that gives them an important mission to finish carrying out for him. The mission involves a highly powerful new drug that is only to be introduced and distributed in the affluential and prominant communities, as to bring some of the horrors to those neighborhoods that the drug epidemic has brought to black and other poor communities for centuries. Their fathers plan was to help uplift the black communities by offering a mirror image of the deterioration of black communities by drugs over the years, while also offering them a plan to unite and overcome some of the problems that our own communities are facing. "This book brings you an urban tale but the subject is deep and real" Joe says, "U dont know how many people who have read this book told me

that they got lost in the story and finished it in like 2 days". Joe also believes that this book will give a scence of direction to the black community that untiy is needed to overcome some of the ills that the judicial system has set up for us. Joe Awsum brings his talents from North Chicago and says his experiences there and some time served in the pen was what set up the motivation for him to write Beastmode. Awsum states that his time incarcerated really opened his eyes to the fact that the judicial system has a lot of pit falls for black males that can be avoided if we were just more unified as people and hopes this books gets that piont across to its readers. Even though the book has plans to uplift the black community, he doesnt want to send an anti sentiment to his white readers. Joe has even stated that the he has gotten positive feed back from readers of all races, whites included. By looking at what a powerful drug can do to a community that isnt like ours then Joe believes that his book shows the effects of what would happen if we took some of the bullshit out of black males lives. So cop this book so u can follow Twon and Kwon as they forgo their new found mission with a combination of tragedy and conquest and loyalty to the family and and to themselves.







Review of Mack’s Revenge…All Hell Breaks Loose by Daddy Rich and Interview with Daddy Rich By Cheryl Francis, Literary Writer/blogger

Welcome to Urban Image Magazine. I am Cheryl Francis, literary blogger and writer. I am excited for the opportunity to work at Urban Image Magazine! Everyone at the magazine is so great to work with, and I am having so much fun!

Richarh Tyson a/k/a Daddy Rich asked if I would read and review his book for the magazine. I read it and man, this book was… well, read my review and see how much I loved it!

After you read my review, make sure to read my interview with Daddy Rich!

Cheryl Francis’ Review of Mack's Revenge...All Hell Breaks Loose by Daddy Rich



THIS IS WHAT'S UP!! - READ THIS BOOK AND YOU WILL SEE! Before you read this book, you should visit Daddy Rich’s website at: www.gangsta-lit.com. There you will find out a little about the author and his background.

If you want to read a real life gangster book, then you need to go out and get this book! It is now available for purchase. Go to the author's website listed above and buy this book! This is the story of "Big Mac" whose real name is Richard D McVickers. Big Mac is a rapper, a real estate agent and a drug dealer. “I got 8 kids 6 baby mommas - 1 baby by each - and I got 2 stepsons with my wife Tanisha. I love them niggaz as my own. “ (p.2)

Richard "Big Mac" gets locked up and is held for attempted murder, criminal confinement, obstruction of justice, intimidation with a deadly weapon, and tampering with a state’s witness, (p.72). When he is being questioned, Detective Reece asked him about the Mexican's he has been dealing drugs with up north and he says "Look, the dude’s name Up North is Kristopher - with a K- older white dude in his fifties. Pale, fat as hell with a white beard. I only met him once,” I said. “O.K. Kristopher what? What’s his full name?” “Kris um, Kringle, Kristopher Kringle.” “I thought your connection was Mexican. Kris Kringle sounds English or something. Sounds familiar, though. How does it all work; what’s the operation? (p.79) "Reese’s nostrils flared. “You made me look like a damn fool! Santa Claus? You tell me you been getting dope from Santa Claus?” I don’t like being laughed at.” He threw his interview notes at me. (p.82) As you can see, there is a lot of humor in this book. I was laughing out loud in some spots!



Meanwhile, his girlfriend Becky is out shopping and spending Mac's money. He calls her and needs bail money. He acts all fine about her spending money, and she thinks he is going to be pissed. He is pissed, but he needs her to bail him out and take care of his business. Becky seems like all she cares about is Mac's money. Yeah, Mac got himself into some trouble. If she is gonna be with him, she needs to support him. Oh yeah, and there is some hot and heavy sex too. "Y’all ain’t gonna believe what happened next! This bitch walked around her desk, sat on it, spread her legs wide open, and snapped her fingers and pointed to her pussy� (p.94) I was glad that his sister introduced him to her friend Tanisha. Tanisha seemed like a sweet girl and Mac really liked her. He had a lot of women, but I really felt in my heart that Tanisha was the one for him and he would always be true to her. Tanisha You need to read this book to find out what goes down, but I have to tell you that Mac gets locked up again and was set up by the drug task force. It pisses me off that he was set up. He was locked up in 2005 and is still locked up to this day. He was convicted of a crime that he was never actually charged with. This is a true life story (except for him killing anyone and escaping). He really wants to get across to the readers that he knows that he made some bad choices and drugs are not the way to go, but there are some people out there that just will do anything to better themselves, even if it means setting someone up to benefit themselves. I loved the writing. It's totally a gangster book and he doesn't try and change the wording. He says it like it is. This book really opened my eyes to the gangster world. The sex scenes were off the chain! I really hope that he can get out and be with his wife and kids and get his rap career rolling!

5 out of 5 diamonds!


