Senior School Profile 2018/19

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Senior School Profile 2018/2019

Craig Considine Chief Executive Officer Allan Forbes Head of Senior School Robert Randall Deputy Head, Academic

Tanglin Senior School

Chris Allen Deputy Head, Pastoral Andy Goodliffe Head of Sixth Form Simon Hatton-Burke IB Coordinator University Counsellors Zoë Williams (Head) Amanda Harvey Joanne Kilburn Sonja Bhan Admissions

Tanglin’s Senior School offers a broad and balanced curriculum providing a wide range of subjects and disciplines. As well as traditional subjects, the curriculum also includes service learning, outdoor education opportunities and a wide range of co-curricular activities that stimulate and broaden student experience. The ethos of the Senior School is grounded in the British value system offering an education structure of strong pastoral support and guidance, high academic standards and an emphasis on developing the whole child by offering a range of enrichment opportunities and specialisms. Tanglin Senior School is committed to a wellrounded education including inquiry-based units to encourage the development of research skills, independent thinking and collaboration which traverse subject boundaries.

22.4% 1.8%




1,313 Senior students

11.6% Indian



Interview with Allan Forbes Allan Forbes, Head of Senior School, shares his experience at Tanglin and his hopes for the future of the Senior School.


47% British


student nationalities in the whole school

Tell us a bit about yourself. What is your background? Why did you want to become Head of Senior School? Tanglin is my seventh school having taught at three schools in Warwickshire, two in Dubai, Harrow in Bangkok and now Tanglin. This is the 36th year of my career in education. I had heard from many colleagues, past and present, that Tanglin is outstanding in everything that it sets out to do, so it was an absolute privilege to join the school in 2015. As a father of three, I appreciate the importance of finding a school that meets all their different needs. My children are thoroughly enjoying the many opportunities Tanglin and Singapore can offer them. What is your role as Head of Senior School? What do you most enjoy? My role is to lead the overall vision of the Senior School. My aim is to ensure the wellbeing of all and I do this by encouraging balance between academic and professional goals, individual pastoral support and appreciating the value of learning experiences beyond the classroom. I take great pride in knowing my staff, interacting with our students and meeting with parents at every opportunity. The Senior School is a welcoming place and our community is built on a foundation of strong and open relationships. What are the unique qualities of the Senior School? Our curriculum offers a huge range of opportunities for our students. In Year 7, students choose language options in addition to core subjects. In Years 10 and 11, students can take a range of (I)GCSE subjects. At Sixth Form, Tanglin is unique amongst schools in Singapore in offering students the choice of either A Levels or the IB Diploma. The support that students and parents receive from our staff, including Heads of Year, Form Tutors, Subject Teachers and the University Guidance Team is incredible. Unlike other schools where I have worked, we are fortunate at Tanglin to have the TTS Foundation which supports exceptional opportunities for our community, extending an already impressive range of activities beyond the curriculum, as well as reaching out and supporting communities beyond our own.


Tanglin IB Average 2018

100% pass rate of A Level students

How do you see the school’s values of Respect, Responsibility and Purpose reflected in the Senior School? • Respect – we treat others as we would like to be treated and I believe everyone in the Senior School is valued and included. • Responsibility – there are many opportunities for our students to learn beyond the classroom through clubs and activities, sustainability projects and developing links with the community that foster independence and a strong sense of responsibility. Our Life Skills programme includes learning how to cook, how to budget and how to stay safe. It prepares students for living away from home for the first time at university. As well as taking responsibility for themselves and others, we are focussed on responsible use of resources and reuse, recycle and repair wherever possible. • Purpose – our students learn knowledge and facts but their journey also involves becoming resilient inquirers with strong self-management skills, who are driven to question and find answers for themselves. What has made you most proud within the Senior School? There are so many exciting highlights; amazing academic results, drama productions, wonderful concerts, outdoor education opportunities, art exhibitions, sporting competitions, our mother tongue language programme … But I have to say, I am most proud of our graduating students and love to hear about the next chapter of their lives through our regular and active Alumni activities. Graduation Day is, without a doubt, the best day of the year! What is your vision for the future of the Senior School? To continue to build on our ability to support students in becoming well-rounded, independent and curious learners who are proud of their achievements at Tanglin, are excited about their futures and are prepared for life beyond Tanglin. What does Tanglin Trust School mean to you? At Tanglin, we value our community and challenge, support and care for our students, staff and parents. Our staff are driven by an incredible sense of passion, purpose and pursuit of excellence in all areas. I believe every member of our Tanglin community is cared for and nurtured which results in a positive experience for everyone.

