Auction Catalogue Worl Rarities

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International Auction 6th-10th June 2011 World rarities

Galerie Dreyfus International Auctions for Stamps, Coins and Paintings

26 Birsigstrasse, CH-4011 Basel Tel.: + 41 (0) 79 320 24 09 Fax: + 41 (0) 61 283 95 30

Welcome to the Galerie Dreyfus auction 2011. Your consultants

Alain Dreyfus Director of Galerie Dreyfus and I.B. Investor Basel corp. For half a century he has been active as a specialist for world rarities. Numerous major collectors and investors have full confidence in him over many years.

Jean-Paul Bach (AIJP) Philatelistic expert. Auctioneer, president of the Swiss Stamp Dealer Association (SBHV). Active for more than 35 years in international auction- and mail order trade. Responsible for public relations.

Gregory C. Todd (AIEP) Philatelistic expert. Specialised in classic philately and worldwide mail history. During the auction he will be at your disposal in case any questions occur.


Auction schedule


Tuesday 7th June 2011

Viewing in the business premises in Basel, Birsigstrasse 26 only after arrangement by phone.

9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m.

Great Britain (lot 3000 -3320) Break Great Britain (lot 3321-3950)

Wednesday 8th June 2011 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m.

Great Britain (lot 3951-4270) Break Great Britain (lot 4271- end)

Thursday 9th June 2011

Monday, 30th May 2011 till Sunday, 5th June 2011 collections can only be viewed on these dates in our business premises. All single lots and small lots: during the auction in the UBS-Centre Monday, 6th June 2011 till Friday, 10th June 2011

Bidding increments

Friday 10th June 2011

Up to 500 € 500 – 1.500 € 1.500 – 3.000 € 3.000 – 5.000 € 5.000 – 15.000 € 15.000 – 30.000 € 30.000 – 50.000 € 50.000 – 500.000 €

9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m.

Bank details

9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m.

Switzerland (lot 500-886) Break World raritites (lot 1-183)

France (lot 1000-1320) Break France (lot 1321-end)

20 € 50 € 100 € 200 € 500 € 1.000 € 2.000 € 5.000 €

UBS Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4002 Basel BIC: UBSWCHZH80A IBAN: CH430023323373911660X

Telephone bidders are kindly requested to register 24 hours before the auction.


Terms of Auction Sale 1. The auction takes place voluntarily and publicly against immediate cash payment in Euro. Swiss Francs and every convertable foreign currency are accepted at current exchange rates or as credited by a major Swiss bank. The day of receipt or credit applies. The auctioneer has the right to withdraw, regroup oder refuse to knock down any lot. In the event of identical bids, the one first received takes precedence; in the event of misunderstandings, the lot is reoffered. Bidding increments are between 5% and 10%. Refer to the chart of minimal increments. During the auction the auctioneer can however accept a different bidding increment. 2. Lots are awarded to the highest bidder which creates an obligation to take delivery. A commission of 20% is added to the purchase price. Bidders for third parties are liable next to the third party as co-debtor. With the purchase the risk transfers to the purchaser. 3. All lots are subject to Swiss value added tax (MwSt). VAT has to be paid for the grand total: knockdown price, plus surcharge, plus postage, plus insurance. The value added tax shall not be applicable if the lots purchased at the auction are shipped abroad by I.B. Investor Basel AG. In additon the VAT will not be applicable if you show the original, legally valid export certificate, meaning the pretax will be refunded. In principle, the lots are handed over upon full payment of the auction invoice. It is solely in the discretion to hand over the lots concurrently with invoice presentation. The lots are insured by the autctioneer and forwarded to the purchaser by mail or by other means; as a rule, as registered or valued matter. Forwarding costs and insurance premiums are at the purchaser‘s expense. 4. In principle, the lots are handed over upon full payment of the auction invoice. It is solely in the discretion of the auctioneer to hand over the lots with invoice presentation. The lots are privately insured by the auctioneer and forwarded to the purchaser by mail or by other means; as a rule, as registered or valued matter. Forwarding costs and insurance premiums are at the purchaser‘s expense. 5. In the event of payment delay on the part of the purchaser the auctioneer will charge interest of 12%. The auctioneer is authorized to either sue for payment, rescind the sales transaction and dispose of the lots, particularly to sell them or to reauction them. In any event, the purchaser is liable for the price differential.

Prior to that time, they may neither be resold, pledged nor otherwise transfered to a third party by the purchaser. Offset pleas of any type are precluded. Extension of time for payment is granted upon request, supported by appropriate references. Such special arrangements must be agreed upon prior to the auction and must be in written form. 7. The lots on auction have been described conscientiously and with greatest care. Valuable stamps bear the mark of competent experts or are accompanied by certificates. In the case of photographed stamps, the image is determinative as to margins, perforations, cancellations, etc. 8. The purchaser acknowledges the certificates (expertizations) and signatures mentioned in the lot descriptions as binding, particularly with regard to genuineness and quality of the lots as well as the completeness of contents of the expertization certificates. I.B. Investor Basel AG will be liable for the authenticity of uncertified lots for a period of one year from the point of time of knock-down. Warranty for collections and lots with more than five stamps or cover are precluded. 9. Complaints must be received within 30 days after knock-down. Changes of any kind on the lots mean the complaint will be turned down. All claims are void if the purchaser is in arrears with payment of the purchase price or surcharge. 10. All lots may be inspected during the auction. See chapter “Viewing”. 11. All bids are executed in strict conformity with the principal´s interests, although without recourse. 12. Place of performance and exclusive court venue is Basel-Stadt. 13. The auction is exclusively subject to Swiss law. 14. Every bidder acknowledges these Terms of Auction Sale, the original German text applies. Basel, June 2011

6. Until full payment of the entire invoice is rendered, title to all purchased lots remains with the consignor. 7



Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011

Besichtigung in unseren Geschäftsräumen in Basel, Birsigstrasse 26 nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung.

9.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr 14.00 Uhr

Grossbritannien (Los 3000 -3320) Pause Grossbritannien (Los 3321-3950)

Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011 9.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr 14.00 Uhr

Grossbritannien (Los 3951-4270) Pause Grossbtitannien (Los 4271- Ende)

Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011 9.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr 16.00 Uhr

Schweiz Pause Weltraritäten

Freitag, 10. Juni 2011 9.00 Uhr 13.00 Uhr 14.00 Uhr

Frankreich (Los 1000-1320) Pause Frankreich (Los 1321- Ende)

Montag, 30. Mai 2011 bis Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011 Grossposten, Sammlungen und Nachlässe sind nur an diesen Tagen in unseren Büros zu besichtigen. Sämtliche Einzellose und kleine Lots: während der Auktion im UBS-Zentrum, Montag, 6. Juni 2011 bis Freitag, 10. Juni 2011

Steigerungsstufen Bis 500 € 500 – 1.500 € 1.500 – 3.000 € 3.000 – 5.000 € 5.000 – 15.000 € 15.000 – 30.000 € 30.000 – 50.000 € 50.000 – 500.000 €

20 € 50 € 100 € 200 € 500 € 1.000 € 2.000 € 5.000 €

Bankverbindung UBS Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4002 Basel BIC: UBSWCHZH80A IBAN: CH430023323373911660X

Bei Telefonbietern bitten wir um eine Anmeldung 24 Stunden vor Auktionsbeginn.


Versteigerungsbedingungen 1. Die Versteigerung erfolgt freiwillig und öffentlich gegen sofortige Barzahlung in Euro. Schweizer Franken und jede freikonvertible Währung wird zum Tageskurs angenommen oder gemäss Gutschrift einer Schweizer Bank angerechnet. Gültig ist der Tag der Gutschrift. Der Auktionator hat das Recht, Lose zurückzuziehen, umzugruppieren oder den Zuschlag zu verweigern. Bei gleich hohen Geboten hat das früher eingegangene Vorrang, bei Missverständnissen wird das Los nochmals ausgerufen. Die Steigerungsstufen betragen zwischen 5 und 10%. Siehe Tabelle der Mindeststeigerungen. Der Auktionator kann jedoch während der Auktion auch andere Steigerungsstufen akzeptieren. 2. Der Zuschlag erhält der Meistbietende, er verpflichtet sich zur Abnahme des Loses. Zur Zuschlagssumme wird ein Aufgeld von 20% erhoben. Wer für Dritte bietet haftet neben dem Dritten als Solidarschuldner. Mit dem Zuschlag geht die jede Gefahr auf den Käufer über. 3. Alle Lose unterliegen der Schweizer Mehrwertsteuer. Es muss zum Zuschlag, plus dem Aufgeld, plus der Versicherungssumme, plus dem Porto, also auf den ganzen Rechnungsbetrag die Schweizer Mehrwertsteuer bezahlt werden. Die Mehrwertsteuer entfällt, wenn die I.B.Investor Basel AG den Versand der Lose ins Ausland übernimmt. Sie entfällt ebenso wenn ein Käufer eine rechtsgültige Ausfuhrdeklaration beibringt, das heisst die bereits bezahlte Mehrwertsteuer wird rückvergütet. 4. Die Aushändigung der Lose erfolgt grundsätzlich nach Bezahlung der Auktionsrechnung. Es liegt im Ermessen des Versteigerers, Lose gegen Rechnung zu auszuhändigen. Die Lose werden dem Käufer durch den Auktionator versichert, per Post oder auf anderem Wege zugestellt, in der Regel per Einschreiben- oder Wertsendung. Die Versandspesen und Versicherungskosten gehen zu Lasten des Käufers. 5. Bei Zahlungsverzug wird ein Verzugszins von 12% p.A. erhoben. Der Auktionator behält sich das Recht vor, entweder auf Zahlung zu klagen, das Kaufgeschäft aufzuheben und über die Lose unter Belastung allfälliger Preisdifferenzen anderweitig zu verfügen oder erneut zu versteigern.

auf Anfrage und bei entsprechenden Referenzen Verlängerung der Zahlungsfrist. Solche Sonderregelungen müssen vor der Auktion vertraglich geregelt werden und bedürfen der schriftlichen Form. 7. Die zur Versteigerung gelangenden Lose sind gewissenhaft und mit grösster Sorgfalt beschrieben. Wertvolle Marken tragen in der Regel Prüfzeichen zuständiger Experten oder sind mit Attesten versehen. Bei fotografierten Marken ist für Rand, Zähnung, Stempel usw. die Abbildung massgebend. 8. Der Käufer anerkennt die beiliegenden Atteste, Befunde und Signaturen als verbindlich. Insbesondere die inhaltliche Vollständigkeit sämtliches Atteste. Bei ungeprüften Losen haftet I.B. Investor Basel AG für die Echtheit während der Dauer eines Jahres, ab dem Zeitpunkt des Zuschlags. Bei Sammlungen, DoublettenPosten und Sammellose ist jegliche Garantie ausgeschlossen. 9. Beanstandungen haben innert 30 Tagen nach dem Zuschlag zu erfolgen. Veränderungen an Losen, jeglicher Art, führt dazu, dass auf Reklamationen nicht mehr eingegangen werden kann. Ist der Käufer mit Bezahlung in Verzug, auch mit Teilen der Zahlung, entfällt das Reklamationsrecht. 10. Vor und während der Auktion können alle Lose besichtigt werden. Siehe «Auktionsbesichtigung». 11. Alle schriftlichen Aufträge werden streng Intresse wahrend, jedoch ohne Gewähr, ausgeführt. 12. Erfüllungsort und ausschliesslicher Gerichtstand ist Basel-Stadt. 13. Die Versteigerung untersteht ausschliesslich Schweizerischem Recht. 14. Jeder Bieter anerkennt die vorliegenden Versteigerungsbedingungen vollumfänglich. Der deutsche Text dieser Versteigerungsbedingungen ist massgebend. Basel, Juni 2011

6. Bis zur vollständigen Zahlung der ganzen Rechnung bleibt das Eigentum an sämtlichen zugeschlagenen Losen vorbehalten. Sie dürfen vorher durch den Käufer weder weiter veräussert, verpfändet noch sonst wie auf Dritte übertragen werden. Jede Verrechnungseinrede ist ausgeschlossen. Der Auktionator gewährt 9

Déroulement de la vente Mardi 7 juin 2011 9.00 h 13.00 h 14.00 h

Grande-Bretagne (lot 3000 -3320) Pause Grande-Bretagne (lot 3321-3950)

Mercredi 8 juin 2011 9.00 h 13.00 h 14.00 h

Grande-Bretagne (lot 3951-4270) Pause Grande-Bretagne (lot 4271- fin)

Jeudi 9 juin 2011 9.00 h 13.00 h 16.00 h

Suisse (lot 500-886) Pause Raretés du Monde (lot 1-183)

Vendredi 10 juin 2011 9.00 h 13.00 h 14.00 h

France (lot 1000-1320) Pause France (lots 1321-fin)

Exposition des lots Exposition des lots dans nos locaux à Bâle, 26 Birsigstrasse uniquement sur rendez-vous. Du lundi 30 mai 2011 au dimanche 5 juin 2011 Tous les lots à la pièce et les petits lots: durant la vente au Centre de Conférence UBS du lundi 6 juin 2011 au vendredi 10 juin 2011.

Echelle d’enchères jusqu´a 500 € 500 – 1.500 € 1.500 – 3.000 € 3.000 – 5.000 € 5.000 – 15.000 € 15.000 – 30.000 € 30.000 – 50.000 € 50.000 – 500.000 €

20 € 50 € 100 € 200 € 500 € 1.000 € 2.000 € 5.000 €

Coordonnées Bancaires UBS Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4002 Bâle BIC: UBSWCHZH80A IBAN: CH430023323373911660X

Les clients désirant enchérir par télephone sont priés de se faire connaitre au plus tard 24 heures avant la vente.


