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5 things we’re talking about now
2 Owensboro Health Community Grants Owensboro Health announced nearly $720,000 in investments through their annual grant program that will support 35 projects throughout the region. This year’s amount means OH has invested
more than $7 million in area agencies since 2011. The grants
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provide in-kind and financial support for health, human services and arts projects
Owensboro Air Show
With a turnout of 60,000 people, the 2021 Owensboro Air Show, held from
Funded projects and agencies being supported
August 13-15, was the biggest event ever hosted at the riverfront. Visitors
span a wide array of
from across the country reveled at the sights of the U.S Navy Blue Angels, a
regional needs, from
T-38 Talon and the U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor Demo Team. Guests traveled
children in local school
from across the country to take in the excitement of the show and enjoy a
districts to aging adults
weekend in downtown Owensboro.
and programming throughout the region.
Owensboro Living S E P T E M B E R / / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1
and senior services.