Owensboro Living - July/August

Page 34

Lifestyle D E S I G N KATE & WAVERLY

Lessons in Design Written by L I B B Y J O H N S O N


hen Kate Mazariegos packed up her classroom a few weeks ago, it was the end of a chapter. Mazariegos is going full time with Kate & Waverly, the design company she launched in the summer of 2021. Though she enjoys teaching and says she will miss the students the most, a couple of factors led to the “now or never” decision to try to go full time with design - the renovation of the home she shares with her family (on Waverly Place - hence the name) and the response to her style through social media. Mazariegos and her husband, Leo, purchased their home- which was built in 1918- in 2015 as a foreclosure. The once grand home had seen better days and had gone through many stages and renovations, including being divided up as apartment buildings. When the couple moved in, there were two holes in the roof and extensive water damage, and to say the home needed work is an understatement. “I’ve always loved old houses,” Mazariegos says, “I knew I could put my own stamp on this one.” While many people would be intimidated by a home that needed complete mechanical and cosmetic overhauls, Mazariegos says her background was an asset. Her father, Jim Mischel, was in construction and frequently involved Kate in renovating their home. Her mother, the late Lisa Mischel was “Constantly rearranging things and dragging me from thrift


Owensboro Living J U LY / / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2

shop to thrift shop.” With her father’s help over the past seven years, the couple took walls down, moved plumbing, redid all the floors, and renovated the kitchen and bathrooms - easily the prime real estate in any home - to meet the level of luxury most people are looking for these days. Originally during renovation, Mazariegos maintained a blog documenting the process. “When I had kids and life got busy, that fell by

the wayside,” she admits, recalling that it really was being home during the pandemic that reignited her passion to go full time with design. She resumed sharing images of her home and other decor that inspired her, and got a lot of positive feedback. Before long, people were asking her to help them organize and decorate their homes. Mazariegos sees her lack of formal design training as an asset. She says “having an eye” for style

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