Therapeutic Activities for Teenagers It is a challenging task to engage teenagers in therapy and an even more challenging task to get teenagers to open about their thoughts and feelings. It is nearly impossible to encourage such teens to participate in group activities for teens for not only do they want to talk about their issues, but also try to avoid them altogether. There are a few tricks and resources that can help young teenagers to talk, even if not directly. Here is a list of therapeutic activities that can encourage teenagers to open. These activities are very different and deviant from direct means of communication and focus more on what the client thinks and feels within themselves than what they express to the therapist. These surely give the therapist a considerable insight into the thoughts of their client. Remember, these activities can either be administered or conducted during a therapy session or can be assigned to the client to be completed before the next session. The primary focus of these activities is to encourage clients to open about their thoughts and feelings in a considerably less intrusive manner if they do not feel comfortable to express themselves in direct conversations. A Letter from Me to Me Writing is a powerful tool and a great way to let emotions and thoughts flow, freely. A therapist for teens can ask a teenager to write down their thoughts in a manner that they imagine talking to their younger or older self which can be therapeutic. It can help a teenager express the thoughts that they may not be comfortable to say out loud. It can also help your client gain a better perspective over how they feel in the moment as compared to how they would like to feel in the future which could be useful to set goals. Meditate It is true that sometimes due to trying times in our life we may lose control over our mind. To avoid this or rectify this problem, meditation really helps. Meditating helps the body and mind to connect and it allows an individual to filter their thoughts and emotions and focus their energy on things that matter most and are healthy. Meditation helps an individual to control their thoughts and train their mind to listen in stressful situations. Almost every therapist for teens Mumbai offers encourages meditation both in and out of sessions. Walk & Talk Walking is not only a great way to take care of your health but is also deeply therapeutic. A change in environment can make your client feel far more comfortable than struggling to get a hold of their emotions on your therapy couch. Allowing your client to walk, move freely and get some air can help them express more freely for they may feel a sense of
liberty which might also help them let go of their thoughts freely. A change in scenery can significantly help your client bond with you which will allow a free flow of emotions.