43 Go out and get this book! Awesome book!



I got the pleasure of interviewing Daddy Rich about his book, and here it is!

Cheryl Francis: Why did you write your book, and where did the inspiration come from?

Daddy Rich: I wrote the book‌the book was supposed to have been a movie. It was supposed to have been a direct to DVD movie. Before I got incarcerated, I was an underground gangster rapper, and I got a nationwide distribution contract, and inside that contract was an option for me to do direct to DVD movies. I had the idea that I was going to do a movie based on my life, and I ended up getting locked up, you know, for the drug charges and all that and I couldn't make the movie because I was locked up and I'm a creative person, you know what I mean, I had to create, so I ended up writing the book instead of making the movie and that's how I came up with it.

Cheryl Francis: What do you hope people will take away after finishing your book?

Daddy Rich: I want them to be entertained. I want them to be highly entertained and think that it’s one of the best books that they ever read, but 43


at the same time I want them to take away from the book that hey, the drug game—it’s just not worth it. I don't care how much money you make, it’s just not worth it because like I said in the book at the end--if you get caught, and most everybody gets caught eventually or you get killed eventually, but if you get caught, you will sell everything that you got and you will give up all the money that you have to try o get your freedom back. So in the end it's really not worth it.

Cheryl Francis: What makes your book different than other books?

Daddy Rich: I think what makes my book different than other books is that it's real…and the language…the way it's written. You know I'm from Indiana. There is not too many urban fiction authors from Indiana that I know of, so what makes my book authentic is the way I talk, the language I use, and the way it's worded--that's what makes my book different. It's a breath of fresh air to everybody that's been reading these urban fiction for the last 10 years or so.

Cheryl Francis: Are you reading any books right now?

Daddy Rich: As a matter of fact I am. I’m reading : by Mz. Robinson ,

I’m reading

What We Won't Do For Love

that for fun. What I am reading serious is The

Millionaire Zone: 7 Winning Steps to a Seven-Figure Fortune by

my second time reading this.

Cheryl Francis: Who is your favorite author?


Jennifer Openshaw. It’s


Daddy Rich: I have two favorite authors: K'wan and James Patterson

Cheryl Francis: What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Daddy Rich: Rewriting it, oh that makes me mad because the institution where I’m at…they are backwards. They don't want us to do nothing, you know what I’m saying, they don’t want us to do nothing for ourselves to better ourselves, but after I wrote the book and had it all done I wanted to type it up, you know what I mean, and I had to get it all together some sort of way to send it out to the streets. I had to rewrite it--the whole book, you know, it was written 400 some pages by hand. I had to rewrite the entire book by hand. That was the hardest part of writing my book. I've written three books like that so far, getting together rough draft and then you rewrite the whole thing again by hand.

Cheryl Francis: After you write do you have access to computer that you can type it on?

Daddy Rich: No, that’s what I’m saying, I don't have access to a computer. I have to send it to out to somebody else to type it out. That doesn't make any sense. They have a computer lab here in this facility, you know what I mean. They don't want us to do anything for ourselves. This is supposed to be the Department of Corrections, but if you think about it-this is job security. What if we all got really got corrected and didn't come back, you know, people would get laid off and they don't want that.

Cheryl Francis: Did you learn anything from writing your book? 45


Daddy Rich: The only thing I learned is how to write, you know what I mean. It taught me how to write a book, and my writing got better in my second book and my third book got even better, you know, and I'm on my 4th and 5th books right now and I’m getting better with those books.

Cheryl Francis: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Daddy Rich: Go hard, keep game, see what's going on and get your hustle game together because that's what it's gonna be all about is your hustle whether you’re self- published or whether you sign to a company--it's still going to be how you push yourself and how you promote and market yourself. That's the advice I give, and don't take no for an answer. There is going to be people that are not going to like your book. There is going to be publishing companies that don't like your book, but be true to yourself and what you write. There is somebody who always told me-even when I was making music—“just be true to yourself. There are a million people just like you somewhere (you know what I mean), and those are the people that are going to buy your book or listen to your music or whatever.”

Cheryl Francis: After you wrote your book and sent it out, did you have anybody edit your book?

Daddy Rich: After I wrote the book, I got it edited; but people didn't ever really try to make a whole bunch of changes to the book. There were some minor changes. I was stubborn. I wasn't going for it. I wouldn't change nothing--anything. I wanted the book out there the way it was. 46


I held to my guns. You see I'm self-published. Gangster Lit is my company, but I don't want it changed because the way it is it what makes it different, and I want it to stay that way, and I don't really want to speak bad on anything, but you know, urban fiction--when I first started reading urban fiction it --was like what I write right now. It was hardcore. It was gritty. It was gangster. It was HARD, and this stuff now--it's watered down, and I blame a lot of it on the editing. That's one of the things that I went through with my book. People wanted to edit my slang—NO--this is street lit, it's supposed to be slang in there. I'm not going to have my narrator talking proper, you know what I mean. Even though I’m not saying the narrator is my book is low education or a dumb SOB, that is just a way that we talk when we’re on the corner hustling, and there is a way that we talk in the board meeting or somewhere like that, and I wasn’t going to have Big Mack sounding like he is in a board meeting somewhere, so that is where I was bumping heads at with editors and stuff. Cheryl Francis: I met an author at our library and he was saying how he writes the books and then he has someone edit it, and they added all kinds of stuff to it and I was surprised. I didn’t realize that they did that. I just thought they wrote the book and had someone correct it.

