Geriatric Care Research

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Explorative Studio

For Enhancing Geriatric Home Health care


Through this Young Minds studio, Srishti Labs aims to develop a design space of opportunities to enhance home-based geriatric healthcare services. The design space will include identifying problem and opportunity areas for novel, innovative and value-based services along with a range of ideas and sketches of possible solutions to the identified problems.



To embrace the on-going care relations at and around home as opportunities for design.



Secondary Research Scope of the field, existing laws, products, age-related health problems

Primary Research Interviews; Mapping routines, pain points, information sources


Observation Insights Ideas

Grouping into 10 Insights Video Brainstorming A million Ideas 10 concepts 3 concepts 4 product examples for concepts

Using prototypes and video scenarios as probes 4




IMMERSION Secondary Research Constitutional policies for geriatric healthcare

Stakeholder map

Existing solutions Discussions about general age-related health issues 7

PHASE OVERVIEW Primary Research Mapping the relationship between health and wellness

Interviews with senior citizens

Activity maps

Information Source mapping Identifying pain points and goals 8

SECONDARY RESEARCH Our secondary research began with us reading the National Programme for the Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE) to understand the policies laid out by the government with regard to senior citizens and health. Reading various news articles and looking at some websites helped us get a clear picture of what solutions were already in the market and who the stake-holders were in this field. This research was topped off with perceptions we gained from discussions with people who shared experiences about their close senior relatives.


Technology & Seniors WHY


-Saves hospital trips -Keeps people in touch -Entertains -Offers easy solutions -Keeps updated -Gives independence, thus empowerment

-Lack of awareness -Understanding multiple functions -Postures are uncomfortable -Do not feel the need -Lack of confidence, do not want to try -Feels alien- Feedback is too fast/unclear -Tired of putting spectacles on to read/focus -Unfamiliar with English/Technological Lingo

Healthcare & Seniors

of Control DEXTERITY -Lack -Dependent on others troubles & MOBILITY -Commutation -Giving up activities

-Feel jobless/lonely -Planning/preparing for everything -Ego, “I’ve lived longer....”


-No tangible method of diagnosing mental health -Masked Depression (not recognised, taken lightly) -Memory Loss -Stigma attached to mental illness

-Suspicious of doctors, prescriptions -Prejudices because of past experiences -Self prescriptions based on experience/ gathered information -Health issues caused by age with no cure (weather related, or general weakness, bone/ muscle deterioration)

Home & Seniors

-Comfortable -Fixed routine is established -Food and other preferences get priority -Security -Familiarity -Objects -Spaces -People -Children -Grandchildren -Extended family -Domestic Help -Neighbors -Friends (formal/informal clubs) -Local doorstep/shop services 10

PRIMARY RESEARCH Interview Protocol

Before going out to do our interviews, there was a need to plan exactly what we wanted to ask our senior participants. The questions regarding activities, health and their relationships, needed to be open-ended so that we could tap into the rich resource of story-telling and experience sharing to learn and gather more information.


Activity Mapping Game At the end of every interview we conducted a short game where we gave the seniors a board with small cut-outs that had icons of people, objects, activities and transport. They had to arrange these, around a central icon of themselves. The proximity of the object or activity icon from the central icon represented frequency of interaction, or degree of attachment which helped us place their daily and annual routine and bring up stories and personal attachments.




Transport 12

Participant 1



Sita is a woman of 59, able and fit. She runs a restaurant and meditation centre. She believes that her life which has been dedicated to spirituality, yoga and proper diet has helped her stay strong and age gracefully. She does not believe in going to doctors, as she feels that only the sufferer can truly know what is wrong with his or her body. She makes concoctions using herbs and common ingredients, which are capable of curing a number of common ailments.

“Try and keep company of the young. And be joyful. Keep your mind active and connect to the spirit.�

I do not go to any doctor. I strongly believe that my lifestyle of yoga and meditation will not allow my health to fail.

Information Source map


“One must appreciate their body and not criticize it ever.”


“Always keep the company of the young.” Regular Checkup

“Be joyful and keep your mind active.” “Walking is a must.”

“I have accepted my age.” “I follow a lifestyle with meditation and yoga.”

WELLBEING “Having pets around keeps you mentally happy.”


