> sao paulo – pinheiros river
> brussels - flanders region
_ AKM Ashrafuz Zaman _ Master of Human Settlement _ 0604093 _ Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium _ 2016 _
_ living on the edge > re-assembling the brussels/flanders border by means of density and diversity > concepts & analysis design studio _ 1st semester > with_Dyah Ratna, Helena Meule & Simon Vanaaken > studio promoter _ Prof. Bruno De Meulder _ Prof. Viviana d’Auria _ Verena Lenna _ Burak Pak + Tine van herck Brussels capital and two Flemish municipality Grimburgen and Vilvoorde inside Flanders
Brussels - Flanders : a separation
At the edge of the Brussels-Flanders border lays a landscape of incongruities and of opportunities for redesigning the city of the 21st Century. The administrative border between the two regions is intermittently enhanced by the presence of physical boundaries determined by topography, infrastructure and conflictive monofunctional patches. Built at the time of welfare apotheosis, they overlook valleys and embody an urbanism of heroic modernism. Nonetheless, the densities and complexities present in most of these intensive dwelling environments have something to say about Brussels’ future condition: an intense and mixed metropolis that requires re-configuration to meet its forthcoming challenges. The lack of social mobility generated by unemployment and by the pervasive state of precariousness, besides being a symptom of weak democracy, might increase the present condition of sociospatial segregation, worsening the degradation of those areas of the city where weak and poor individuals coagulate, looking for reciprocal support. The design studio will address large-scale social housing estates as sites of opportunity in the changing urban settings of both Brussels and Flanders. Brussels is growing and the Belgian capital will fall short of housing its expected inhabitants. From this premise, the studio will focus throughout the semester on the elaboration of fundamentally critical questions considered foundational for the development of grounded design strategies.
Grimburgen Vilvoorde Brussels
interpretative visualization of the city with mobility, employment,housing scenerio and existing green of Brussels-Flanders
Layered narratives of the sample AGRICULTURE LAND
monumental features creating physical bounderies
Scale shift through functional spaces from Brussels to Flanders
sample user group movement and behaviorstudy
public green
private green
agriculture Kapelle-op-den-bos
Machelen Wemmel
sample attraction study from interview data
intervein border
connecting green
comparison of mobility and residing statistics
forming an eco belt
A dense and diverse green spine connecting Brussels and Flanders
private gardens could evolve into public passages
historical green structures
and become part of the spine
public spaces could become part of the spine
agricultural fields
public green space
sports fields
colour code - from high density to low density
existing functions + several new public functions attatched to the green spine
look for the strange spots inside the fabric and choose them to densify
punctual densification near the village center
! make sure the village can keep existing
high density green combined with high density built space
Three strategic spots for intervestion
Conceptual section for densifying in the unbuilt space
macro scale reinterpretation of the sample
Lady bug
Praying Mantis 90 NEW UNITS 18 SOCIAL
Hazelwood Honey Bee
Tits Weeping Willow
Crested Tits
elmm Squirrel
strategy for biodiversity
Conceptual section for densifying in the built space
strategy for densification
intervention 01 _ the village of north
10 m
50 m
intervention 02 _ the conclave of center
10 m
50 m
intervention 03 _ the city of south
10 m
50 m
The border of Brussels, capital region, with Flanders is, at first glance, physically non-existent in this researched sample. Within a moment’s notice you traverse from Mutsaard into Strombeek. Not until approaching the center of Strombeek you become aware that, even though typology slightly transforms from city to village, it is identity that forms friction. Enclosed by infrastructure, Strombeek evolved in a way that resembles Brussels, even though it is a part of rural Grimbergen. Next to those highways large scale functions like the Heizel, the park of Laeken and the soccer stadium also act as borders to this region. These infrastructural borders actually had a positive influence on the sample. The separation allowed the territory to evolve in the same way a village does with it’s related functions inside the fabric. It developed functions that attract people from various regions. In this archicomic four students try to give a voice to the different identities that make up the site in and around Strombeek. These identities not only include people but places and constructs as well. Find out whether or not thay relate and whether or not they should.
