Interview: Jun Ren

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Travel talk

Six questions to Jun Ren Text: Tanya König, Photo: Pawel Maciejewski

Information Jun Ren was born in Beijing in 1957 and is currently vicepresident of the Caissa Touristic travel agency. Between 1995 and 2010 he was director of sales for Austrian Airlines. He studied German at Beijing International Studies University and later spent several years in Berlin and Vienna. He now resides with his wife in his hometown of Beijing, where he is an enthusiastic golfer. 任军先生于1957年在 北京出生,是北京凯 撒旅游集团公司的副 总裁。他从1995年到 2010年任职奥地利航 空公司中国销售部总 监。他曾在北京第二 外国语学院修读德国 语文,并曾经在德国 柏林和奥地利维也纳 生活过好几年。目前 他与妻子生活在他的 故乡北京,并热爱打 高尔夫球。

Mr Ren, how well do you know Beijing? I must admit that although I am from Beijing there are still many parts of the city I am not familiar with. Having visitors gives me an opportunity to discover my city anew. Just recently I was at Nanluogu Xiang, which is full of cafés and shops, for the first time. Friends sometimes mention areas that I have never heard of. One of the reasons for this is the city’s rapid growth. A lot of buildings are erected or renovated in record time.

任总,您对北京有多熟悉? 我必须承认,我虽然是一个真正的北京 人,但有很多地方我还是不认识。每当有 朋友来访,对于我来说也是一个机会,让 我重新认识我的城区。就在最近我第一次 到南锣鼓巷,这是一条咖啡馆和商店林立 的街道。有时侯朋友提及到的地方,我却 从来没有听说过。其中一个原因当然是因 为这个城市在快速增长。大部分的地方都 是在很短的时间内建设或被重建的。

Travel talk Is that something you don’t like? To be honest, I don’t really like all those skyscrapers. Perhaps we need them in order to keep pace with other large cities. But I’m still hoping that the traditional buildings do not disappear. What are some of the must-see items for a tourist visiting Beijing? Beijing is a city with a long history, which is why I recommend a walk through the hutongs, the typical streets of Beijing, or a visit to a tea house, along with such famous sights as the Imperial Palace, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall. Visitors to Beijing are encouraged to dine in places other than five-star hotels and to explore beyond the modern areas of the city. Skyscrapers and luxury hotels can be found anywhere in the world. What part of Beijing would you like to discover next? The streets full of bars. I have been told that there is a lively scene in the evenings around Houhai Lake, in Sanlitun and in the area around the Workers’ Stadium. I would like to experience this nightlife for myself at the next opportunity. How would you describe a typical weekend in your life? I play golf nearly every week. There are 70 courses in and around Beijing. A golf course near where I live is the CBD International Golf Club in Chaoyang. But winters in Beijing are too cold for golf, which is why I then travel to southern China or Thailand. Can you recommend two items visitors should take home with them? I would certainly recommend tea. Whenever I visit friends in Germany or Austria I always bring them green tea and jasmine tea. There are other types, too, but these two are the most popular among Europeans. A second popular souvenir is silk. The place to buy quality silk at reasonable prices is the Xiushui Market, also known as Silk Alley.



您不喜欢吗? 说实话,我并不太喜欢那些摩天大楼。 也许我们需要 它们,才能跟上其它主要 城市的发展速度。不过,我希望传统建筑 可以得到保留。 作为一个游客,北京有什么值得观赏的地 方呢? 北京是一个有着悠久历史的城市,所以 除了故宫、天坛和长城等著名景点外,我 也建议逛逛胡同,这是北京特有的街道, 或者到茶馆里坐坐。摩天大楼和豪华酒店 遍布世界各地,所以到北京后,人们不应 该只在5星级酒店里用餐或只浏览现代化 的街区。 下一个你想了解的,是北京的什么地方? 北京各地的酒吧街!我听说在后海湖周 围地区和三里屯工人体育场晚上很热闹。 下次有机会我想经历一下夜生活。 您典型的周末是怎么过的? 我几乎每个周末都去打高尔夫球。在北 京及周边地区大约有70个高尔夫球场。离 我最近的是朝阳区的CBD国际高尔夫俱乐 部球场。但是冬天在北京打高尔夫球太冷 了,所以我会去中国南部或泰国。 哪两样北京的特产您可以推荐给游客? 我肯定会推荐茶。每当我到德国或奥地 利拜访我的朋友,我总是会带绿茶和茉莉 花茶的。当然还有其它品种的茶,但欧洲 人最流行喝这两种茶。另一种受欢迎的礼 物是丝绸。在秀水巷可以买到价廉物美的 丝绸。


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