Home-made Concoction

HEALTH ISSUES - Arthritis.

OBSERVATIONS - Seems very content. - Wants to make the most of what she has. - Doesn’t appreciate grumbling of the elderly about their old age.

PAIN POINTS -Cannot stand for very long.

INFERENCE - Does not like to consider anything negatively.



- To always be aware of her body. - Accept everything in life. - To be able to handle every situation gracefully. - To not force anyone to tolerate her, - Believes age is a mental state.

- Meditation. - Yoga. - Introspection. - Ayurveda. - By appreciating everything in life including the youth of today. - By finding joy in everything



- Senior citizens don’t accept they have aged and this makes them unhappy. - People feel they should spend lesser time on their appearance as they age.


Participant 2

Sonali Panna



Sonali, 64, who runs a small library with her husband, is very interested in health and well-being. A home-science graduate, she applies this knowledge to activities such as cooking. She believes that old age is the time for relaxation and that one must not be pressured to part-take of life’s rush and competition at this age. She does not advocate going to the doctor, but is a strong believer in homeopathy.

Weed the garden of your life.

Early to bed early to rise is something I have always believed and practiced.

Information Source map


“Early to bed, early to rise.”

“If the bus is too full, I prefer to take multiple buses.”

“I have corn under my feet, I wear Dr.Schollʼs slippers for that.”

“In this age, we should not jump out of the bed. It is better to turn towards one side and get up with ease.”

“I make sure we eat a lot of fibrous food and try to have a variety as well.”


“I need to do a few exercises for my back problem.”

“When I was young,I used to bend and pick up heavy objects due to which I have back problems today.”

“Two glasses of warm water everyday.” “Weed the garden of your life.”



“I need to keep my teeth healthy only then what goes into my stomach will be healthy.”





- Cannot lift heavy objects. - dependency on gardener. - No railing/Supports in Public Places. - No acknowledgement from public that elder people need help. - Has to wear special chappals. - Can’t sleep on soft bed.

- To provide her family with appropriate nutrition. - To maintain mental, emotional health. - To maintain good Karma and help people.





- Passionate about reading and gardening. - Very particular about teeth. - Believes old people think faster than they can move. - Did not seem to consider corns a health issue. - Always works with family as a team.

- If falling down could be prevented there would be less joint trouble. - Support for posture is required. - There need to be grouped/ associations to facilitate the elderly coming together.

- Senior citizens have stigma about depending on others. - Worry about health concerns that their family has had before. - There is depression and frustration about growing old. - Seniors are also concerned about their change in appearance.

- Fall prevention facility. - Virtual world which makes them have accomplishments and feel proud about it. - Travel comfort kit. (which would match their environment at home)

- Back Problems - Corn on feet - Cavities - Week eyes

- Physically aware of body. - Maintain digestive health by taking care of teeth. - Enjoy life and not pressurize oneself. - Homeopathy


Participant 3

Vishnu Panna


Over the 67 years he has lived, Vishnu has managed to keep himself very fit and healthy. He hasn’t had any major health problems, but has a liking for excess salt and from a health perspective, this worries his wife, who he helps run the library. A doctorate in mechanical engineering, he believes that keeping one’s mind engaged in work, even after retirement will keep one mentally healthy. He does not find it necessary to go to the doctor unless seriously ill. He is also a strong believer in homeopathy, and has a small kit at home with cures for common ailments.

It is important to brush twice a day, and keep your teeth healthy.

Information Source map 22

“I walk in the morning for 10-15minutes to go to the market to get milk.”


“I prefer homeopathy, as it has no side effects. It gets to the root of the problem.”

“I am very attached to my grandson. I talk to him everyday without fail.”


“I do all the repair work in the house, like plumbing, electrical work etc.”

“I have a homeopathy kit. Whenever I have a problem I consult the instruction manual and have the suitable dose.”

“I do Sandhyavandanam everyday, it has a bit of gayatri mantra and pranayam as well.”

“I try to keep my teeth healthy and usually avoid onions as it give a bad breath.”



“Doctors have advised me to have less salt, but I feel my body needs it and that is why I eat too much of it in food.”


