32 minute read
Craft Time
Written by Ashley Wedding // Photo by Jamie Alexander
Take advantage of the changing weather and create some fall masterpieces with your kids! No need to run to the craft store, use what you have in your own backyard. Grab some leaves, sticks, seeds—whatever looks interesting! Make sure you grab a variety of shapes and colors. Let your child create whatever they want with your collections!
›› Draw an animal, vehicle, shape, number — whatever you want! ›› Using glue, add the collections from your backyard to accessorize your drawing. Leaves can be fur or feathers. Sticks can turn into a car or outlines of a letter. ›› Let your imagination and creativity run wild! Happy fall y'all and happy crafting! OP
If you make these adorable crafts, be sure to tag a photo of them on our social media accounts! We would love to see them!
ASHLEY WEDDING is the editor of Owensboro Parent. She enjoys everyday adventures with her husband, Drew, and their three kids, Avery, Reed and Mason.

Written by Meghann Richardson
Kindness is the sincere and voluntary use of one’s time, talent and resources to better the lives of others, one’s own life and the world through genuine acts of love, compassion, generosity and service. The ways to be kind are limitless. Kindness can be anything from a simple smile to a major gift. Every act can create an endless ripple of kindness that leads to a better community and better world.
At Owensboro Parent, we wanted to spotlight the kindness in our community. We asked our readers to submit stories of kids being kind — no matter how big or how small.
We were overwhelmed with the stories and can't wait for you to read them all!
Olive Harrison, 12 year-old vet-aspiring, Owensboro Innovation Academy student, has been volunteering since she was 8, to save the lives of local animals.
She makes videos showcasing the adaptability of dogs and cats and publishes them on social media. Her parents say that to date they know that she has made the connection for over 15 adoptions.
Due to the economy, animals are being surrendered at alarming rates. She would like to share how volunteering, fostering and sharing information can make a big difference!
Olive said she thinks everyone can make a difference. "Be kind to all kinds, not just mankind,” she said.
Olive started volunteering with the Owensboro Humane Society when she was 8 years old and for the past year and a half, she has been at the Daviess County Animal Shelter making a difference through fostering dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils and more. She also volunteers to bathe and walk dogs, clean cages and organize items around the shelter.

Instead of toys and gifts, Sydney May asked for donations for the Daviess County Animal Shelter instead of presents for her 8th birthday. Each of her party guests brought toys or food for the animals at the shelter.
Anytime the family has yard sales or extra money for giving, Sydney takes her part down to the animal shelter.
When asked what kindness means to her, Sydney said, ”helping others that are in need.”
The May family has a Giving Bank that holds their collected money for donating. Once it’s full, Sydney gets to decide where to give her money. Sometimes she’ll take money out for change drives at school or to take to the Salvation Army kettle, but when it’s really full she usually decides to take it to the animal shelter, which usually happens twice a year.
Sydney said she likes donating to the animal shelter because animals can’t protect themselves.
Her goal for next year is to spread kindness at the animal shelter by walking the dogs.
Arroh Yamada, a 5-year-old student at Audubon Elementary School, was in a very unique position as her father, who is a Marine Corps veteran, organizes the collection of toys for Toys-for-Tots.
Arroh would help unbox and sort all the toys from infants all the way to 14 and 15-year-olds from October until Christmas.
Helping Santa do his job was important to Arroh and she really wanted to make sure other kids had a wonderful Christmas.
Arroh’s mother, Madison, said she spent so many hours lending a helping hand alongside her father and many Marines and she got so much joy out of spreading Christmas kindness to others.
After learning about the mission at Isaiah 117 House that is being built for children in Spencer and Perry Counties, two St. Bernard Catholic School students wanted to take action and help others.
The Isaiah 117 House provides physical and emotional support in a safe and loving home for children awaiting foster care placement.
After learning more about the support they give, Madeline Jones, 8, and Savannah Jones, 5, joined forces with their family and hosted a yard sale and lemonade stand to raise money for the Isaiah 117 House.
In one day, the girls raised more than $100.

