Beacon Hill Walking Tour

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HILL A WALKING TOUR In English En Español


a multilingual tour



English – Español – 中 国

Beacon Hill, Boston: The South Slope by Richard Saul Wurman Stroll across the Boston Common, an enormous grassy blanket that Bostonians have used since the city’s birth, and then prepare yourself for poking about the nooks and crannies of historic Beacon Hill. This redbrick quarter of handsome houses crowded along crazy-quilt streets is a walker’s dream and a driver’s nightmare. In one of America’s most European cities, this neighborhood looks ever-so-English. Beacon Hill’s slopes are easiest to navigate in good weather, but it’s well worth a bit of slipping and sliding to enjoy the area’s serene winter stillness. However, iron handrails fastened to buildings along Mount Vernon Street are convenient for those making the steep climb.

THE MAJESTIC STATE HOUSE designed by Charles Bulfinch and completed in 1798, spotlighted the areas potential. Affluent Brahmins and a number of cultural luminaries were drawn here as Beacon Hill blossomed in the first half of the 19th century, and the city’s intellectual and artistic renaissance unfolded.


Beacon Hill is composed of three districts. The flats, the newer, more orderly section runs down to the Charles River from Charles Street. Up from Charles Street is the sunny south slope, extending from Beacon Street to Pinckney Street, and the shady north slope, descending from Pinckney to Cambridge Street. While the south slope’s mansions exude Brahmin privilege, the north slope’s smaller houses and former tenement walk-ups relay a history of ethnic diversity and the struggle of many groups to make their way here. Coursing through Beacon Hill,

infusing it with vitality, is Charles Street, an eclectic, surprisingly friendly thoroughfare where most of the area’s shops, services, and businesses are located. In older cities, the chicken-or-the-egg question is: Which came first, the streets or the dwellings? It’s clear the houses came first on the hodgepodge “Hill,” and the streets have simply made do. As you wend your way over bumpy brick sidewalks, you’ll probably agree that Beacon Hill wouldn’t be so appealing without the jigs and jogs of the streets and the glistening river glimpsed below. 3

In this intimate people-scaled place, idiosyncrasies reveal the layers of lives that have enriched this large heap of brick and granite.

Gardens enliven the rooflines; ornate door knockers, boot scrapers, and wrought-iron embellishments dress up some of the most modest facades; and tunnels lead to concealed courtyards and hidden houses. Most of the homes are Greek Revival or Federal in style, but refreshing upstarts have sneaked in here and there. Master carpenters, called housewrights, built most of the structures when the trained American architect was a brand-new breed. Notice the many graceful bowfronts – a local


innovation. Officially declared a historic district in 1955, today the Beacon Hill Civic Association watchdogs its precious repository of buildings – even dictating exterior color choices. Today this area is home to Jewish and Italian immigrants, bohemian artists, and college students as well as Boston’s famous “First Families” who have held sway over Beacon Hill for generations. If the tranquil charm and careful-when-youtouch air begin to grow tiresome, remember that just ahead there’s a startling or delightful nuance to discover. Watch the world go by over an espresso at a local café; find that slip of a street called Acorn; then come down from the heights and take an afternoon promenade in the Public Garden.


1 63 Beacon St, 39-40 Beacon St, & 29A Chestnut St

“PURPLE PANE WINDOWS” of Beacon Hill are these lavender-hued window panes – the exquisite, proud possession of a handful of houses on the Hill. Actually, the treasured tint was a giant fluke – in shipments of glass sent from Hamburg to Boston between 1818 and 1824, manganese oxide reacted with the sun to create the color. Although numerous copies exist, very few authentic window panes have survived.




Los famosos “ventanas púrpuras” de Beacon Hill son estos ventanas de lavanda-hued – la posesión orgullosa de un puñado de casas en la colina. En realidad, el tinte preciado fue un golpe de suerte – en los envíos de vidrio enviado desde Hamburgo a Boston entre 1818 y 1824, óxido de manganeso reacciona con el sol para crear el color. Aunque existen numerosas copias, muy pocos ventanas auténticos han sobrevivido.


