Senior School Profile

Welcome to the Senior School.
Tanglin's Senior School prides itself on the individual care, guidance and counselling offered by our robust support structures, the exceptional academic achievements of our students, and the development of skills and attributes through learning experiences beyond the classroom.
Every student is nurtured and cared for to ensure they are happy and balanced, and enjoy and maximise their time here. We aim to ensure achieving potential is the norm and exceeding expectations commonplace with an understanding that good learning can happen through character, academic and service education. As our students work towards Year 9, they are guided towards making choices for (I)GCSE courses with external examinations normally taken at the end of Year 11. Students then have the opportunity to select either the A Level or IB pathway in Years 12 and 13. This choice of dual pathway is unique in Singapore schools.
All of our subjects and courses are taught and supported by highly qualified and experienced professionals using excellent resources in world class facilities. Students develop transferable skills and refined attitudes to learning to ensure they are organised, resilient, can work both independently and collaboratively, have opportunities to be creative, and thrive when working outside of their comfort zones.
Tanglin produces outstanding citizens who can make responsible and informed choices; have developed strategies and reserves to face challenges with resilience; contribute positively to an ever-changing world; show tolerance, patience and understanding towards others; and demonstrate clearly defined values, a diligent work ethic and leadership skills.
Centenary Building:
• Gymnastics Centre
• Aquatic Centre
• Cricket Deck
• Athletic Development Gym
• Physiotherapy Clinic
• Music recording studio, classrooms and practice rooms
• Lifeskills classrooms and Training Kitchen
• The Institute
• Counselling Offices.
Nixon Building:
• The Chandran Studio (formerly known as the Chandran Hall)
• Film studio
• Drama studio
• White Studio for immersive projections
• Dance studio with a sprung floor
• Drama classroom with tables and chairs.
Senior School:
• Purpose-built Science facilities
• Departmental floors for Mathematics, Humanities, and Languages with English in accommodation nearby
• World-class Library
• Multipurpose common areas for the Sixth Form (Years 12-13) and Upper School (Years 10-11).
Design & Technology:
• Manufacturing workshop
• Hand-design suite
• CAD area for 2D/3D modelling
• CAM maker space: 3D printers, lasers, vinyl cutters, thermoforming equipment.
Film Suite:
• Two studio classrooms
• Colour grading room
• Sound design room
• Photography studio
• 40-seat cinema
• 40 Apple workstations
• Film Theory library.
The Co-Curriculum is a central part of each student’s journey through Senior School, not only in supporting them in their academic learning and pastoral wellbeing, but also in equipping them with passions and interests that form the foundations of lifelong pleasures.
Our expansive Co-Curriculum programme provides students of all ages with the chance to develop existing talents or learn something new. Academic Enrichment opportunities span Creative Writing, Computational Thinking and Programming, Astronomy, Debating, Model United Nations and TEDx clubs. Since August 2023 this has been augmented by a new school day that offers two hours of enrichment within the timetable.
Our thriving, vibrant and energetic Arts programme plays an important role in school life, encompassing high-quality ensembles, recitals, performances and exhibitions.
Sport is an integral part of the Tanglin curriculum. Our excellent facilities enable us to participate in a wide range of events, subject to local travel restrictions:
• SEASAC (South East Asia Student Activities Conference)
• FOBISIA (Federation of British Schools in Asia)
• ACSIS (Athletic Conference of Singapore International Schools).
Our extraordinary and ambitious programme includes the following opportunities and destinations:
Middle School
Thailand; Malaysia; Borneo.
Upper School
Australia; Thailand; Vietnam; Cambodia.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bronze and Silver.
Sixth Form
Borneo; Cambodia; Thailand; Japan; Malaysia.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Gold.
“Tanglin has allowed me to do things I never would have imagined.” –Navyansh, Class of 2021
In the Senior School, we are committed to offering exceptional care, guidance and support to our students. On leaving Tanglin, students and their families consistently comment on the tremendous help and encouragement they received from their peers and our dedicated teachers.
Each student’s form tutor, Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year creates a caring and supportive environment, hallmarks of which have been consistency and continuity.
Our specialist team is on hand to provide tailored guidance for students throughout their Sixth Form journey. Committed and learned professionals offer insight into an enormous range of destinations such as the United Kingdom, United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan and many more. Always aspirational we seek to support students finding stretch in the next stage of life and also ensure that the environment suits each individual.
Our robust guidance process supports Year 11 students in choosing their Sixth Form pathway.
Our excellent of School Counsellors, Educational Psychologist and Nurses can help with and advise students and parents on specific issues or challenges that may arise.
Our teachers encourage close home/school links and open lines of communication between parents and staff.