Rylan Payne loves helping others and has been volunteering to serve others in need once a month at his church community meal for the last couple of years.
Rylan’s mom Misty said, “he loves helping others.”
Rylan is 10 years old and has been helping for over 2 years now at Church Alive on the third Wednesday of every month. He helps prepare the meals, serve the meals, and also helps to box them up.
“I am so proud of Rylan and his heart for others and would love to share that with everyone,” Rylan’s mom said.
Greyson Brooks recently delivered $350 worth of crayons, markers, and writing paper to Estes Elementary School in Owensboro.
He did this act of kindness in honor of his baby brother, Wyatt, who passed away in 2017 from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Greyson started carrying a framed photo of Wyatt after he passed away.
The third-grader asked that the supplies be used by incoming kindergartners because that's the class his brother would have been in.
Greyson’s mom, Destiny Hayes, said that it was Greyson's idea to start a fundraiser for kindergarten school supplies in Wyatt's memory.
“We are so proud of him,” she said. "He went and picked out all the stuff himself."
Greyson's selfless act of kindness earned him Owensboro Public Schools' first-ever Inspiration Award and his story went well beyond the walls of Estes as word spread about his act.
He was featured in Southern Living magazine and made an appearance on the TODAY Show. The exposure led to one individual in Virginia donating $4,200 to the OPS Foundation. The $4,200 will be split into $350 each year for the next 12 years, with all of the funds going to Estes. STEVEN BLAN

Steven Blan, 12, his brother and his friends made a lemonade stand and sold lemonade and snacks to make money of their own.
Instead of spending the money on himself, Steven gifted the funds he raised to his parents to help with travel expenses. Steven’s little brother, Rowan, sees a neurologist and developmental delay specialist in Louisville.

Last year, Noah Abbott raised money for North Hancock Elementary School's Family Resource and Youth Services Center during Christmas with a typing challenge. He types around 80 words per minute and used his skills to raise money to donate.
The primary goal school FRYSC centers is to remove nonacademic barriers to learning as a means to enhance student academic success.
Recently, 11-year-old Noah used those same skills to raise money to buy backpacks for Borrowed Hearts.
The Borrowed Hearts Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting kids in foster care and their families. With locations in Evansville and Owensboro, their mission is to lead the efforts in which every foster family attains the rights to clothing, hygiene, development, and a loving support system.
With a heart for giving back to others, Noah is always looking for ways to serve his community.
Two years ago, Noah took candy to local police stations and fire departments on Halloween in a project he called “Halloween for Heroes.” His current kindness project is to help the Eastern Kentucky flood victims.

Annesleigh Melton has always been helpful in the kitchen.
“She has had her hands in whatever I’m making or making since she was 2-years-old,” her mother Andrea said.
The Calhoun Elementary School fifth grader started asking how she could do things to help other people and her mother talked to her about using her gifts, talents, and interests to do something that she enjoyed doing to make a difference for others.
“Since she loves baking, it seemed like a logical fit,” she said. “She started making chocolate chip cookies and selling them to earn money that she would donate to several charitable groups. During the lock-down time period of the COVID pandemic, she decided to expand her skills and began to bake other cookies, brownies, sweet breads, and other baked goods.”
Annesleigh decided that she wanted to support St. Jude’s Research Hospital after reading about them in a magazine.
“She was concerned that young children could be so sick and need treatment and wanted to help them and their families,” Andrea said.
She has done four bake sales specifically for St. Jude’s.
Annesleigh said showing kindness to others involves helping them, but showing kindness to sick children through St. Jude feels like a little bit more.
“I got to do something I love to do and help people who really need it during a hard time,” she said. OP
MEGHANN RICHARDSON is full-time digital marketing specialist who moonlights as a journalist for Owensboro Times. She enjoys spending time with her husband Ryan, daughter Emery and rescue pup Murphy.


