LOGBOOK Week 1 In the first week, we built a building with the material ‘MDF’. It is medium density fibreboard. MDF is an engineering wood product, it is stronger and much denser. This is a very common material, we can find it everywhere.
In order to finish this building in one and a half hour, my team decided to use solid structural system to build up this model building so that our building will not collapse easily. Our design is based on the Roman amphitheatre. Therefore, the enclosure system and aesthetic qualities can be acceptable. The exterior walls interior spaces from noise and provide security and privacy. Here is the base of our building. The size of the building is actually big enough to maintain a person. The piece of MDF which
was put in the middle is a centre point so that we can make sure that the diameters all had the same length.
. We made a entry for the dinosaur to come in. Here is the door. The door provide physical access. My job is basically add up the material.
This is our enclosure system, the exterior walls proivdes security and privacy. After we finished this part, we found that we were running out of time and material. We spent too much time and half box of material on the base. However, our goal was to build as high as we can, so I brought up a point which is, in fact, our building are not stipulated to be even, therefore, eventually we decided to force on one side in order to reach the highest.
This was what we continuous to do afterwards. The building was gradually losing shape.
This building was untimately finished. While my team members were trying to reach as higher as possible, I added a window for our building. As an enclosure system, windows probide access to light, air, and views. However, for this particular building design, windows are actually not necessarily needed. Because our building had no roof. Finally we were not able to reach our goal because we were running out of materials. We wanted to use less material to make a great impact. So we turned the way to put our materials. Though the hight got higher, it became easier to collapse. Here is our building. The economic considerations are satisfied beause first of all, the material is not expensive. Secondly this building doesn’t need a lot of equipment/
Week 2 Last week, our team did another building which was built by sticks. This time, we choose to use trangle as base. Because trangle can maintain the shape quite well. And then add three sticks vertically. And then on the top of three sticks, we put a star opon it. It not only can prefectly maintain the shape but also can increase the Aesthetic Qualities. We just keep repeating the same work. As the same as last time, our goal is to reach the highest point.
Sticks and stars are dead load, they acted vertically doward on this structure. However, we ignored the dynamic load, it seem like the structure was shaking and varying. That why we added the extra stricks on three sides of the structure.
We were all trying to glue the stick. This is the view from the top of the structure.