全民英檢保證班中級聽力測驗 (含解析)

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Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level

聽力測驗 蔣裕祺•林依蓉 合著

Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level


作者序 「全民英檢」(General English Proficiency Test) 中級測驗,是財團法人語言訓練 測驗中心 (The Language Training & Testing Center) 五級考試(初、中、中高、高、優 級)中,第一個完成研發上路的考試級數。自民國 89 年開辦至今,已有至少 16 年 的歷史。依據 LTTC 資料顯示, 「全民英檢」自民國 89 年推出以來,報考人次已超過 600 萬,中級測驗每年報考人數約 18 萬人。近五年報考人數逐年增加,特別是國、 高中學生成長幅度最為顯著,平均每年增加一萬多名考生。 GEPT 中級的檢測程度,相當於歐洲語言參考架構 (CEFR) B1 之級數。測驗項 目包含初試的聽力、閱讀及複試的口說、寫作四項評量。通過第一階段(聽力、閱 讀測驗)者,可取得「中級初試通過證書」 。連同第二階段(口說、寫作測驗)一併 通過者,方可取得「中級全民英語能力分級檢定測驗合格證書」 。 GEPT 中級考試檢測對象為一般社會人士及國中(含)以上學生 1,檢測使用簡 單英語進行日常生活溝通的能力。欲通過 GEPT 中級英語檢定,考生必需能夠理解 日常生活與工作職場的簡單英語。日常生活英語包含一般的對話、公共場所廣播、 氣象報告及廣告等大意。工作職場英語則涵蓋簡易的產品介紹與操作說明,並具備 理解外籍人士的談話及詢問事項之能力。 本書結構主要分成 Part 1: 中級聽力測驗及聽力小講堂,以及 Part 2: 中級聽力測 驗解析。Part 1 的十回中級聽力仿真模擬考題,依據兩大出題方向(日常生活、工作 職場)來編寫三種中級聽力題型(看圖辨義、問答、簡短對話) ,以全新考題加最高 難度,來鍛鍊考生的英文聽力。每回聽力測驗後搭配一則聽力小講堂,透過聽力技 巧的培養來儲備應考能力。Part 2 的十回中級聽力測驗解析,包括每一回模擬考題完 整的聽力測驗錄音內容、中文翻譯、答題解析及重要單字、片語解說,方便讀者做 完模擬試題後,參照解析進行檢討,掌握學習進度。 考試的目的在於印證所學,希望讀者藉由本書十回中級聽力試題的演練,加上 聽力小講堂和測驗解析的幫助,能在既有的實力基礎上,百尺竿頭、更進一步! 本書承蒙堂奧圖書的支持,得以成書。編輯過程感謝責任編輯陳詩恬 (Stacy







Questions 9 to 11

9. ____

10. ____



11. ____






Questions 12 and 13

Test 1

12. ____


13. ____


Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level


Questions 14 and 15

14. ____


15. ____




Chairman of the Board David Johnson

President & CEO Michael Zack

Director , Marketing

Director , Operations & Technology

Director , HR & Finance

Robert Carter

Alan Barrie

Chris Jensen

第一部分 看圖辨義







共 15 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出一英文問句或直述句之後,從試題冊上 A、B、C、D 四個回答或回應中,選出一個最適合者作答。每題只播出一遍。


A. Please mind the platform gap. B. No, please go ahead.

Do you mind if I open the window?

C. No, but the door is already open. D. I cannot tell you what to do.

正確答案為 B,請在答案紙上塗黑作答。

019  16. ______ A. I’m sorry. There is a hole.

022  19. ______ A. You can find them in stationery

B. Sure. No problem.


C. You’re welcome.

B. I used to hide them.

D. The door is closed.

C. I found some there.

D. I’m sorry. I’ll put them back in the drawer.

020  17. ______ A. My brother is taller than me.

023  20. ______ A. No. But he’s sometimes late for class.

B. I don’t like shirts.

B. No. He’s missed a lot of classes.

C. I like the blue ones better.

C. Yes. He thinks attendance is

D. I prefer pears.


021  18. ______ A. That’s too bad. I’m looking forward

to it.


D. No. It’s hard for him to be punctual.

024  21. ______ A. No. It’s airy here.

