Ilustration portfolio february 2015

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T Â N I A . A L E X A N D R A . C A R D O S O


ardinhas de

Lisbon’s Sardines

These are my entries for the competition “Sardinhas das Festas de Lisboa” for Saint Antonio’s festivities in the city. The 2014 entry is called “Olho de(no) Peixe, olho no Gato/Fish on the eye, eye on the cat” which means be careful because the cat may try to eat your fish.


inspiration for

this illustration was the amazing architecture of my hometown.

The 2015 entry is called “Lisbon, Princess of the Ocean”. This illustration is a tribute to several representations of the city of Lisbon trough time. The city has been always represented metaphorically as a woman; she has the

S. Jorge


tle as a crown and cradles the boat and the ravens, symbols of motherly protection.

Lisbon, in













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istórias perdidas



flutuantes Lost stories of floating worlds 2014

“In a distant planet there are sto-

ries of a lost civilization in the middle of the sea.

An adventurer carries its

flying boat in search of treasures and magnificent stories hidden in the ancient stones of its buildings.


where the seas and the air are in such harmony that we don’t know anymore where it begins the seas and air ends, and the fishes, curious fel-

lows, learned to bend gravity and adventure themselves to explore the mountains and it’s hidden paths. enraptured friend tinct fishes flying

Our observes the disaround the land-

scape while his journey companion takes a peek from high above.


has taken over the beautiful stone constructions of the city and the an-

imals own the space, the ones that lived here before and the ones that travelled thousands of light-years searching for the lost legend.”

First prize in the contest: “Sesimbra é peixe e Arte na rua” in the town of Sesimbra, Portugal.





ÚniQa Experience 2010/2011

During the Christmas campaign of 2010, “Delta cafés” (a Portuguese coffee brand) launched the campaign “Úniqa” where forty-seven portuguese talents of illustration and design collaborated to make a unique coffee machine to a unique person.


customizations were suggest-

ed by the client and painted directly in the coffee machine with


markers (water ink markers).

I was one of the forty-seven Portuguese Artists. Besides working directly with the costumer I also participated in a collective mural

“Academia ÚniQa




orated in the final exhibition of the

“Mostra ÚniQa” and did a little talk to the audience “Conversa ÚniQa” about the work made during those months. campaign

Aú X L

cademia niQa u

Frágil &Delta Q 2010

Collective wall painting “Só de“Academia ÚniQa”. Art and Music event with live streaming via Internet. with: André Santos; António Segurado; Mauro Carmelino; Nuno Barbedo; Tânia A. Cardoso; Valentim Farinha. sta vez” by


Q F W D.

uixote ighting indmills

D. Quixote de la Mancha illustration 2015

This project is for an illustration D.Quixote Restaurant at Quinta do Conde, Portugal. It’s focused on the moment that for

the old knight imagines this amazing monster while looking at the windmill.


windmill is an anthropomor-

phic figure that emerged from the typical form of the building, creating a warrior mask and these wooden like arms.



ight” ão aulo




urban chronic is


short comic based on my experience in the city of

São Paulo, Brazil. After spending some days in the city and drawing in



sketchbook a




for a comic about that trip.



fanzine is a set of mini-fics

and illustrations based on mine and my friends dogs gluttony for food and other things.


always wonder what’s in the

mind of my dogs when they do that funny gluttonous look on their muzzles.


not always hungry so

they must be imaging incredible tastes and sensing amazing smells.

docs / glutonous _ dogs _ completo _ vol1_edi___


ncontro às rês

This project is for the fanzine European artists “Heyrope”. The theme was free but it had

compilation of

to be related to our native cities or countries.

The main theme here Lisbon: its contrasts, its movement and it people. was to show city life in

Meet me at three 2011


Cities Sketchbooks 2014/2015

ketchbooks idades nas




walked through the sketching,





and learning about the city and its places.


walk is focused on the emotion and sensation of space through illustration of the architecture and citylife of bon, San Paulo Rotterdam.

There’s a lot of dia, drawings from

Rio, Lisand now

mixed memy other

sketchbooks glued on a bigger one, drawn over, collages, wa-

tercolors, hidrocolors, China Ink, pastel oil, graphic pens and a lot of texts that reflect my own experience in the spot.


tanta gente de odo jeito So many people in every way 2012


is a poem illustration for

“So many people in every Chá de Fita poem compillation by Douglas Campigotto. the poem

way” for

“tem gente que some sem ter porque quem nao responde com medo de acertar quem se esconde para se achar gente que diz sim com medo do fim gente do contra aquele que diz não por diversão alguns fogem outros fingem quem reclama da falta de azar uns torcem outros tingem os corajosos amam tem quem atiça e quem sabre brigar quem faz regime quem sobe no ringue quem come pra engordar alguns sem comida outros comidos carcumidos vencidos pela vontade de vencer vivendo o pesadelo sonhado com tanto zelo.”