Written by Andrea Millay // Photos by Jamie Alexander
Not too long ago, I searched the aisles of the local bookstore, trying to find, “Co-Parenting For Dummies.” But it didn’t exist. Even if it did, would it matter? Is any co-parenting situation “textbook?” The answer is obviously no.
There isn’t a single thing you can do to prepare for the challenges that come with co-parenting. And it is indeed a challenge. Usually following a break up, falling out or divorce, emotions explode. Lawyers are involved. Should it be 50/50? 80/20? Will there be child support? Alimony? It’s a whirlwind of court dates and mediations. Trying
to figure out what is best, sometimes at the expense of the kids.
We decided, that wouldn’t be us. We never stepped foot into a courtroom. We knew that our children deserved us both at our best. Not us after depleting our bank accounts on lawyers. Not us holding on to built up frustration and resentment. We knew it would be hard at first. We knew that forgiveness and grace would be needed.
There was a season of learning and growth. Tristan, their dad, had never done their hair. I remember recording myself doing our daughter, Asher’s, hair and sending it to Tristan so that he could practice. I remember buying two sets of hair products so he would know exactly what to use. I had never played Madden on Xbox. Axton begged me to learn so that I could play him like his daddy does. Although he beats me every single time, I have taught myself to play. We learned how hard it was to keep up with clothing, sports equipment, and backpacks. The constant back and forth between houses would be impossible without constant open communication.
We may share our time with our kids separately, but we also share our time with them together. We don’t have two separate birthday parties. We have one, where all of their friends and family members come from both Mommy’s and Daddy’s sides. When there is snow on the ground, Tristan, my boyfriend Albiro, and I all take them sledding, along with Albiro's daughter Arianna. When it is warm, we all three take the kids to the playground, the soccer field, or to practice baseball. We don’t rotate holidays. We plan our days so that both of us have time with them.
Sports take up a lot of time in kids’ lives. I have seen parents sit on separate sides of the fields, avoiding any type of communication. After the game, the child has to decide is he/she going to see mommy and her family, or daddy and his family first. In our family, we sit together. Tristan and I are a united team when it comes to cheering for our kids. Our families understand the dynamic of our coparenting and are equally as united.
Our co-parenting over the past two years has not been perfect. We have had several moments of frustration. Yet, never has any of those moments affected our children. They do not know. As far as Asher and Axton know, their daddy and I are friends — and we are. Our ability to put our differences aside, to show constant grace towards each other, and to let go of the past, has enabled us to be the absolute best parents we can be.
No one gets married with the idea of it ending in divorce. After kids come, it makes it even harder. The idea of staying in an unhappy or unfruitful marriage seems to outweigh the idea of sharing time with your kids. I would be absolutely lying if I said it wasn’t hard. It is. I can remember the first day the kids stayed at their daddy’s house. My home seemed eerily quiet and I missed the constant nagging of two kids asking for snacks and attention. I remember the first Christmas Eve when I wasn’t awakened by kids yelling in excitement. Many firsts are experienced that no one prepares you for.
We are lucky however. Yes, we still share our kids. Yes, we still have them 50/50 and many nights I miss the yelling of them fighting. However, we also gain so much more. Our kids see us get along. They see us team up to support them. They see us show up over and over, together, for them.
No, there is no, “Co-Parenting for Dummies,” but I would like to leave you with just a few things that work for us:
It is important that everything is shared. Whether it is homework, sports schedules, doctor appointments, or sleepovers. Always let the other parent know what is going on.
Leave one set at mommy’s house and one at daddy’s house. When Tristan sends the kids to my house I have them take off his clothes and put them in their “Daddy basket.” I wash the clothes and send them back to his house wearing those clothes. This helps so much on keeping up with clothes and not misplacing items.
Check backpacks and do homework every night, no matter whose house they are at.

We split everything down the middle — sports registration fees, sports equipment, school pictures, etc.
Multiple times we have “family” meetings. Tristan, Albiro, and I meet with the kids and talk about expectations, rules, and consequences. This shows the kids we are in charge and there won’t be any manipulation of rules from house to house.
We require our kids to respect their other parent.
Co-parenting is a perfect storm of chaos and cooperation. However, by truly putting the kids first, it is possible. I challenge you, that if you find yourself in a similar situation, try to open up your heart to a new way of co-parenting. One that allows your children to see both of their parents at their best. I believe that is not only what every child deserves and wants, but it is also what we as parents want for our children. OP

ANDREA MILLAY is an 8th grade teacher at Daviess County Middle School. She is a mother of two, bonus mom to one, and expecting a baby boy in January. She loves to fish, watch her kids play sports and Chick-fil-A.


