WHY SHOULD YOU NOT PRESSURISE YOUR MIND? In our everyday schedule we tend to neglect our health and especially mental health. All this in hustle to meet with dead-lines, deliver quality work and earn loads of money. But more often than not we tend to forget the fact that we will be able to give good work only if our health is well and only if we are feeding our body properly. This feeding is not limited to just the body but the mind also. We sometimes tend to stress ourselves so much that our mind gets tired of all the pressure that we put onto it. If you put on constant pressure on something, then it is bound to burst out or get worn out. The same mechanics is followed by our body and mind as well. If you consult any psychologist or family therapist in Mumbai, you will get insights on the same topic. We don’t say that you shouldn’t do your work seriously, You definitely should. But we are stressing over the point that you shouldn’t be ruining your mental peace and let things go off balance because of something not going right at work. Your productivity at work is inversely proportional to the amount of mental peace you have. If you are at par with your emotions, and connected to them, you will see that you even perform better at work. But when this goes down the drain, you will notice that every other small thing in your life also starts going a little hay wire. This is why it is very important to try maintaining balance in your head. If it ever happens that you fail to do so, and you do not feel as though you can cope up with whatever life is throwing at you, then you surely can consider visiting a counsellor. You call look for psychologists on the internet that deal with depression counselling in Mumbai. If things are worse, if your counsellor feels that you do need medication, they will provide you with that. It is also important to remember that in today’s world, kids undergo some kind of pressure too. This pressure can be some kind of peer pressure, pressure from studies, pressure to perform better that others, be the best and even stay the best. Some children may have problem learning. It is vital that we as guardians keep a watch on our kids and look out for symptoms in case they need to be taken to a therapist for behavioural therapy for children in Mumbai. It is important to be on look out for such symptoms in children as they are not always able to convey what’s happening with them or what they feel. Hence, watch out and be alert! A counsellor also provides you with a patient ear that you can rely upon and trust with all your issues and secrets. They swear to maintain your secrecy.