Conditions de la Ventes aux Enchères 1. La vente aux enchères est volontaire et publique contre paiement immédiat en Euro. Les francs suisses et toute autre monnaie librement convertible sont acceptés au cours du jour ou contre un bon à valoir d’une grande banque suisse. Valable est la date de valeur du règlement. L’organisateur se réserve le droit de retirer des lots, de les regrouper à son gré ou de refuser une enchère. En cas d’offres égales, le première offre reçue a la priorité et, en cas de malentendu, le lot est remis aux enchères. Les échelons d’enchères varient entre 5% et 10%. Voir le tableau des enchères minimales. L’organisateur peut toutefois accepter d’autres échelons d’enchères durant la vente. 2. Le lot adjugé est attribué au plus offrant qui s’engage à prendre le lot. Le prix d’adjudication sera majoré d’une commission de 20%. Celui qui enchérit pour des tiers sera considéré comme débiteur solidaire. Dès l’adjudication prononcée, les risques passent à l’acheteur. 3. Tous les lots sont soumis à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA) suisse. La TVA suisse est à payer sur le prix d’adjudication majoré de la commission, des frais d’assurance et de port, donc sur le montant final de la facture. La marchandise est exempte de TVA si elle est expédiée à l’étranger par IB Investor-Basel AG. De même, si l’acheteur fournit un document validé par le Douane Suisse, la TVA dûment payée lui sera remboursée. 4. La remise des lots adjugés a lieu, après paiement de la facture de la vente aux enchères. L’adjudicateur a seul le loisir de remettre des lots contre facture. Les lots dûment assurés par les soins de l’adjudicateur, sont expédiés à l’acheteur par la poste ou autre transporteur, généralement en recommandé ou valeur déclarée. Les frais d’envoi et d’assurance sont à la charge de l’acheteur. 5. En cas de retard de paiement un intérêt de 12% l’an sera prélevé. L’adjudicateur se réserve le droit, soit d’exiger légalement le paiement, soit d’annuler la transaction et de disposer des lots ou de les remettre aux enchères étant entendu que les différences de prix seront facturés à l’acheteur en défaut.

suffisantes, accorder un délai de paiement. De telles conditions doivent toutefois être fixées contractuellement avant la vente et par écrit. 7. Les lots destinés à la vente sont décrits consciencieusement et avec beaucoup de soins. Les pièces particulièrement rares portent en général la signature d’experts reconnus ou sont accompagnées de certificats. Dans le cas des timbres photographiés dans le catalogue, on se référera à ces photos pour apprécier les marges, dentelures, oblitérations, etc. , 8. L’acheteur s’engage à reconnaitre les certificats, expertises et signatures comme contractuels. En particulier, il reconnait les termes de ces certificats dans leur intégralité. Dans le cas de lots sans expertise, I.B. Investor Basel AG se porte garant de leur authenticité durant une période de un an à compter de la date de l’adjudication. Aucune garantie n’est accordée pour les collections, accumulations ou lots groupés. 9. Toute réclamation doit être formulée dans les 30 jours suivant l’adjudication. Toutes modifications apportées aux lots, quelques soient leur nature, entraine le rejet de toute réclamation. Si l’acheteur est en défaut de paiement, même partiel, il n’a pas droit à réclamation. 10. Tous les lots peuvent être consultés avant et pendant la vente. Voir chapitre «Exposition des lots». 11. Tous les ordres écrits sont traités confidentiellement et dans l’intérêt du client sans toutefois engager le responsabilité de I.B. Investor Basel AG. 12. Le for de juridiction est Bâle-Ville. 13. La vente aux enchères est soumise exclusivement au droit suisse. 14. Chaque enchérisseur accepte sans restriction les présentes conditions de vente. En cas de litiges quant à l’interprétation des conditions de vente, seul le texte allemand fera foi. Bâle, juin 2011

6. Une réserve de propriété est maintenue sur tous les lots jusqu’au paiement complet de la facture. En aucun cas, l’acheteur n’a le droit de les vendre , de les mettre en gage ou de les remettre à un tiers avant paiement copmplet. Toute compensation de la part de l’acheteur est exclue. L’organisateur peut, sur demande et sous certaines conditions de garantie 11

So finden Sie zur Auktion Comment nous trouver How to find us

UBS Zentrum Viaduktstrasse 33 CH-4054 Basel


Internationale Briefmarken-Auktionen 26 Birsigstrasse CH-4011 Basel, Schweiz Tel.: + 41 (0) 79 320 24 09 Fax: + 41 (0) 61 283 95 30

Auktionsauftrag - Ordre d’achat - Bidform

Auktion vom 7.-10. Juni 2011 im UBS-Zentrum, Viaduktstrasse 33, 4002 Basel Auction 7th-10th June 2011 at the UBS-Centre, Viaduktstrasse 33, 4002 Basel Name/Nom

Vorname/Prénom/First name









Ich beauftrage die I.B. Investor S.A. auf meine Rechnung folgende Lose unter der Wahrung meiner Interessen zu bieten. Ich anerkenne und akzeptiere die im Auktionskatalog abgedruckten Versteigerungsbedingungen. Die Schätzungen, Gebote, Zuschläge und die Fakturierung erfolgt ausschliesslich in Euro. Je donne ordre à I.B. Investor Basel S.A. d’enchérir en mon nom et au mieux de mes intérèts les lots suivants. J’ai pris conaissance et accepte les conditions de la vente aux encheires figurant dans le catalogue ples esitimatins, offres, adyadicatien et facturation sont exclusernement en Euro. I entrust I.B. Investor corp. to bid on my behalf and for my account on following lots, carried out in my interest. I acknowledge and accept the terms of auction printed in the catalogue. Estimations, bids, awards and billing are held in Euro only. Los Nr. Lot No.

Höchstgebot in € Offre maximale en € Top Limit in €

Los Nr. Lot No.

Höchstgebot in € Offre maximale en € Top Limit in €

Los Nr. Lot No.

Höchstgebot in € Offre maximale en € Top Limit in €

Die Gebote sind ohne 20% Aufgeld und Mehrwertsteuer von 8%. Schriftliche Aufträge werden interssewahrend durchgeführt! Commission 20% et TVA 8% non incluses. Les ordres écrits sont traités au mieux des intérêts des clients. Bids exclude 20% surcharge and 8% VAT. Orders in written form will be carried out in your interest.

Steigerungsstufen / Echelle d’enchères / Bidding increments – 500 € 20 € 5.000 500 – 1.500 € 50 € 15.000 1.500 – 3.000 € 100 € 30.000 3.000 – 5.000 € 200 € 50.000

– 15.000 € – 30.000 € – 50.000 € – 500.000 €

500 € 1.000 € 2.000 € 5.000 €


Kommissionäre / Commissionnaires / Commissioners Jochen Heddergott Bauerstr. 9 D-80796 München Tel: +49 (0)89-27818183 Fax: +49 (0)89-2721685 Mobile: +49 (0)151 4040 9090 Charles E. Cwiakala 1527 South Fairview Ave. Park Ridge USA - IL 60068-5211 Tel: +1 (0)847 8238747 Fax: +1 (0)847 8238747 Frank Mandel Mandel Auction Network P.O. Box 157 NEW YORK, NY 10014-0157 – USA Tel: +1 (0)21267508119 Fax: +1 (0)2123666462 Teo Bakker Scholtensweg 37 NL-8124 AG Wesepe Tel: +31 (0)5706 3 32 58 Fax: +31 (0)5706 3 62 93 Ronald Bouscher Messchaerstraat 12 NL-1077 WS Amsterdam Tel: +31 (0)20 679 5952 Fax: +31 (0)20 679 47 80


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Karl-Arne Norsten Box. 1069 S- 18121 Lidingo Tel: +46 (0)87670861 Fax: +46 (0)87310244 Mobil: +46 (0)706625364


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1900: Cover to Arles Sur Rhone, France with printed heading “Hotel Y Café de José Moles, Andorra La Vielle” franked by France Type Sage (II) 15c. blue tied by “ANDORRE LA VIELLE T / 4 OCT 1900” Telegraphic datestamp in blue. A rare and believed unique cover-specifically mentioned in the Andorra specialised catalogue (1978) and shown in 1952 in the collection of Mr de Beaufon. Certificate Robineau (2008). Cat. Yvert 90



1975: Europa. 80c. Christ on the Cross, variety “Missing Black” with value and all inscriptions missing, superb unmounted og. Rare-just 10 examples printed thus. Cat. Yvert 243a. Dallay 256a.


12 500 - 17 500

7 500 - 10 000





COVER USED WITH 1860 6 Kr. FIVE DAY PRIOR TO ISSUE. 1850 (MAy 27): The famous entire letter from Vienna to Prague, bearing the top marginal example of the 1850 (technically issued June 1st) 6 kreuzer brown, huge margins all round and in a rich reddish shade, tied clearly by “WIEN / 27. MAI” two line datestamp in black. Repeated strike at right and adhesive also cancelled’ in red crayon manuscript also used to denote pre-payment. Reverse of entire with “Briefs. No. 93” datestamp (May 27) and Pesth arrival cds (May 29), thus both sending and delivery occurred prior to the intended date of issue. A fantastic word rarity. in unbelievably fine quality. Signed Alberto Bolaffi. Certificate Ferchenbauer (2002), Puschmann (2002). Cat. Michel 4x


170 000 - 200 000


MIXED SOLDI & KREUZER FRANKING. 1850: Handpaper 15c. red, Type I, and Austria 1850 Handpaper 6kr. deep brown, Type Ia, used on 1851 registered entire letter to Pergine, the 15c. struck with superb two line “CLES” datestamp (Jan 2), the 6kr. on reverse cancelled by fancy oval “RACCOMANDATA” handstamp in black. Further strike of the registration handstamp on front and reverse with Trient and Pergine two line datestamps. The 15 centesemi prepaid the under 10 mile rate, the 6 kreuzer the registration fee. Entire opens well for Exhibit display, and a truly remarkable and attractive mixed country usage. Certificate BPB (2002) Cat. Yvert 3A+4A. Sassone 3+4. Michel 3Xa+4Xta

60 000 - 80 000




MIXED ISSUE KREUZER & SOLDI FRANKING. 1867: Austria 5kr. rred and 10kr. blue used in combination with Lombardy-Venetia 1864 5 soldi rose, perf. 9 1/2, on 1869 cover from Triest to Patras, Greece. All three stamps superbly tied by oval “TRIEST� datestamps (Jan 30) in black, with the reverse showing Kerkyra (Corfu) transit cds and Patras arrival. A magnificent and extremely rare cover in superb quality. Illustrated in Jerger mixed frankings, page 263. Signed A. Diena, Grioni, Sorani, Sottoriva. Certificate A. Diena (1956), Sorani (1999), Ferchenbauer (2001). Ex collection Maurice Burrus. Cat. Yvert 34+36+25


35 000 - 55 000


AUSTRIAN LEVANT. 1867: 5Ss. red, 10s. blue and 15s. bistre-brown all used on F 20 000 - 25 000 extraordinary 1872 cover to Nassau, BAHAMAS via New York, tied by “GERUSALEMME” datestamps in black (April 6). Mailed initially via France and struck in Paris with framed “FR / 2F 65c.” Accountancy marking in black (rare) and thence to London (April 22) with red datestamp denoting “Paid” even though marked in Triest with “AFF. INSUFF” in black. Numerous French datestamps on reverse and charged “6” pence due on receipt. A remarkable cover to a most unusual destination. Signed Calves. Certificate E. Diena (1999). Cat. Yvert 3+4+5





BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG COMBINATION COVER. 1851: Belgium 10c. brown on thick F 140 000 - 175 000 paper, in a fine horizontal pair, used on 1853 cover to Ciney with Luxembourg 1852 10c. black (second printing), marginal from right of sheet, all tied by nine barred handstamp in black. Luxembourg despatch datestamp at right (Nov 29) alongside framed “PD” denoting acceptance of the postage. Reverse with “Luxembourg Par Arlon” datestamp in red, Havelange and Ciney arrival cds (Dec 1) alongside. The only known cover and in remarkable quality. Signed Alberto Bolaffi. Certificate Goebel (1990). Cat. Yvert 6 + 1


THE FIRST ISSUE BISECT COVER. 1849: 20c. blue, the vertically bisected example F 75 000 - 100 000 (right half of the stamp) used on 1852 entire letter to Courtrai with manuscript notation alongside “Demi timbre de vingt centimes découpé à défaut de timbres de dix centimes” and signed by sender; the numeral cancellation “10” applied over stamp and manuscript notation. Avelghem cds in red at upper right (March 11) and Courtray arrival cds on reverse of the same day. The entire letter is matched with a further example from this correspondence, mailed a month later utilising a 10c. adhesive. A fantastic pair and a ‘non pareil’ of Belgian postal history. Cat. Yvert 1+2





THREE COUNTRY ‘JEAN MERMOZ’ GRAF ZEPPPELIN COVER. 1930 (May 8): Registered B F 10 000 - 12 000 airmail cover bearing Liechtenstein 1921 40r. black & blue, 1929 set of four values including 70r. block of four (Yvert 56,90/93) tied by Triesen datestamps, Switzerland Airmail 20c. green cancelled in Geneva (May 9) and thence flown to Friedrichshafen to be carried on the 1st South America Graf Zeppelin Flight with violet framed cachet. Brazil Mercury 500r. blue and 1930 Zeppelin 10’000r. rose carmine both tied by Recife (May 28) datestamps, arriving Friedrichshafen on June 6th. A rare and fine cover.