2014: 1st place in the Mural competition for Sesimbra é peixe e Arte na Rua / Sesimbra is fish and art on the street, Sesimbra, Portugal. (IlLUSTRATION - live drawing); 2014: Seixal desenhado - drawings made at urbansketch workshops 2013-2014. integration in the collections of postcards for L1B- cultural association, Seixal, Portugal.(IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2014: integration in the collection of Tulane University with the fanzine Gluttonous Dogs, New Orleans, U.S.A. (IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2013: Maak Jouw Theatre (WITH pedro de castro pereira). ‘s-Hertogenbosch, THE NEDERLANDS. (arCHITECTURE/URBANISMcolLectivE exhibition); 2013: 1st Festival of Literature and Illustration of Bahía. brasil. (IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2012: 10th International Poster Competition Francisco Mantecón, Terras Gauda. Spain. (IlLUSTRATION colLectivE exhibition); 2010/2011. Mostra ÚniQa. New Talents of Portuguese Illustration and Design at Who Gallery. Portugal. (IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2010: Academia ÚniQa live at LUX fragil with P:A:U:S (with CARMELINO, Mauro ; SEGURADO, A. ; SANTOS, A. ; FARINHA, V. ; BARBEDO, N.). New Talents of Portuguese Illustration and Design at Who Gallery. Portugal. (IlLUSTRATION - live drawing event with live streaming); 2010: 1st place in the contest for the Poster Competition Festival Altitudes, Regional Theatre of the Serra de Montemuro. Portugal. (IlLUSTRATION);

2012 - 2014: Researcher for CNPq and FAPERJ at Post-Graduate Program in Urbanism at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.prourb,-ufrj. rio de janeiro. brazil. Researcher in LAURD - Laboratory of Urban Analysis and Digital Representation in PROURB-UFRJ. Brazil. Tutoring classes of Observation Drawing 2 for FAU - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. PROURB-UFRJ. Brazil.

Tutoring classes of Visual Communication for FAU - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. PROURB-UFRJ. Brazil.

2011 - 2012: Illustrator for InzuConcepts. Adaptation of illustration to architectural design and its communication. Decorative Illustrations alluding to various projects.

2011: Promoter and seller for Springevents with Nescafé. Promoting and sale of Dolce Gusto espresso machines.

2010: Illustrator for Who, Creative Talents Agency with Delta q. Live personalization of coffee machines with Posca pen. illustrations, collective exhibitions and presentations.


2012 - 2014: Thesis Title: Urban Chronicles: Representation and critique of the City through Graphic Novels. Master in Urbanism (concept CAPES 6) by the Post-Graduate Program in Urbanism at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. PROURB-UFRJ. Brazil. 2003 - 2008: Degree in Architecture (pre-Bologna) by the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Cultural production publications: the walk in the dialectics between reality and fiction in the graphic novel Portugal. In: ARCHITECTURE AND URBANism Post-Graduation notebooks vol. 13, nº 2, p. 119-139. Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, 2013, Brazil. architecture and urbanism through Graphic Novels: Dreams of the city by Jean Nouvel. In: 2nd international seminar Representar Brazil 2013: re-

presentations in architecture, urbanism and design. Article and poster presentation. University of São Paulo, USP, august 7. 2013. Brazil. The transformations in the city represented in Comics: Chicago seen by Chris Ware. in: V!RUS 09: the city and the others, Outuber 16, 2013, brazil. The wonderful walled spectacle ( gustavo d’avila siqueira neto). in: CityvisionWeb in collaboration with Studio X Rio de Janeiro. August 5, 2013. Brazil /Italy. Metamorphose Theatre (with Pedro de Castro Pereira). in: Maak Jouw Theatre Catalogue, July 2013. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Nederland’s. Encontro às três. In: Heyrope! Compilation of comics. Studio Kat and and Federación de Casas de Juventud, October 2011. Spain.

Additional Information

2013: Workshop on Urban Sketches. Walking and sketching in são paulo. University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. 2013: International seminar Methodological breaks for a critical media - community media, city, community opportunities in the city today. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 2013: Workshop of urban sketches (12h). Panoramic Lisbon: City route with drawing specifications. Ministered by Richard Câmara in collaboration with Montepio. Lisbon. Portugal. 2012: (online)Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society. University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 2012: 2nd National Seminar of Research and Graduate Studies in Architecture and Urbanism. Participation as part of the support team for the ANPARQ seminar. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 2011: Seminar on entrepreneurship and social innovation Making Art. Challenges in cultural management. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2009: japanese manga Masterclass. Kingpin books, portugal. 2009: Workshop of scientific illustration. Creating an illustration of the mammal vespertilionid auritus Ceila Quercos, Setubal. plecotus. Portugal. 2009: Comics workshop. kingpin books, portugal. 2009: Masterclass about Portfolio management with C. B. Cebulsky. kingpin books, portugal. 2008: Symposium of Architecture and Construction. instituto superior técnico, technical university of lisbon, ist-utl, portugal. 2008: animation Workshop. introduction to storyboarding. ministered by ricardo blanco in collaboration with byblos, portugal. 2008: origami Workshop. ministered by joaquim tondela in collaboration with faculty of architecture of lisbon. fa-utl. portugal.


2012, 20-21 July. Participation in the organization and development of a Workshop on urban and environmental awareness for PROURB in the international event Rio +20, Cúpula dos Povos. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 2009 September-November. Exhibit assistant, ticket-sales, educational service guide and disassembly for the biennial Experimenta Design. Lisbon. Portugal.

: / / www . b e h ance . net / taniacardoso h tt p : / / ra b iscosdesordenados . com z e . com / h tt p s

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