Here’s How Support Groups Can Impact Lives

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Here’s How Support Groups Can Impact Lives It is said that no man is an island. We all need the company of each other. We find happiness, solace, comfort and familiarity with our fellow human beings. So is the case with mental illness and mental issues like depression. People who suffer from such issues are all the more at risk of social isolation and hence it is imperative for them to connect with other people who are going through the same issues. This is where the significance support groups come in. The primary goal of group therapy activities is to create a sense of bonhomie amongst those people who are facing similar issues. Because the first side effect of a mental illness is social isolation. People who are going through depression or other issues feel like the rest of society will not understand their problems or will mock them for it. As a result, this tends to isolate them even more and serves to heighten their feeling of alienation. The biggest advantage of a support group is that it only includes people who are going through similar issues so there is nothing to hide or be ashamed of. In fact, one of the first things the moderator will ask everyone to do is introduce themselves and talk about the issues they face. Listening to other people talk about their problems gives confidence to the new members to share their experiences as well. It immediately creates a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie along with the realisation that their problems are not unique or specific to them. Support groups come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and feature a wide range of group therapy activities. For instance, you have support groups for depression where a wide range of depressed individuals come together to talk about their issue and how they have been dealing with it. These days, you also have the concept of teen therapy and hence group activities for teens are also organized. The primary goal of such group activities for teens is once again to help them find other children their age who are going through the same issues. If conducted correctly, support groups and group therapy activities can have strong and long-lasting effects. In time, people not only come to rely on their social groups and grow to see them as family. From a long-term perspective as well, support groups are much better than therapy and can truly help individuals on their path to successfully beating their mental and emotional issues. All the participant needs to do is commit wholly to the cause and stay sincere to his commitments. Many people drop out of support groups while many others persevere and reap the rewards. Just make sure you have a good moderator or counsellor who conducts the group meetings since that can make all the difference in the world. In case you are facing some mental stressors as well, here’s hoping you find solace in the power of support groups too.

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