1930 (May 25): PARAHYBA PROVISIONAL. Postcard franked on reverse with Mercury 500r. copper-brown and on obverse with provisional “5” on 20’000 reis blue each adhesive tied by full strike of special Parahyba datestamp (May 25) in black with framed “MP” alongside. Reverse with Round Flight cachet in violet, Friedrichshafen (June 6) datestamp and Beausoleil arrival datestamp (June 10). A major rairty of Airmail Philately in excellent condition. Signed by H. W. Sieger. Certificate Sieger (1960). Cat. Sieger 59K


40 000 - 50 000





1878/83: Large Dragon 3 candarin brown-red (2 examples) used on 1884 cover from Shanghai to Pittsburgh, USA tied by “Shanghai” seal handstamp in black, with 1883 Japan 5 sen blue applied for onward transmission and tied by black cork cancellation with “IJPA / SHANGHAI” cds alongside (Nov 6) in black. reverse with “CUSTOMS / SHANGHAI” cds (Nov 4) and San Francisco transit (Dec 4) in red. One of the 3c. red is faulty due to being applied obver the top of the cover and both with original gum showing through around perforations, however a fine and extremely rare combination. Certificate Holcombe (1996). Cat. Yvert 2. SG 8.


12 500 - 17 500


RED REVENUE WITHOUT SURCHARGE. 1897: 3 cent red revenue, a fresh mint example C without surcharge, well centred, with large part original gum. A great rarity.


TAIWAN. 1950: Flying Geese without value, (-) of fresh colour in blue green shade, without surcharge and unused without gum as normal. Extremely rare stamp. Certificate Scheller.


40 000 - 50 000

50 000 - 60 000




GERMAN POST OFFICE IN CHINA, MINT TIENTSIN PROVISIONAL SET: 1900/01: C The Reichpost set of seven values: 3pf., 5pf., 10pf., 20pf., 30pf., 50pf. and 80pf. together with the Unissued Values: 25pf. and 40pf. all hand-overprinted with diagonal “China” in black, fresh and fine mint examples, of good colour and large part original gum. A magnificent and almost impossible set to replicate nowadays. All values except 5pf. signed, most by Buhler. Certificate BPB for 25pf., 40pf. and 50pf. Cat. Michel 8/14+I+II

70 000 - 100 000


TIENTSIN PROVISIONAL SET. 1900/01: The fine used of seven values complete, the H 3pf. used on piece, 5pf., 10pf., (all signed Kosack and Jakubek); 20pf. used on piece, 30pf. used on piece (signed Kosack), 50pf. (signed Drahn) and 80pf. (signed Kosack). Extremely scarce set to assemble and very rare. Certificates Salomon 1955 (for 50pf. ), Drahn 1966 (for 50pf.), Jakubek 2001 (for 20pf., 30pf., 50pf. and 80pf.). Cat. Michel 8/14

25 000 - 35 000





SCADTA. 1929: Cover with return address on reverse in Berlin, mailed to Bogotá and franked by Colombia provisional 4c. deep blue pair in commbination with Scadta 1923 60c. brown and Registration 20c. grey each overprinted “Br.” in black, tied by “Barranquilla” cds’s (2/11). Green perforated “By Airmail in Colombia” quadrilingual label atr leftand Bogotá arrival (4/11) on reverse of a fresh and fine cover. Signed Rendon. Certificate Philatelic Foundation (2000) Cat. Scott 396+C4var+C45var..


5 000 - 6 000



THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF DANISH STAMPS. 1851 (March 27): Postal Notice dated DCE J 80 000- 100 000 at base, with instructions on where and how the adhesives should be applied to the letter bearing, at upper left, the mint block of six FIRE RBS deep brown. A truly extraordinary and well-documented item with the adhesives in a brilliant rich shade with margins all round. A unique philatelic gem for Danish and Scandinavian philately. Certiificate Postilijonen (1999). Ex collection Gene Scott. Cat. Yvert 2a




2 RBS MINT BLOCK OF FOUR. 1852: 2 RBS blue, Thiele printing, the fantastic mint C J 200 000 - 220 000 block of four, with margins all round and of excellent colour and freshness, tiniest of scissor cuts at left in the central margin only and nowhere near the adhesives, with full, slightly cracked, large part original gum. This magnificent block is a world-famous classic multiple and has previously been certified by Sven Gronlund, Slaomir Kaiser, Dr. Arno Debo, Lasse Nielsen and Carl Aage Moller. Ex collections of Baron Ferrary de la Rénotiére, Alfred Lichtenstein, J. Engellau, Chr. Anddersen, Peer Lorentzen and Jussi Tuori. Cat. Facit 2/II


2 RBS, THE USED BLOCK OF FOUR. 1852: 2 RBS deep blue, the extraordinary H J unique used block of four of deep rich colour, Thiele printing from Plate II, positions 1-2/11-12, cliche types 1-4, with position 2 showing the major plate variety “Foot of 2 nearly dis-joined”. Margins trimmed on three sides but leaving all the design clear, large margin at base and lightly cancelled by Copenhagen “1” numerals in black. A major rarity of Scandinavian philately, being the only known used block of four. Certificates Postilijonen (2000), Nielsen (2003), Moller (2007). Ex collection Gene Scott, Peer Lorentzen. Cat. Michel 2/II+2/IIF. Facit 1/II+1/IIv1.

80 000 - 100 000


1864: Entire letter from Copenhagen, via Lubeck, to Paris franked by rare usage of rouletted 16sk. lilac (three fine examples) all tied by ring cancel “1” with Copenhagen cds (21/7) at lower left. Red circular “PD” on front alongside Danish credit and Forbach entry mark in red. Reverse with “Luebeck / F. Th. Tax. PA” transit and Paris (25/7) arrival cds. A magnificent and rare entire. Signed Calves. Cat. 7


9 000 - 13 000





1865/72: 1/2 real blue, in a coarse dull under-inked impression, four margins, used on 1870 cover to Paris cancelled by dotted “3154” lozenge (as originally allotted to Rixheim), mailed from Quito (July 2). Struck on reverse with double ring “GUAYAQUIL” British P.O. datestamp (July 9) in black, thence vwith “PANAMA TRANSIT” single ring cds (July 29) in black and London (Aug 26) where “GB/1F 90c.” accountancy mark was applied. Charged ‘12’ decimes handstruck due on arrival. A very rare and fine cover, believed to be the sole usage of the “3154” lozenge on an overseas cover. Rare and attractive. Certificate Moorhouse (1992). Cat. 1


8 500 - 12 500


1866: 4 reales red-brown, fine used example on 1871 mourning cover to France, neatly tied by “TULCAN” datestamp (Aug 12) in black. Single ring “PANAMA TRANSIT” British P.O. cds on front (Aug 20) and thence via London where “GB/1F 90c.” accountancy marking was applied. Charged 30 decimes due on receipt (Sept 12). A fine and rare single franking going abroad. Signed Holcombe. Cat. 1


8 000 - 10 000



1857: Cover from Helsingfors to Borga franked by exceptional 1856 5 kopek blue (Facit 1/Ib) with huge margins on all sides cancelled by Helsingfors datestamp (March 11) in black. Repeated strike of datestamp at right, a fine and scarce cover. Certificate Schwenson (2003). Cat. 1


8 500 - 10 000


1858 (April 8): Cover from Borga to Forssa bearing a fresh and fine example of the 1858 Small Pearls 5 kopek blue (Facir 1/Ic) tied by low boxed “BORGA” datestamp in black. Adhesive just touched at right as is usual with first issue adhesives used from this town, and a most attractive usage demonstrating the local (under 125 versts = 133 km.) rate. Certificate Schwenson (2003). Ex collection Fabergé. Cat. 1


8 500 - 10 000




1857 (June 26): Entire letter from Helsingfors to Abo bearing 1856 Small Pearls 5 kopek blue in a superb horizontal pair (Facit 1/Ib) cancelled solely by manuscript pen crosses in black ink. Helsingfors despatch datestamp at upper right on a fresh and very fine entire. Certificate Schwenson (2003) Cat. 1


10 000 - 14 000


1858 (Feb 5): Cover from Helsingfors to Abo bearing an exceptional horizontal pair of 1856 Small Pearls 5 kopek deep blue (Facit 1/Ib) with large margins all round, cancelled by manuscript pen crosses. Helsingfors despatch datestamp at right in black. Minor file fold of no importance, a fine and very rare cover. Certificate Schwenson (2003). Cat. 1


10 000 - 14 000


1857 (May 18): 5 kopek blue postal stationery envelope mailed to Tavastehus, up-rated for over 125 versts rate with 1856 Small Pearls 5 kopek blue cancelled by high boxed “KUOPIO� datestamp in black. A fine and extremely rare franking in excellent quality. Certificate C. Sundman (1989). Cat. 1


22 000 - 30 000




1859 (Feb 1): Small cover to Helsingfors franked by 1858 5 kopek blue with exceptional margins on all sides, tied by low boxed “BORGA” datestamp in black. “Ank” arrival marking (Feb 2) on reverse. Minor cover inclusion at top of a rare cover. Certificate Schwenson (2003). Cat. 3


11 000 - 15 500


1858 (Nov 21): 5 kopek deep blue postal stationery wrapper (Norma EK 6), up-rated for use from Wiborg to Bremen with 1858 Large Pearls 5 kopek blue, just shaved at sides but of no real significance, tied by high boxed “WIBORG� datestamps in black. An entire letter in exceptional condition and of great rarity. Signed Kosack. Certificate Nykvist (2003). Cat. 3


22 000 - 30 000




1859 (Sept 7): 5 kopek deep blue postal stationery wrapper, a fine used example from Wiborg to Tavastehus up-rated with 1850 cut-out 5 kopek deep blue (exceptional shade) tied by high boxed “WIBORG” datestamps in black. Obverse with further Wiborg datestamp and “Ank” arrival marking (Sept 10). A delightful and rare cover for the exhibition collection. Certificate Gummesson (1999). Cat. 3


22 000 - 30 000


1874 (Aug 25): Cover from Wiborg to Purmerende, Netherlands franked at 52 penni rate with single and horizontal strip of three 1866/70 8p. black on green and horizontal pair of 10p. black on chamois yellow all cancelled by “WIBORG� datestamps in black. Reverse with St. Petersburg transit cds and Purmerende arrival (aug 28) in black. An exceptional franking in excellent quality. Certificate Calves (2006). Cat. 6+7


7 000 - 10 000




1871: Cérès 10c. bistre, imperforate, the magnificent used horizontal tête-bêche pair, lightly cancelled by lozenge of dots and part Paquebot datestamp in blue. Superb and very rare. Signed Calves, Roumet. Certificate Von Der Weid (2003). Cat. 11a



1871: Cérès 20c. blue, the superb mint horizontal tête-bêche pair, large margins all round and of excellent vivid colour, unused without gum, exceptional and extremely rare so fine. Unique. Certificate A. Brun (1950) and Calves (2003). Cat. Yvert 12a.


10 000 - 15 000

50 000 - 75 000




1885: Napoleon 5c. grey-black used on 1891 registered Value Declared cover (for F 100 francs) used within Noumea, bearing additionally General Issues Dubois 1881 10c. black on greyish (2) and 25c. black on rose (5 examples) all tied by “NOUVELLE CALEDONIE / NOUMEA” datestamps in black (July 3). Some ageing and with five red wax seals on reverse of a rare, if philatelic, cover. Certificate BPB (2001). Cat. 1+50+54

4 000 - 6 000





FIRST ISSUE ESSAYS. 1852: Essays for the First Issue. Imperforate Essays (2), DCE 20 000 - 30 000 one in red on white paper (Type IV) close to the accepted design of issued 15c. although appearing to be “25c”, the second example for the 30 centimes value in blue on blued paper (Type II). Extremely rare and very fine. Certificate Calves (2004). Cat. 1+2


1852: 15c. black on pale azure paper, a magnificent used example of this famous “Number One�, three huge margins at sides, just touched in full outer frame-line at top, lightly cancelled by manuscript pen strokes. An exceptional example of this rarity. Signed Calves. Certificate Bernard Behr (1964). Cat. 1


15 000 - 20 000


1852: 30c. black on pale azure paper, a magnificent used example of this great rarity, huge margins for this stamp, just touched in full outer frame-line at lower right lightly cancelled by manuscript pen strokes. A truly wonderful example of this major classic rarity. Signed Brun and Kohler. Certificate Bernard Behr (1964). Cat. 2


15 000 - 20 000




1852: 30c. black on azure (Type I with ‘X’ ornament sidewys in centre), a fine example hinged to original 1858 front and part back of letter sheet addressed to a lawyer in St. Denis, with margins all round and barely touching the outer frame lines, cancelled by three manuscript pen strokes. “LA POSSESSION” datestamp (St. Leu) of despatch in red at right and St. Denis arrival cds (Sept 25) in black alongside. The addressee’s name re-written, however there are just three covers known bearing this variety. A great rarity of classic philately. Signed Georges Behr, Calves, Holcombe and Sismondo. Certificate Calves (2004), Sismondo (2004). Cat. 2a


25 000 - 35 000



1941/42: UNISSUED 30c. lilac, 50c. carmine-rose, 1fr. 75c. bright blue and 10fr. deep blue; the four 1938 values all with “FRANCE LIBRE / F. N. F. L.” overprint in black, superb and fresh mint with full unmounted original gum. Extremely rare. Signed A. Brun, Calves. Certificates Calves (1991) each stating “premiere piece vue a ce jour”.


