Your Teenage Kid Can Live A Fuller Life With The Help Of Therapy Teenage can be a very difficult time. Both for the kids and parents as well, teenage is a time when a lot of equations change, and relationships need to be reevaluated. Parents, in general, tend to blame their kids when it comes to teenage issues. They believe that their kids are illbehaved and tend to compare them to other children. In response, many kids feel that their parents don’t or won’t understand their issues and this suddenly creates a rift between the two. The idea of a therapist for teens is quite alien to most parents here in India. In fact, the need for a therapist for teens is being felt now more than ever. So, let’s take some time out to understand just how therapy can help teenagers. While teenage can be a challenging time, it can also be a very lonely age. Kids are suddenly thrust into the larger world and they tend to feel a sense of isolation. They suddenly have a new social structure, friends, to deal with. This creates a lot of tension. This is further heightened by the feeling that they cannot connect with their parents anymore. Where they would once confide in their parents, a sudden generation gap comes into play. Add to that the pressures of peers and things can get very tricky. As a result, kids feel that they have nobody to talk to. They cannot talk to their new friends about their issues since they feel that it will be a sign of weakness. This is exactly where a therapist can step in and play the role of a mentor and a guide to these students. A therapist or a counsellor will not play the role of a doctor treating a patient but rather somebody who listens to teens and their issues. This is achieved through their group activities for teens, one-on-one therapy and much more. As a parent, if you feel your child is in need of a professional, you will need to find a therapist that can connect with them. Initiate an initial meeting and understand that the therapist will not and should not share all the details of that meeting with you. It will be the goal of the therapist to win the confidence of that child so that your kid at least confides in a mental health professional. Through a series of conversations, the therapist will then try and understand their life and what they are going through. Unless there are many major red flags, the therapist won’t even tell you what is going on. However, you can just rest assured knowing that at least one trained adult is attuned to what is happening to your child. A therapist will connect to your child through therapy sessions, support groups, or whatever other forms of therapy that are useful. For this to be successful, you will need to ensure your child is sincere about therapy and truly wants to work with the therapist you have picked out.
You might have to go through a process of trial and error with the different therapists, but it will be worth it at the end of the day.