Daddy Rich: If you don’t like them to stay on, they will put their own spin on everything. Fortunately, I found a couple good editors to work with who respected my craft, my art form, and my own style which is gangster lit in every script. When I come out with it. I’m gonna work with an editor who is going to let me do me and be me . I’m not worried about how it gets put out because I am trying to do my hardest to build gang47


ster lit up to be a company, and I’m going to put my own books out .

Cheryl Francis: Do you have anything to say to your readers?

Daddy Rich: Just read my book, kick back and enjoy it, flip through the pages, have fun and laugh with me, you know what I mean, and be ready for my next ones. I don't know which one to put out next. I might put “Speak No Evil” out next, but I was reading a book that I've been keeping the title under wraps because I am so scared somebody’s gonna steal it, but I was reading it today and yesterday and man, I'm thinking about trying to finish that and get it out. I’m only 73 pages into it writing it and I’m like man, this book is off the hook, THIS is off the chain. I mean, just be ready for my books. Hey, I’ve got some heat. That’s all I can say—I got some heat. I mean, it’s just not a one hit wonder, this isn’t a one hit it quit it. I’ve got books. THE END ---------------------------------------------------------------------The most surprising part of the interview to me is when Daddy Rich told me that he has to hand write his whole book (which I know many authors do), but that he had to REWRITE THE ENTIRE 400 PAGES to send it out to be typed up. I truly commend him for his drive and willingness to get this book out to the public. I am so glad he did, and I really look forward to reading more of his books. (I did not get compensated for my review. This is my honest opinion.) I want to give a big thank you to Daddy Rich for taking me on in his magazine, giving me the opportunity to read his book, and for the great interview. He is truly a great man to deal with. He treats everyone with respect, and really is doing everything he can to get this magazine off the ground. I wish him the best of success as this magazine takes off! Cheryl Francis, Literary Writer/Blogger 48




Editors Note Welcome to the Battle Of The Sexes. Every month in this column, men and women will debate on touchy issues. This month I wanted to address the stigmatism that “All Men Are Dogs.” If, in fact it is true that all men are inclined to “dog women out.” I place the blame on the women. Yes, I said it. It’s the ladies fault. I feel this way because since childhood, we have tried to be men, trying to love and cherish members of the opposite sex. We gave ya’ll our lunch money and picked you dandelions only to get dumped for some other guy. How may of you have ever told a man “you’re too nice?” Women will dog the man who will do anything for them and chase after somebody who don’t care nothin about them. All the way through school our female counterparts have used and mistreated us. So after years of heartbreak we have grown accustom to protecting our feelings. To this day, there are countless numbers of men who love their women, working hard to give their lady everything she needs and desires. And this same lady refers to her man as weak and “whipped” I’ve seen it too many times and so has the average mail dog. Men are not dogs, it’s just an analogy, a cliché that has stuck with us over the years. So please, don’t take it literally. We posted this debate on Emiaj’s network site and the men went hard on this topic. There wasn't much response from the female species. Men:1 Women: zip.


Major Jackson: Why are men dogs or why do men like to cheat is the real question. I have lots of answers and views to this subject, but since dogs were used as an analogy, I'm going to go with my “it’s in men's nature” view. Men are dogs, because we are dogs, at the end of the day we are human beings which is a species in the mammal classification of the animal kingdom, the same classification dogs, lions, whales etc. Most animals in this classification the male mates with numerous females in its lifetime. Faithful relationships and marriages came with being civilized, but at the end of the day 10,000 years or so of being civilized can't compete with 100,000 years of human nature or human instincts. Kimani Nelson: Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. Dogs are of the canine species. Men are not dogs. Men are MEN. Their species is human. As humans we are at the top of the food chain. Some people eat dog, so why downgrade yourself? You're on a much higher level than an animal that waits for your table scraps. To identify with an animal who is lower than you is irresponsible, in my opinion. It's like saying that you don't know better. But you do know better. Despite what happened however many years ago you have been taught better. What separates human beings from any other creature in the animal kingdom is their ability to feel and act on their feelings. You know how it feels when someone is disloyal and unfaithful to you. Why do you do it to others? Now that we are civilized, we must act as civilized individuals and stop making excuses for not being any better than that. 50