笔架山著名的“紫窗格”这些薰衣草色 调的窗玻璃 – 傲藏了一把山上的房 子的。实,珍惜色调是侥幸 – 玻璃 从汉堡发往波士顿1818年和1824年 之间的出货量,氧化锰与太阳反应产 生颜色。虽然众多的副本存在,很少 有正宗的窗格中幸存下来。

King’s Chapel functions as a quaint locale for weddings for those interested in smaller services.


2 54 - 55 Beacon Street between Joy & Charles Street

Built in 1808, this graceful pair of brick bowfronts, now joined, is adorned with many of the delicate Greek architectural details favored by architect Asher Benjamin. His design included threestory wooden pilasters, fanlight doors, a first-story colonnade with delicate columns, and a balustrade with ornamental iron balconies atop the cornice. The left-handed house, now a National Historic Landmark and is

“HEAD QUARTERS HOUSE� for the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. On Wednesdays, if you take the tour, you can peruse the Colonial and Victorian artifacts collected and preserved by the Dames. Admission: Wednesday; Tours by reservation.



Construido en 1808, este par elegante de arco frentes ladrillo, ahora unidas, está adornado con muchos de los delicados detalles arquitectónicos griegos favorecidos por el arquitecto Asher Benjamin. Su diseño incluía pilastras de tres pisos de madera, puertas fanlight, una columnata primera planta con delicadas columnas, y una balaustrada con balcones de hierro ornamentales encima de la cornisa. La casa con la mano izquierda, ahora un monumento histórico nacional y es “la sede de Casa” de la Sociedad Nacional de Damas Coloniales de América Los miércoles , si se toma el tour, usted puede leer el Colonial y artefactos victorianos recogidos y conservados por el Dames. Admisión: miércoles; Tours por reserva.


建于1808年,这优美的双砖弓方 中国

面,现在加盟,装饰着许多由建筑 师灰粉本杰明青睐精致的希腊建筑细 节。他的设计包括三层楼高的木制壁 柱,扇形窗门,第一层的柱廊与细腻 的栏目,并与装饰阳台的铁上盖的檐 口栏杆。左手房子,现为国家历史地 标,是“总部楼”为美国的殖民地贵 妇人的国家红会。 您可以仔细阅读 殖民地,并收集和保存的贵妇人通过 参观维多利亚时代的文物。门票:周 三;旅游预约。


3 42 Beacon Street between Joy & Charles Street

SOMERSET CLUB Painter John Singleton Copley lived in a house that once stood on this site, until he went to England in 1744 and never returned. Now an ultra exclusive private club, the Greek Revival granite bowfront that replaced Copley’s house aggressively protrudes beyond its neighbors’ facades. David Sears erected the right-hand half in 1819, adding the left half in 1831 – doubling Alexander Parris’s original design and spoiling it in the process. Look for the baronial iron-studded portal with its elegant lion’s head knockers – a very showy touch for Beacon Hill.



Pintor John Singleton Copley vivía en una casa que una vez estuvo en este sitio, hasta que se fue a Inglaterra en 1744 y nunca regresó. Ahora, un club privado muy exclusivo, el renacimiento griego delante del arco de granito que sustituyó la casa de Copley sobresale agresivamente más allá de las fachadas de sus vecinos. David Sears erigió la mitad derecha en 1819, añadiendo la mitad izquierda en 1831 – duplicando el diseño original de Alexander Parris y echar a perder en el proceso. Busque el portal de hierro repleta señorial con aldabas de cabeza de su león – un toque muy vistoso para el Beacon Hill.


画家约翰·辛格顿科 中国

普利住在一所房子, 一旦站上这个网站, 直到他去了英国在 1744年,再也没有 回来。现在的超高级 私人会所,希腊复兴 花岗岩弓前面那个更 换科普利家积极伸出 超出其邻居的外墙。 大卫·西尔斯竖起右 手的一半在1819年, 增加了左前卫于1831 年 – 亚历山大翻番 帕里斯的原始设计, 并破坏它的过程中。 查找男爵铁云集的门 户,它的狮头门环 – 一个非常华丽触控 的笔架山。 17

4 39-40 Beacon St. between Joy & Charles St.