OBSERVATIONS - Works with family as a team. - Could not stop talking about his work and colleagues. - His thoughts conflicted with what his wife said. - Had a very positive attitude. - A strong believer in science. - Rational.

PAIN POINTS - Light sleep which gets disturbed by students making noise outside in the night. Unable to sleep then. - Doesn’t feel safe in the neighborhood anymore. - Wife and daughter keep a check on his salt intake which he does not believe affects his health. - Attitude of doctors was disliked in the hospitals due to some instances. - Misses working.



- To be independent. - To be in control of his own life and routine. - To remain healthy and be physically active and capable.

- Fixes everything on his won at home. - Does his own washing and cleaning. - Homeopathy. - Maintains his car even though he does not use it very often. - Still keeps himself involved in work in some way or the other. - Easy going and does not worry too much, especially with eating salt.




- Having an active lifestyle is necessary for the elderly. - People in the neighborhood should be more sensitive towards the elderly.

- “If your body is craving for something, it probably needs it.” (Salt) - Going to a hospital might require you to do irrelevant tests and fulfil a lot of other formalities.


Participant 4

Vikas Murthy


Vikas, 80, is an extraordinary person for his age. He feels that his life-long practice of yoga, exercise and diet have kept him healthy and enable him to continue doing many activities even today. He gets regular health checkups done and strives to always be fit, in order to cope with his busy schedule. His spondylitis does not allow him to drive anymore, but his position as an ex-IAS officer ensures him safe transport to wherever he needs to be.

The internal self takes care of the external self.

There are two indicators of good health-digestion and sleep.

Information Source map


“Whenever I get tired, I take a bus from wherever I am and do not strain my body.” “I prefer walking to most places, like market, banks, hospitals etc. But do not like walking aimlessly.”

“I wear a belt everyday, as I have back problems.”

“I wear a cap to protect my bald head from the sun. It also covers the baldness.




“Body needs to be monitored by medicine.”

“I take special care in the bathroom. My son has got rough tiles instead of smooth ones to avoid slipping.” “Good health comes with philosophical thinking and a happy mind.”

UP and Sugar medicines.

“If teeth are going bad, it is better to take them all out and get dentures.”

“Our mind is independent, it needs to be controlled by discipline and Sadhana.”


“Restricted travel.”

“Sometimes I have Homeopathy medicines also, which I self-diagnose.” “He sometimes uses a UP machine at home to check on self.”

“Our mind has to be kept occupied and busy with activities.” “I keep a check on salt and sugar intake in my food.”


HEALTH ISSUES - Diabetes - UP - Heart Problems - Weak Bones - Back pain

OBSERVATIONS - Very particular about walking but does it for a purpose. - Kept going off into tangents and talking about things that were not quite relevant to our question. - Very disciplined. - He accepted the shortcomings of old age gracefully. - Proud of his achievements.




- Cannot bend and lift heavy things. - Unable to get up from bed sometimes due to back pain. - Cannot cycle. - Needs to avoid sugar and salt. - Loneliness (Wife died) - Cannot travel long distances (by train). - Low on energy.

- To be healthy and active and not a burden. - Control the mind and monitor the body regularly. - Work till the time you die.

- Control the mind with discipline, sadhana, spiritual thinking. - Physical monitoring is to be done with medicines. - Walking and diet control. - Regular check-ups and medicines.




- He wants people to respect him. - He feels alone after his wife passed away. - He trusts the doctors and takes the medicines regularly. - He feels calling a doctor at home is attention seeking.

- Senior citizens should be respected for what they have achieved in their lives. - People who loose their spouse tend to stop doing certain activities that they relate only with them. - There still exists some kind of competition between people at that age.

- Making the senior citizens (without a spouse) confident enough to participate in activities alone. - Support system to help senior citizens get up from bed comfortably.


Participant 5



Heena, 83, strives to be aware of her body and its posture. Having been a victim to chronic spondylitis, she has come up with a number of ways to ensure that her neck and back are always comfortable. She is unable to walk longer distances due to arthritis and uses a walking stick within the house. She believes that staying connected to family is vital for mental and emotional well-being. She does not have an aversion to technology and feels that it has helped her stay in touch with all her relatives and be an active participant in the lives of her grandchildren.

I try not to get worked up about things.

