Owensboro Living - September / October 2021

Page 58

Lifestyle S E N I O R


The Value of Asking for Help Written by D A N A P E V E L E R . Executive Director of Senior Living – Leisure Living Communities


all has always been my favorite

“Love, Mom.”

count on you to let them know when help

season of the year! Yes, I love the

Why is it that we’ll phone our family

is needed. I know of someone who went

colors, but that’s not why! Yes, I

and ask for a recipe, but we won’t call

without lights in her kitchen for months

love the crisp clear mornings, but that’s

and ask them for help?

The older we

because she was too frightened to tell

not why! I adore hayrides, fire pits, and

get, it seems the less we ask. If we are

her children she needed someone to help

weenie roasts, but that’s not why! I LOVE

going to successfully navigate the aging

change them. She was fearful they would

all my well-used, over-sized sweaters

years, we simply must learn to ask for

think she shouldn’t be alone anymore

filled with memories – and those aren’t

the help we need. When we were young,

and try to convince her to move.

even why! It’s the soup!

we didn’t hesitate to ask for help. One of

lack of lighting was a fall risk! She was

Don’t get me wrong, I still eat soup all

my grandson’s first phrases was, “help,

actually less independent by having poor

summer long – and dare anybody to tell

please.” Why are we so reluctant? It’s

lighting than had she just asked for the

me just because it’s 100 degrees outside

likely because we don’t want to appear


and humidity is 85% that soup is the

helpless. We don’t want to risk our family

wrong choice. It’s making a big pot of

thinking we can’t live independently

something we can all learn to master.

potato soup using Mom’s recipe. A recipe

anymore, or maybe we just don’t want to

It doesn’t have to be that we only ask

stained from spills, has ingredients

be a burden to others.

our loved ones, though. Can’t get down

crossed out, and portions added over the

Realize, though, that it is a gift of

on the floor anymore to clean out your

years – an emailed recipe that ends in

peace of mind when they know they can

cabinets, scrub your tub, clean your


Owensboro Living S E P T E M B E R / / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1


Knowing when to ask for help is

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