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Tania Narvaez

Santo Tomás, Nicaragua

A normal ordinary revert Muslim girl who discovered Islam and is still learning the right way. It has been a blessing. This page is about my journey as a Muslim and what i learn along the way. I am one of the millions of facebook users But I am not here to play playing is for children I am not here to waste my time every second of my life is a chance used or abused to get closer to Allah I am here in facebook as a servant of Allah, as a Muslimah I am here trying to increase my Islamic knowledge by reading beneficial posts I am here to post what pleases Allah, to share what I know and what I read I am here trying to obey our beloved Prophet Mohammad sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam said when he said:” Convey from me even if it be one ayah” I am here to spend sweet moments with my sisters in Islam whom I love for the sake of Allah I am here with them so that we help each other with the obedience of Allah and to advice each other” InshaAllah DO NOT ADD ME IF YOU JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO I AM !!!
