Tania A. Cardoso illustration Portfolio

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2014: Seixal desenhado - drawings made at urbansketch workshops 2013-2014. integration in the collections of postcards for L1B- cultural association, Seixal, Portugal.(IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2014: Mural painting for Sesimbra é peixe e Arte na Rua / Sesimbra is fish and art on the street, Sesimbra, Portugal. (IlLUSTRATION - live drawing); 2014: integration in the collection of Tulane University with the fanzine Gluttonous Dogs, New Orleans, U.S.A. (IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2013: Maak Jouw Theatre (WITH pedro de castro pereira). ‘s-Hertogenbosch, THE NEDERLANDS. (arCHITECTURE/URBANISM- colLectivE exhibition); 2013: 1st Festival of Literature and Illustration of Bahía. brasil. (IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2012: 10th International Poster Competition Francisco Mantecón, Terras Gauda. Spain. (IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2010/2011. Mostra ÚniQa.. New Talents of Portuguese Illustration and Design at Who Gallery. Portugal. (IlLUSTRATION - colLectivE exhibition); 2010: Academia ÚniQa live at LUX fragil with P:A:U:S (with CARMELINO, Mauro ; SEGURADO, A. ; SANTOS, A. ; FARINHA, V. ; BARBEDO, N.). New Talents of Portuguese Illustration and Design at Who Gallery. Portugal. (IlLUSTRATION - live drawing event with live streaming); 2010: 1st place in the contest for the Poster Competition Festival Altitudes, Regional Theatre of the Serra de Montemuro. Portugal. (IlLUSTRATION);

2012- 2014: Researcher for CNPq and FAPERJ at Post-Graduate Program in Urbanism at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.prourb,-ufrj. rio de janeiro. brazil.. Researcher in LAURD - Laboratory of Urban Analysis and Digital Representation in PROURB-UFRJ. Brazil. Tutoring classes of Observation Drawing 2 for FAU - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. PROURB-UFRJ. Brazil. Partnership teaching for classes of Visual Communication for FAU - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. PROURB-UFRJ. Brazil.

2011 - 2012: Illustrator for InzuConcepts. Adaptation of illustration to architectural design and its communication. Decorative Illustrations alluding to various projects.

illustration a r t i s t i c3 scientific 13 graphic novels



urban sketching

During my degree in Architecture I became interested in various forms of graphic art such as illustration and Comics. I’ve always been interested in the role of Graphic Arts in the disclosure of tangible and intangible heritage and Patrimony. It is interesting how Art can provide a bigger understanding of a particular topic covering a larger number of people. I love to draw cities, especially Lisbon, the city where I was born. People, animals, the river, the buildings, all have a story to tell and they all embody the reality of the city that contains them. Considering that the city is not just a collection of buildings but an intricate system of elements the use of illustration, and in a strict sense the use of Comics, can be an asset to the scientific method of research, representation and critique of the city. The emotions of the various spaces allow a different perception that will be reflected in their representation. If a photograph captures a moment, a drawing captures various moments trapped in the sensitive memory of the author who translate them into their design.

2011: Promoter and seller for Springevents with Nescafé. Promoting and sale of Dolce Gusto espresso machines. 2010: Illustrator for Who, Creative Talents Agency with Delta q. Live personalization of coffee machines with Posca pen. illustrations, collective exhibitions and presentations.

Cultural and artistic production publications:

the walk in the dialectics between reality and fiction in the graphic novel Portugal. In: ARCHITECTURE AND URBANism Post-Graduation notebooks vol. 13, nº 2, p. 119-139. Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, 2013, Brazil. architecture and urbanism through Graphic Novels: Dreams of the city by Jean Nouvel. In: 2nd international seminar Representar Brazil 2013: representations in architecture, urbanism and design. Article and poster presentation. University of São Paulo, USP, august 7. 2013. Brazil. The transformations in the city represented in Comics: Chicago seen by Chris Ware. in: V!RUS 09: the city and the others, Outuber 16, 2013, brazil. The wonderful walled spectacle ( gustavo d’avila siqueira neto). in: CityvisionWeb in collaboration with Studio X Rio de Janeiro. August 5, 2013. Brazil /Italy. “Metamorphose Theatre” (with Pedro de Castro Pereira). in: Maak Jouw Theatre Catalogue, July 2013. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Nederland’s. collective fanzine “ Encontro às três “ . In: Heyrope! Compilation of comics. Studio Kat and and Federación de Casas de Juventud, October 2011. Spain