Why Are Men Dogs? Social Network Responses Emiaj AhDai It is not my definition....I said a lot of women have come to me...My thoughts are this men and women do exactly what they want to do...I believe men are compared to dogs more simply because of traits of a dog...yes the dog has one owner and loves its owner but when I new person comes around doesn't the dog sniff that person. If they like the scent don't they jump and cuddle up to that person...it doesn't mean the dog is any less loyal to his owner but hey the other rubs his belly....and some women can be compared just as well the same way.... S G :MY NICKNAME...BUT IN THAT CONTEXT...I AM NOT ONE....THINK IT COMES FROM 'DOGGING CHICKS OUT'...BUT HEY... D B :what do you call a female dog? a bitch? damn right!!! most moodiest animal on the planet a ''bitch''.....plus dogs are the most faithful things on this planet only time a dog bites you in the ass is when you're a bad owner. so if ya running around calling ya man a dog? step up ya ownership skills SUCKA!! B M: Dog is too weak...I'm a wolf. C G: A man can't be a dog without women who make it easy ABYW :same reason women are like felines. Felines are naturally sneaky, silent, on the prowl, remain to unseen and unheard when they on the hunt, quick, fast, hard to catch, and has 9 lives lmao. see how hard i just came lol D T S: Kimmbles and bits gonna gets some kimmbles and bits don,t understand why people think p**** every but it,s not i enjoy it But it,s hard dealing with one woman who in the hell needs two or three........ NM: Generalization-maybe you should ask why the men that YOU'VE encountered dogs-your statement is without merit any solid evidence-just your opinion -how would you label a woman that conducts herself in the same way as a man that you'd consider a dog would that also make the woman a dog or are we going to play with semantics and say that it's diiferent if a woman does it? T B: The question is why are the men I've dated are such dogs..all men ain't dogs, & if that's the case all women are bitches..last time I checkd men can't have kids BM: Cause I like to hump...and I do. I don't deny it. RLJ: No. I don't have to defend myself- or Men in general- from an assumption, whether it's a popular assumption or not.

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Dear Emiaj, I met this guy about a month ago though one of my close friends, but before meeting him I had already met a few of his friends but I was holding out to meet him. In the beginning he painted a picture of wants more out of life. He even went as far as letting me know the he had spent time in jail. I am not judgmental when it comes others past because I am far from perfect. Right now he is without a job due to this time in jail. He has claimed that it is hard finding work in our area. So I managed to pay for everything every time we would go out whether it was dinner or even to the movies. Now I work two jobs and go to school full time, so I barley have quality time. He uses my car during the day because he says he is looking for work. I also told him that I would even help him with his resume. Well he never gave me the info for his resume`. He did manage to submit applications online while I was with him. As for going out and filling out application, he would claim to be sleep or he forgot to go. I chalked all that up to be lazy. Then everything came to light. Pretty much he was spending time with his lazy, lame friends who do nothing but get high all day. When he and I are together it seems as if his friends are always calling him. I don’t have a problem with them calling. It is more of the conversations they are having. When they call it is late at night, like around two or three in the morning. They end up asking him why he didn’t come to the club. They also tell him about all the fine females there were there. I feel like this is very disrespectful to me because I am supposed to be his girl. Not once has he ever said “Man that is cool but you know I have a girl”. We were supposed to spend new years together. He even went as far finding a ride to where I was going to be. Needless to say he never showed up and I spent new years alone. I ended up just going to bed mad. Then come to find out he was out getting high with his friends. I allowed him to use my computer. He logged into his Facebook page and forgot to log out. When I went to long into mine all of his information was still there. I saw that he had been having conversation with a young girl (high school age). He was going on and on about how his birthday was coming up and he was having a party and she and her friends were invited. I found this to be down right disrespectful. I called him and let him know exactly how I felt about the en-




tire situation, and basically we were done. Now Emiaj it has been three years since I have been in an actual relationship. That has been by choice. I have been through so much that I have a very low tolerance for the things I am going through now. People have often said that I am too headstrong. Is this true? I don’t accept excuses for not living up to my expectations. I have a very hard time letting my guard down, but with guy I was able to. To be honest I was scared of running him away with my mess than him running around on me. I have been married twice and divorced twice. I know I have trust issues. He has been begging me by text message, saying things such as he misses me and that he loves me. I don’t believe him at all because he told me that he has said the same things to women before me. The only reason he said them were because that is what they wanted to hear. This is making me think that he is only saying them to me for the same reason. My friends recently saw him out and he asked them where I was. He even tried to make me out to be the bad person to them by saying I left him lonely. The funny thing is that his friends are still in his ear. Even when we were together he would tell them he was not pressed about me but whenever he wasn’t around them it was “I miss you”. It’s like he was always fronting on me. I also let him know I was unhappy and he has now asked me what make me happy. Emiaj, should I give him another chance? I really want to be in a relationship. I feel like he could be the one. I am only hurt because it took three years for me to get to this point and all of this happens. “Confused”

Dear Confused, After knowing this young man for a month or so, you have managed to give him the world. NO, this should not be happening so early. You all are still in the “Get to know you” stage. Never in this stage should you allow a man to use your car and have so much access to you. This stage should last at least ninety days. During this time period there are no sexual acts going on. I know people want to test drive before purchasing the car, and that’s fine just not at this point. Also, during this stage he should not be spending the night at your house or vice versa. Make him work for what could be the best possible thing that can happen to him. I can understand you are not judgmental about his situation but you have to look at it like this. Are you willing to work on this work in progress of a man? If so then you help him by guiding him in the right direction, do not do it for him. He is a grown little man he can do it himself. If not say lets be friends and you do what is best for you. You seem to have you head on right and you have places you want to go in life. So why not date someone along those lines? Sometimes people sale us on their dreams but they have nothing to support them. Then they become nothing but “sales pitches”. A man is going to work if he is hungry. I was always told a man who doesn’t work doesn’t eat. I feel like he 53