Curriculum Overview Key Stage



Maximum Class Size


Key Stage 3

Years 7-9

11-14 years


The curriculum encompasses core, foundation and additional subjects

Key Stage 4

Years 10-11

14-16 years


Key Stage 5

Years 12-13 (Sixth Form)

16-18 years



Core subjects and choice of 3 further subjects

A Levels

Choice of 3-4 subjects

IB Diploma

Choice of 6 subjects

Tanglin is ‘Outstanding’ Our most recent British Schools Overseas (BSO) inspection confirmed the overall quality of education at the Senior School to be outstanding. “The teachers’ enthusiasm for learning is often infectious, leading to students seeing learning as a highly worthwhile and enjoyable process; students are highly motivated to succeed.” BSO Inspector, 2017. We have also been awarded the Pearson Centre of Excellence Award in recognition of our students who have achieved the Outstanding Pearson Learners Award through quality teaching and learning experiences.

Years 7, 8 and 9

Latest Facilities

Five skill areas underpin learning in Years 7, 8 and 9 and create alignment with the outcomes and skills required in subsequent years in the school. The general skill areas are:

Design & Technology: Opened in 2017, this facility includes a design suite where students learn to design by hand, a workshop where they can manufacture products from a range of materials, a CAD area for modelling ideas in 2D and 3D and a CAM ‘maker space’ with a range of 3D printers, lasers and vinyl cutters and thermoforming equipment.

• Research skills • Social skills • Communication skills • Thinking skills • Self-management skills A broad and balanced curriculum is supported by a varied programme of outdoor education trips to Thailand, Malaysia and India. These encourage students to step outside of their comfort zone, build resilience, develop leadership skills and achieve personal growth. All students in Year 9 are required to do the training for the NYAA (National Youth Achievement Award).

Media Suite: Used by (I)GCSE, A Level and IB film and media students, this space contains film production hardware and software across two studio classrooms plus a colour grading room, a sound design room, a photography studio and a forty-seat cinema. An open area contains forty Apple work stations and a film theory library. CCAs such as CAS TV, Film Production, and the World Cinema Club are based in this area.

(I)GCSE Summary for 2018

184 students who took (I)GCSE

“Life Skills lessons provide hands-on experience, including ironing, cooking, cyber security and money handling, which helps to prepare us for our future. I feel these lessons have helped me to become a well-rounded person who can be successful in many aspects of life.� Nadya Chambers (Year 11)

47% of all grades achieved were A*


Years 10 and 11

Students aged 14-16 study a core of compulsory subjects, comprising examination courses in English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and either Double or Triple Science, complemented by non-examination courses in Physical Education (PE) and Life Skills. They are also given the opportunity to select four additional courses according to their preferences and interests.

77% of all grades achieved were A* or A

Detailed subject information can be found in our GCSE Options Booklet, available on the school website. (I)GCSE courses are assessed through written examinations, coursework or a combination of both. Some option subjects may require participation in extracurricular activities in order to fully complete the assessment criteria.

98% of all grades achieved were A* to C

35% of students achieved A* or A in all their subjects

A Levels

Years 12 and 13 A Levels facilitate intensive, specialist study of 3-4 subjects over two years. Courses may be assessed either in stages or at the end of the course. Information about subject options can be found in our A Levels Options Booklet, available on the school website. Complementing their A Level choices, students also take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This is an in-depth piece of research which involves either producing an essay (5,000 words) or a product and 1,000 word report. Also, students will complete a production log and do a 20-30 minute presentation. Students must also participate in the school’s Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) programme which provides opportunities for independently managed, experiential learning beyond the curriculum. As an extension to this, students from Year 10 – 13 are able to apply to the TTS Foundation for a service award to help fund self-initiated service projects in the region. Deciding whether to study A Levels is a detailed process which starts as early as Year 9 for our current students. Student attributes, potential career paths and further education options are discussed in detail before final choices are made in Year 11.