60 000 - 75 000





BADEN. 1868 (March 5): Cash on Delivery cover to Gurtweil franked by Landpost March 1864 3kr. black on thick yellowish paper (two examples), July 1863 1kr. black on yellow, and June 1863 12kr. black on yellow paper all tied by “WALDSHUT� circular datestamps in blue. The 1kr. and one of the 3kr. values with minor perforation faults and 12kr. originally affixed in a defective state and expertly repaired, however this small faults are negligible compared to the rarity of this correctly franked cover (19 kreuzer rate, 3kr. postage + 16kr. commission); being one of just seven known covers bearing the three values of this issue: one (ex Boker) with a missing 12kr.), another (ex Romanow) is a cover front only and three other covers all have the 12kr. value restored-all of the recorded covers emanate from Waldshut. An extraordinary rarity for the classic collector. Signed Kohler. Certificate BPB (2006). Ex collection Dr. B. Berlin (Kohler June 1931), lot 133. Cat. 1x+2y+3x


35 000 - 50 000


1864 (Oct 14): Entire letter (invoice) from Saeckingen franked by horizontally bisected Landpost 12kr. black on yellow paper, boldly tied by “121� ring cancellation in black. Sackingen datestamp of despatch below. An extraordinary and extremely rare cover, postage being 6 kreuzer and commission fee being 42 kreuzer. Signed Thier. Certificate Bachmann (1953), Pfenninger (1955). Cat. 3xH


16 000 - 22 000





BAVARIA. 1849: 1kr. black, Plate 1, the mint block of 25 subjects from the C J K upper right corner of the sheet, all showing complete double printing variety and, remarkably Position 10 being tête-bêche. A few minor faults of absolutely no significance and the largest known multiple and with full unmounted original gum. A world classic rarity for the connoisseur. Unique. Certificate Scheller (2007), Calves (2008). Ex collection Pierre Mahé. Cat. 1/IaK

220 000- 300 000


1849: 1kr. black, three fine examples with the second stamp showing a most unusual flaw probably caused by an adherenece on the printing plate, all tied to an attractive small cover by “83” numeral cancellations with “FARNBACH” half-round cancellation at upper right (4/1) and reverse with Emmskirchen thimble datestamp. A scarce and fine cover. Signed Calves. Certificate Mohrmann (1958). Cat. 1


17 500 - 25 000


BAVARIA. 1849: Cover to Aschaffenburg franked by 1849 1kr. black, three superb examples in a deep intense shade, all tied by circular “237” numeral cancellations. Half-round arrival datestamp (2274) on reverse of a superb and extremely rare cover. Signed Fulpius, Pfenninger. Cat. 1


17 500 - 25 000





1861: The fabulous complete set of the first issue in 6 complete sheets: 1/2 CC C J schilling in two sheets with original and 1867 issue shades, in sheets of 200 with the eight blank spaces at lower left and lower right of each pane; 1s. in full sheet of 180 stamps with lower right pane inverted, 1 1/2s. in complete mint sheet of 200 with blank spaces and the eight inverted positions, 3s. in a complete sheet of 180 and the 4s. in complete sheet of 160. A wonderful and very rare set of excellent fresh colours and full original gum. Signed W. Engel, Carl H. Lange. Certificate Dr. Christian Mozek (2007). Ex collection John Boker. Cat. 1a+1b+2+3+4+5

50 000 - 60 000



1859 (Feb 14): Cover to London franked by superb large margined 1859 9sch. yellow tied by four barred cancellation in black; “HAMBURG PAID� datestamp in red alongside and London arrival cds (Feb 16) in red. A fine and rare cover. Signed Engel. Certificate Lange (2004). Cat. 7


22 500 - 25 000





1860: 1/4 groschen orange, a marginal strip of four from right of sheet, exceptional colour and large margins all round, tied to small piece by boxed & dated “ABBEHAUSEN” datestamps (Dec 7) in blue. A delightful and rare multiple: the largest known in used condition. Certificate BPA (1965), Zanini (1967), Hunziker (1967), August Koch (1967). Cat. Yvert 9. Michel 9


1860: 1/4 groschen orange, a fine large margined pair on cover cancelled by boxed & dated “RASTEDE” datestamp struck in blue, repeated strike at upper right of cover (11/3). An extremely rare stamp on letter. Certificate Carl H. Lange (1961). Cat. Yvert 9. Michel 9.



30 000 - 40 000

20 000 - 30 000



FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Small cover franked by very fine single 1/2 groschen vermilion, Small Shield, used locally on first day of issue and tied by framed “KONIGSBRUCK” framed datestamp, clearly dated “1-1-72”. Fresh and very fine cover. Certificate Brugger (2006). Ex collection Leon Rapkin and “Oldenburg”. Cat. Yvert 3. Michel 3.



FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Printed Matter entire letter franked by fine single 1/2 groschen orange, Small Shield, used to Messina / Sicily on first day of issue and tied by circular “BERLIN” datestamp, clearly dated “1/1-72”, with framed “PD” alongside in black. Fresh and very fine cover and extremely rare. Certificate Sommer (1990). Cat. Yvert 3. Michel 3.


7 500 - 10 000

10 000 - 15 000




FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cover (insured for 62 thalers) franked by fine 1/2 groschen orange-vermilion and defective 2gr. blue (contemporarily damaged on application to the cover), Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by circular Saxony “LOSSNITZ” datestamp, clearly dated “1/1”, with repeated strike in centre. Despite the fault, a great rarity, especially so on an Insured cover. Certificate Sommer (1999). Cat. Yvert 3+5. Michel 3+5.


10 000 - 15 000


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cover to Stettin franked by fine single 1 groschen red, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by framed “STOLP IN POMMERN” datestamp, clearly dated “1-1-72”, with repeated strike at left. Reverse with arrival cds. Minor blunted perfs. but a very fine and rare cover. Cat. Yvert 4. Michel 4.


4 500 - 6 500


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Entire letter to Coblenz franked by fine single 1 F groschen red, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by framed “MUNSTERMAYFELD” datestamp, with repeated strike at below. Letter dated clearly inside (erroneously 1 Jan 1871) and arrival cds on reverse (2/1). A rare First Day Cover. Signed Pfenninger. Certificate Hennies (1973), Brugger (2006). Cat. Yvert 4. Michel 4.

4 500 - 6 500


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cover franked by fine single 1 groschen red, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by circular “LEMGO” datestamp, clearly dated “1-1-72”, with repeated strike at left, both in black. Fresh and fine and extremely scarce. Cat. vert 4. Michel 4.

4 500 - 6 500





FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cover franked by fine single 1 groschen red, Small Shield, slightly off centre, used on first day of issue and tied by circular “TAPIAU” datestamp, clearly dated “1-1-72”, with repeated strike at left. A fine and rare Prussian usage. Certificate Sommer (1995). Cat. Yvert 4. Michel 4.


4 500 - 6 500


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cover franked by fine single 1 groschen red, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by circular “ZITTAU” datestamp, clearly dated “1-JAN-72”, with repeated strike at right, both in black. The reverse witth large part arrival (2-1-72) datestamp. A very rare cover. Certificate Brugger (2006). Ex collection “Geuther” and “Oldenburg”. Cat. Yvert 4. Michel 4.


4 500 - 6 500


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cover franked by fine single 1 groschen red, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by circular “DASSEL” datestamp, clearly dated “1/1”, with repeated strike at right, both in black. The cover was ‘turned’ and sent back on the following day: again clearly dated “Einbeck 2/1”. Fresh and very fine cover and extremely rare. Certificate Hennies (1980)., Brugger (2006). Cat. Yvert 4. Michel 4.


4 500 - 6 500


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cover franked by fine single 1 groschen red, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by circular “BERLIN P.E. No. 12” datestamp, clearly dated “1-1-72”, with fine repeated strike of the datestamp at right. Exceptional and very rare cover. Signed Buhler. Certificate Brugger (2006). Cat. Yvert 4. Michel 4.


4 500 - 6 500




FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Entire letter to St. Etienne franked by horizontal pair of the 1 groschen red, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by circular “METZ” datestamps, clearly dated “1/1/72”. Adhesives also tied by “25” due marking with further strike of Metz despatch cds below. Reverse with arrival cds. Minor blunting of one or two perforations of no importance, a very rare and appealing cover. Certificate Hennies (1979), Brugger (2006). Ex collection Sommer and “Oldenburg”. Cat. Yvert 4. Michel 4.


12 000 - 18 000


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Entire letter franked by fine single 2 groschen blue, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by “HAMBURG” datestamp, clearly dated “1 JAN-72”, with repeated strike alongside. A magnificent and very rare entire. Signed Flemming. Certificate Sommer (1989). Cat. Yvert 5. Michel 5.


5 500 - 7 500


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cover to Paris franked by fine single 2 groschen blue, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by “HAGENAU I. ELSASS” datestamp, clearly dated “1-1-72”, with repeated strike above. Charge mark ‘25’ in blue at right. A wonderful and very rare entire. Signed Pfenninger. Certificate Hennies (1980), Brugger (2006). Ex collection Leon Rapkin and “Oldenburg”. Cat. Yvert 5. Michel 5.


12 000 - 18 000




FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Printed Matter entire letter franked by fine single 1 kreuzer green, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by circular “MEININGEN” datestamp, clearly dated “1-1-72”, with repeated strike of despatch datestamp at upper right. Fresh and very fine cover and extremely rare. Certificate Brugger (2006). Ex collection “Geuther” and “Oldenburg”. Cat. Yvert 7. Michel 7.


10 000 - 15 000


FIRST DAY COVER. 1872: Cardfranked by fine single 1 kreuzer red, Small Shield, used on first day of issue and tied by circular “OFFENBACH” datestamp, clearly dated “1-1-72”, with repeated strike at left. Dudelsheim arrival cds at lower left of card (same day). A fine and rare card usage. Certificate Hennies (1981), Brugger (2006). Ex collection “Oldenburg”. Cat. Yvert 9. Michel 9.


5 500 - 8 000


SYKE PROVISIONAL. 1873: 1 groschen red, Small Shield, the vertical bisect (right half of stamp) used on Official cover to Barrien, tied by bold strike of “SYKE 26/4� datestamp in black., prepaying the local rate in full. Extraordinary cover in excellent quality and extremely rare. Listed by Rohlfs as No. 12; however this cover was the first example of this bisect to come to light, discovered in 1918. Certificate BPB (2005). Ex Kosack sale, Berlin (1931). Cat. 4H


50 000 - 65 000




NORTH GERMAN & GERMAN EMPIRE COMBINATION COVER. 1872: Germany 1/2 groschen orange, Large Shield, used on famous cover to Osnabruck in combination with North German Confederation 1869 perf. 1/2 gr. orange tied to 1872 entire letter by framed and dated “TECKLENBURG” (17/12) datestamp in black. Reverse with Osnabruck arrival (same day). An extremely rare and fine entire. Ex Mohrmann sale, June 1962, lot 1636. Certificate Pfenninger (1962). Cat. Yvert 15+14. Michel 15+14


7 500 - 10 000



HINDENBURG CRASH COVER. 1937 (May 10): Olympic 15+10pf. illustrated postal stationery card up-rated with Olympic adhesives (2), mailed originally on the ill-fated Hindenburg Airship which burned at Lakehurst, New Jersey; this card being prepared for sending on the return journey and saved due to being stored on board in a metal container. After the crash the card was returned via the Foreign Branch of the New York P.O. and the adhesives cancelled by “New York / Paquebot� duplex (May 10) and returned to sender in Gorlitz by Ship. According to USPO records this is one of four cards to be delivered to Mr. Laitenberger. Extremely fine and rare. Certificate Grabowski (1980), Falk (1981).


10 000 - 12 000





AUDREY HEPBURN UNISSUED ‘SMOKING’ STAMP. 2001: “International Film Star - Audrey Hepburn”, the unissued 110+50 pfenning / 56c.+26c. multicoloured adhesive, the superb unmounted mint corner marginal example showing Audrey Hepburn in classic Holly Golightly pose with cigarette. The stamp was withdrawn before issue because of the cigarette and remained unreleased with the exception of a few used examples which were inadvertently mailed from Berlin. This stamp is from the unique mint block of ten formerly owned by Audrey Hepburn’s son which was auctioned to provide funds for UNICEF and AHCF. Certificate Schlegel (2011). Cat. Michel XIX


65 000 - 80 000



UNADOPTED ESSAY. 1921: Piecve with various values, 60pf., 80pf., 1m. and 2m.; all overprinted as Trials for surcharge with “Flugpost” in various colours (green, red, blue, black) and in variety of formats (horizontal or diagonally struck). Three stamps tied by red circular “Le Haut-CommissionTerritoire de Memel” cachets, with manuscript “Refusé, Memel 28 Juin 1921” at base. Unique and wonderful item. Certificate Calves (2006). Cat. PA 1+3+4+5


9 000 - 12 500





1920: Bavaria 20 mark brown, overprinted “SARRE� and bars, a mint example CC of this great rarity with fresh and fine colour, slightest of diagonal bends not apparent on face and full unmounted original gum. A very rare stamp indeed, with just 15 recorded by the Saar ArGe. Signed twice by Dr. Dub. Certificate Herbert Ney (2005). Cat. 31A

175 000 - 250 000



FRENCH MILITARY OCCUPATION OF TOGO. 1914: “05” (Type III) overprint in black on C SAMOA 3pf. brown (error for Togo), the exceptional mint example of fresh colour, centering and fine, large part original gum. A great rarity. Certificate Calves (2003) stating “premiere piece vue à ce jour”. Cat. 23 var

25 000 - 35 000



1914: 2 mark blue, wide setting, the superb and fresh mint example of good colour, slightest of imperceptible vertical bends, fresh and fine, large part original gum. A rarity. Signed Tommy Allen, A. Diena, Kosack. Certificate A. Diena (1967). Cat. SG H11. Yvert 42/I.


8 500 - 12 500

1914: 50pf. black & purple on buff, lines of overprint 3mm. apart with “Anglo-French” measuring 15.5 mm., a superb used example of this exceedingly rare stamp, cancelled “LOME 19.2.15” in black. A rarity, just 13 examples are recorded. Signed Kilian BPP. Certificate Philatelic Foundation (1963), Kilian (1985). Cat. SG H8. Scott 60. Michel 8/I.


10 000 - 12 500




1915: 3pf. brown, overprinted Gibbs Type 3D, spaced 1 1/3mm. with broken first “O” in “Togo”, a superb used example tied to small piece by complete “LOME” datestamp (April 8, 1915) in blue. An extraordinarily rare stamp from the individual setting (not the Sansane Mangu printing). Certificate Holcombe (1994). Ex collection Bob Gibbs. SG H29 var.