Built in the early 1800s by Alexander Parris, these two Greek Revival bowfronts were the abodes of Boston’s merchant prince Nathan Appleton of the textile manufacturing family and his former partner, Daniel Parker. These two old

APPLE TON PARKER HOUSES have Ionic porticoes, and wrought-iron balconies that run across the facade on the upper floors. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow courted and married Fanny Appleton in her family’s front parlor in 1843. And sardonic Edgar Allan Poe, characteristically misbehaving before the ladies at an Appleton soirée, was given the heave-ho. Both houses are National Historic Landmarks.



Construido a principios de 1800 por Alexander Parris, estos dos frentes arco Revival griegos eran las moradas de príncipe mercader de Boston Nathan Appleton de la familia textil de fabricación y su ex pareja, Daniel Parker. estos dos tienen pórticos jónicos, y balcones de hierro forjado que se ejecutan a través de la fachada en las plantas superiores. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow cortejó y se casó con Fanny Appleton en el salón delante de su familia en 1843 y sardónica Edgar Allan Poe, característicamente mal comportamiento antes de las damas en una soirée Appleton, se le dio el tirón-ho. Ambas casas son Monumentos Históricos Nacionales.

Appleton-Parker also has those nice purple pane windows.


建于1800年代初期亚历山大帕里 中国

斯,这两个希腊复兴弓战线是波士 顿的商人王子纺织制造家庭弥敦道 尔顿和他的前合伙人丹尼尔·帕克的 住所。这两个有离子门廊,和锻铁阳 台,整个门面楼上跑。朗费罗求婚, 并在1843年她家的前厅和嘲讽爱伦 坡娶范妮阿普尔顿,女士们在一个阿 普尔顿晚会前典型行为不端,被赋予 了举镐。两院是国家历史地标。


5 13, 15 and 17 Chestnut Street between Walnut & Willow Streets

Charles Bulfinch kept busy building for patrons’ daughters, and, in fact, this most famous trio of row houses was dubbed

“Daughter Houses.” In 1805, while her husband, Colonel James Swan, cooled his heels in a French debtors’ prison, Boston heiress Hepsibah Swan had these houses built as wedding gifts for her daughters. No. 13 is a National Historic Landmark.



Charles Bulfinch mantuvo ocupado construyendo para las hijas mecenas, y, de hecho, este trío más famoso de casas en hilera se denominó “casas hijas.” En 1805, mientras que su marido, el coronel James Swan, enfría los talones en la prisión de deudores franceses, Boston heredera Hepsibah Swan tenía estas casas construidas como bodas regalos para sus hijas. No. 13 es un Monumento Histórico Nacional.

查尔斯布芬奇忙于建设食客的女儿, 中国

而且,事实上,排屋这个最有名的 三人被称为“女儿的房子。”在1805 年,而她的丈夫,上校詹姆斯天鹅, 冷却,他的脚后跟在法国债务人监 狱,波士顿女继承人Hepsibah天鹅 有这些房子建造的结婚礼物为她的女 儿。 13号是一个国家历史地标。

Mr. and Mrs. Swan were devout Francophiles all their life, which greatly influenced the design of these houses.


6 29A Chestnut Street between Walnut and Willow Streets

In 1865 tragedian Edwin Booth was enjoying a successful fun in

“THE IRON CHEST” a drama about a murderer haunted by his crime, and was staying here at the home of the theater manager. But on the eve of Edwin’s last performance, brother John Wilkes Booth murdered President Abraham Lincoln. Edwin’s last performance was canceled, and he left secretly for New York, not appearing before an audience again for nearly a year.



En 1865 trágico cabina de Edwin estaba disfrutando de un divertido éxito en “The Iron Chest”, un drama sobre un asesino obsesionado por su crimen, y se alojaba aquí, en la casa del director de teatro. Pero en la víspera de la última actuación de Edwin, hermano John Wilkes Booth asesinó a presidente Abraham Lincoln. Edwin tenía una última actuación que fue cancelada, y se fue en secreto para Nueva York, que no aparece ante un público de nuevo durante casi un año.


