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Tanya Derby
Where does all the time go? When did I become the mother of a teenager? How is it that Shawn and I have been married for over 10 years? When did I stop counting the days till we would get out of the Marines? I blinked I think. Shawn and I have been married for over 11 years. We spent the first few years of our life moving for the Marine Corps before moving back to Shawn's hometown where we have been ever since. I am a total family girl. I love nothing more than coming home to sit around a bon fire or watch a movie on the couch. My kids are growing up way to fast right before my eyes. I can still not beleive I am the mother of a teenager. Xavier is NOT 14 or going into highschool this year. I won't let him and Gabby just turned 10 double digits that's insane. Shawn and my together time in the summer is always spent on the Harley. I could ride with him every day. I swear we never stop moving. Gabby and X's sports and school stuff keep me quite busy. Shawn is alwasy working and joined the volun