FRENCH TOGO. 1915: “05” on Togo 3pf. brown, no watermark, the exceptional mint example of this rare stamp, of good colour and fresh and fine original gum. A rarity. Signed A. Brun. Certificate Calves (2004). Cat. Yvert 43


7 500 - 10 000


20 000 - 30 000




FRENCH TOGO. 1915: 10pf. carmine, wmk. lozenges, the superb used example with variety “Overprint Inverted”, cancelled by “Anecho” datestamp in blue-black. A great rarity in superb condition. Signed Buhler, A. Diena and Hoffmann. Certificate Brun (2003). Cat. Yvert 45a.


12 000 - 15 000


FRENCH TOGO. 1915: Famous cover to Porto Novo franked by 1915 “10” on 5pf. green in a horizontal pair (Type I) in combination with vertically bisected “10” on 5pf. green (Type II) all tied by bold strikes of “ANECHO” datestamp (Jan 23). Reverse with Cotonou cds (Jan 26) and Porto Novo arrival cds (Jan 27). A fine and very rare cover. Certificate Holcombe (1994). Cat. Yvert 24+24a


9 000 - 12 000



1860 (April 11): Cover from Gibraltar to London endorsed “via Madrid & Paris” at top, franked by Great Britain 1857 4d. rose red and Spain Postal Forgery 1860-61 12c. red on pale yellowish paper each tied by barred “A26” obliterator cancellations and the latter by London red arrival cds (April 20). A rare and splendid cover paying the 12c. rate to France and the 4d. rate from France to England in full. Signed Calves and Roumet. Certificate Calves. Cat. Z35


16 000 - 22 500


1874 (Dec 26): Entire letter from the Pedro Valle correspondence from Gibraltar to Malaga, franked by Great Britain 1858 2d. blue plate 7 tied by “Gibraltar / A26” duplex, used in combination with Spain Impuesto de Guerra 5c. black and 10c. brown tied by grid cancellation in black. Endorsed at upper left “p. Maria Gracia”. A few minor imperfections of no significance, a late usage of the combination method for reducing payment. Cat. Z22


16 000 - 22 500




1859 (Dec 7): Cover from the MacPherson correspondence from Gibraltar to Cadiz franked by Great Britain 1858 2d. blue plate 7 tied by “A26” obliterator used in combination with Spain 1855-60 4c. deep rose red on blued paper tied by circular “3” numeral and also tied by Gibraltar cds of despatch in blue. Endorsed at upper left “per Str. Gibraltar”, with Cadiz arrival cds (Dec 8) on reverse of a fine and very rare cover, recorded by Ricky Richardson. Ex collection Metliss. Cat. Z22


11 000 - 15 000


1858 (Nov 12): Cover from the MacPherson correspondence from Gibraltar to Cadiz franked by combination of Great Britain 1855 2d. blue, perf. 14, tied by “G” obliterator and Spain 1855 4c. rose red tied by circular numeral “3” which also tied the 2d. blue. Endorsed at upper left “Per San Servando” with Gibraltar cds in blue of despatch on front and reverse showing Cadiz arrival cds (Nov 18). A fine and rare cover, recorded by Ricky Richardson. Ex collection Metliss. Cat. Z8


11 000 - 15 000



SCINDE DAWK. 1852: 1/2a. emossed on whte paper, the horizontal mint pair with huge margins all round, fine embossing and good colour. Light diagonal crease but an xceptional and very rare multiple of this world-famous stamp. Certificate BPA (1930, signed Sefi, Pemberton, Deakin, Houtzamer). SG S1







THE FULL SET ON THREE COVERS. 1859: 1/2d. orange-yellow, used on 1861 entire letter to Patras cancelled in manuscript at Zakynthos, slight ageing to the colour but of great rarity on letter (certificate RPS), 1d. blue used on 1859 entire letter prepaid from Cefalonia via Zakynthos to Patras (signed A. Diena) and 2d. carmine used on 1859 entire letter from Zakynthos to Patras also cancelled in manuscript (signed A. Diena). A fine and scarce group. 1+2+3


12 500 - 15 000



ERROR OF COLOUR. 1878: Lion Issue 1 kran, Type D, error of colour, printed in bronze brown instead of carmine, with large margins all round and of rich deep colour, unused with minor hinge thin at top and slight staining where presumably affixed (two printer’s card?). The sole known example from the re-engraved cliches of 1878 and thus unique. Signed Sadri. Certificate Sadri (2006), Vachat (2010). Cat. Sadri 26c.


30 000 - 40 000





1856c.: Cover to Vienna endorsed “Jerusalem” at top, mailed prior to the F 6 500 - 7 500 Jerusalem Office opening and thus sent through Beirut with superb strike of two line dated “BEYRUT / 17. NOV” handstamp applied in black. Manuscript rate “12/9” (12 kreuzer by sea, 9 kreuzer by land) on front for due amount, and Vienna arrival cds (Dec 6) in red on reverse. A marvellous cover. Certificate Hochleutner (2003).


1948: First Coins, the superb mint imperforate set of nine complete in sheet marginal blocks of four, unmounted original gum. Extremely fine and rare set. Cat. 1/9


12 500 - 18 500





1850: 15c. red, Type II, a superb large margined used example on small piece, variety “Printed on vertically laid paper”, tied by “Verona 17/12” datestamp in black. The stamp has been lifted for expertisation and has been hinged back into thhe original position. A rarity. Certificate Emilio Diena (1936), A. Diena (1976), Bottacchi (2001). Cat. Yvert 3e. Sassone 18



MILAN POSTAL FORGERY. 1858 (June 1): Cover from Taccini & Co. in Milan to Monza franked by fine four margined example, just clear at upper right , of the Milan Postal Forgery 15c. bright rose-red (Type II) tied by “Milano” cds (1/6) in black. Monza arrival datestamp (same day) on reverse of a fine and rare cover. Certificate Ferchenbauer (1978).


8 000 - 10 000

9 500 - 12 500


MILAN POSTAL FORGERY. 1857 (Dec 14): Entire letter from Alessandro Ripmonti & Co. in Milan to Cremona franked by very fine four margined example of the Milan Postal Forgery 15c. bright rose-red tied by “Milano” cds (14/12) in black. A very early usage of this Postal Forgery. Cremona arrival datestamp (15/12) on reverse of a superb and rare cover. Certificate A. Diena (1976), Raybaudi (1977).



MILAN POSTAL FORGERY. 1858 (May 3): Entire letter from A. Simonetta E Piertro & Co. in Milan to Seravalle franked by fine four margined example of the Milan Postal Forgery 45c. clear pale blue tied by “Milano” cds (3/5) in black. Two line Seravalle arrival (May 5) on reverse of a fresh, fine and very rare cover. Certificate A. Diena (1975), Raybaudi (1977).


15 000 - 20 000

7 500 - 10 000



1864: Registered entire letter from Canale to Longarone, franked by 1861 Postal Stationery Cut-Out of the 15 soldi blue neatly tied, with framed “Raccomandata� handstamp at right. Longarone arrival datestamp on reverse of a rare and charming entire. Certificate E. Diena (1992). Cat. Sassone 4


1851: Newspaper Stamp, 3 centesemi blue, Type III, in a superb horizontal mint strip of ten, with large even margins all round, close but clear at base, of fresh vibrant colour and large part original gum. Exceptional. Certificate Colla (2000). Cat. Sassone 3b


7 500 - 10 000



3 000 - 3 500



Provisional Government. 1859: 5c. green and 40c. carmine, very fine four margined examples of excellent colour, used on 1860 registered entire letter to Novellara and tied by “REGGIO” datestamp (Jan 14) in black. Framed “Raccomandata” handstamp at right and “PD” in blue. A delightful and rare cover in excellent quality. Signed E. Diena and Oliva. Certificate Oliva (1952), BPB (1998). Cat. Yvert 7+10. Sassone 12+17c.


7 000 - 9 000


Provisional Government. 1859: 5c. green and 15c. violet brown, fine and fresh examples used on 1860 cover to Montefiorino tied by Reggio datestamp in black (Jan 31). A fine and attractive cover. Signed E. Diena, Raybaudi. Certificate E. Diena (1992). Cat. Yvert 7+8. Sassone 12+13c.


15 000 - 20 000





1858: 20 grana brown rose and rare 50gr. rose used on 1860 double weight cover from Naples to Paris, endorsed “par le bateau direct”; adhesives tied by framed “Annulato” handstamps in black with “Deux Sicilies / Marseille” entry mark in red (Jan 10) on front. Reverse with Naples despatch (Jan 7) and Paris arrival cds (Jan 11). Minor vertical file fold just touches the 20c., but a delightful and extremely rare overseas usage. Signed Roumet. Cat. Yvert 6+7. Sassone 13+16.


NAPLES POSTAL FORGERY. 1859: 5 grana rose, second printing, used in combination with Postal Forgery 10g. bright carmine rose (Sassone 7a) tied to 1860 second sheet of entire letter to Rome by framed “Annulato” handstamp in black. A rare mixed usage and a very fine cover. Signed A. Diena. Certificate E. Diena (1977). Cat. Sassone 9+F7a


15 000 - 20 000


7 500 - 10 000


STRIP OF FOUR 50 GRANA ON COVER. 1858 (Oct 2): The wonderful cover from Naples F 80 000 - 100 000 to Marseille franked by 1858 2gr. rose red, 10gr. deep rose red, first printing, 20gr. first printing in brown rose and the superb 50gr. brown rose in a splendid horizontal strip of four, all stamps with huge to ample margins all round and cancelled by framed “Annulato� handstamps in black. A major raity of Naples and Italian classic philately. Signed Emilio Diena. Certifciate E. Diena (1988), Colla (2003). Sassone 7b+10a+12+14




TRINACRIA USED PAIR WITH WATERMARK. 1860: Trinacria 1/2 tornese blue, the superb used horizontal pair showing the watermark on the left hand stamp clearly, huge margins all round and very lightly cancelled by framed “Annulato” handstamp in black. A magnificent and unique rarity. Signed A. Diena. Certificate E. Diena (1985). Ex collection Caspary. Cat. Yvert 8.


65 000 - 75 000


1860: “Trinacria” 1/2 tornese blue, an extraordnary example used on 1860 Printed Matter cover from Naples to Tavenna, the adhesive with large margins all round (especially so at top) and with two vertical pre-printing paper folds running through the entire stamp. Tied by light strike of framed “Annulato” handstamp in black with red datestamp of arrival (Nov 29) on reverse. The E. Diena certificate states ‘It is the only circular letter known to me with this variety’. A rare and most unusual entire. Certificate E. Diena (2001). Cat. Yvert 8. Sassone 15.


2 500 - 3 500



1852: 1/2 bajocchi black on grey paper and horizontally bisected 1/2 bajocchi black on grey-blue tied used on 1858 entire letter from Perugia to Bettona tied by framed eight bar grill handstamp in black. Perugia (October 30) datestamp at right. The cover bears the manuscript “1/2” and it must be assumed the Postmaster mistook the grey-blue example for a 1 bajocchi adhesive and then bisected same to collect the required rate. A most extraordinary usage of both the major shades of the Number One more especially so with the bisected usage. Unique and wonderful entire. Certificate Raybaudi (1994). Cat. Yvert 1a+1b. Sassone 1+1a.


17 500 - 25 000


TÊTE-BÊCHE PAIR OF NUMBER ONE. 1852: 1/2 bajocchi grey-blue, the superb horizontal tête-bêche pair, positions 13 and 14 on the sheet, with just touched to large margins all round, used on cover from Assisi to Perugia, tied by italic “ASSISI” handstamp in black. A major rarity of Italian philately in outstanding quality for such a piece. Signed Giorgio Colla, E. Diena, Renato Mondolfo, Raybaudi. Certificate E. Diena (2000). Cat. Yvert 1b. Sassone 1g.


50 000 - 75 000




1852: 6 bajocchi black on grey green, a superb vertically tri-sected example (for use as a 2 baj. adhesive) used on 1859 entire letter from Bologna to Modena, tied by framed eight barred handstamp in black with Bologna datestamp (July 20) at left and arrival datestamp on reverse. A magnificent and very rare entire. Signed E. Diena, Grioni, Raybaudi. Certificate E. Diena (1980). Cat. Yvert 7. Sassone 7.


15 000 - 20 000


1852: 3 bajocchi black on yellowish bistre-brown, 7b. black on blue, a fine single example and a remarkable horizontal strip of five, all tied to attractive registered cover to Ravenna by pre-philatelic “ROMA AFFRANCATURA” handstamps in red with straight line “ASSICURATA” below. The 3b. with somewhat clipped margins, the strip in wonderful fresh condition and quality. A delightful and rare cover. Signed Raybaudi. Certificate E. Diena (1990). Cat. Yvert 4+8. Sassone 4a+8


22 000 - 28 000



1856: 5c. black on yellow, the remarkable corner marginal block of four from upper right of sheet, used on 1856 cover to Piacennza addressed to the Duchess Ottavia Sforza, cancelled by two fine strikes of the Parma framed network handstamp in black. Straight line “PARMA 15 SETTEMBRE� datestamp at right, also in black and reverse with Borgo S. Donnino transit cds (Sept 16) in red and Piacenza arrival cds (Sept 17) in black. An outstanding rarity of both Parma and Italian States classic philately in wonderful and fresh condition. Certificate Sorani (1992). Cat. 1


40 000 - 60 000




Provisional Government. 1859: 5c. bluish-green and 20c. blue, fine examples used on 1859 cover from Piacenza to Trieste, adhesives neatly tied by “PIACENZA 6 DEC 59” datestamp in black, with manuscript alongside “Insuff. 15 ctmi” in ink. Fresh and very fine cover of great visual appeal. Certificate E. Diena (2004). Cat. Yvert 12+14. Sassone 12+15


17 500 - 25 000


Provisional Government. 1859: 5c. bluish-green and 20c. blue, fine examples used on 1859 cover from Piacenza to Trieste, adhesives neatly tied by “PIACENZA 20 DEC 59” datestamps in black. Some minor ageing on the 20c. but a very rare cover. Signed Calves. RPS (1944), Zanini (1964), Ebel (1966). Cat. Yvert 12+14. Sassone 12+15.