While Amanda Lamar always enjoyed the beauty of things that grow, she never imagined that one day she would raise her children on a piece of paradise called Redeemed Heritage Farms, growing her own food and sharing her passion with others in the community.
“Growing up, my mom’s landscaping was always beautiful. She would grow any flower that she could find. One year we had pumpkins, one year we had a strawberry field,” Amanda said.
Though she was exposed to gardening at a young age, Amanda says what she does today is a whole new level.
“We did not grow our own food back then. What I do now is pretty much self-taught,” Amanda said.
When her oldest son, Jonah, was just a toddler, she started growing food for the first time.
“Ten years ago, I bought my first house on my own. That year, I grew a tomato plant and a squash plant. That was pretty much it for a few years,” she said. “I worked full time so that was pretty much all I could handle at the time.”
By Spring 2019, Amanda had a full garden, growing corn, peppers, tomatoes, and squash.
The Lamar family appreciated the expertise of family members who helped show them the ropes as they got started with their new adventure in growing and raising their own food.
“We had my husband’s great aunt and uncle come over and they spent a couple days with us. They brought tools to show us how they grew the plants, and the different varieties.”
The family aspect of their new farm was already reaching across generations as they took in all there was to learn.
“They had raised chickens, Guineas, and gardened forever. If any one could teach us to garden it would be them. They were like grandparents to us,” Amanda said. “That memory of them coming that weekend was special. For them to come teach us how to do it was a big deal for them.”
Amanda’s three children Jonah, Dallas and Emmy get involved in different ways, helping with chores or the animals.
“We got chickens and started selling eggs to pay for the feed bill,” she said. “They were really involved with the chickens and helped collect eggs every day.”
The Lamar children also help plant flowers, each of them with their own pot in the house to hold their unique variety.
“We like the zinnias because they flower easily,” Amanda said. “Dallas loves the striped zinnias called candy canes.”
Back outside, the kids enjoy helping pick carrots and assisting with planting.
“For our garden, they help me plant seeds right off the bat,” Amanda said. “They think it’s exciting putting seeds in the garden and knowing they will grow. You never know what you will pull up out of the dirt.”
From chickens to pigs, Amanda hopes to continue to

explore livestock as a way to continue to grow and improve their own food for their family.
“We currently raise pedigreed Holland Lop rabbits and pedigreed Silver Fox rabbits. We have ducks maturing, so duck eggs are on the horizon, and our Ancona chicken flock should be laying eggs for eating or hatching sometime in late fall. We plan to add Idaho Pasture Pigs very soon, and more to come.”
“I have things growing all year — peas, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, and any other cold weather crops. By March, I will start planting seeds in the greenhouse for the summer crops.”
As far as the name for Redeemed Heritage Farms, Amanda said there is a lot of meaning packed into the name.
“Redeemed is for our faith,” she said. “My husband, Jourdian, and I have known each other since we were teenagers. After we both went through a hard time in our early 20’s, our lives were redeemed for each other.”
Though having land and eventually creating their own food was always a dream, actually living that dream is extra meaningful.
“We both wanted that life but at the time it was not possible until we got married,” Amanda said. “We are home setting the way our grandparents and ancestors lived instead of living in a modern world — redeeming our heritage.”
Each of their children appreciate a different aspect of Redeemed Heritage Farms, from the horticulture and livestock to the landscape and