is a follower. He is scared to get away from those “so-called” friends. To me I think he needs to grow up a lot more. I noticed you didn’t say anything about his age. Let me ask you a question then I want you to sit back and think about your answer. Do you think he has even told his friends that he is in a relationship with you? Most men if they are really into you, they will let their homeboys know. “I am with my girl right now, and I am not interested in that right now.” Now when he is away from you, men talk just like women talk so they are going to have that conversation. Always expect them to be men around other men, and that is fine because it natural. You can also look at it like this. His friends are use to him being single and doing single man things and they have not adjusted to the thought yet. Keep in the back of your mind misery loves company. If those guys are unhappy with their own situation they want him to join in on it to. As for New Years, that is not unacceptable. You were better off calling a friend and going out. Never have just one set of plan always have a back up plan, for this exact reason. It is not healthy going to sleep mad. My suggestion to you when you are so mad that you feel like you can spit nails, do so. What I mean by that is; go on and get that off your chest. You are sitting over there mad about what he has done and he doesn’t even know you are mad. He probably doesn’t even care if you are sitting there by yourself. I love it when people come to me and say “Facebook broke up my relationship.” No, Facebook did not break up your relationship; the person you are with broke it up. I am more concerned with the fact that he is talking to young girls who are still in high school. How old is he? You are right if he is in your home on your computer communicating with random females that is very disrespectful. You have to draw the line some where. How did he respond to this? Did he give you some excuse like “I know her brother” or “I went to school with her” those are always my favorite two. I am glad you were able to get that of your chest right then and there. I had to laugh out loud because I just told you to start getting things off your chest and don’t go to sleep mad. I am going to be completely honest with you. It sounds like you have some things that you need to work on before you get into a full relationship with someone. The fact that you have been married twice and divorced twice shows me that. You stated that you haven’t been in a relationship in over three year, then all of sudden you are ready for one. My question to you is, over the last three years what have you done to prepare yourself for the dating world? Just from reading your letter I don’t get that you are ready. Having trust issues are the hardest ones to deal with. You always think someone is lying when they are trying to be genuine. I suggest you don’t give them all of your trust all at once. It is alright to give it in pieces. That way when it is betrayed you don’t feel so much hurt. It is alright to be head-strong as well as have your guard up; it will help you out in the long run. Men will see that you are about your business and not to be run over.



Now with this young man, look at your statement “I don’t believe him at all because he told me that he has said the same things to women before me. The only reason he said them were because that is what they wanted to hear.” You know just as well as I know, that he meant just what he said. All that “I love you” and “I miss you” is just to get back in you good graces so that he can continue to take advantage. Please do not fall for this. He is even smart enough to try to get your friends to feel sorry for him, so they will talk you into being with him. As for giving him another chance, that is up to you. I will say this is not the time to do so. He needs to mirror you in your goals. First, he needs to find a job and stop acting as if there is nothing out there for him. There are plenty of companies’ especially small ones who will give someone a chance. I suggest you try to date yourself for a while. Do things that you like to do, even invite one of your single girlfriends along. Treat yourselves to the dinner and a movie, bowling nights, etc... When ever you are in a public places with your girlfriends’ majority of the time there are single men out as well. Spark up a conversation, even demonstrate some healthy competition. In the process you and your friends might get a free meal or even a couple of free bowling games, and even walk away with a new number. If you do that there are some things I want you to try. Now this time period should be about ninety days to six months. You should become friends with the man that you are interested in. I am firm believer in being friends first. During this time you should be getting to know everything from his likes to his dislikes, what he does for a living, does he have kids, etc…There is no sex in this stage. Sex clouds the mind every time. So that is why there is no sex.. Going through this process helps you determine if you really like him and willing to work on something more with him. I will tell you it works because it helps you learn how to trust people. If you go through the nonsense like you are now in the first month. You can walk away and lose nothing. I hope that you have gained something from what I have said here. Good luck to you on your journey. Let me know how this turns out for you.


If you have a relationship question or need relationship advice and want to see it published here, send your question to AskEmiaj@gmail.com 55



57 Why do married people cheat? I know for some of us this topic is hard and for some of us this topic is not an issue at all. I would like to know why married people cheat. I’ve asked a number of co-workers and friends that question. They gave me a number of reasons. I would like my readers to help me understand what you agree with and what you don’t agree with. One of my friends has been married for three years now. Her husband has cheated on her more than thirteen times. I asked her over and over again why she stayed. It’s pretty clear that the love, respect, and trust have been lost a long time ago. I can’t agree staying with anyone that has the desire to cheat on me, even once. Some men and women say that they cheat because they don’t get the time and attention from their mate like they used to. They want something new, but they don’t want to walk away from what they believe they have. Everything always starts off good in a relationship. We can’t seem to make it through the day without even talking to our new love interest. New love is always good and refreshing to the soul, heart and mind. Nothing has to grow old if we don’t want it to. At times we often forget what we have and after having kids or being married for awhile, things can get stale. Just remember how that love interest made you feel in the beginning and try to never lose sight of that. Never play with anyone’s emotions because it’s dangerous and not fair to all the parties that are involved. I know there are days you would like to just walk away from your marriage or relationship that you’re involved in, however, just make sure that’s what you really want. It’s never fun to be involved in a bittersweet relationship. Men and women should always know their own worth and never play or try to be second best in they’re relationships. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that you never listen to a married man or woman, because you will only hear from them what they want you to know about the relationship that they’re in at the time. If those who cheat are so unhappy, then you have to ask yourself, why are they still in the relationship? Why does it seem that you only get to spend time with you partner when it’s convenient for them? Why do they hang up and only text you when their lovers come into the room? I can go on and on with many reasons. However, that’s not important. Know your own worth and don’t put yourself in a situation that you might regret later. Readers, remember when you love someone with all of your heart you’ll never want to cheat on them. We all get fed up with our husbands, wives, boyfriends, and girlfriends but it’s not worth cheating on them, and possibly losing them forever. Remember, we all have our own flaws. There’s something to think about, ladies and gentlemen. So tell me your stories readers and your thoughts of why people cheat.