15 000 - 20 000


1853: Newspaper Tax 9 centesimi black on blue, fresh and fine example tied to “Gazzeta Ufficiale Di Milano� issue Number 68 of March 1856, by Parma framed network handstamp in black. A fine, rare and attractive usage. Certificate H. Avi (2006). Cat. Yvert 2. Sassone 2.


15 000 - 20 000




1853: Parma Newspaper Tax 9 centesimi black on blue, a superb large margined example used in conjunction with Modena 1852 5c. black on green, sheet marginal, tied to September 1853 “Messaggere Di Modena� Newspaper bz Parma framed network handstamp and by Modena six-barred obliterators in black. A wonderful and extremely rare usage for the connoisseur. Certificate Sorani (2002),Colla (2003). Cat. Yvert 2+1A. Sassone N2+7.


45 000 - 60 000



1859: 1/2 baj. black on yellow and diagonally bisected 3 baj. black on deep dull green, used on 1859 cover from Bologna to Ferrara, paying the 2 bajocchi rate. The adhesives tied by the framed eight bar grill handstamp in black of Ferrara, with Bologna despatch cds (Oct 14) at right. Manuscript notation of ‘2’ to pay also on obverse of cover with Ferrara cds also on reverse. A legendary and dramatic cover of great visual appeal and rarity. Certificate Sorani (1992). Cat. Yvert 1+4, Sassone 1+4


85 000 - 125 000





1851: 5c. black, 1st printing, Plate Vi, position 25 on the sheet, a superb example with close to enormous margins used on 1852 entire letter locally in Voghera and cancelled by lozenge of dots in black. Voghera cds at right (April 10). A rare and most attractive entire. Certificate Alberto Diena (1957). Cat. Yvert 1. Sassone 1.


9 000 - 12 000


1853: 5c. green embossed pair, marginal from base of sheet, used on 1855 cover to France in conjunction with 1854 40c. carmine, marginal from base of sheet cancelled by double circle datestamps in black and by unframed “P.D.� in red. Reverse with Chambery transit (Aug 19) and Dijon arrival cds (Aug 21). Minor bend on application on one 5c. green otherwise in magnificent quality for a mixed issue cover. Certificate Bottacchi (2007). Cat. Yvert 4+9. Sassone 4+9.


20 000 - 30 000



1859: The famous “Number One� cover franked by an astonishing eight horizontal pairs of the 1/2 grana in a brilliant shade all cancelled by frame handstamps in black to September 1859 cover to Palermo. All the pairs have generous to ample margins for this issue, the sixth stamp in the top row have a small scrape into the surface of the design of no significance, an extraordinary world rarity and of great visual appeal. Cat. 18


200 000 - 300 000




1859: 1/2 grana orange, first printing on Naples paper, positions 14 and 80, and 1gr. olive green, Plate II position 78 used on attractive cover to Partinico cancelled by neat framed handstamps in black with oval “Casalemi� despatch in red at right. A fresh and very fine cover. Signed E. Diena, Raybaudi. Certificate E. Diena (1991). Cat. Yvert 19+19. Sassone 1e+4a.


10 000 - 15 000


1859: THE ERROR OF COLOUR. The piece bearing the unique dated example of G I 1 000 000 - 1 200 000 the 1/2 grana printed in “deep dull blue” instead of orange from Plate II, with large margins all round and cancelled by the framed handstamp in black. Palermo datestamp at right (April 21, 1859). A philatelic world rarity.

This famous stamp error of colour was ably recorded by Emilio Diena in 1904: “the person who found the letter in Syracuse was a collector. He detached one of the specimens from the letter and put it into his collection. The letter was then sold to a Parisian dealer, from whom the other error (the loose copy) was re-sold to Prince Doria Pamphilj and this copy was exhibited in Manchester at the Philatelic Exhibition of 1899”. Diena goes on to state that the stamps were probably accepted as 2 grana paying double the inland rate, as when he originally saw the piece it was larger but nevertheless had no trace of a charge mark in manuscript on it.

The piece with both stamps known showing the error is illustrated in the handbook “I francobolli degli ultimi Re” by Nino Aquila, figure 18 and discussed fully in Williams “Encycloaedia” on page 161. Signed Alberto Bolaffi, Alberto Diena, Grioni, Renato Mondolfo. Certicate Colla (2007), Brun (2011), Calves (2011).

Ex collection Baron Ferrary de la Rénotière, Conte Gerli, Alfredo Gerli, Alberto Bolaffi, G. Barcella. Cat. Yvert 18c. Sassone 2e.




1859: The four colour franking for 116 grana rate bearing superb 1 grana olive-green (Plate 3), 5 grana rose carmine (Plate 1), 10 grana with fine margins in the bright blue shade and a superb horizontal strip of five 20 grana grey-black all tied by framed handstamps in black. to 1859 cover front from Palermo to Marseille endorsed at top “Col vapore via Messina�. Slight repaired tear well away from adhesives and some re-inking of the addressee’s name, but these are minor faults compared to the rarity and attractiveness of this famous piece. The sole recorded usage of a strip of five 20gr. on letter. Signed Mondolfo. Certificate A. Diena (1970), E. Diena (1984). Cat. Yvert 19+21+22+23.


35 000 - 40 000


1859: 2grana blue (2 examples, both from Plate III on Palermo paper), 5gr. deep carmine from Plate I and 20gr. deep blue all used on 1860 single rate entire letter from Messina to Livorno, tied by frame handstamps in black. All adhesives have excellent to large margins and are of fresh colour. “Messina� despatch cds at right (Jan 23) in black. A fine and rare franking. Signed Emilio Diena, Enzo Diena. Certificate E. Diena (1986), Sismondo (2001). Cat. Yvert 20+21+22. Sassone 8+9B+12


4 000 - 6 000




1859: The famous 50 grana single franking cover to Rome from Palermo, with fine 1859 50 grana deep red brown tied by low strike of the frame handstamp in black; alongside “Palermo� datestamp (January 19) and unframed Civitavecchia entry handstamp in black. Reverse of cover with the transit cds (Jan 22) and Rome arrrival datestamp. A magnificent cover of consummate rarity and importance in Italian philately. Signed by A. Diena, E. Diena, Fiecchi, Gazzi, Raybaudi. Certificate Gazzi (1976), A. Diena (1976), Fiecchi (1976), Raybaudi (1999). Cat. Yvert 18, Sassone 14.


100 000 - 120 000


1859: 2 grana blue (2) and single 50 grana lake -red applied on front of 1859 cover to Ollerton, England endorsed at top “Par Paquebot Poste Francaise via Marseille”, adhesives tied by frame handstamps with two line “Messina / 29 Mag.” handstamp and boxed “PD” both in black alongside, applied on despatch. Marseille transit (June 1) in red and London red transit cds (June 3) in red. An extraordinarily rare destination and a most attractive piece for the connoisseur of Sicilian postal history. Signed A. Diena, Raybaudi. Cat. Yvert 20+24. Sassone 14b+8d(2).


40 000 - 50 000




1859: 1 grana olive-green (Plate 3, on Naples paper), 20 grana slate grey and 50 grana lake-brown single and horizontal pair in a deep shade, all tied by frame handstamps in black to letter addressed to Livorno and carried at 9 times the single rate. Two line “Messina / 31 Ott.” despatch datestamp in black at right . An extraordinary and rare cover, there being only six letters bearing more than one example of the 50 gr., of which just two covers are recorded with three examples. A wonderful cover for the specialist. Signed Enzo Diena (“I have signed it E. Diena because of its great rarity), Raybaudi and Giorgio Colla.Certificate E. Diena (1994), Colla (2002). Cat. Yvert 19+23+24. Sassone 5a,13,14.


120 000 - 150 000



1851: 1 soldo orange bistre on blued paper, imperforate, the magnificent vertical strip of five with large margins all round, used on 1853 cover addressed to the Grand Duke of Tuscany in Foligno tied by manuscript pen stroke denoting full payment, six strikes of the unframed “P.D.” marking and superb “LASTRA A SIGNA” datestamp (September 11) in black. A marvellous and appealing first issue cover of great importance to Italian philately. Certificate E. Diena (1981). Cat. 2


85 000 - 95 000




TRANSATLANTIC COVER. 1851: 2 crazie blue, just touched at top, and rare vertical strip of six 9cr. brown-lilac used on 1856 cover from Florence to New York, all cancelled by the five barred obliterator in black; all stamps in the strip having superlative margins for this issue. “Firenze” despatch cds below (Aug 27) and framed “PD” in red alongside. Struck with “Boston Br. Pkt./5” datestamp of entry (Sept 14) in black at left. A rare and most attractive cover. Unique. Certificate Oliva (1997). Cat. 5+8. Sassone 5e+8e.


20 000 - 30 000



CENTRAL VIGNETTE MISSING. 1863: 15c. deep blue, a fine large margined imperforate exxample, used on 1863 cover to Bonate Superiore, with variety “senza effigie” or missing King’s Head / Cental embossed vignette, boldly tied by “VILLA D’ADDA” datestamp in blue-green (Jan 29). A superb and extremely rare cover in immaculate, pristine condition. Certificaate Enzo Diena (1995). Cat. Yvert 10. Sassone 11m.


50 000 - 75 000




1863/65: De La Rue London Printing, 2c. red-brown in a superb mint block of six, fresh and fine,full unmounted og. Rare. Certificate A. Diena (1955), E. Diena (1995). Cat. Yvert 13. Sassone L15.


1882: 2 lire orange-red and 1879 5c. green used on 1885 registered cover to Bologna; poorly tied by obliterators (due to red wax seals on reverse) with Rome registration label at right. Reverse with Bologna arrival cds (March 25). Minor strengthening at upper left, well away from the adhesives, however the 2 Lire is a major philatelic rarity on letter, this being amongst the finest of the few known. Certificate A. Diena (1976). Cat. Yvert 33+39. Sassone 37+43



15 000 - 20 000

40 000 - 60 000


1931 (Jan): Dornier DO-X cover from Milan franked by Italy 25c. green (2) and single 75c. bright rose tied by Milano Centro datestamps in black, used in combination with Germany Airmail 2m. bright blue and 4m. seopia brown tied by “DORNIER / DOX / FLUGSCHIFF� cachet (Jan 30). and carried on First Europe to South Americca Flight with black and red special cachets. Fine and rare cover.


5 000 - 6 000





1919: 10kr. deep violet, the superb mint example of excellent centering and colour and full unmounted original gum. An exquisite and exceptional rarity. Certificate E. Diena (1988). Cat. Yvert 18. Sassone 18.


60 000 - 90 000



THE RAREST SET OF GEORGE V , COMPLETE TO THE £100 VALUE. CC C 1922/27: The complete mint set of 28 values, fresh and fine mint examples from 1c. to £100; the £2 green & purple, £4 black & magenta, £10 black & green, £20 red & green and £75 purple & grey all being corner marginal examples with Control figure “1”, the £75 value in addition showing sheet requisition number “4”; the £50 black & brown and £100 red & black being marginal from right of sheet. Superb og. A privilege to see and describe and a philatlic wonder. An almost unbelievable set, impossible to re-assemble nowadays and in wonderful quality. Cat. 75/105

200 000 - 220 000




1922/27: The high values, a near complete set with 5s., 10s., £1, £2, £3, £4, £5, £10, £20, £25, £50 and the legendary £100 values, fine used, all cancelled “Inland Revenue / Nairobi” circular datestamps. A marvellous and extremely rare selection. Cat. 92+94+/103+105


35 000 - 50 000


see Belgium Lot 8 Luxembourg & Belgium Combination cover


1868: North German Confederation 1gr. rose-red and Luxembourg 1865-73 rouletted in colour 12 1/2c. rose-red, each tied to 1868 cover to Christnach via Echternach by fine strikes of “RUWER� datestamps in black (January 20, first month of use for the 1gr.). Echternach arrival cds (Jan 21) on reverse. The 1gr. separated by scissors at top and the 12 1/2c. with minor ageing around roulettes, otherwise the sole known example of this extraordinary combination. A delightful cover for the connoisseur. Unique. Certificate Buhler (1970), Pfenninger & Brettl (1971), BPB (2008). Cat. Yvert 18 + 4


20 000 - 30 000




1847: ‘POST OFFICE’ 1d. orange-red, the famous used example cancelled by barred obliterator in black, of fine appearance for this great philatelic rarity, the adhesive being cut close at base and touched at top and at right, full strengthened margin at left. The stamp has small repairs at upper left and at lower right where carefully re-backed and repainted. Despite these imperfections this is one of just two collectable examples of this rarity, being one of the five found by Madame Borchard in 1864. Two mint examples and thirteen used are recorded. Of these thirteen used stamps, at least ten are now housed in museum collections, leaving three used examples available to collectors. Listed as example Number 8 in L. N. Williams “The Encyclopaedia of Rare and Famous Stamps”. Signed by Thier , Lange and Bartles. Certificate Edward Muller-Mark (1951), Carl H. Lange (1951), Curt Esser (1952), Sergio Sismondo (2008) and BPA (2008). Ex collection Madame Borchard, Schiller, Pouget, Kirchner, Lenz, Breitfuss, Comte de Ramaix. Cat. 1

The Museum of Communication in Berlin has asked for the loan of the stamp for the exhibition “The Mauritius - Meeting of the Queens in Berlin” 2nd - 25th September 2011.