“Emmy is the free spirit of the family. She loves helping in the garden and having all the animals. She likes snuggling bunny rabbits and she’s my sidekick. Dallas loves the pond because he’s obsessed with fishing. Jonah is my teenager and prefers to stay inside but he likes the quietness out there for sure,” Amanda said.
Though the family owns a small tractor, most of the work is done by hand.
“We do a lot of the true, hard work, no shortcuts,” Amanda said.
Redeemed Heritage Farms offers unique products such as homemade jams, soy candles and lip balms.
“I’ve got my hands in a lot of baskets,” Amanda said. “From heirlooms to produce, we use no chemicals or pesticides. I save my own seeds if possible, using seeds harvested from our own growing zone. I make all our own soap, bath and body products. The more I see chemicals in commercial products, the more I want to make them myself.”
As far as future plans, much of what is offered is headed towards an educational outlet.
“We’d love to offer tips and tricks for gardening, offering workshops by next year. We will focus on topics like preserving food, canning and soil fertilizer. I’d love to see our farms become an outlet to help others be self-sufficient,” Amanda said.
Redeemed Heritage Farm is available by appointment only. For more information, visit their website at redeemedheritagefarm.com. OP

LAURA MURPHY is an eighth grade LA teacher at Daviess County Middle School. She has three kids who keep her life interesting; Jonah, Lily, Josiah and Judson. She survives on Grape Spark, Jon Gordan books and all things Grumpy Cat.

We are excited to announce the winners of our 2022 Owensboro Parent Family Favorites contest, where you, our loyal and trustworthy readers, have the opportunity to make your voices heard. Hundreds of you cast your votes for your favorite local spots — from pediatrician to preschools, and sweet treats to boutiques. Take a look at all of the Family Favorites and see if your choices made the cut.
Favorite Family Breakfast Spot

It’s no wonder that Dee’s Diner is Owensboro’s favorite family breakfast! Their food is delicious, but kids love their giant, fluffy pancakes!
Favorite Kids Eat Free Location

If you are in the mood for Mexican food visit Salsarita’s Fresh Mexican Grill, located on Highway 54. Build your own tacos, burritos, nachos, quesadillas, taco salads or even a famous quesorito.
Favorite Kid-Friendly Restaurant
With a friendly staff and arguably the fastest drive-thru in town, it’s no wonder parents love Chick-fil-A! Oh, and the food is great and the toys in the kids’ meal are awesome!
Photo by Taylor West
Favorite Snowcone
The beauty of Kona? Choose as many flavors as you want! From Tiger's Blood to Monster Mango, create the flavor combinations of your dreams!
Favorite Kids Theater Program
TWO exposes young people to new vocabulary and ways of communicating. Through the arts of dance, acting, and music, children learn how to communicate in a variety of unique ways.
Favorite Kids Art Class
Art Lab Owensboro exists to provide high quality art and STEM activities to children. They have structured their lab for flexibility to provide opportunities that will work for almost everyone. Art Lab offers everything from one-time experiences and weekly lessons to private parties.
Photo by Taylor West

Favorite Sweet Treat & Favorite Birthday Cake
Becca Bakes owner Rebecca Westerfield started baking for a few close friends. Those friends began to tell their friends, those friends told their friends and as they say, the rest is history. Each cake is baked like she is doing it for her closest friend — and you can taste that in every bite! Check out Becca Bakes at her brand new storefront located at 4026 Frederica Street.

Favorite Dance School
Whether your child wishes to make dance a profession or participates only for enjoyment and exercise, Johnson's Dance Studio has highly trained and professional instructors. Their studio offers a complete curriculum ranging in courses for the preschool student through the advanced professional. Great care and individual attention is given in nurturing the abilities of each student to their fullest potential.
Favorite Kids Music Program
Kindermusik offers music and movement classes for children ages newborn to 7 at the Owensboro Symphony Academy. Playdates are offered seasonally and birthday parties are available upon request. Their studio also offers beginning piano lessons for older children upon availability.
Favorite Kids Clothing Store