“Doing the EPQ has given me the freedom to write about whatever I like, allowing me to tailor the topic to my university course and my own personal interests.” Katie Hager (Year 13) “I have very much enjoyed studying A Levels as it allows me to focus on the subjects that I really love. The attention that is dedicated to each individual subject has enabled me to progress substantially over the past year.” Emma Andrick (Year 13)

A Level Summary for 2018

100% 45% pass rate of A Level students

of grades were at A* or A



of grades were in the range of A* to C

of students taking the EPQ achieved an A*

Almost two thirds of students taking the EPQ achieved A* or A

IB Diploma Years 12 and 13

The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) offers a broad, balanced programme of study across six subjects; three at higher level, three at standard level. Students must retain one subject from each discipline; Mother Tongue Languages, Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), Humanities, Maths, Science and Arts. Information about subject options can be found in our IB Diploma Options Booklet, available on the school website. Assessment takes two forms: • Internal assessments are undertaken internally and then moderated by external examiners • External assessments are wholly undertaken by external examiners. A focus on oral and presentation skills is a key feature of IB assessment across all of the subjects. In addition to specific subjects, IB students also write an Extended Essay (EE) of approximately 4,000 words on a topic of their choice and follow a critical thinking course called Theory of Knowledge (TOK). TOK encourages and equips students with the capacity to take responsibility for their own learning, engage meaningfully in real world situations and assertively state points of view at every opportunity. Students must also participate in the school’s Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) programme, which provides opportunities for independently managed, experiential learning beyond the curriculum. As an extension to this, students from Year 10 – 13 are able to apply to the TTS Foundation for an award to help fund self-initiated service projects in the region. Deciding whether to study the IB Diploma is a detailed process which starts as early as Year 9 for our current students. Student attributes, potential career paths and further education options are discussed in detail before final choices are made in Year 11.

Tanglin Students Average IB Diploma Score (out of 45)

“The IB requires students to be proactive and dedicated to work on demanding subjects as well as selfresearched projects. I feel that I am more independent in my studies and I value the international insight that the IB offers.” George Gourlay (Year 13)

IB Diploma Summary for 2018

100% pass rate for all of our students who completed a regulation of IB Diploma

25% scored 42 points or more


students achieved the maximum 45 points

38.1 Tanglin Average 2018


World Average 2018

Almost three fifths of our students achieved 38 points or more


student achieved the prestigious bilingual diploma (Dutch)

“TOK and EE allows us to learn more about the subjects we enjoy and deepens our understanding of their purposes. The TOK allows us to learn a subject’s significance and the EE allows us to explore our favourite subjects.” Max Mann (Year 13)

Beyond the Classroom

The Arts Tanglin has a thriving, vibrant and energetic Arts programme which plays an important part in school life. Throughout the year, there are many high-quality ensembles, recitals, performances and exhibitions.

We firmly believe young people are just as likely to learn outside of the classroom as in it. As well as academic subjects, the curriculum also includes service learning, outdoor education opportunities and a wide range of co-curricular activities that stimulate and broaden student experience. These include: • Outdoor education trips to Thailand, Malaysia, India, Australia, New Zealand and Ladakh • Inspiring visitors, many funded by the TTS Foundation, including; Guy Larson (Film Director), the England Beach Volleyball Team, and Tanglin Interns • The National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) (equivalent to the Duke of Edinburgh Award) • Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) programme

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Tanglin’s CCA programme provides students with opportunities to pursue a range of interests by developing existing talents or learning something new. In addition to recreational choices, the programme enables students to trial for and engage in competitive activities.