250 000 - 300 000



COMBINATION COVER. 1871 (Nov 27): Entire letter from Tampico to Puebla, franked by Mexico 1868 25c. blue on pale pink paper, Invoice 39-71, tied by oval “Franco / Tampico” handstamp in black. Transferred to British Post Office and franked (for sea journey to Vera Cruz) by Great Britain 1865/73 4d. vermilion, plate 12, trimmed at base, tied by “C63” obliterator. Double arc “Tampico” cds (Nov 28) below in black. Puebla arrival cds on reverse of a rare and very fine entire. Cat. Z3


7 500 - 10 000


COMBINATION COVER. 1870 (Feb 26): Entire letter from Tampico to Havana, Cuba franked by Mexico 1868 12c. black on green, pin-perforated, Invoice 39-70; tied by “Correos / Tampico” datestamp in black. Transferred to British Post Office and franked by Great Britain 1865/73 4d. vermilion, plate 11, trimmed at base, tied by bold strike of the “C63” obliterator with double arc “TAMPICO” datestamp alongside. Two charge marks also on obverse with handstruck “2” deleted and “3” (reales) applied in black. A rare and extremely attractive combination cover. Signed Aguirre, Calves and Todd. Cat. Z3


7 500 - 10 000





1885: 5fr. carmine on greenish paper, superb example used as single franking on registered 1891 cover to La Condamines, neatly tied by “MONACO / PRINCIPAUTÉ” datestamp (March 5), with repeated datestamp at left and framed “R” in red. Rare and fine cover. Signed Calves. Cat. Yvert 10


6 000 - 9 000


1885: 5fr. carmine on greenish paper, superb example used as single franking on registered 1890 cover to Reichenberg, Germany, neatly tied by “MONACO / PRINCIPAUTÉ” datestamp (Nov 18), with repeated datestamp at left and framed “R” in red. Italian registered transit on front and reverse with transit and arrival (22/11) cds. Rare and fine cover. Signed Calves. Cat. Yvert 10


7 500 - 10 000


1885: 5fr. carmine on greenish paper, superb example used on 10c. rose red F stationery envelope, sent registered ‘Value Declared’ (for 4700 francs) to Nice, neatly tied by “MONTE CARLO / PTÉ DE MONACO” datestamp (March 22, 1891). Framed “R” in black also on obverse with Nice arrival cds (23/11) on reverse. Rare and extremely fine cover. Signed Calves. Cat. Yvert 10

7 500 - 10 000




1920: Marriage of Charlotte. Essays for the Surcharge, the ‘set’ of three examples, defaced by the Post Office in manuscript crayon, with two examples showing “20 mars / 1920 / 5c + 5c” surcharge in red (with bars below) on 1fr. + 1fr. black on yellow and single example showing “2c + 3c / 20 mars / 1920” surcharge in black (with bars below) on 15c. + 10c.. red. A rare Essay, Calves-”Inconnus à ce jour, très rares”. Certificate Calves (1993). Cat. Yvert 34+37


25 000 - 35 000


1920 (MArch 20): Marriage of Charlotte to the Prince of Polignac. 10c. red postal stationery envelope mailed to the Palace on first day of issue, bearing the complete set of ten values to 5fr. + 5fr. rose on greenish; all tied by neat “MONACO / PRINCIPAUTE” datestamps in black. Extremely rare and unique cover. Signed Calves. Certificate Roumet (1995). Cat. Yvert 34/43


8 000 - 12 000


1933: Airmail 1fr. 50c. on 5fr. green & lilac rose, the magnificent block of 15 CC J 50 000- 75 000 marginal from the left of sheet, showing the Essay for the Overprint, first coloumn in black, second coloumn in browen and the third in red. Full imprint at base of multiple, and in pristine condition. Illustrated in Dallay catalogue (2003-2004) on page 383. A major rarity of Monagasque philately. Signed Calves. Certificate Calves (1995). Cat. PA 1




1946: Airmail 100fr. red, with variety blue “surcharge double�, a fresh and fine mint example of this great rarity (only 10 examples are recorded). Light hinge remnant and extremely fresh and fine original gum. Signed Sanabria and Calves. Certificate Calves (1922). Cat. PA 14d


16 000 - 20 000



1852: 5c. blue, 10c. carmine and 15c. orange-yellow, all used on famous 1858 cover to Berlin and tied by neat “AMSTERDAM FRANCO” half-round datestamps (15/9) in black. Reverse with “Emmerich / Oberhausen” Railway marking and arrival cds. A magnificent and attractive cover. Certificate NVPH (1989). Cat. 1+2+3


5 000 - 7 500


1852: 5c. blue,, single and horizontal pair; 10c. carmine horizontal pair and 15c. orange-yellow horizontal pair, all used on the 1862 fantastically colourful full set franking to Norway tied by framed “Franco” handstamps in black. Framed “Na Postyd” (Too Late) marking in black and also in red on obverse and “HARLINGEN” despatch cds in red alongside (26/7). Reverse with two Hamburg transits (29/7). Slight vertical file folds at left and right do not detract from the beauty of this outstanding cover. Certificate C. Muis (2007). Cat. 1+2+3


25 000 - 35 000





1932 (May 20): USA 5c. blue postal stationery envelope, addressed to “Mr. Ernst Brombeis On Board The Flying Ship DO-X”, franked by Germany Airmail 2m. black & blue in a vertical strip of three tied “Flugschiff / Dornier” (May 19) in violet; Newfoundland 5c. violet and 1932 Dornier Flight commemorative tied by rare “Holy Rood C.B.” datestamps in black, and with Spanish 40c. blue tied by “Vigo” datestamp (May 22) and thence to Berlin (May 27) with cds on reverse alongside special D=-X cachet in red. A rarity. Cat. SG 221


15 000 - 18 000



1855: 4 skilling blue, the magnificent corner marginal example from upper right of sheet, used on March 27 1855 entire letter from Frederikshald to Christiania, cancelled by complete strike of the eleven bar grid obliterator in black. Delightul cover for the connoisseur. Cat. 1


5 000 - 7 500


1855: 4sk. blue, large margined example of superb appearance, used on 1856 cover to Christiania showing the major flaw “Cracked Plate�, tied by Frederikstad datestamp (April 9) in black, leaving the variety clear. An outstanding and very rare cover. Certificate BPA (1979).


8 750 - 12 500




1855: 4sk. blue, a magnificent horizontal pair with large margins all round, used on 1855 Money Letter to Christiania, with reverse (opened sensibly for exhibit display), showing “Frederikshald” datestamp of despatch (July 29). A very attractive and extremely rare usage. Certificate Moldenhauer (1979).


20 000 - 27 500


1855: 4sk. blue, three examples used on 1856 registered cover to Konigsberg, all three stamps with large margins all round and tied by “MOSS” datestamps (July 3) in black. A marvellous and very rare franking for the specialist. Signed A. Diena, Raybaudi. Certificate Moldenhauer (1982). Cat. 1


28 000 - 35 000


1855: 4sk. blue, a superb large margined used example on 1856 entire letter mailed from Tromso to Lillehammer, cancelled by manuscript pen cross and well struck with rare Steamship cancellation “CONSTITUTIONEN” datestamp in blue (Sept 19) alongside. The letter mentions that it will be carried on the “Constitutionen”. A marvellous and very rare entire. Certificate Hans J. Enger (2001). Cat. 1


21 000 - 30 000


1855: 4sk. blue, used example on 1856 cover to Sovig, large margins on three sides and close at right, delivered direct to the Ship and the adhesive therefore cancelled by rare usage of the “CONSTITUTIONEN” Steamship datestamp in black (June 12). Rare and appealing cover for the specialist. Cat. 1


30 000 - 40 000




1855: 4sk. blue, a large margined example used on attractive 1857 entire letter to Trondheim, somewhat creased at top by archive file fold and cancelled by manuscript pen cross. Superb strike of “DAMPSKIBET / BERGEN” Steamship datestamp at right (April 27) in blue. A famous and very rare cover. Certificate Moldenhauer (1987), Hans J. Enger (1999). Cat. 1


1855: 4sk. blue, a fine large margined used example on 1855 entire letter to F 14 000 - 20 000 Christianssand, cancelled by eleven bar grid handstamp in black and fine “DAMPSKIBERT / BERGEN” Steamship datestamp alongside in blue with manuscript dated “22/7”. Christianssand arrival cds alongside (July 27). A very rare cover. Cat. 1


25 000 - 35 000


1855: 4sk. blue, used example, cut close and tied to 1856 entire letter from Tromso to Karisoe, tied by manuscript Steamship cancellation “PR. GUSTAV - 10/5� in ink. Outstanding and extremely rare entire, one of the very few recorded. Cat. 1


20 000 - 30 000




THE FAMOUS STEAMSHIP COVER. 1855: 4sk. blue, four large margins all round, tied to 1856 entire letter endorsed “per Dampfschiff” to Molde by superb strike of “JUPITER - 8/8 - 1856” datestamp in black. An outstanding and extremely rare cover. Certificate Moldenhauer. Cat. 1


70 000 - 100 000



1855: 4sk. blue, cut close example used on 1856 entire letter to Egersund tiwed by superlative strike of Steamship “LINDESNAES” datestamp struck in blue (July 26). Repeated strike at upper right of a fine and fresh entire letter of consummate rarity. Certificate Hans J. Enger (2005). Cat. 1


35 000 - 50 000

1855: 4sk. blue, position D29, a fine example with trivial stain spot on margin mentioned for accuracy, used on 1856 cover to Mosterhavn cancelled by rare Steamship “LINDESNAES” datestamp (June 21) well struck in blue, with repeated strike at upper right of cover. Rare. Cat. 1


20 000 - 30 000




1855: 4sk. blue, position A3 on the Plate, a large even margined example used on 1856 cover (endorsed “Pr. Dampskibet Nordkap” at top) mailed to Tromso and cancelled by pen cross in manuscript. Reverse with “TRONDHEIM” datestamp well struck in blue. A rare and attractive cover. Cat. 1


20 000 - 30 000


1856: Oscar 2sk. yellow, 3sk. grey, 4sk. blue and 8sk. lake-red all used on1858 “complete set” franking entire letter from Drammen and tied by “48” numeral handstamps in black. “Drammen” datestamp of despatch below in blue (Feb 9), Svinesund transit in blue (Feb 10) and Helsingor cds Feb 13) in black. An extremely rare and attractive cover. Cat. 2+3+4+5


15 000 - 20 000




OSCAR FULL SET FRANKING. 1856: 2sk. yellow, 3sk. grey-lilac, 4sk. blue and 8sk. F lake-red (three examples) all used to pay 33 skilling rate to Purmerende, Netherlands; and tied by “DRAMMEN” datestamps (Nov 6, 1860) in black. Svinesund transit cds (7/11) and framed “FRANCO” on front alongside Hamburg transit (11/11). A wonderful and famous cover. Ex Grand Prix collection Peter Ahl. Cat. 2+3+4+5

20 000 - 30 000



1856: Oscar 3sk. grey-lilac, a horizontal pair and horizontal strip of three / strip of five used on 1857 cover from Drammen to Hjorring, all adhesives cancelled by clear strikes of circular 11 barred handstamp in black. “Sandosund” cds on front (Aug 25) alongside Frederikshavn transit cds of the following day. Some slight buckling of the strip but a great rarity as a multiple of this size on letter. A remarkable and rare Maritime franking. Certificate Moldenhauer (1990). Cat. 3


35 000 - 50 000

1856: Oscar 3sk. grey-lilac (rich shade) and 4sk. blue (three examples) all used on splendidly attractive 1857 cover from Christania to Copenhagen, cancelled by the Maritime 11 bar grid cancellation in black. Fine strike of “Sandosund” cds alongside (Sept 19). A lovely cover. Cat. 3+4


35 000 - 50 000




1856: 3sk. violet-grey and 1863 24sk. brown, used on 1865 cover to Rivadeo, Spain and carried at the newly introduced 27 skilling rate via Germany, each stamp tied by bold Steamship “JUPITER-23/11-1865” datestamps in black. Manuscript rates of “5 3/4” in red (silvergroschen) and “4” in blue being the debit to the Norwegian P.O. The adhesives of good fresh colour and backstamped with oval “NORWEGEN / direct” in black, Hamburg transit cds (23/11), Hamburg Thurn & Taxis P.O. on same day and in Rivadeo (Nov 29) on receipt. A superb and extremey rare cover. Certificate BPB (1998), Enger (2001), Aune (2002). Cat. 3+10


70 000 - 100 000


1856: 4sk. blue, the famous cover bearing the vertically bisected example, carried in the Bypost’ system and paying the 2 skilling local rate in full, tied by “364” numeral handstamp in black of the ‘Bypost’ Office and with corresponding “CHRISTIANIA BYPOST” cds at upper right (March 5, 1858) well struck in red. Moldenhauer notes that bisects were declared illegal by the Norwegian P.O. later in the same month, on March 20th. A major rarity of Norwegian and Scandinavian Philately. Signed Friedl. Certificate Moldenhauer (1981).Aune (1999). Ex collection Baron de Rothschild, Bernt. J. Fossum. Cat. 4


60 000 - 85 000




1856: 4sk. blue, a fine example tied to 1862 Money Letter mailed to Stange, tied by “Frederikshald” datestamp in black. Endorsed at top “400 sped.” and additionally dated in manuscript “28/4”. The registration fee (in this instance 72 skillings) was pre-paid in cash and just the postage was paid by the adhesive. The cover, sensibly opened for display, shows five red wax seals on reverse, three embossed with Lion design similar to the Norway number one and Christiania arrival cds (29/4) with date erroneous, alongside the registration docket number “2” and “6”. A marvellous and rare cover. Cat. 4


5 000 - 7 500


1856: Oscar 4sk. blue, used example on 1858cover from Christiania to Laurvig, the adhesive cancelled by pen cross in manuscript, with superb strike of Steamship “CONSTITUTIONEN” datestamp in blue (Nov 18) alongside. A rare and attractive cover. Cat. 4


