Android Apps development - Should Developers Switch to Android Studio? The task of Android apps developers used to be quite simple and straightforward. The prerequisites to application development involved downloading the integrated development environment (IDE) Eclipse and installing the Android Developer Tools, which took the burden away from the entire task of the developer. However, Google knew that Eclipse was not one of the top favourites of all. So, it decided to replace it with a new IDE that connects to the community of developers more than its predecessors. It is named Android Studio and pairs the ease of build capability of IntelliJ IDEA and rich layout. The new IDE is rather a thoughtful attempt by Google to attract developers’ community in better way. A look at what’s in store with the new Android Studio
Introduction of a new IDE: It is notable that Google Studio is much similar to IntelliJ IDEA and is provided directly from the servers of Google (despite the use of term ‘studio’ in it). The new IDE can rather be described as free distribution of IntelliJ IDEA that is configured for Android application development. Thus, Google is now equipped to tap into the community of enthusiasts of IntelliJ and provide an IDE that can be easily installed and used. Besides, the development platform has all the essential and complementary attributes that make any IDE a great IDE. However, the question still remains that is going to come next. Inclusion of analytical and cosmetic enhancements: Android Studio introduces both analytical and cosmetic enhancements on top of the community version of IntelliJ. The editor on Android Studio has responsive interface, runs fast and has clean sophisticated appearance. However, the simulators run Android applications dramatically slow on desktop in comparison to smartphones. That can be an issue to a mobile apps company since Android Studio integrates only with simulators. The IDE has a deep analytical tools-set that allows developers to fill in it the codes for analysis before shipment. The Android API has increased number of meta-information mark-ups about the routines that can send a null pointer back. Highlights potential Bugs: Android Studio can be expected to highlight potential bugs that get overlooked by the mobile apps developers using it. The Studio can find out scopes for cleaner and quicker codes. The developers have done good work in writing codes that analyse the codes of application developers to let them re-factor. The drag-and-drop tools-set is one of the main contributions in the Android Studios, which re-arranges the XML as developers drag the widgets around at the top level. Another nice feature of Studio is its ability to present the design on displays of different sizes of different devices. The innovation is extremely relevant to and beneficial for Android application development. Integration of Android Stack: Android stack is quite efficient in management of the flow of widgets. However, everything is not green in case of Android Studio.