Fix Your Mind How do I determine whether I need the help of a mental health therapist to fix the mental state I am presently feeling. If you feel like your mind needs help, it does. Your brain is a complicated organ that fluctuates between the layers of consciousness and the deeper rooted sub conscious mind. We get thoughts we sometimes do not process as we are too occupied with other thoughts. If you feel like you are no longer in control, you need the help of a health psychologist. A mental health therapist is someone who has undergone years of specialized training and field work in order to be able to counsel people for their mental health conditions. In a world that is fuelled by stress and anxiety, often people feel like they are becoming victims of their own overthinking and anxiety issues. Visiting a mental health therapist is just like visiting any other doctor, who’s ultimate goal is to fix your brain. In order for psychological therapy to be beneficial for you, the patient; you need to understand the concept of a hundred per cent participation. You need to understand that there are layers to your mind. Your mental health therapist does not know you. You need to allow this professional to dive deep into your mind, access those memories, instances, situations, discomforts and thoughts that are possibly triggering your unhealthy state of mind. What ideally happens is; somebody in your family is nagging you that you need psychological therapy from a reputed health psychologist. They feel as though your levels of anxiety or mood disorders or your reaction to a particular event or series of events is basically beyond the threshold of what is considered to be normal human behaviour. People often have certain parameters, predetermined in their minds as to what kind of reaction is well within reason and considered to be in human control. It is a sign of stress when people go beyond these levels. That is when friends, families and close people begin to tell you to visit a mental health therapist, and in all honesty, there is nothing wrong with that. Your mind is just as much a part of your body as any other organ is. It is such a complex organ that taking care of it requires a lot of monitoring of moods and thoughts. Often times we dismiss the idea of visiting a health psychologist on the premise that this too shall pass. We are taught from our young days to face our problems, fight them, stand up to them on our own. We have been psychologically
programmed to function in a manner that blocks out any third party help. “Can’t you think for yourself?” or “Make your own decisions” make us feel like even taking help from a friend or asking for advice is a sign of weakness. This is a completely terrible approach to life. Certain situations are beyond your area of understanding and expertise. In a situation like that it is very important to consider a heath psychologist.
There are numerous reasons as to why anybody would require the help of a mental health therapist. These could be internal factors such as identity crisis, sexual identity crisis, anxiety, stress, depression, ADHD or they could be trauma therapy or possibly dealing with things like substance abuse. A lot of people who have been bullied throughout their school lives or have been victims of physical and mental abuse are often the people you see requiring therapy. Sitting through psychological therapy sessions is very helpful as you are in a controlled environment, with a professional who has been trained to help you. You can speak your mind without being judge, all the matter is confidential and you can finally reach the root cause of your problems with the help of your health psychologist.