7 000 - 10 000


1856: Oscar 4sk. blue, a fine example used on attractive 1857 entire letter from Christiania to Arendal, the adhesive tied by “CONSTITUTINEN” STeamship datestamp in blue, with repeated fine strike at left (Nov 27). A delightful and rare cover in superb quality.Signed Moldenhauer. Cat. 4


20 000 - 30 000



8 000 - 12 000

1856: Oscar 4sk. blue, a fine example cancelled by manuscript pen cross to 1857 entire letter from Bergen to Christiansund, with outstanding strike of “DAMPSKIBET / BERGEN” Steamship marking alongside (April 26) in blue-green. Cat. 4


1856: Oscar 4sk. blue, a fine example used on 1863 entire letter from Stavanger to Egersund, tied by bold strike of “DAMPSKIBET / BERGEN” Steamship datestamp in black (Oct 28). Endorsed “Paid” at lower left and with Stavanger Company cachet on reverse. A lovely and very rare usage. Cat. 4


15 000 - 20 000




1856: Oscar 4sk. deep blue, a fine used example on 1863 entire letter from Christiansand to Mandal, tied by superb strike of rare Steamship “HAKON JARL” datestamp (April 7) in black. An exquisite entire in wonderful fresh condition. A Scandinavian Maritime rarity. Cat. 4


18 000 - 25 000


1856: Oscar 4sk. blue, a fine example used on 1864 entire letter from Hammerfest to Tromso, with Steamship manuscript notation “Damf. LiNDESNAES 30/4” at top, the 4sk. adhesive being cancelled by manuscript pen cross as usual. Attractive and extremely fine for this rarity. Cat. 4


8 000 - 12 000




1856: Oscar 4sk. blue, a fine and fresh example used on 1857 entire letter from to Trondheim, the adhesive cancelled by manuscript pen-cross and cover struck with excellent impression of the rare Steamship “JUPITER” datestamp (March 28) in blue-green. An outstanding and rare entire for the Exhibit collection. Certificate HAns J. Enger (1996). Cat. 4


10 000 - 15 000


1856: 4sk. blue, a superb example used on 1861 entire letter from Christiansund to Trondheim, cancelled by well struck Steamship “JUPITER” datestamp (Oct 30) in black. Repeated equally superb strike alongside the adhesive. A true gem. Cat. 4


20 000 - 30 000


1856: Oscar 4sk. blue used on attractive 1860 entire letter from Bergen, tied by rare Steamship “NIDELVEN” datestamp in blue with repeated strike at left. “Nordland” transit cds (19/9) in black also on obverse of a wonderful and fresh entire. Rare and delightful. Cat. 4


20 000 - 30 000


1856: Oscar 4sk. blue, used on reverse of a turned 1861 stampless cover, used to Stange and the adhesive cancelled by manuscript pen cross. Carried on the Steamship “Skiblodmer”. A rare and unusual entire. Cat. 4


5 000 - 7 500




1856: 8sk. pale lake-red, the horizontal pair used on 1857 cover from Bergen to F Hamburg, the adhesives cancelled by manuscript pen crosses. Cover endorsed “per Bergen” and struck over the endorsement by exceptional “DAMPSKIBET / BERGEN” Steamship datestamp (25/3) in bright blue. Hamburg arrival datestamp on reverse. A rare and most unusual cover. Cat. 5


1856: Oscar 4sk. blue and 8sk. pale lake-red, used on triple rate cover to Molde endorsed at upper right “JUPITER 5/10” Steamship in manuscript. Extremely scarce cover. Certificate Aune (2001). Cat. 4+5


12 000 - 17 000

15 000 - 25 000


1856: Oscar 4sk. blue, a single example used in conjunction with two single and two horizontal pairs of 8sk. pale lake-red, paying the 52 skilling double rate to La Rochelle, France. The adhesives cancelled by Maritime 10 barred circular cachet in black with “Sandosund” cds below. Framed “PD” and fine “Sandosund” cds (April 20) also on obverse in black.Small faults to one 8sk. adhesive of minor importance but a cover of great scarcity and appeal. Cat. 4+5


35 000 - 50 000


1863: Vapentyp 4sk. blue, a fresh example used on attractive 1866 cover from Berlevaag to Tromso tied by bold strike of Steamship datestamp “OSTFINMARKS-DPSKB” (May 21) with further repeated fine strike alongside. Hammerfest cds (23/5) at right. A fine and rare cover, carried by the Steamer “Nordcap”. Cat. 8


3 500 - 5 000




1863: Vapentyp 4sk. blue, a fresh example used on attractive 1865 cover to Christiania tied by bold strike of Steamship “JUPITER� datestamp in black (July 13), with repeated fine strike at left. Faint red Christiania Bypost cds of arrival alongside. A very rare Steamship cancellation on an adhesive of this issue and a charming cover. Cat. 8


30 000 - 40 000


1863: 4sk. blue, a fine single example used on cover tied by bold “DAMPSKIBET / BERGEN” circular datestamp with date inserted in manuscript “10/11 - 1867. Some slight over-inking to the cancellation but of excellent quality, visual appeal and very great rarity. Cat. 8


12 500 - 20 000


DENMARK USED IN NORWAY. 1857: Denmark 4sk. brown, a fine four margined example from the fourth printing, not valid for postal use within Norway, on 1857 entire letter tied by “364” numeral cancellation with corresponding “CHRISTIANIA BYPOST” datestamp in red at right. Apparently accepted and un-taxed. An extraordinarily rare and unusual entire. Certificate Lasse NIelsen (2003). Cat. 4


8 000 - 12 000





1876 (Oct 12): A remarkable combination cover with Peru 1866 Llama 20c. brown diagonally bisected to pay local rate, additionally franked by Great Britain 1870/77 1/d. rose red, 1d. red pl. 190, 2d. blue pl. 15, 4d. vermilion pl. 14 and 1s. green pl. 12 all tied by “C38” British P.O. obliterators with matching “Callao” datestamp of despatch on reverse. The cover travelled via London with red transit (Nov 12) datestamp on front and arrival datestamp on reverse. A rare and attractive usage. Signed Calves. Certificate Holcombe (1994). Cat. SG Z28+Z29+Z31+Z37+Z54


9 000 - 12 000



1853/70: Classic cover selection (25 covers), with 1853 issue 25r. blue used to prepay internal postage and addressed to Denmark; 1855/58 issue coivers (5) including 25r. blue and 25r. rose covers as single frankings and superb cover with 25r. rose and 100r. lilac; 1862/64 issue (6 covers) with 25r. frankings (2)cover to Madrid with 10r. and 25r., to Naples with 50r. and 100r., to London with 5r., 10r. and 25r. and spectacular four colour franking to Madrid with 5r., 10r., 25r. and 100r.; 1866/67 issue covers to Paris and Zurich; perf. 1867/70 covers with two to France; 1870/80 issue (8 covers) etc. A fine and fresh group with much cancellation interest.


15 000 - 18 000





1850: 6 cuartos black, Plate II, position 30; a fine four margined used example cancelled by ‘arana’ handstamp in black, to 1850 entire letter to Bordeaux; pre-paying the inland rate only. Red “Santander” cds of despatch at right (Oct 7) and thence via St. Jean de Luz (Oct 9) and charged 5 decimes due on receipt in black. An exceptional usage of the Number One on a cover mailed abroad. Certificate Comex (2003). Cat. 1


10 000 - 15 000



PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI MAILBOAT COVER. 1858 (March 12): Entire letter from Constantinople to Bursa, with Vuro & Cie. / Constantinople sender’s cachet in blue at lower left, struck with oval “COSTANTINOPOLI * POSTA DEL PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI / P.P.” prepaid cachet in black and corresponding usage of extremely rare imperforate “Turkish Admiralty” 1858 Steamship Local with manuscript “2 1/2” piastre rate inserted alongside central vignette and “PP” (Porto Piastre). A famous and magnificent entire. Certificate RPS (1977) and E. Diena (1989) Cat. Yvert 1


12 000 - 15 000




DANUBE & BLACK SEA RAILWWAY COVER. 1869: The famous cover from Kustendje F 30 000 - 40 000 to Gravesend, England franked by Lombardy Venetia 1864 15soldi brown, perf 9 1/2, in a vertical strip of three, used in combination with Danube & Black Sea Railway Local Post 20 paras black on green, with all adhesives being tied by superb impressions of “LLOYD AGENZIE / KUSTENDJE” datestamps (June 29) in black. Framed “W.Fr/14” accountancy marking in red at left and reverse with Vienna transit cds (error of date 4/6 for 4/7). London transit cds on front (July 7) in red and reverse with large part Gravesend arrival. An extremely rare and wonderfully attractive cover. Signed Muller. Certificate Alberto Diena (1954). Cat. Yvert 27


ASIA MINOR STEAM SHIP COMPANY. 1868: 1 piastre black on green surface coloured DCE 15 000 - 20 000 glazed paper, imperforate, fresh and fine mint example without gum. This magnificent stamp is one of two known unused examples of this rarity, and without doubt the finer of the two. Certificate Vachat (2010). Cat. Yvert 1A


ASIA MINOR STEAM SHIP COMPANY. 1871 (Jan 7): The renowned cover from Smyrne to F 80 000 - 100 000 Samos bearing the 1868 2 piastres black on green glazed surface coloured paper, imperforate, tied to cover by three line blue cachet “ASIA MINOR / STEAM SHIP Co. / SMYRNE AGENCY” handstamp in blue. Extremely rare and fine, the sole recorded cover, unique. Signed Raybaudi. Certificate Scheller (2009). Cat. 1A





1847: 5c. red brown and two single 10c. black, used on large part of 1850 cover to Edinburgh, Scotland tied by red circular grid cancellations with “New York/19” debit datestamp alongside (July 31) in red, entry marking of “America / Liverpool” in red (Aug 13) and Edinburgh arrival cds of the following day. Stamps have been removed, cleaned and replaced with all having at least one margin shaved, however overseas covers bearing both values of the first issue are great and important rarities of US Classic philately. Signed Calves. Certificate Philatelic Foundation (191992). Scott 1+2


85 000 - 125 000


NEW BRUNSWICK & USA COMBINATION COVER. 1851: New Brunswick 6d. olive-yellow on lightly blued paper, two examples used in combination with USA 1857 1c. blue and 3c. red-brown all tied to 1859 cover to Liverpool by three strikes of “PAID” handstamp in red. Superb strike of “COLONIAL EXPRESS MAIL / ST. JOHN. N.B. / MAY 23” datestamp at left and thence to Liverpool with “Paid / Liverpool / Br. Packet” cds (June 4) of arrival. A few minor imperfections to the adhesives of no importance, a truly extraordinary franking for the connoisseur. Certificate RPS (1969), Philatelic Foundation (1987). Scott 24+25+SG 4


75 000 - 90 000




TRIPLE COUNTRY COMBINATION COVER. 1867: Cover from Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe F 20 000 - 30 000 to New York, franked by 1859/65 General Issues Eagle 40c. orange and 80c. carmine (Cat. Yvert 5,6) tied by large lozenge of dots, mailed via Forwarding Agent in St. Thomas (two cachets on reverse) where Danish West Indies 1855/67 3c. rose carmine, imperforate, was applied (Yvert 2) and tied by circular ring cancellation in black, along with United States Washington 1857/61 10c. green tied by “N. York / Steamship� in black. A fabulous cover and almost certainly unique. Certificate Calves (2008). Cat. 22


CUBA COMBINATION COVER. 1875 (April 15): The extraordinary cover from Havana to F 20 000 - 30 000 Barcelona via New York, franked by Spain 1875 50c. green (two examples) cancelled in Havana, also franked on despatch with USA 1873 Banknote Issue 10c. brown (five examples including two vertical pairs) and single 1869 2c. brown all cancelled by “N. YORK / STEAMSHIP” datestamps (April 22) in black with “PD” and circular “New York / Paid All” datestamp (April 22) in red.Reverse with Barcelona arrival cds. A rare and appealing cover. Signed Calves. Cat. Yvert 30+55




COVER CARRIED ON APOLLO 15. 1971 (July 26-26): Special Flight cover franked by pair of 8c. and single 10c. Space commemoratives, tied by “Kennedy Space Center� machine cancellation signed by Astronauts James B. Irwin, David R. Scott and Alfred M: Worden. Cover number 163 of just 300 produced, with signed affidavits from the three Astronauts. Rare.


10 000 - 15 000


PONCE PROVISIONAL OVERPRINTS. 1898: The superb mint examples (16 stamps) CC C 55 000 - 75 000 all with circular “POSTAGES / 5c. / CORREOS” with various adhesives including 1c. green with violet and red overprints, 5c. brown with violet & blue overprints and Trans Mississippi 5c. blue with red and violet overprints. The total of 16 stamps being split by 12 overprinted in violet, 3 in red and one in blue. A wonderful and impossible to replicate collection. All stamps with Calves (2004) and Philatelic Foundation (2006) certificates. Cat. Scott 279(2)+272+281+282C(2)+284+286+287+288(2)+290+291+J33+J34+



PONCE PROVISIONAL ISSUE. 1898/99: Large piece bearing USA 5c. blue (Grant) l overprinted “POSTAGES / 5 cts / CORREOS” in violet (with overprint tying the stamp to the piece) also tied by Military Station Porto Rico Wash. DC duplexes (Sept 28). A great rarity of Puerto Rican philately, the only known piece.. Certificate Calves (2004).


10 000 - 15 000

PONCE PROVISIONAL ISSUE. 1898/99: Large piece bearing USA 1c. green and pair of 2c. in rose pink shade all overprinted “POSTAGES / 5 cts / CORREOS” in violet (with one overprint tying the right hand 2c. to piece) all tied by Military Station Porto Rico Wash. DC duplexes (Aug 31). Of great rarity. Certificate Calves (2004).


30 000 - 50 000



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