I can’t go for walks anymore, but I sit in the verandah every evening and watch the activities of the neighborhood. Now I have to be content with whatever I am able to do.

Information Source map


“Doctors have advised me to keep my door unlatched while bathing.” “I cannot go out for a walk, but I try to remain active inside my house.”

Regular Checkup

Has good relations with the neighbors. “I do not get worked up about things.”


“While sleeping, I roll sarees and keep on the side for neck support.”

To control UP

“I have to stay connected to my family. I use facebook or email for that.” “I rest in the afternoon, and stretch a little while on bed.” “We eat a variety of vegetables throughout the week. But try to avoid chillies and garam masala.”


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For Arthritis

“To climb the staircase, I need to take the support of the railing.”

“I pile up cushions and use the Ipad so that my neck does not get strained.”

HEALTH ISSUES - Arthritis - Spondylitis - Used to have high UP

OBSERVATIONS - Feels bad that she can’t walk comfortably. - Seems like she had a little hearing problem. - Proud of her family and her liberal attitude. Takes pride in good housekeeping. - Tech savvy. - Interested in everyone’s lives and activities. - Kept adjusting posture while talking to us. - Trusts her doctors.




- Cannot stand for very long. - Cannot walk or climb stairs without support. - Cannot bend or turn her neck in certain positions, st times. - Socialising/Travelling has decreased.

- To not be a burden. - To be open to things. - To keep contact with children, grand-children, in-laws and extended family.

- By living with her husband and brother-inlaw, so they can take care of each other. - By experimenting with food and cooking/baking for social events. - By keeping in contact with her family, using facebook or facetime. - Being friendly. - Keeping calm with the maids and teach them patiently.




- Experimentation is rare among senior citizens. - Seniors require constant support from someone, they should not be left alone.

- Monitoring device if she is alone. - Making socializing simpler for her in some way.

- Keeping in touch with everyone keeps her healthy and constantly excited. - Being outdoor keeps her mind fresh.


Participant 6



80-year-old David is very sharp and active despite his physical limitations. He believes that his strict discipline and routine have sustained him. His long career as a locomotive designer has left him well travelled and experienced. He is slightly apprehensive about technology and feels it is both potentially dangerous ad well as largely impersonal. Dental checkups are a must. Where food is going, one must be careful. Mind needs to be controlled by discipline; body needs to be monitored by medicine.

Information Source map


HEALTHCARE “Every morning I and my wife sit together and talk/listen to each other for a while peacefully.”

“I have my own set of walking friends. Every evening we discuss topics such as politics, news and health in the park.” “I am involved in a lot of activities. Even though I am retired I keep myself busy with some work or the other.”


“While travelling I wear my belt on the lower back for support and comfort.” Calcium and Vitamin B supplements for corns

“I do simple exercises for my neck and knees everyday for sometime.”



“Doctor suggested me to have proper food habits, to control my UP and avoid eating medicines.”

“ I take slow steps and use support while climbing stairs.”






- While doing yoga, he is unable to take certain positions as they become painful. - Cannot climb stairs comfortably. - Cannot travel with wife outside city as she is ailing. - Sitting in a car might get problematic. - Unable to play any sport or horse ride. - Wear proper footwear for corns.

- To always remain Mentally, spiritually and physically healthy. - To remain active in terms of work. - To give space to his wife but support her at the same time. - To keep serving people. (Social work)

- Yoga, pranayam and walk regularly. - Attend events and functions that he is invited to, to be active. - To volunteer at hospitals and help others. - Eat healthy.





- Suspicious and hence was reluctant to sign our document. - Very loving and respectful to his wife. - Very proud of his work and achievements (showed us some of his photos and invitations) - Spoke about his “brilliance�.

- Believes in the power of yoga. - Necessary to keep good relations with colleagues and friends.

- Remain spiritually and mentally healthy along with proper nutrition. - Some outdoor activity is necessary to keep your mind fresh and healthy.

- Making driving more comfortable for the senior citizens.