Article By Kynesha Rodgers Photo By Joeseph Philbert of Philbert Photography



Cheating In every relationship you are making a commitment to them. However in most cases some may believe that if you’re not married to someone, then it’s not considered cheating. Before marriage comes a relationship. To some others it’s not cheating but its being unfaithful to the relationship that you committed to. As a woman we can always tell when something is wrong. If you’re cheating we got that feeling that you are. There are many red flags that show you signs of cheating when their attitude changes, their routine, less intercourse and etc. The big question is, would you stay or leave if you found out you were being cheated on? Most people’s first response would be to leave because they don’t want to deal with it, but even if you leave you’re still going to think about it or them. Some people said they would stay and try to come to an understanding. It all depends on how much you got in this relationship, it is an investment, just take the time to listen, as some fail to do. Its best to try to mend things before they get out of hand, cheating is not right, but if you can work it out why not try. If your unhappy at home, let the other person know, maybe you can fix it and work it out. If you feel you got to cheat then leave. Don’t lead the person on, you can just be honest and let go. No one deserves to be unhappy or cheated on. No one deserves to go through the heartache and pain. Cheating on one another needs to stop, getting even is just going to make things worse not better. By Erica Policastro

Photo by Joeseph Philbert of Philbert Photography 58



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Photo by Joeseph Philbert of Philbert Photography



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Love Conquers All Richarh and Taneisa

It has been said that the foundation of a good, lasting marriage should be friendship, trust, honesty, communication, and dedication. We all know that lust and romance alone can not sustain a healthy marriage. The amazing married couple in this article encompasses all of these qualities and then some. We could all take a lesson on real love and dedication to one's spouse from these two. This is the story of Richarh and Taneisa Tyson.

The couple first met in the Summer of 2004 when Taneisa was trying to get in touch with her friend who also happened to be Richarh's sister. Her first impression of Richarh as he sat outside in shorts and a “wife beater� tank top was that he was cute but homeboy had quite the reputation. Taneisa knew she was too good to be another one of his lady friends or many groupies. She wasn't falling for his charm so easily like everyone else. While a romance did not begin at point, they did develop a strong friendship that continued even after Richarh was set up for a crime and sent to jail.

You always learn who your real friends are when your money or freedom is taken away and after his incarceration, Richarh definitely learned who was really there for him. Everyone that had their hands out while he was free was now gone. Everyone but Taneisa that is. She was still there for him and making sure he had what he needed, made sure he could call her, and even helped him get a lawyer. On the flip side, Richarh was also there for Taneisa during a stay in the hospital. She was ill and not a one of her friends or family came to be with her while she was in the hospital on New Years Eve. It was Richarh that called her during the countdown and they rang in the New 62


Year together over the phone. This sealed the deal and they were a couple from there on after. It usually takes something drastic to happen in your life for you to discover what is real and what is not. During this trying time, two people found their true loves.

that these are two people sincerely and deeply in love with each other. I myself was inspired at the devotion and unwavering dedication that each have displayed through this extremely difficult time. We are hoping that Richarh, also known as Daddy Rich, will be released soon. His case actually has seven issues, that if reviewed by the Federal Court, will set him free. It is in our prayers that this happens so this family can be together and live as a husband and wife are meant to. You can read more about Richarh and Taneisa's relationship and his case by reading his book “Mack's Revenge: All Hell Breaks Loose”. Just visit www.gangsta-lit.com.

The two married in April 2007 and are still very much in love. The astonishing thing is that they have yet to physically consummate their marriage due to Richarh's wrongful incarceration. This marriage is based on nothing but true love, friendship, understanding, and trust. All of the things needed for a successful, lasting marriage. After Richarh's trial was over and he was found guilty, the thought of his new wife eventually leaving him was driving him crazy. He offered to give her a divorce instead of sitting in jail and wondering everyday if today would be the day she would leave him. Her response to his divorce offering was “I don't care if they give you 100 years, I'm not leaving”. Taneisa is still by his side six years later.