1865年悲剧埃德温·布斯在享受成 中国

功的乐趣“的铁宝箱”一剧对他的犯 罪困扰是杀人的,住在这里的剧院 经理的家。但在埃德温的最后一场 演出前夕,兄弟约翰·威尔克斯· 布斯谋杀总统亚伯拉罕·林肯。埃 德温有一个最后的性能被取消了, 他偷偷离开了纽约,没有出现在观 众面前又近一年。


7 Acorn Street between Willow & West Cedar Streets

ACORN STREET Stand at the crown of this street, one of Boston’s skinniest, and watch cars shimmy and shake as they torturously climb its cobbled length. On one side, look up at the trees waving from the hidden gardens backing Mount Vernon Street; opposite are the diminutive houses that belonged to coachmen serving families in mansions on Chestnut and Mount Vernon Streets. The flat-facade brick row houses fronting the narrow brick sidewalk have foundations and door and window lintels of granite. Study the entrances to Numbers 1, 3, and 5 and notice the ornamental acorns that correspond in number with each address. The humble original homeowners would be pleased to know their houses now hobnob with the best on the real-estate market. 31


Estoy a la corona de esta calle, una de Boston de flaca, y ver los coches shimmy y agitar, ya que tortuosamente subir su longitud adoquinada. Por un lado, mirar a los árboles saludando desde los jardines ocultos que respaldan Mount Vernon Street; opuesto se encuentran las casas diminutas que pertenecieron a cocheros servir a las familias en mansiones de la castaña y Mount Vernon Calles. Las casas de ladrillo plano de fachada al frente de la acera estrecha tienen fundaciones y dinteles de puertas y ventanas de granito. Estudiar las entradas a los números 1, 3 y 5 y observe las bellotas ornamentales que corresponden en número con cada dirección. Los humildes propietarios originales estarían encantados de conocer sus casas ahora codearse con los mejores en el mercado de bienes raíces.

Acorn Street has a variety of unique touches to its architecture and road, one of which includes different acorns adorning the doors. The street is made from cobblestone and challenges the durability of cars that jiggle through its narrow pathway.


站在这条街的王冠,波士顿的最瘦的 中国

一个,看车摆振和抖因为他们爬上了 鹅卵石的长度。一方面,抬头看看从 隐藏的花园支持弗农山街挥舞着树 木;相反的是身材矮小的房子是属于 马车夫担任家庭板栗和芒特弗农街豪 宅。平门面砖排屋面向狭窄的人行道 砖有基础和花岗岩的门,窗楣。学习 的入口,数字1,3,5,注意对应的 数字,每个地址的观赏橡子。不起眼 的原房主将高兴地知道自己的房子, 现在用最好走的更亲的房地产市场。


8 Between Mount Vernon & Pinckney Streets

Suddenly, the houses open wide and you’re swung in a new direction at the edge of one of Boston’s most serenely patrician places. Be sure to pronounce that “s”; you’ll horrify locals if you say

“LOUIE-BURG!” SQUARE If Bulfinch had had his way the square would be three times larger and three decades older, but the Mount Vernon Proprietors didn’t act on his 1826 plan. The redbrick row houses and the oval park they overlook aren’t extraordinary in themselves; it’s the square’s timeless aura that has always appealed to Bostonians. The tradition in America of Christmas eve caroling and candles in windows started here in the late nineteenth century. It continues in Louisburg Square today as groups gather in the snow to hear the famous bell ringers and to enjoy the special flavor that Beacon Hill imparts to Christmas. Statues of Aristides the Just and Columbus were donated in 1850 by a Greek merchant, Joseph Iasigi, of number 3 Louisburg Square. 35


De pronto, las casas se abren amplia y que está balanceaban en una nueva dirección en el borde de uno de los lugares más serenamente patricias de Boston. Si Bulfinch había salido con la suya la plaza sería tres veces más grande y tres décadas más viejo, pero el Mount Vernon Propietarios no actuar en su plan de 1826. La tradición en los Estados Unidos de villancicos víspera de Navidad y velas en las ventanas comenzó aquí a finales del siglo XIX. Continúa en la plaza Louisburg hoy como grupos se reúnen en la nieve para escuchar las famosas campaneros y disfrutar el sabor especial que Beacon Hill imparte a la Navidad. Estatuas de Arístides el Justo y Colón fueron donados en 1850 por un comerciante griego, Joseph, de número 3 Louisburg Square.