design group with the comic book about the project
_requalifying infrastructure, redefining urbanism > sao paulo – pinheiros river
> landscape urbanism studio _ 2nd semester > with_Elvia Gonzalves Costas & Caroline Custine > studio promoter _ Prof. Bruno De Meulder _ Prof. Viviana d’Auria _ Eliana Rosa De Queiroz Barbosa _ Patricia Capanema Alvares Fernandes
Tiete river Pinhiros river
Floodplain introducing São Paulo São Paulo is full of dichotomies and contradictions. Regarding urban form, everywhere, everything seems to go vertical whereas the city presents itself as an urbanized horizontal carpet. Its center is marginalized whereas its margins are occupied by booming centralities. Real estate led redevelopments have destroyed well functioning neighborhoods and replaced traditional housing typologies, yet the city still has 30% of its housing units in some kind of informality and precarious living conditions. Mobility infrastructure provision has been deficient over the past years and the current system is inefficient,yet it involves around 23 million travels per day, each day. The city presents itself as a powerful concrete jungle, yet it, has to surrender regularly to the forces of nature.
water network in the midest of Sao Paulo terrain and area under studio intervention
The infrastructural crisis offers the opportunity to work with landscape rather than against it, interacting man-made forces with natural ones in a more sustainable way. By using the River Pinheiros and its surrounding neighborhoods as cornerstone sites, the studio proposes to unravel the megalopolis’ dichotomies by exploring possible new relations between infrastructure and landscape.
interpretative visualization of the city through a strangers eye during field visit to Sao Paulo
analysis of the existing
Landuse study Following the stream of river Tiete and Pinheiros the landuse changes with the logic of topography in thecity of Sao Paulo. The scale difference is particularly a key issue for the urban morphology of this city.
Residential high standard
Residential low standard
Commercial and mixed use
Industrial and Services
A study based on collected data was interprated through maps and photographs to help realizing the impact and effects to and from the Piheiros river on the city fabric. Tissue analysis through topographic section privileged vulnerable
Estrada da Itapecerica Morro do S
> Land use > Typology Time line
street pattern analysis
vulnerable with inner logic
mid-rise residential mixed
factories & Warehouses
gated residential communities
Industry in the floodplain from the 70’s
big box developments
island with villas inner logic
mixed use organized traffic
rich gated residential zone
Problem formulation
> 3 spatial configurations of the IN - BETWEENESS
in - between 03 Vulnerable areas * Change perception > River as identiy belonging of the vulnerable
in - between ___ The valley
highest concern was raised to solve the ongoing crisis related to water; with flood risk, lack of proper drainage-sewage and potable water shortage worsened by the canalization of the water network
the horizontal spread of the city and infrasrtructural shortage to connect vulnerable areas was seen as another problem to achieve efficient urban life.
Fragmented and patched urban tissue of the Megapolis of Sao Paulo shows a complex matrix that combines diverse landuse with varied social strata.
belonging of fragile tributaries
in - between ___ The floodplain: Industry belonging of the private realm
Zooming into a regional scale from Campo Limpo to Santo Amaro, two sub-municipality, the patchness and isolation of city quarters were studied from grass root.
Here in particular to provide linkage the roads, the surface rail and metro, infrastructures slowly occupied the valley and floodplain resulting a funnel effectdriven by the topography.
Along with the patchness and linerity of mobility networks the water bassins without sewage, continious pollution and garbage disposal deteriorated the environmental situation greatly.
Schemes for interventions
Phase 1 : management of problems related to water
> Introduction of sewage in vulnerable areas
> Introduction of drainage in areas in flood risks
Sewage dispersed into river. Contaminated river.
Buildings on natural creeks. Impermeable ground. Flood problems.
> Provide drainage network and percolate rain water Relocation of threated houses
Opportunity to improve the streets.Pavements & bike paths.