- Bone deterioration - Spondylitis - Heart problems - Corns on feet. - Tendonitis



Relation between

Activities that seniors believe contribute to health


Health Practices that seniors follow Health practices That seniors avoid

All our participants gave a lot of importance to the wellness practices. But health practices were not an integral part of their lives. However, they recognised that health and wellness are codependent. 39

Our Aim



Taking a second look at the Venn diagram about how the health and wellness practices of our participants related to each other, we realised that the aim of our project itself could be to bring these health and wellness practices towards each other and integrate them both. 40



Insights Ideas


Grouping into 10 Insights

A million Ideas

Video Brainstorming

10 Concepts

3 Final Concepts



Revisiting the activity maps and the recordings of our interviews, we noted the observations that we had made and the insights that were generated from these. Additionally, we jotted down ideas that came to us, in relation to the insights we had gained.



INSIGHTS We recognised the need to then classify the numerous smaller insights under a few broad insights. We came up with 10 main insights, which then branched off into more specific examples.



1. Medical Assistance for the seniors can be stigmatizing to their public image. “The doctor gave me special slippers for corns on my feet. But they were quite ugly, so I stopped wearing them and my daughter got me Dr.Scholls instead. -Sonali “Going to the doctor is like an outing. It is a chance for me to dress up and go out.” -Sonali “Doctors have advised me to use a walking stick, but I don’t think I need it.” -Vikas “My health is my property. Why should my neighbors know if I am unwell?” -David 47

2. Spiritual/Philosophical beliefs help in maintaining physical mental and emotional balance. “I avoid watching the news because I have strong opinions and when I disagree I get agitated.” -Sonali

“I like teaching kids and helping the needy. I also believe in Karma.” -Sonali “If I am mentally happy, I will be physically fit.” -David “Elders need religion so that they can be closer to God. Then they will go to God.” -David “I am prepared of every stage of life and I will accept them joyfully.” -Sita 48 82

3. Have to plan, prepare and strategize travel/commute for making it comfortable. “I do not travel by autos. My son does not let me as it is vert jerky.” -Heena “If the bus is too crowded, I take multiple stops and take rest for a while before boarding the next bus.” -Sonali “I need to make sure I do not sit in a cramped up car, and I carry a pillow or sometimes a belt for support while travelling.” -Vikas


4. Aware of body’s comfortable positions. Reconfiguring environments to suit. “Most hotels have soft mattresses. I was unable to get up from the bed when I had travelled abroad” -Sonali

“By now I have figured out the positions which are comfortable to sleep in.” -Heena

“I keep my I-pad at my eye-level by piling up cushions on a chair so I don’t strain my neck.” -Heena

“I put two folded silk/light cotton sarees on both sides while sleeping so that my neck has support when I turn on either side.” -Heena

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5. Have set preferences built over time that are hard to change, despite health benefits of change.

“While exercising, if the joints starts paining, I stop doing it. Usually I don't do it for more than 10 minutes.” -Heena “The doctor said I must avoid too much salt and my wife tries to stop me, but I think my body requires it.” -Vishnu


6. Seniors adapt new stuff if friends/family demonstrate the value. “My son got me an I-pad so I picked up on my own and use it to keep in touch with my family through mail and facebook” -Heena “My son got me a walking stick even before I needed one. When I felt I needed it, I started using it on my own.” -Heena “I have a phone but my husband keeps taking it, so my daughter-in-law is going to buy me a new one. Earlier he used to not like using it but gradually he did. Now he uses it more than me.” -Heena


7. Comparison of abilities amongst peers can be motivational when it makes one feel better about their condition.

“One should not compete with younger people.” -Sonali “Both my husband and brother-in-law have dentures. I am happy I still have not got them.” -Heena


8. Reciprocity in care amongst seniors, family, friends and pets.

“I do not wish to be a burden on anyone.” -Sita “ Seniors should take care of children and animals, and they will in turn receive love.” -Sita “I make cakes for all the birthdays in my family. I enjoy baking a lot.” -Heena


9. Deteriorating physical abilities causes seniors to give up on favourable/meaningful activities. “Doctors advised me not to drive, so I disposed of my cars to avoid the temptation.” -Vikas “I used to sing really well. But now I can’t sing loudly as it strains the nerves and hurts my neck.” -Heena “Now I find it hard to go out for a walk. The irony is, as soon as the parks came I stopped walking.” -Heena


