Dealing with problems in a marriage and relationships

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DEALING WITH PROBLEMS IN A MARRIAGE AND RELATIONSHIPS No relationship is successful. Every relationship sees its own set of crests and troughs. It is a very sensitive thing to deal with relationship. Specially because it involves two different individuals coming together to form a bond that is very special. When it comes to marriage, a huge class of people believe that it is the unification of two souls who have been destined by the heavenly bodies to come together on earth. But is it always the case? A psychologist practicing couple therapy has pointed out that most married couples who come to them for help were at one point believed to be a match made in heaven. However, not everything in life is smooth and so they face their own set of problems. What matters is how they choose to deal with them. People don’t usually rush to a professional for help. They confide into their close friends or relatives for help first. If things still don’t seem to work out, then they may have to seek some professional’s advice. Even marriage courts today give a reconciliation period of six months with marriage counselling for the couple to solve their differences, come to an understanding and not part ways. Thought the number of times this has worked out in favour of the marriage is unknown, we’re sure many have benefitted from this. Sometimes, all that a couple really needs is an understanding from both ends. Some time to understand the other person’s position and mental state and also the rationale behind why something was said in the way it was. There are various issues that cause issues between couples. Let’s discuss some of them today. 1. Lack of communication: Many psychologists and family therapist in Mumbai have stressed over and over on the fact that communication in any kind of relationship is very important. It is what enables a couple to establish a strong sense of understanding between them which ensures smoother function of the relationship. If one or both partners do not communicate to each other any thing about wat’s bothering them, then this is all just going to pile up and finally lead to an ugly burst out. These kinds of burst outs are a result of bottling up of feelings and not conveying them on time. 2. Lack of intimacy: Though a sensitive topic, this reason of split in couple is quite common. Intimacy in a relationship is very important. The sparks may die down, but the chemistry is what lasts. In case a couple is facing an issue in their relationship due to this aspect, then a therapist may suggest some exercises and more to ease it out. 3. Lack of time and attention: Due to our busy schedules today, sometimes it so happens that one of the partners might feel neglected in the relationship. They may feel that their partner does not give them enough time which should be

given. Along with understanding, giving time and attention to your partner is also very important. Otherwise, the couple becomes a set of strangers put together in a relationship without understanding.

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