Each academic year, the school sends out two Progress Reports. In these reports, each subject teacher will provide information on the student’s approaches to learning in their subject as well as measuring the student’s attainment against curriculum-related expectations. The only exception to this is the first report of the year in Middle School where teachers will indicate the student's approaches to learning. Following each reporting cycle, parents will be invited to come to school for Parent-Teacher-Student conferences where they can have a conversation with each teacher and review their child’s report and progress in all subjects as well as understand the next steps in their child’s learning.
A detailed Tutor Report is sent to families of all students annually, focused on social and emotional development, participation in tutor activities, CCAs, notable achievements, and goals for next year.
“As an inclusive school, Tanglin promotes equality, tackles discrimination and embraces diversity, which contributes to the extremely caring atmosphere wherein students are happy and highly successful.”
– BSO Inspection Report
Building on the strong foundations of a Junior School curriculum, the Middle School maintains a broad outlook with a curriculum that is relevant to today’s world. All subjects are taught by specialists, allowing students to deepen their knowledge and understanding in each area.
Core + Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) options + Additional Options (Year 9 only)*
Upper School students begin to tailor their curriculum to suit their particular interests and aspirations while following a strong common core. This is an exciting stage where students mature as learners, and develop the independent study skills and habits that will prepare them for Sixth Form and beyond.
Core + 4 Additional Options*
• English Language & English Literature
• Mathematics
• Double or Triple Science
• Physical Education (non-examination course)
• Lifeskills (non-examination course).
59% of grades achieved were A* or equivalent.
81% of grades achieved were A* to A.
92% of grades were A* to B or equivalent.
“The teachers’ enthusiasm for learning is often infectious, leading to students seeing learning as a highly worthwhile and enjoyable process.” – BSO Inspector
A Levels facilitate intensive, specialist study of 3-4 subjects over two years. Deciding whether to study A Levels is a detailed process that starts as early as Year 9, with final choices made in Year 11.
YEARS 12-13
AGE 16-18
+ +
Courses may be assessed either in stages or at the end of the course.
*Further subject information can be found in our Options Booklet on the school website.
The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an in-depth piece of research that involves either writing a 5,000-word essay or creating a product that is accompanied by a 2,000-word report. In addition, all EPQ candidates must submit a Production Log and deliver a 20-30 minute presentation. The EPQ is commonly run alongside three A Level subjects.
At Tanglin, the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) programme is open to A Level as well as IB Diploma students, an option that is unique in Singapore. CAS provides opportunities for independently managed, experiential learning beyond the curriculum.
A Level Results in 2023
27% of grades achieved were A*.
58% of grades achieved were A*/A.
79% of grades achieved were A* to B.
42% of students taking the EPQ achieved A*.
100% pass rate
“The A Level programme has allowed me to tailor my learning to the subjects I love.” – Year
The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) offers a broad and balanced programme of 6 cross-disciplinary subjects. Deciding whether to take the IB is a detailed process that starts as early as Year 9, with final choices made in Year 11.
Tanglin Trust average
World Average
IB assessment takes two forms: internal (undertaken internally and moderated by external examiners), and external (wholly undertaken by external examiners). A focus on oral and presentation skills is a key feature of some IB assessments.
The Extended Essay (EE) is an independent piece of research on a student's topic of choice, supported by a 4,000-word essay. It can be related to one of the student's six subjects and provides practical preparation for undergraduate research.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) challenges students to question the foundations of the knowledge various communities of knowers produce. It allows students to develop a more mature view of their subjects and encourages them to explore their own approach to knowing the world. The course fosters both confidence in understanding how to confidently develop reliable knowledge, and the humility to understand the limits of our individual outlooks.
1 student achieved 45 points.
13 students achieved 42 points or more.
Year 13 student
100% of students achieved 30 points or more
through my
“The IB pathway has provided me with a broad base of knowledge, and allowed me to pursue my own interests in depth
EE.” –
7.7% from Canada including: University of British Columbia University of Toronto
56.8% from the UK, including: University of Oxford University of Cambridge
Offers from 155 institutions
Destinations across 15 countries
24.5% from USA including: UCLA Berkeley Wellesley
13% entering National Service
6% taking a Gap Year
9% from Europe including: University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
96% of Tanglin students received their first-or second-choice university
As Tanglin Alumni, former students and staff receive a network of support, as well as a wealth of personal and career opportunities generously funded by the Tanglin Trust School Foundation (see right for more information).
We encourage our Alumni to give back to the school and our students, while recognising and celebrating their achievements and contributions through our Alumni of the Year awards.
0.7% from Australia including: University of Sydney
1.3% from Asia including: The University of Tokyo
18+ Alumni Grant
18-25 TTS Foundation Internship Programme
24+ Career Development Grant
24+ Adventurous Expedition Award
Available from Year 13 onwards, the grant can be used to match funding for any activities related to CAS.
The programme gives Alumni the opportunity to complete valuable work experience on campus and give back to the school.
This grant supports Alumni to embark on a course or project that will help advance their career or personal development.
An initiative that supports Alumni in audacious projects that require teamwork, endurance, resilience and tenacity.