Lifestyle S E N I O R
The Benefits of Staying Hydrated Written by D A N A P E V E L E R . Executive Director of Senior Living – Leisure Living Communities
am a coffee addict. Black. No
having any in the morning! Have a
I left vowing to drink more Kool-Aid.
cream. No sugar. Bold. Decaf is
headache, grab a coffee. 3 p.m. drag,
Listen – I’m that person that argued
not real coffee. It started in the
grab a coffee. Can’t get warm, grab
with the scheduler of my stress-test
80’s while I was attending Brescia.
a coffee! I felt triumphant against
that it would add undue stress for me
Those 8 a.m. classes had me sliding
all the naysayers when they started
to go without caffeine before I took
in sideways to the Pinocchio’s café
touting all the benefits of coffee …
the test. I was only partially joking!
on campus just in time to grab a
until I was told I was dehydrated.
Incidentally, I DID go without it –
drink and make it to class. Survival.
What?! I drink all day – coffee, tea,
I’m stubborn, but I’m also a rule
Fast forward to my mid-50’s and
soda, Kool-Aid!
it’s so bad that if I run out of coffee,
I’d rather make a trip to any store
counseling session on why increasing
drinking fresh lemon squeezed in
that’s open at midnight just to make
my water wasn’t an option, and how
my water daily.
sure I don’t fret overnight about not
I needed to reduce my coffee intake,
months, I noticed the texture of
Owensboro Living J U LY / / A U G U S T 2 0 2 1
Then, after a health scare, I began After about six