This locally owned children's boutique specializes in clothing and shoes for girls and boys from size preemie to 16.
Favorite Boutique for Moms
A unique boutique that carries styles at affordable prices in a variety of sizes, with an elegant atmosphere and a welcoming and friendly experience.
Favorite Kids Consignment Store
Robin’s is a Christian run business that offers consignment for the entire family, as well as new, trendy boutique clothes for women sizes small through 3X. Embroidery and monogramming is also available.
Favorite Kids Shoe Store
Shoe Stop is a locally owned family shoe store with shoes for men, women and children. Unmatched customer service and trendy style options make this an Owensboro must-shop location and family favorite!
Favorite Gymnastics Center
Owensboro Gymnast offers classes year round. Classes include balance beam, bars, vault, and tumbling.
Favorite Place for Swim Lessons
Whether you have a child who’s new to the water or you’d like to brush up on your stroke skills, private swim lessons are available year-round at the Owensboro Health Healthpark for 1-year-olds through senior adults with instructors who will tailor lessons to your needs and pace.
Favorite Youth Sports League
ODC Youth Football League is a non-profit organization formed in 1972 for football for ages 4-12 and cheerleading for age 5-12. ODC Football is home to over 1,000 players with over 45 teams for football and 250 cheerleaders.
Favorite Gym with Child Care
OAC offers a quality, clean gym daycare that allows kids room to run and is baby and toddler friendly with toys galore. Why? OAC says “Because the kids deserve it and our parents need it. We got you!”
Favorite Bike Shop
The source for people who live active lifestyles, Legends provides their clients the products, knowledge, and motivation they need to live an active, healthy life.

Favorite Orthodontist Office
Wedding Orthodontics focuses entirely on delivering a beautiful smile that gives you confidence to face the world. “We know you are going to do big things, and we are grateful to play a small part in supporting you.”
Favorite Pediatrician Office
The doctors at Owensboro Pediatrics are committed to providing comprehensive medical care to children and adolescents in a caring and supportive environment. They value long-term relationships with their patients and their families.
Favorite Pediatric Dentist office
While dentistry is essential to your oral and general health, it doesn't have to be boring. Greater Owensboro Pediatric Dentistry loves joking with their patients, being silly, and having fun together. At their dental office, you aren't just another patient—you've joined their dental family!
Favorite OBGYN Office
Women's Healthcare Partners is dedicated to providing women's health services to protect your health at any age. Their providers are ready to help you through the life-changing journey of becoming a mom. According to them, “There is nothing like welcoming a new baby into a family!”
Favorite Mental Health Care Office
Compass Counseling is a clinically excellent and diverse team of licensed therapists who can help you on your path to change. They offer confidential and flexible options for their clients from in-person to secure tele-health. Compass Counseling is honored to serve their clients by offering high quality counseling in a comfortable setting, priding themselves with the ability to connect their clients to the right therapist.

Favorite Family Event
Over the years the Apple Festival has become a family affair where the children enjoy the play area and carnival rides, the ladies enjoy shopping throughout the variety of craft booths and the men enjoy sampling the many foods at the food booths.
Favorite Newborn/ Family Photographer
Reflections By Talea Photography provides clients with custom, organic portraiture specializing in maternity, newborns, baby and family!

Favorite Place for Family Fun & Favorite Place for Fun on the Farm
Trunnell’s offers an experience that extends beyond a fruit and vegetable stand. The Family Fun Acre located on the Utica Farm is also a family fun experience for all ages throughout the year! Trunnell’s is the place to celebrate the love and joy of food and family fun entertainment on the farm.
Favorite Birthday Party Location
What kid doesn’t love a birthday party with tons of inflatables, gymnastic equipment and a giant foam pit to jump into?! Owensboro Gymnastics is an affordable, fun option for your child’s next birthday!
Favorite Summer Camp
Connect Camps is a one-week, day camp for K-5th graders, filled with non-stop fun, engaging activities, daily faith-based lessons, and the chance to make lasting friendships. Your campers are sure to have an unbelievable week that they’ll never forget!

Favorite Place to Take a Family Hike
Nestled along the wooded banks of Yellow Creek at Thruston, the 152 acre park features hiking trails, multipurpose sports areas, the Lambert Pioneer Village, and several outdoor pavilions. Other amenities that set Yellow Creek Park apart from other area parks include a swinging bridge, a refurbished one room school house, a stocked 7 acre lake, and multiple walking trails.