突然,房屋敞开,你就在波士顿的最 中国

安详的贵族的地方之一的边缘,一个 新的方向摆动。如果布芬奇已经有他 的方式,方是大三倍和三十年以上, 但芒特弗农东主并没有在他的1826 年的计划行事。在圣诞节前夕报佳音 和蜡烛在窗口地区的传统始于在这里 的十九世纪末期。它继续在路易斯堡 广场今天的团体聚集在雪地里听到著 名的摇铃,并享受特别的香味,笔架 山赋予圣诞节。阿里斯蒂德公正和哥 伦布雕像由希腊商人的3号路易斯堡 广场,约瑟夫,捐赠在1850年。




85 Mount Vernon Street between Joy Street & Louisburg Square

HARRISON GRAY OTIS HOUSE (1802) Ever an onward-andupwards kind of fellow, Otis abandoned a spanking-new manse on Cambridge Street, also by Charles Bulfinch, to take up residence in this fashionable neighborhood of his own making. One of the only houses in the area with ample elbow room, this towering structure was intended to set a Jones’s standard of freestanding mansions on generous landscaped grounds, but Boston’s population boom soon made this impossible. A cobblestone drive leads to the entrance and to the rear stable, now a separate dwelling. The structure is now on the National Register of Historic places.



(1802) siempre un adelante-y-hacia arriba tipo de persona, Otis abandonaron una rectoría-nalgadas nuevo en la calle Cambridge, también por Charles Bulfinch, para establecer su residencia en este barrio de moda de su propia creación. Una de las pocas casas de la zona con un amplio espacio para moverse, esta estructura imponente tenía la intención de establecer estándar de independiente mansiones en generosos jardines del Jones, pero auge de la población de Boston pronto hizo esto imposible. Una unidad de adoquines conduce a la entrada y a la, ahora una vivienda independiente trasera estable. La estructura se encuentra ahora en el registro nacional de lugares históricos.


(1802)永向前 - ,向上种的家 中国

伙,奥的斯被遗弃在剑桥街打屁股全 新万岁,也由查尔斯布芬奇,拿起居 住在他自己制作的这个时尚街区。在 一个充足的肘部空间该地区唯一的房 子,这高耸结构的目的是要建立独立 的上大手笔景观园林豪宅的琼斯的标 准,但波士顿的人口增长很快使这个 不可能。鹅卵石驱动导致的入口和后 方稳定,现在是一个独立的住宅。结 构现在是对历史的地方人口登记。

One of three iterations, the Harrison Gray Otis Houses can be found around Boston at 141 Cambridge Street and 45 Beacon Street. This particular house is the second one to be built in the series of three.


10 50-60 Mount Vernon Street

SWAN STABLES The stables, now converted to dwellings, were built by Hepzibah Swan to accompany the houses for her three daughters at 13, 15, and 17 Chestnut Street. They are restricted by deed to a height of thirteen feet. The cattle ramp remains in its original condition, ready to serve as carriage and cattle access for the Swan houses.



Los establos, ahora convertidas en viviendas fueron construidas por Hepzibah Swan para acompaĂąar a las casas de sus tres hijas a los 13, 15, y 17 de la calle Chestnut. Ellos estĂĄn restringidos por escritura a una altura de cuatro metros. La rampa de ganado permanece en su estado original, listo para servir como transporte de ganado y el acceso de las casas de Swan.


