Marriage & Family Therapy Family counseling, which is also known as family therapy is a form of psychotherapy that specifically addresses dysfunctional family patterns and behaviour that affect the health of the family. Family therapy addresses both individual concerns with individual therapy as well as every other concern that affects the family with family counseling. Marriage and family therapy have a lot of synonyms and some of the most common ones are couple therapy, family counselling, couple counselling, marriage counselling etc. When is family counselling used? Family counselling most often addresses problems like marital and dating conflicts between a couple, conflicts between a parent and a child, behavioral problems exhibited by children that affect the family or members within the family, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual problems, distress, grief, death, problems with eldercare, eating disorders and more. Family therapists also address mental health issues such as depression and other mood disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, anxiety and anxiety disorders and more psychopathic problems. It is not necessary that for niche mental health problems another type of mental health practitioner should be consulted for a marriage and family therapist can provide depression counselling in Mumbai too. What should you look for in a family therapist? A family therapist in Mumbai must have a license and a master’s or doctoral degree to practice therapy and counselling. It is important for your therapist to be someone you feel comfortable with and trust as well as someone you be yourself with and feel comfortable working within a counselling and therapy centric environment. The more you trust your therapist, the better your results will be. What to expect from family counselling? Family counselling is generally short-term based and consists of 11-12 solution focused sessions with the therapist. If more sessions are required depending on the severity and nature of the problems, then the therapist may recommend extending the course of therapy. The therapist may first meet the entire family together at first and understand the root of the problem as well as where it’s stemming from. Then, the therapist may separately meet with the members. The first session is usually to understand the problem and gather important information and then the sessions that follow with individual members is to learn more about the dynamics of those involved. The client should be very clear about the therapist’s role in sessions as well as the goals of treatment and whether any rules need to be followed in and out of sessions. Remember, what happens during each session is confidential and information shared is safe. Over time the therapist identifies problematic patterns and strategizes how to resolve each issue.
How does family counselling work? Family counselling focuses on how problematic behaviour of each family member affects the family unit. When a family is involved in the therapeutic process, results are more effective. Family counsellors have also tried to integrate real world practices to keep up with changing dynamics of what families are with respect to non-heterosexual families and other uncommon types of families. What to expect from family counselling? Family counselling is generally short-term based and consists of 11-12 solution focused sessions with the therapist. If more sessions are required depending on the severity and nature of the problems, then the therapist may recommend extending the course of therapy. The therapist may first meet the entire family together at first and understand the root of the problem as well as where it’s stemming from. Then, the therapist may separately meet with the members. The first session is usually to understand the problem and gather important information and then the sessions that follow with individual members is to learn more about the dynamics of those involved. The client should be very clear about the therapist’s role in sessions as well as the goals of treatment and whether or not any rules need to be followed in and out of sessions. Remember, what happens during each session is confidential and information shared is safe. Over time the therapist identifies problematic patterns and strategizes how to resolve each issue. What should you look for in a family therapist? A family therapist in Mumbai must have a license and a master’s or doctoral degree to practice therapy and counselling. It is important for your therapist to be someone you feel comfortable with and trust as well as someone you be yourself with and feel comfortable working within a counselling and therapy centric environment. The more you trust your therapist, the better your results will be.