THE IMPORTANCE OF A CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST IN MODERN TIMES Psychology is a misunderstood field of study and the role of a psychologist is extremely underrated in our society. We feel that psychology and psychiatry are all concepts that apply only to people with serious mental illnesses. However, what you need to understand is that we all suffer from some sort of mental or emotional issues from time to time and psychology also has the power to take care of our mental wellness and wellbeing. Let’s dive deeper into the role of a child psychologist and explore what it is that the best child psychologists in the city do. If you set out looking for a specific psychological service, for instance - depression counselling in Mumbai, you will realise that there is a great degree of specialisation in this field. In fact, if you look at the best child psychologists the city has to offer, you will discover that they are not only experts in their field but have spent their entire lives doing this. But what is it that they do? Let’s first look at the mental psyche of a child. Childhood is an extremely vulnerable time. It is the time when our whole sense of beings is extremely fertile. Any disturbance in the environment can massive impact the life of the child and hence, they need somebody to guide them. Kids these days also face massive amounts of pressure - both at home and at school, to perform well academically. Competitiveness has seeped into every part of their beings and they are constantly struggling to be better at whatever they pursue. On the other hand, their home situation may be wearing them down. Domestic conflicts, divorces, etc. can all play a massive role in their development. In such a situation, a child psychologist steps in almost like a friend and confidante. Child therapy in general works very differently from adult therapy. While adults can be relied upon to provide insightful answers and converse meaningfully, children are not always as perceptive. Psychologists need to work at getting them comfortable and then through games and other methods, they try and learn what is going on with the child. Then, depending on the age of the child, treatment routes may be pursued, or the child may just be counselled. Again, depending on how young the child is, the psychologist will take the parents into confidence and will help them understand what the best way is to help the child. Be it depression counselling in Mumbai or a child psychologist, the significance of therapy and psychology can hardly be overstressed. However, the real challenge lies in finding the right psychologist to work with. In time, you will develop a bond with your psychologist, and this will also affect how your treatment turns out. That’s why it’s essential you find somebody you are comfortable with and someone who can truly bring out your inner self. Here’s hoping you find the right fit for you and your family.