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FIVE BENEFITS OF PLAY THERAPY As a parent who may already be consumed with the busy schedule of driving your child from school to home to class and back, you may wonder why your child may need an additional form of child therapy in the form of play therapy. The most commonly heard grievance is that if my child already plays at home, why does he need play therapy? To answer this question, it is important to first establish what kind of behaviors that your child exhibits are ‘normal’ and what may not categorically be age appropriate. If your child has trouble making friends, exhibits frequent bouts of depression or anxiety or faces trouble coping with setbacks like injuries or illnesses or grief following a divorce or death or any kind of traumatic experience then there is a clear indication that your child may need child therapy. There are plenty of options for child therapy in Mumbai. Here are a few: Enhancement of Social Skills - Play therapy revolves around how your child interacts with others, especially the therapist. Your child is exposed to the opportunity to interact with a lot of new souls which they can trust and rely on without the fear of being abandoned, hurt or disappointed. This teaches them how to build lasting relationships in a healthy manner. Play As A Form Of Expression - Children do not possess the ability to process and express emotions like adults. They lack the required language skills that might help them to express their feelings in words. Instead, children may express their feelings in the form of maladaptive and detrimental behavior like throwing tantrums, defiance, frequent breakdowns and crying, becoming aloof and withdrawn or throwing tantrums. They may also refuse to go to school. This is when play therapy helps because the therapist provides your child with adaptive methods of expressing themselves and are trained to understand and interpret complex behaviors through play. Replacing Bad With Good - Once a child learns how to express their feelings through play, they start behaving in a more adaptive and acceptable manner. They become less withdrawn, and through child development skills, they learn to regulate and manage their own behaviors and emotions. Children are taught to test their limits in a safe environment through play therapy and become conscious of their actions and their consequences. Independence and Creative Thinking - It is necessary to keep tabs on what your child does to ensure they’re regulated and disciplined and because until a certain age, your child cannot make decisions for themselves. However, it is equally important for a child to learn how to think for themselves, especially those of whom are emotionally vulnerable and have experienced trauma. Play therapy teaches your child how to be a leader and provides your child with opportunities to make important choices for themselves in an environment that is supportive. This encourages them to think freely and independently.

Improved Relations Amongst The Family - Play therapy focuses on retaining who is most important to the child – his family. Play therapy focuses majorly on how a child can incorporate all his learning at home and build healthy relationships amongst family members. If your child is facing behavioral problems, it is important to consider behavioral therapy for children for Mumbai has plenty of child therapy alternatives. However, play therapy is recommended for the reasons.

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