Despite any negativity that friends or family may be trying to plant in Taneisa's heart, she remains true and diligently stays with her husband. I asked her in spite of all of the hardships, how does she know that Richarh is the one? She replied, “Richarh is in tune with me and my emotions, he is sweet, and has not changed since we have met. Richarh is real, what you see is what you get. He is my best friend”. It is very easy to make judgment from the outside looking in but real love comes in all shapes, shades, and circumstances.” I have spoken to both Taneisa and Richarh at length about their relationship and I can honestly say

Happy Valentine's Day, Nikki Ransom



What makes a relationship Work? By: Arlene Harrison Relationships require a lot of work. You can’t just get in one and think it’s going to be smooth sailing. Both parties have to give 100% to the relationship at all times. It can’t be, well you should have done this or I feel you should have done it like this. Well when all alone you need to have in your head, “What could I have done to make this situation/ relationship better”? Below are some things that will make or keep a relationship on a positive note and pushing on to a brighter future: 1. Communication – if you communicate on a regular basis then things would not be as complicated and complex as those that end up in break ups or divorce. Communication is so important with out it then why even be there. 2. Understanding – you must understand each other and the things they have going on. If your mate has a job that requires a lot of their time then respect that especially if they had it when you met. If your mate is involved is positive groups or organizations that they have devote themselves to under64

65 stand that. No that your mate do what they do to better themselves or a situation. It may even open doors for them in the long run so know what the purpose is before you blow up. 3. Trust – you must have trust in order to maintain a relationship. Without trust you will worry yourself every time your spouse is not in your eye sight. Just because you think their cheating doesn’t mean they are. That is when you go back to Communication and ask or talk to them about what’s on your mind. Yelling and being irate is not going to help the situation at all. Keep a level head and discus the issue at hand like two adults. Just know that your mate’s job may call for them to be around the opposite sex a lot of the time. That doesn’t mean they want them, but that this is my job and I will do it without disrespecting myself and my spouse. 4. Romance – now remember romance is what got you and in order to keep you they will have to keep it up. Before the relationship you were wined and dinned. Now that you’re married he or she feels that oh I got you and I don’t have to do it any more. WRONG, you need to continue this routine. See if you surprise your mate here and there with the simple things then the major things will be appreciated even more. The simple candle light dinners at home, the rose petals on the bed and in the bath water with candles all over are the simple things that men and women both love. The picnics in the park. The romantic get aways are a plus also. Keeping the romance is a great way of keeping your mate in love with you also you in love with them. Look into purchasing the book: Enchantment of Dreams by Arlene Harrison. It has some great romance situations inside. 5. Goals – ok you thought goals were just for the youngsters that are getting out of high school and out into the world. No in a relationship you must have goals. For example: you two live in an apartment and have one child on the way. You goal may or need to be. A) By this date I would have worked enough over time to pay down on this house for us to move into. B) By this date I would have bought all the items on our list for the baby to arrive. C). By this date the baby will be here at home and she and my wife will be comfortable while I continue to work and provide for them the life style I feel we are custom to. See goals also work in a relationship with careers no one wants to be with someone who wants to flip burgers for the rest of their life. Go for management or something above what you are now. These are just a few things you can use and work in a relationship to make it work for the better. Try them I promise you it can’t hurt.

By: Arlene Harrison Photo By Joeseph Philbert of Philbert Photography



Will You Cum Already? BY REDD LION Men often wonder how a woman, who has never experienced an orgasm during sexual intercourse, can enjoy having sex. During sex, a man will go for hours, switching positions every few minutes, while hoping to hit that “soft spot.” The area that, when rubbed the right way, will cause her legs to tremble, or buckle around his waist, her head to jerk back, and scratches on his back, which can sometimes require a Band-Aid. Sweat dripping from his brows, he’s about to cum, but…his wife, mistress, lover, has not reached her natural high! He’ll hold back,

Photo by Joeseph Philbert of Philbert Photography

resisting what he came for, while believing that he has some type of magic stick that will perform better than the ex’s that he learned about over dinner. Gentlemen, save yourself the extra sweat! A woman’s inability to experience an orgasm, during sexual intercourse has nothing to do with you, and how big, or good you might be in the bedroom. There are women out there who have never, and probably will never experience and orgasm during sexual intercourse. 66


??? Anorgasmia is an inability to reach orgasm and is thought to occur in about ten percent of women. Anorgasmia may be either primary (the woman has never been able to reach an orgasm by any means) or secondary (an orgasm was experienced at some point in the past). It may also be global (orgasm is not experienced by any means)

or situational (orgasm may be experienced in certain sexual situations but not others; for example, with manual stimulation but not with intercourse). It is suggested that the woman should relax, communicate with her significant other, encourage him to continue if they are performing something pleasurable, enjoy and feel comfortable with her sexuality, and to fantasize, thinking about something that will excite her. The end result will be the woman becoming aroused, reaching that unknown peak, as her significant other continues to stimulate her with his hands, lips, or tongue. I must also add that a woman can obtain pleasure during sexual intercourse, minus the orgasm. Turn that four play into twelve play! Allow your tongue to do the “talking� with your fingers, caressing, rubbing, and pulling on her hmmm! You feel in the blank...