Additional Information

2013: Workshop on Urban Sketches. Walking and sketching in são paulo. University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil. 2013: International seminar Methodological breaks for a critical media - community media, city, community opportunities in the city today. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 2013: Workshop of urban sketches (12h). Panoramic Lisbon: City route with drawing specifications. Ministered by Richard Câmara in collaboration with Montepio. Lisbon. Portugal. 2012: (online)Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society. University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 2012: 2nd National Seminar of Research and Graduate Studies in Architecture and Urbanism. Participation as part of the support team for the ANPARQ seminar. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 2011: Seminar on entrepreneurship and social innovation Making Art. Challenges in cultural management. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2009: japanese manga Masterclass. Kingpin books, portugal. 2009: Workshop of scientific illustration. Creating an illustration of the mammal vespertilionid auritus plecotus. Ceila Quercos, Setubal. Portugal. 2009: Comics workshop. kingpin books, portugal. 2009: Masterclass about Portfolio management with C. B. Cebulsky. kingpin books, portugal. 2008: Symposium of Architecture and Construction. instituto superior técnico, technical university of lisbon, ist-utl, portugal. 2008: animation Workshop. introduction to storyboarding. ministered by ricardo blanco in collaboration with byblos, portugal. 2008: origami Workshop. ministered by joaquim tondela in collaboration with faculty of architecture of lisbon. fa-utl. portugal.


2012 - 2014: Thesis Title: Urban Chronicles: Representation and critique of the City through Graphic Novels. Master in Urbanism (concept CAPES 6) by the Post-Graduate Program in Urbanism at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. PROURB-UFRJ. Brazil.


2003 - 2008: Degree in Architecture (pre-Bologna) by the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.

2009 September-November. Exhibit assistant, ticket-sales, educational service guide and disassembly for the biennial Experimenta Design. Lisbon. Portugal.

2012, 20-21 July. Participation in the organization and development of a Workshop on urban and environmental awareness for PROURB in the international event Rio +20, Cúpula dos Povos. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.


poem illustration for the collective Chรก de Fita organized by Douglas Campigotto Rosa. charcoal, collage and digital montage.


Illustration for the children’s story “A Mia tem medo dos Lobos” written by Nuno O. Lopes. charcoal, collage and digital montage.


illustration of the text “Olhar” by journalist Marcelo Janot for Cinequadrinesco. collage and digital painting. “Lucia é caixa na padaria com a vista mais privilegiada do mundo. Mas Seu Antônio não quer que ela se distraia com o esplendor da enseada da Urca[...]O que Seu Antônio não sabe é que pelo espelho na parede atrás do balcão ela consegue ver um pedacinho lá de fora. Lucia só não vê o mar porque no meio do caminho tem uma guarita da PM[...]”

untitled illustration. collage.


Illustration in memory of the victims of the tsunami in Fukushima “Leap�. watercolor.


mermaid illustration. watercolor.

illustration “Annelise�. study for animation sequence. digital painting.


untitled illustration. pencil, charcoal, painting and digital collage.


Illustration of the project “Úlongo college” for InzuConcepts. pencil, charcoal, painting and digital collage.


Children’s Illustration from ‘The Story of Colors “chosen for the collective exhibition of the 1st festival illustration of Bahía. India ink, pen and digital montage posca.


Children’s Illustration from ‘The Story of Colors “for the 1st festival illustration of Bahía. India ink, posca pen, watercolor and digital montage.


Children’s illustrations of the poem “Why?” by Rose Araujo matilde For the contest “Green Fairies”. 2 versions. India ink, posca pen, watercolor and digital montage.


vespertilionidae plecotus auritus. watercolor.

Rhinoceros sondaicus. oil pastel, color pencil.

Canis lupus signatus. watercolor.

Scientific and naturalistic illustration.


yogi illustration. India ink and digital painting


Illustrations from the series “gluttonous Dogs�. personal project. India ink, pen posca, digital painting and assembly.


untitled. personal project. India ink.

Untitled illutration. personal project. india ink


Illustrations for the 10th International poster Contest Francisco montec贸n, Bodegas Terras Gauda. India ink, watercolor, digital montage.


Illustrations for the 1st International Competition “That’s a Mole”. India ink and digital painting.


illustration for the contest “Sardinhas Festas de Lisboa’14” and “sardinhas festas de Lisboa’15”. India ink and digital painting. watercolor and digital finish.


Illustrations for UNIQA experience with Delta Q and Who, Creative talents Agency. posca pen directly on the covers of coffee machines.



Collective mural Illustration. live with p.a.u.s. Tânia CArdoso, Valentim Farinha, Mauro Carmelino, André santos, antónio segurado e Nuno Barbedo. ÚniQa Academy with Delta Q, Who, Creative talents Agency and Lux Frágil. posca pen.


mural illustration in the contest “Sesimbra é peixe e arte na rua” for Sesimbra’s Municipality, portugal. acrylic painting, spray and posca pen..


Comic “encontro às três” for the collective fanzine “Heyrope!”. India ink and digital montage.


Comic “wall of diffusion� for a garage band.. India ink and digital montage.


Comic “Kallikantzaroi”. Personal project. India ink, technical pen and posca.


Comic “the light” for my thesis “Urban Chronicles: Representation and critique the city from the Comics” (this page and the verse). India ink, technical pen, posca pen and digital assembly.



comic “the flight�. personal project. India ink and digital montage.


graphic diary of S達o Paulo. mixed media.


graphic diary of rio de janeiro. mixed media.


graphic diary of rio de janeiro. mixed media.

c o n t a c t tania.aef.cardoso@gmail.com

+31 630264776

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