Favorite Park
Legion Park is a 23.75 acre park and is the second oldest park in Owensboro. he Legion offers ample space for a family picnic with hundreds of shade trees offering great spots to rest and relax. Parkgoers can enjoy tennis courts, screened shelters to rent for events, a basketball court, playground equipment, spray park, and a walking trail.
Favorite Spray Park

With 23 individual spray features, frog, Cattail Twirl and a 20-ft. tall dumping bucket, the Spray Park at Horse Fork Creek Park is a kid’s dream come true! The addition of an accessible playground makes the park perfect for all kids to enjoy!

Favorite Place for a Kid’s Haircut
With experienced barbers and a trendy atmosphere, Klutch is Owensboro’s favorite place to get a haircut! You don’t want to miss out on this one-of-kind barbershop haircut experience.
Favorite Place for Rainy Day Fun
The Daviess County Public Library provides residents the means to pursue lifelong learning and that starts with children! With reading programs, activities, a wide range of books and a very cool play area, DCPL is a great place to spend a rainy day!
Favorite Place for Moms to Get Pampered
Is mom in need of a little pampering? Savi Chic has been voted Owensboro’s favorite place to treat mom to the day of relaxation she deserves! Mom can enjoy a full salon experience with microblading and brow shading, lash extensions, manicures and pedicures and hair styling.
Favorite Daycare

The educators at Charlotte’s Web believe that curriculum is everything that happens in the classroom -- from meal time and playing to interacting with peers and lesson time. The trained staff never misses an opportunity to blend play with early education curriculum.
Favorite Preschool
Settle Preschool offers a Christian environment for 3-year-olds through pre-kindergarten. Their goal is to offer a program rich in activities that promote the development of academic, social, emotional, and artistic skills. Their trained and certified staff facilitates individual and group instruction experiences. The preschool program is designed to be a partnership with families, for students to continue learning and growing at home.
Favorite High School
Owensboro High School exists today as a culmination of more than 150 years of secondary education in Owensboro. The high school is the flagship of the Owensboro Public Schools district. Owensboro High School has been named among America’s Best High Schools by U.S. News & World Report, one of only 23 Kentucky high schools to be recognized out of nearly 19,000 in the country.
Photo by David Grinnell
Favorite Elementary School
The Owensboro Catholic K-3 Campus incorporates aspects of Catholic faith into their hands-on, engaging projects. Students learn innovation and strategic-thinking by creating, designing, and collaborating with peers. Students apply content knowledge and 21st century skills including critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity to solve real-world problems.
Favorite Middle School
At Owensboro Catholic Middle School, the goal is to foster the academic and spiritual growth of each student who enters the building. Faith is their number one priority but is followed closely by academics. They offer a variety of academic enrichment experiences including high school level courses as well as a smaller more conducive learning environment. Their students have demonstrated their academic success and have a variety of extracurricular activities to be involved in and expand on their talents both in and out of the classroom.
Favorite Principal
Ryan Williams has been with Owensboro Public Schools for 24 years, the last four serving as principal of Estes Elementary. "The absolutely best part of my job is the interactions with the students," he said. "I want the students to have fun while still learning. Students today have so many stressors in their life and I want school to be an enjoyable experience for them."

Favorite Teacher
Erin Bailes has been in education in some capacity since 2018 with this year being her first year as a classroom teacher. "The best part of my job is getting to be with my students every day, building those relationships and watching them grow academically, socially and physically," she said.

Favorite School Staff Member
Dana Stanley has been in education for 27 years with 13 of those years serving as a counselor. "The best part of my job is that I get to work with and help children every day who trust me enough to confide their biggest emotions and troubles with me," she said. "The students that I work with in my office and school wide in guidance lessons know that once they are one of my Cravens kids, they are always my kid forever. I have had the privilege at this point to have some of my former students' children now and that is so special to me to see that maybe one little thing I may have said to them has helped shape them into being amazing adults and parents."