马厩,如今都变成了住宅,由 中国

Hepzibah天鹅建成陪房子,她的三 个女儿在13,15,和17板栗街。它 们通过契约限制为十三英尺的高度。 牛坡道保持其原始状态,准备作为运 输和牛访问天鹅屋。


11 5 Pinckney Street at Joy Street

MIDDLETON GLAPION HOUSE George Middleton, an African-American jockey, horse-breaker, and Revolutionary War veteran, and hairdresser Louis Glapion, collaborated in the late 1700s on this minute clapboard house, so untouched by time that the pair might have strolled out the front door this morning.



George Middleton, un jinete afroamericano, domador de caballos, y la Guerra Revolucionaria veterano, y peluquería Louis Glapion, colaboraron a finales de 1700 en esta casa de madera minuto, por lo intocado por el tiempo que la pareja podría haber paseado por la puerta principal de esta mañana .

乔治·米德尔顿,一个非洲裔的骑 中国

师,马的断路器,以及革命战争的 老兵,和美发师路易斯Glapion, 合作在18世纪末期在这一刻隔板 房子,所以没有受到时间的 对可能踱出大门今天上午。


Middleton was heavily involved in African American community organizations. He was an early member of the African Lodge, later known as the Prince Hall Masons, and he was the third Grand Master of that group. As early as 1800, Middleton fought and petitioned for equal school rights for black children.


12 24 Pinckney St between Joy St and Louisburg Square

HOUSE OF ODD WINDOWS When Ralph Waldo Emerson’s nephew renovated this former carriage house in 1884, he turned the facade into a montage of windows – each singular and superbly positioned – in an inexplicable burst of artistry. Notice the quirky eyebrow dormer at the top.



Cuando el sobrino de Ralph Waldo Emerson renovado esta antigua casa de transporte en 1884, se volvi贸 la fachada en un montaje de ventanas - cada singular, y magn铆ficamente ubicado - en una explosi贸n inexplicable de arte. Note la buhardilla ceja peculiar en la parte superior.


当拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的侄子 中国

于1884年重新装修这个前马车的房 子,他把门面到窗口的蒙太奇 - 每 个单数和高档的定位 - 在一阵莫名 的艺术性。注意古怪眉天窗顶部。



我在哪里可以 找到一个公交 车/出租车? Where can I find a bus/taxi? 你能带我 去机场吗? Can you take me to the airport please? 多少费用? How much does this cost? 你把信用卡/现金? Do you take credit card/cash? 哪里是最近 的洗手间吗? Where is the nearest bathroom? 你能告诉我在地图 上到那里怎么走? Can you show me on a map how to get there? 我需要帮助 。 我迷失 。 I need help. I am lost. 请拨打电话报警。 Please call the police.

Frases comunes en Inglés

¿Dónde puedo encontrar un autobús / taxi? Where can I find a bus/taxi? ¿Puedes llevarme al aeropuerto por favor? Can you take me to the airport please? ¿Cuánto cuesta esto? How much does this cost? ¿Toma tarjeta de crédito / efectivo? Do you take credit card/cash? ¿Dónde está el baño más cercano? Where is the nearest bathroom? ¿Me puede mostrar en un mapa cómo llegar allí? Can you show me on a map how to get there? Necesito ayuda. Estoy perdido. I need help. I am lost. Por favor, llame a la policía. Please call the police.


100 ft










1. PURPLE WINDOWPANES 63 Beacon Street, 3940 Beacon Street 2. HEADQUARTERS HOUSE 54-55 Beacon St at Joy & Charles St 3. SOMERSET CLUB 42 Beacon St at Joy & Charles St 4. APPLETON-PARKER HOUSES 39-40 Beacon St at Joy & Charles St 5. 13, 15 & 17 CHESTNUT STREET at Walnut & Willow St 6. 29A CHESTNUT STREET at Walnut & Willow St




















7. ACORN STREET at Willow & West Cedar St 8. LOUISBURG SQUARE at Mount Vernon & Pinckney St 9. HARRISON GRAY OTIS HOUSE 85 Mt Vernon St at Joy St & Louisburg Square 10. SWAN STABLES 50-60 Mount Vernon St 11. MIDDLETONGLAPION HOUSE 5 Pinckney St at Joy St 12. HOUSE OF ODD WINDOWS 2 4 Pinckney St at Joy St & Louisburg Square

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