10. Understanding why they are feeling the symptomsreflection on the reasons. Being in control helps in acceptance and adoption of health care methods. “At this age one has to realise that the mind works faster than the body and if the body moves faster, it may lead to falling.” -Sonali “When I get pain, I heal myself. I rub some little ointment.” -Sita “I prefer homeopathy because it is not just symptomatic treatment. It cures the root problem. Also it has no side effects.” -Vishnu



Using each main insight as a topic, and watching video examples, we brainstormed for ideas relating to each of the insights. We laid out each key insight with its corresponding quotes, examples and photographs in the form of Insight Cards. Editing the video recordings of our interviews with the seniors, we picked out relevant clips. We then watched each video clip and brainstormed as a group for ideas relating to each insight card.



The ideas that we had generated were then grouped based on the core idea behind them and their medium of execution. 58


The categorised ideas were then built into specific concepts.

- Supporting self-reflection about healthy practices. All our participants had at some point stated the need to be aware of one’s body, and to reflect upon its functioning. This led us to think about the possibilities of designs for self-reflection about health. We realised that the product or service that would facilitate this self-reflection was not to point fingers, or scare the user, but to gently show him or her how to go about making positive changes that would achieve better health. The reflecting had to also be effortless on the part of the user, to prevent it from becoming yet another chore. 59

- Sharing health best practices within a community. Elders have experience that has been gained over the years. This experience enables them to give good advice to their friends and relatives who go through similar health situations. Our research showed us that people trust the advice of their friends over the advice of doctors while making important health decisions. This made us think about how health advice could be shared in an informal and less imposing way within a community, or a group of friends.

- Integrate the form of medical assistive technology with their lives. Many assistive devices that senior citizens need to use look like they belong in a hospital and not at home. The seniors are reluctant to use these devices as it makes them appear physically incompetent or ill. If assistive technology were integrated in daily objects found at home, or objects that the seniors carried and used, in an aesthetic way, they might be more willing to embrace these devices. 60



4 product examples for concepts inspired from interview stories

Scenario Storyboards 63

Revisiting the seniors using products as Probes

Video Scenarios 64


Vishnu’s wife Sonali expressed concern for him, who, she felt consumed more than a healthy amount of salt every day. Though he had no health problems, the excess salt intake could potentially lead to complications. To monitor the salt intake in such a way that the technology would only facilitate the monitoring, we came up with the example of a three-hand jar.


The three hand jar can be used to contain anything- sugar, salt, sweets- that are an addiction for the person in question. It allows one to set a daily limited amount that can be removed from the jar. Once exceeded, the jar shuts, and to open it, the person must place his hands on the impressions on both sides of the jar and a second person(presumably the one who is monitoring the intake) has to open the lid.



Scenario Sketch

Video Scenario


PROBES Insights

“It is beneficial to have a close engagement with the partner for issues which require self control.�


Suggestions and Alternatives

Vikas thought it would be brilliant to have a cigarette box with a similar mechanism that would wean away people who were addicted.

Heena along with others agreed that this was a fun idea which was also effective and could be used for any kind of food (pickles, candies, oil), depending on the person’s addiction.



Almost all the seniors we interviewed, particularly Heena, said that over the years it had become increasingly difficult for them to have a good night’s sleep. One of the reasons was discomfort due to incorrect sleeping posture.


Touch and Turn mattress would sense the user’s uncomfortable position and rectify it by inflating to balance pressure in the required areas. The next morning it presents the user with a pressure map of the previous night’s sleeping positions and the user is able to see which posture of his or her’s is causing discomfort and tries to correct them to achieve the best posture for comfort sleep over time.


Scenario Sketch


Video Scenario


PROBES Insights

“The daily monitoring feature is overshadowed by the fact that there is small gradual change over a long period of time,” Heena stated.

David’s concern was that the different people would need custom mattresses to mattresses to match their bodies. He said, “The transitions between postures due to the inflation might not match their natural transitions.”


Suggestions and Alternatives

Vikas felt that the use of the mattress could be flexible to suit the situation. For example, it could be as a back support in cars, or as a pillow while simply sitting.



Vikas has arthritic knees and has been advised by the doctor to carry a walking stick. However he is reluctant to use one as he feels that it makes him look old and weak. Sonali had a similar issue with wearing special shoes (which looked prominently hideous) for her corn problem. David has a slight case of diabetes but says he would never keep a blood-sugar monitor at home, as it made him appear ill.