B. No. Not at all.

B. Pick me up if it is rainy.

C. Yes. I’ve made up my mind.

C. The park is not crowded.

D. Yes. The heater is not working.

D. The train will be canceled.

Test 1

Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level



025  22. ______ A. His students are not attentive.

030  27. ______ A. Cut the carrots into small pieces.

B. He wants his students to be creative.

B. The band is performing this evening.

C. His students are usually amused.

C. I don’t have any knives.

D. No wonder his students look puzzled.

D. You should have been more careful.

026  23. ______ A. It’s 1,000 kilograms.

031  28. ______ A. Yes. They may use dictionaries.

B. It’s 2,000 square feet.

C. It’s four stories high.

D. It’s five floors tall.

B. Yes. They must bring rulers with them.

C. No. It’s against the rules.

D. No. It’s strongly recommended.

027  24. ______ A. They sell real estate.

032  29. ______ A. Sure. I’m looking forward to it.

B. They are going to move to America.

B. The rock is not my favorite.

C. They like it here.

C. The concert hall is closed.

D. Mr. Smith’s office is in the

D. I don’t have their new album.


028  25. ______ A. About 30.

033  30. ______ A. My cousin went surfing.

B. There is no more room.

B. We visited several museums.

C. There are many facilities.

C. Few people went camping last winter.

D. The rates are 2,500 NT dollars per

D. It was freezing, but we had lots of



029  26. ______ A. I’ve seen worse.

B. There was not much romance.

C. The motorbike stunts are really amazing.

D. I don’t enjoy animation.









共 15 題,每題請聽光碟放音機播出一段對話及一個相關的問題後,從試題冊上 A、B、C、

D 四個選項中選出一個最適合者作答。每段對話及問題只播出一遍。



How was your trip to Paris?

(Woman) Fantastic! One of the best trips in my life.

A. She enjoyed her French lessons. B. She joined a local tour with her family. C. She had a wonderful experience abroad. D. She tripped over her pet at the door.

Question What does the woman mean?

正確答案為 C,請在答案紙上塗黑作答。

035  31. ______ A. A hardware store

038  34. ______ A. It’s not what the woman ordered.

B. A clinic

B. It’s gone bad.

C. A jewelry shop

C. It’s not sweet enough.

D. A grocery store

D. They cannot ask for another bowl.

036  32. ______ A. Lend Brian his homework.

039  35. ______ A. He had nightmares.

B. Ask for forgiveness.

B. He didn’t find it enjoyable.

C. Crash Brain’s party.

C. The movie’s review was bad.

D. Wait until Brian ceases to be mad at

D. They sneaked into an R-rated film.



037  33. ______ A. They are lost.

040  36. ______ A. Something was missing.

B. The lava flow is coming.

B. He couldn’t find his cell phone.

C. They are running out of gas.

C. WIFI connection was bad.

D. They’ve never been to the volcano.

D. The charger was broken.

Test 1

Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level

041  37. ______ A. Its food is sour and spicy.

046  42. ______ A. Take vitamins.

B. It provides discounts today.

B. Stop working every half hour.

C. It is staffed with a good cook.

C. Practice reading the sign.

D. It is within walking distance.

D. Try not to use the computer.

38. ______ A. A bike




047  43. ______ A. The bathroom

B. A merchant

B. The kitchen

C. E-commerce

C. The laundry room

D. Shopping

D. The dining room

043  39. ______ A. At the subway station

048  44. ______ A. He could be put out of work.

B. At the movie theater

B. He is likely to get a scholarship.

C. At the amusement park

C. He might get a zero for his work.

D. At the bus stop

D. His teacher will be very pleased.

044  40. ______ A. She was an athlete.

049  45. ______ A. She does not get a raise.

B. She went jogging.

B. She has work to do.

C. She had to work.

C. She does not like to work in sales.

D. Her TV was broken.

D. She is unhappy about the promotion.

045  41. ______ A. The pocket could be torn.