Percolation of storm water
drainage network
to Santo Amaro treatment plant
to natural creek
> Top priority was given to water related problems in the urban sao paulo and several schemes was developed to overcome flood risk and envision solutions regarding drinking water shortages.
rain water catchment
> Provide sewage system in vulnerable areas
drainage and cleaning
Opportunity for social housing. Incremental housing.
Secondary over flows
Level control pipes Link to river stage
Primary collection hub
4 families 2 families
20 families
Phase II : enhancing the natural existing ecologies
> Following the logic of the water bassins
> Reversing the image of the in-betweeness > Using rain water for irrigation
> sub hydrographic basin 01 860000m2 255 l/m2 >water tank min= 2193300 m3
> Next step was the enhachement of previously deteriorating natural ecology through critical intervention of water bassins and reuse of storm water in community based agriculture that can refuel the economy of the vulnerable inhabitants.
sub hydrographic basin to Morro do sé
sub hydrographic basin córrego Morumbi
natural ecosystems present on the water surroundings
sub hydrographic basin córrego Morumbi
> sub hydrographic basin 01 1470000m2 255 l/m2 >water tank min= 374850 m3
sub hydrographic basin córrego Morumbi > sub hydrographic basin 01 1010000m2 255 l/m2 >water tank min= 257550m3
> sub hydrographic basin 01 1800000m2 255 l/m2 >water tank min= 459000m3
rich soil of the valleys creeks as green collective areas
> sub hydrographic basin 01 1800000m2 255 l/m2 >water tank min= 459000m3
hydrographic basin Maria Joaquina
> sub hydrographic basin 01 1300 m2 255 l/m2 >water tank min= 331,5m3
highlighting the ecology of the void through landcape interventions
water used for irrigation
Phase III : activating public realm
> Reorganizing mobility
> Conecting vulnerable areas
Creating multi modal nodes for public transports
> Lastly a sensitive concept was developed for the betterment of the public real introducing new and efficient functions for the neighborhood as well as reinforcing the local economy along with a coherent mobility network.
Aquifer links
> Providing services and adapted activities
Promoting soft mobility. Improving existing voids in dense tissue.
Defining strategic places as nodes for social interactions. Proposing public-turned occupations.
M Adolpho Pinheiro M Largo Treze Bus Parking
Bus Terminal
M Santo Amaro
CPTM Socorro
Intervention 01_ Campo Limpo
Relocation of houses in risk areas
10 m
50 m
1st phase : vulnerable areas Protection and relocation of the favelas situated in areas in risk
2 nd phase : water based in-between Protection of the natural drainage system Inbetween area water-based New drainage and sewage networks
Geomorphological conditions : topography and green corridors
2 nd phase : green buffer Green buffer as prottection between the favelas and the water area to prevent the risk of floods A
3rd phase : change of perception , entrance to campo limpo and a new economic area
New activities and flows of people
Intervention 01_ Campo Limpo
intervention inbetween settlement on natural systems
intervention inbetween infrastructure on man-made systems
section CC’ _ requalifying natural ecology through water management
section AA’ _ requalifying urban living through community intervention
section BB’_ requalifying territorial ecology using landscape logic with embaded mobility network enforcing local economy and public realm
Intervention 02_ Santo Amaro
10 m
1st phase : vulnerable areas Reclaiming the vulnerable areas
Flood risk and new drainage network
2nd phase : wtaer-based in-between Collection of water from the specific basin and flood the reclaimed industry land to achieve new urban ecology
New activities and flows of people
3rd phase : activating public realm Occupying the space of the avenue and turn it into a ‘green and blue spine’
New green corridor
50 m
3rd phase : activating public realm New activities: Sports entertainment area Education function SESC Santo Amaro Mais Shopping Mall Cathedral Santo Amaro. Integration with the public transports nodes
Public realm improvement
Intervention 02_ Santo Amaro
intervention on an existing axis to rediscover the hidden public space
intervention on closed industrial parcels envisioning lost connection to water
Section AA’ _ reweaving existing isolated public function
Section BB’ _ introducing new economy and recreational activities along new realm
Section CC’ _ using new water retaintions as ground water recharging system