Dear Kitty Get the answers to your intimate questions! Hey Ki y, What are some of the best ways to s mulate the G-spot? -Jacob, KS

Jacob, The G-spot is approximately one to two inches inside the upper wall of the vagina (if she is lying on her back), and it swells when s mulated during arousal. The best way to s mulate the G-spot, or Skene’s gland, is to insert your index and/or middle finger into the vagina with your palm facing up. Using a comehither mo on, apply pressure to the upper wall of the vagina. You’ll feel a slightly rough patch about the size of a nickel. A curved sex toy in her vagina also works effec vely. Placing a pillow beneath her pelvis during male superior (missionary) can lt her pelvis upward, crea ng a be er angle for penis/G-spot s mula on. Having a female lean down and forward during rear entry (doggy style) can make the G-spot more accessible. Remember, most women don’t reach orgasm from G-spot play but from clitoral s mula on, so don’t stray too far from what’s most effec ve. Hi Ki y, My wife asked to play with my bu with a strap-on dildo. I’m weirded out by this. Is she trying to see if I am gay or something? -Gary, MD

Hi Gary, I doubt she’s trying to prove you’re gay, but maybe she’s expressing some deeper sexual fantasies of domina on or kink. Strap-on play, or pegging, within heterosexual couples is a fast-growing sexual behavior. It doesn’t mean you’re gay, it means you’re open-minded. It’s a misconcep on to associate ass play with homosexuality. Not all gay men prac ce anal sex and many gay men prac ce oral sex. Does this mean you’re gay when your wife performs oral sex on you? Not at all, because she’s a woman. Being gay (sexual a rac on to the same sex) is a self-defined orienta on and in your example, strap-on play is a sexual behavior between a heterosexual couple.

PlaywithDnK.com (571)402-2605 69






He Said Whaaaaat??? By Benjye Smith

Did u know that on average, a romance novel uses the word "naked" bout twenty fives times every 250 pages written? That's a lot if u think about how long Harlequin, Danielle Steele, and other such authors and publishers have been putting out books. So its safe to say that naked is a pretty common term right? Naked happens all the time, u might have to get naked and not even know it. For example, your doctor might tell u to get naked and put on this gown I’ll b back for your exam . You might unexpectedly get asked to go somewhere with a homie right after work or right after doing work, in which u might reply hold up I gotta jump in the shower

right quick, which obviously would require u to get naked. It may not even have to be a surprise, you might sleep naked on a normal basis, hell depending on how u roll you may even walk around the house naked.

However, as plain and as innocent as the word "naked" is by itself you can change the words whole completion by putting one word in front of it. That’s right I’m talking about the word "butt".

Yeah all of a sudden that sweet little word

"naked" has become something serious. How many times do you think Harlequin has used the phrase "butt naked" in a book, that ain't romantic. What if that same doctor switched it up and said to you get "butt naked and and put on this gown ill be back

for your exam", i promise you, you'd ask him for a better explanation of what the fuck he is about to do to you. No matter your social classification, In America no matter where you are or who you talk to people understand "butt naked". In the uppity communities some might even get startled about "butt naked", this means nothings covered, your just out there. Not like that first time you had sex and ya’ll left your shirts on, that would classify as naked. This is butt naked, this this means nothings covered, your just out there. Not like that first time you had sex and ya’ll left



your shirt on, that would classify as naked. This is butt naked, this This is especially dangerous for white men who experience shrinkage.

Ya’ll know what that is don’t

front. That’s when your "thang thang" is sitting on top your nuts like a dead turtle, and the only reason i didn’t include the brothas on the shrinkage thing is because when a brotha is "butt naked" and cold the only thing shrinking is his patience because somebody is blocking him from the heat or putting his clothes back on.

I ain’t done because you know that there is a naked more naked than "butt naked" right? Oh yes, that would be called "butt ass naked". This is a term more commonly used in the hood to better explain a naked situation more clear, and this is often but not limited to story telling. This means that not only was somebody "butt naked" they were either unexpectedly "butt naked", for example, somebody might say "Cuz i went kitchen to go grab us some drinks and the next thing i know i come back in and this babe was 'butt ass naked". Or it could mean something happened while you were butt naked that wasn't supposed to, In which you might hear "Dawg what happened to me last night, all i remember is i woke up and i was 'but ass naked". Still sleeping on the power of the words "butt ass naked"? Then do this, sit within hearing distance of a group of black people and say, "and that nigga was butt ass naked", and watch and see how many people turn around and get all up in your business. Don’t get it twisted, butt naked is still naked, but "butt ass naked" has a story to tell.

So now that you've been schooled on the different levels of naked, hopefully you can better determine what level of naked your trying to get to and if there is a chance that your ass might get arrested.



Girl, take care of that. By Jo Jo Rangal

Chillin in the bar average night just out for a sip. When I'm approached by a lil fella all uncomfortably close and shit. So I thought to myself be cool don't swing on em and enjoy the rest of my drink. So I calmly said to him "yo you kinda close don't you think" And my god to my surprise I thought my ears were broke. A girls voice came out of lil homies throat. This wasn't a man this was a woman, a lady, someone's child. With a growth on her lip that looked like chimps gone wild. Now I'm not doggin you women wit some facial hair problems Trust me yall I got a few aunts and cousins that got em. But this girl knew that tonight she was going out wit her crew She could have done something bout that foo man choo I mean style it up wit some beads even add some glitter Do something girl otherwise people will be callin you mister Shave you some lines in it finger waves even some dreads but if you gonna keep it give the same attention as the hair on your head. All out here wonderin why you single and cant find a man Girl its because you runnin round here lookin like that dude on the pringles can. Now this lil poem wasn't meant to offend Jus to bring attention to you ladies looking like men. Your friends should have told you if they where more on you side. But u should have known from the glances that go back and fourth from your lip to your eyes. Didn't mean to get off course but shorty knew from my expression that this poem was going thru my head and there was no chance for a connection. So as I watched her and her stache limp out of sight. It was time to go home she done fucked up my night.






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