B. It might harm the phone.

C. It’s difficult to take out the phone.

D. It’s bad for your health.

第三部分 簡短對話





聽力小講堂 ( 一 ) 為什麼我聽不懂 ? 全民英檢中級考試的聽力測驗,目的在於檢測考生是否能夠理解包括日 常生活與工作職場的簡易英語。考生在正式上考場前,通常會針對考試做準 備及練習。準備考試的第一個步驟,是透過模擬試題,了解考試的方式與自 己的優缺點,接著才能根據需求,擬定準備的方向和目標。一般考生在聽力 測驗的部分若有困難,可以就下列的原因,試著診斷問題的來源,找出自己 應該加強或改善的地方。造成聽力方面的障礙可能包括: 1. 發音有問題: 發音看似和聽力無關,實則不然。聽和說是息息相關的英語技能,如果 無法正確地唸出一個單字,聽到這個字時,也極有可能辨認不出來。所 以要增進聽力,首先應該要求自己,唸每一個單字時,務必發音準確, 特別是母音和重音,為辨識該字的重要依據,應該力求正確。 2. 不熟悉英語發音特點: 除了認識單字的發音外,英語還有許多發音的特色,例如:語調、句子 的重音、連音等,都是會影響意義的因素。如果不熟悉這些特點,恐怕 無法完全掌握句意。 3. 對特定英語腔調不熟悉: 英語是國際上相當普及的一種語言,難免有南腔北調之別。如果平常學 習和使用只限於某種腔調,例如美式英語,自然對其他腔調會比較陌 生。 4. 字彙量不足: 中級考試考題的字彙用量,達 4,947 字,如果考生的字彙不及這個水 準,在理解上可能會產生某些困難。 5. 文法觀念薄弱: 一般而言,口語牽涉的文法雖較書寫簡單,但仍有一定的章法。若不了 解英語組織的基本規則,就算字彙量足夠,也有可能無法解讀文句。


Tip 1

3 Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level



中級聽力測驗解析 第三回 第一部分:看圖辨義



1. B

6. B

11. D

16. D

21. D

26. A

31. A

36. A

41. A

2. B

7. D

12. B

17. A

22. B

27. B

32. B

37. D

42. D

3. D

8. A

13. B

18. C

23. A

28. A

33. B

38. B

43. C

4. B

9. A

14. B

19. B

24. D

29. C

34. A

39. B

44. D

5. C

10. C

15. A

20. C

25. C

30. B

35. D

40. A

45. B




Questions 1 and 2

For questions number 1 and 2, please look at picture A.



1.  099


How much do these items cost? A. The baseball glove costs fifteen thousand dollars. B. The sneakers cost twenty-eight hundred dollars. C. The surf board costs fifty-six hundred dollars. D. The complete golf set costs sixteen thousand dollars.


這些東西多少錢? A. 棒球手套一萬五千元。 B. 運動鞋兩千八百元。 C. 衝浪板五千六百元。 D. 高爾夫球具組一萬六千元。

解析 根據圖示,只有運動鞋的價錢是正確的。

glove n. 手套| sneakers 運動鞋| surf board 衝浪板| set n. 一套

第一部分 看圖辨義




8.  106


What is the man doing? A. He’s using a remote control. B. He’s lying on a sofa sleeping. C. He’s watching a picture. D. He’s drinking soda.

男子正在做什麼? A. 他在用遙控器。 B. 他躺在沙發上睡覺。 C. 他在看圖片。 D. 他在喝汽水。

解析 男子拿著遙控器,坐在沙發上看電視吃零食。

remote control 遙控器| lie v. 躺、臥| soda n. 汽水

9.  107

Please look at Picture D again. How is the room arranged? A. A tall lamp is placed against the wall. B. A picture is above the sofa. C. A television is between a picture and a potted plant. D. A potted plant is placed next to the sofa.

請再看一遍圖片 D。房間的 擺設如何? A. 牆邊有一盞立燈。 B. 沙發之上有一幅畫。 C. 電視擺在圖畫和盆栽之間。 D. 盆栽在沙發旁邊。

解析 畫在沙發後面的牆上,盆栽和電視都在沙發對面,只有 (A) 牆邊有一盞立燈,是正 確的敘述。

arrange v. 整理、佈置| lamp n. 燈| place v. 放置| against prep. 倚、靠 potted adj. 盆栽的


Questions 10 and 11

For questions number 10 and 11, please look at picture E.