The beam-box is just one example about how objects meant to ensure health can be integrated with one’s daily life without being obviously “medical”. It looks and behaves just like a lamp, but doubles as a pill-box and lights up when the person needs to take his pills. It comprises four stackable compartments which can be detached and carried along if the person is going out.


Scenario Sketch


Video Scenario


PROBES Insights

David was rather sceptical about carrying yet another electronic device in his pocket, or having one to maintain in his home. “The more technology a product has, the more inhibitions it causes us, seniors.�


Suggestions and Alternatives Sonali, who only consumed homeopathic pills proposed that a pillbox designed specifically to dispense the minute round pills would be very useful indeed.

Vikas thought of objects that he carried around such as his pen and mobile phone, saying we could incorporate the pillbox into those objects to make the pills readily available. He suggested adding a funnel to easily dispense homeopathic pills. “The context changed from hiding things, to making it more conveniently available.�



Sonali suffers from back pain, and learnt that the reason was that she used to lift heavy objects by bending down on her back. Her doctor said that she could have prevented this back problem if only she had picked things up by transferring the weight to her knees instead. She now advices all her friends, and even youngsters to do the same. Her husband too, has benefitted many a time, from advice given by his friends. In fact he trusts the advice given by his friends over that given by doctors. 83

Fitmark is a bookmark that facilitates the sharing of health advice within a community of friends. It enables the sharing of health advice which is given out of personal experiences and under no obligations. The local library hands digital bookmarks to the borrowers, which allows them to write down and share their personal experience which could work as a health advice for others. This advice also gets printed onto prescriptions at the community clinic where a doctor oversees the advice that is being shared.


Scenario Sketch


Video Scenario


PROBES Insights “Seniors may welcome advice, but might hesitate to give ‘unwanted’ advice,” Heena feels. Advice is also taken more seriously on a more personal level, where it is imparted over the phone, or in person, and only when it is asked for.

Sonali who is interested in the subject of health, felt the need for a solution like this to spread awareness. She was not keen on involving a doctor to mediate the community advice platform as she felt this would defeat the purpose of “advice from experience”.


Suggestions and Alternatives

Hence they suggested printing the advice on community newsletters, or pamphlets that would be kept in the local pharmacy. “When there is an authority figure such as a doctor, the informal sharing fades out among the community members.� Additionally, there could be regular meetings for such discussions and a doctor could be invited to give a talk.



CONCLUSION Since health is considered a very personal aspect of one’s life, we were initially apprehensive about whether the seniors would be willing to share their medical history and health practices with us, three random students. On the contrary, we were pleasantly surprised by the openness and interest shown by our senior participants, and their willingness to participate in all the activities we organized. We went into the field with a lot of assumptions, one of the biggest one was that they would be uncomfortable with technology. A lot of stories we heard from them were not directly related to health, but helped us get into their shoes, and learn where they were coming from. We came to understand that a lot of their opinions and feelings towards objects, people and technologies were derived from real life experiences, and we began to respect that. The research process itself, which was intense, multi- directional and sometimes very ambiguous, directly influenced the outcomes of this open-ended project. It is remarkable how we found the aim of our project within the observations we gained from the process itself!


KEY TAKEAWAYS The process of working within the framework of a rigid process while still unsure of the direction we were heading, kept me rather apprehensive for the most part but it gave us a more panoramic perspective in the end. My favourite bit was coming up with scenarios for the ideas we had finalised, and enacting them of course! -Kusha Singh What excited me the most was constantly having to innovate new methods in our research process in order to glean what we could from every step. Each interview was a rich resource of insights and it was necessary to consolidate all our information in a concise yet complete manner so that no data would be lost. It was fascinating how we found our inspirations for ideas in stories that were not related to health. -Sushmita Rachel Charlu The importance of following a process is one thing I understood from this project. Even though it seemed slow and never-ending, the results got me excited and made me want to take the project forward. The brainstorming session was the part I enjoyed the most, because it gave me a break from being too practical a person. -Tanushree Agarwal 92

Naveen Bagalkot and Satbir Singh Saluja


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