DECODING THE POPULARITY OF MARRIAGE COUNSELING Majority of Indians fail to comprehend the concept of marriage counseling or confidently believe that it's not for them. There is a strong belief that couple therapy and marriage counseling is only needed in a relationship when things go past the point of any hope of redemption. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Ask any good family therapist in Mumbai and they will tell you that marriage counseling is a universal concept that has even helped a number of happy couples around the world. How exactly? Let's find out. Couple therapy,, basically implies regular therapy except involving both the partners. The set up itself makes it less of a regular therapy session and more of a safe space for couples to talk about their relationship issues within a safe environment. It is up to the therapist to chalk out boundaries and create an environment where both parties feel empowered enough to share their issues without fear of backlash. In the initial stages, the therapist only plays the role of an observer as both the partners voice their problems and concerns one by one. At this point, the therapist doesn't sit in judgement, rather he seeks to understand the underlaying layers to the issue at hand and helps the couple identify their key problem areas. What happens in this process is that the therapist is able to give them key insights into how they can strengthen their relationship. It also enables the therapist to identify potential problems areas in the relationship which may not be otherwise readily apparent. However, the people involved in couple therapy need to be equally invested in its success. What this means is that such therapy only works when both the parties understand the importance of utmost sincerity and are committed to the idea of therapy. Very often, resistance on the part of one or more people can potentially cause obstructions to the process and delay the proceedings altogether. If you are still not sure about the relevance of therapy in your life, all you need to do is visit a family therapist in Mumbai. Explain your situation to them and let them decide how they can help you and what exactly they can do for you. Then, during your first therapy session, both you and your partner need to lay down your expectations from the therapy course and set certain parameters for success. If you are both clear on what it is you'll are trying to achieve, it will make your therapy process a focused one rather than an indefinite and ongoing thing. Once you've opted in for couple therapy or marriage counseling, make sure you stick to the schedule laid out by your counselor or therapist. Mumbai has a number of renowned therapists who are famous for working with couples and families. They aim at strengthening communication ties between people and have consistently been helping a number of people in the city. If you can, choose a therapist who is skilled at couples’ therapy, then wholeheartedly dedicate yourself to the idea of therapy improving your marriage and life.