Answers 3

Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level

第二部分 16.  115




Excuse me. Where can I find frozen yogurt? A. Frozen food is healthy. B. There is no ice cream. C. I like drinking yogurt better. D. The dairy section

請問優格冰淇淋在哪裡? A. 冷凍食品很健康。 B. 沒有冰淇淋。 C. 我比較喜歡優酪乳。 D. 乳製品部

解析 Where 開頭的問題,通常答案和地方有關。優格冰淇淋通常在乳製品部。

frozen yogurt 優格冰淇淋| frozen food 冷凍食品| drinking yogurt 優酪乳 dairy adj. 乳製品的

17.  116

Is your cousin going to graduate school next year? A. She is planning on it. B. She is studying right now. C. She is a high school graduate. D. She is not a student.

你表姊明年要去念研究所嗎? A. 她正在計劃。 B. 她正在讀書。 C. 她高中畢業。 D. 她不是學生。

解析 是否要念研究所,表姐還在計劃中,it 指念研究所這件事。

graduate school 研究所| plan on + V-ing 打算做某事| graduate n. 畢業生

18.  117

How many new employees does your company plan to hire? A. No one will be fired. B. Business has been good. C. It depends. D. The company has many plans.

你公司計劃要雇多少新員工? A. 沒有人會被炒魷魚。 B. 生意很好。 C. 不一定。 D. 公司有很多計劃。

解析 How many 通常答案和數字有關,但因公司計劃雇用的人數不確定,所以選 (C) 看 情況而定。

employee n. 員工| hire v. 雇用| fire v. 解雇、開除| It depends. 看情形而定。







第三部分 31.  131


W: Did you get the concert tickets? M: You won’t believe it. I was the last one who bought the tickets. The queue was so long, and some people were constantly trying to cut in line.

女: 你拿到演唱會的票了嗎?

W: Thank you for working so hard to get the tickets for us, but I might not be able to make it to the concert.

女: 謝謝你這麼辛苦為我們去

M: Why not?

男: 為什麼?

W: My boss told me to work overtime tomorrow night. Sorry.

女: 我老闆要我明晚加班。對

M: It’s O.K. Let’s take a rain check.

男: 沒關係。下次吧。

Question Why can’t the woman make it to the concert?

A. She needs to work at night. B. Someone cut in front of her. C. All the tickets have been sold. D. Somehow the concert is canceled.

男: 你一定不會相信,我買到 最後一張票。排隊的隊伍 很長,還一直有人想插 隊。 買票,但我可能不能去 了。


問 為何女子不能去演唱會? A. 她晚上要工作。 B. 有人在她前面插隊。 C. 票賣光了。 D. 演唱會因為某些原因取消了。

解析 雖然男子好不容易才買到票 (the queue was so long) ,但女子要加班 (my boss told me to work overtime),無法去聽演唱會。

queue n. 排隊隊伍| constantly adv. 時常、不斷| cut in line 插隊 take a rain check 下次、改天

32.  132


M: Debbie, Tom told me that you have a new boyfriend. What does he look like? W: Well, he looks pretty cute.

女: 他長得很帥。

M: Really? What else?

男: 真的嗎?還有呢?

W: He is 19 years old, and is about 190 cm tall. He has short blond hair, and has the most charming deep blue eyes. And most important of all, he plays on the school basketball team.

女: 他十九歲,差不多 190 公分

M: He sounds like a perfect match for you.

男: 聽起來跟你超配。

Answers 3

男: 黛比,湯姆跟我說妳交了新 男友。他長得如何?

高。他有一頭金色短髮,還 有迷人的藍眼睛。最重要的 是,他是籃球校隊。

堂奧書碼 TA0012

全民英檢保證班中級聽力測驗【含解析】 GEPT Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level 作 者 / 蔣裕祺、林依蓉 校 閱 / Aaron Valdis Gauss 發行人 / 陳展維 出版者 / 堂奧圖書股份有限公司 發行者 / 堂奧圖書股份有限公司 地址:40757 臺中市西屯區臺灣大道三段 540 號 11 樓之 5 營業及發貨中心:40760 臺中市西屯區環中路二段 876 號 2 樓 電話:(04) 2708-3767 傳真:(04) 2452-9345 網址:http://www.tangao.com.tw E-mail:book@tangao.com.tw 總經銷 / 創智文化有限公司 地址:23674 新北市土城區忠承路 89 號 6 樓(永寧科技園區) 電話:(02) 2268-3489 傳真:(02) 2269-6560 博訊書網:http://www.booknews.com.tw 版 次 / 中華民國 104 年 9 月初版一刷 定 價 / 新台幣 360 元

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