Sports Sport is an integral part of the Tanglin curriculum. Our excellent sporting facilities enable us to participate in a wide range of competitive and non-competitive events throughout the year. We compete in SEASAC (South East Asia Student Activities Conference), FOBISIA (Federation of British Schools in Asia) and ACSIS (Athletic Conference of Singapore International Schools), as well as sporting tours to Australia.

Pastoral Care In the Senior School, we pride ourselves on the exceptional care, guidance and support we give to our students. Each year group has a Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year who, along with their Form Tutor, move with the students as they progress from Year 7 through to Year 13 providing personalised support to both students and parents. We also provide a robust guidance process for Year 11 students making their Sixth Form pathway choice, as well as bespoke careers and university guidance throughout Sixth Form. In addition, our excellent team of School Counsellors, Educational Psychologist and Nurses can help with and advise students and parents on specific challenges or issues that may arise.

TTS Foundation and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) The TTS Foundation funds exceptional opportunities in four key areas: Development of Life Skills; Participation in Creative Arts and Sports; Inspirational Visitors and Engagement with Global Issues. Students, staff and parents all benefit from these opportunities. We also have an active and vibrant Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) which strengthens the bond that holds our diverse community together through an annual calendar of community events from the Christmas Fair to the Summer Fete.

“I’ve felt so lucky to go to a school where people care so much about learning. Beyond academics, Tanglin’s dedication to the arts, sports and service has given me endless opportunities to grow as a person.” Brooke Beyer (Former Assistant Head Girl)

Life After Tanglin University Placements

We are very proud of our students’ achievements, with many securing places, including scholarships, at top universities around the world. The following gives an overview of the many universities Tanglin graduates have attended or received offers from in 2018.

United Kingdom Aston University Bournemouth University City, University of London Coventry University De Montfort University Durham University Falmouth University Goldsmiths, University of London Imperial College London King’s College London Lancaster University Liverpool John Moores University London School of Economics and Political Science Loughborough University Northumbria University Nottingham Trent University Oxford Brookes University Queen Mary University of London Royal Holloway, University of London Royal Veterinary College, RVC St George’s, University of London Swansea University University Collge London, UCL University of Aberdeen University of Bath University of Birmingham University of Brighton University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Cardiff University of Dundee University of Edinburgh University of Exeter University of Kent University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Liverpool University of Manchester University of Newcastle University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Roehampton University of Southampton University of St Andrews

Alumni Community

University of Staffordshire University of Suffolk University of Surrey University of Sussex University of the West of England, Bristol University of Warwick University of Winchester University of Worcester University of York York St John University United States of America Arizonia State University Boston University Colorado State University Columba College, Chicago Cornell University Duke University George Washington University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University Hult International Business School, San Francisco Johns Hopkins University Loyola Marymount University Northeastern University Rice University Stanford University Temple University University of Arizonia University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego University of Colorado Boulder University of Denver University of Illinois at Chicago University of Michigan University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of Virginia Univrsity of Colorado Denver Vanderbilt University Washington University in St Louis

Canada Concordia University University of British Columbia University of Toronto University of Waterloo Europe BI Norwegian Business School, Norway Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland IE University, Spain Queen Mary, University of London in Malta Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland Trinity College Dublin, Ireland University of Leiden, The Netherlands Worms Institute, Germany Australia University of Melbourne Monash University University of New South Wales Queensland University of Technology

University Summary for 2018


scholarships received

92% of students received their first choice university

Asia Lakeland University Japan National University of Singapore

Once our students leave Tanglin they automatically join our Alumni community, giving them the ability to connect across the globe through our social media networks, local and regional groups. Alumni help each other with their university choices and support each other on arrival at university.

CPE Reg. No. 196100114C (7/6/2017 - 6/6/2023)

“Tanglin is as much a school as it is a family and a home. This school has allowed people to flourish and to truly come into their own, which is something, I believe, that makes it stand a cut above the rest.” Dan Coughlan, Former Deputy Head Boy

“The learning environment, the endless support from teachers and the incredible opportunities I have been given have allowed me to grow from the shy girl I joined Tanglin as, into a confident young adult.” Arunima Mukherjee, Former Head Girl

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