The Majority of Today's Mobile Apps Development Business Are Not Worthwhile Mobile application development is on the rise. The industry can be expected to grow further as smartphones and tablets gain popularity in tier-II and tier-III countries. However, whenever the supply falls behind the demand in any industry, there emerges the scope for downgraded quality. The digital technology seems to advance at exponential rate and mobile apps developers have to change at a great pace too. However, there has to be certain code of ethics to control process of any development so that illegitimate measures are not introduced into it. That is where the mobile application development has fallen short of the need. Android and iOS are the leading mobile OS in the smartphone industry. The application stores of both Apple and Android have more than a million applications, yet the demand is not satisfied. The rapid increase in demand is definitely a factor for the shortfall of the supply but that alone cannot be attributed as the sole cause. The lack of efficiency is certainly the main factor. If that is ignored, the tremendous favouritism that a few applications enjoy over the rest at the store cannot be explained. Though Android is the leader in mobile OS with around 80% of the smartphone OS market-share, the trend is not exclusive to Android apps development alone. The abundance of opportunities has resulted in the emergence of numerous smartphone applications development companies throughout the world, especially in developing countries. However, many of the companies have adopted sub-par standards for development in order to meet the demand in terms of numbers and get more business as result of it. Their services may range from affordable to inexpensive to downright cheap. However, what matters is the quality, which cannot be evaluated without comparison with other applications. It is notable that determining the efficiency of the application from the reviews and ratings has become untrustworthy since the expose of the illegitimate promotional means adopted by some iOS apps developers, who hired black-hat promotional companies. One of the iOS developers revealed the truth after he was told that an automated programme will download his applications on different devices with different Ids and rate them 5 stars. A few iOS application developers had benefitted from the service of the company that called this developer. Indeed, iOS enjoys the second-largest marketshare and the competition is stiff on the platform. However, the possibility of such incidents cannot be ruled out from Windows apps development or BlackBerry application development either. Other businesses have been affected by similar wrong approaches earlier. SEO is a good example of it. Majority of the today’s mobile applications development businesses are not worth the investment. So, companies or individuals who hire other mobile apps developers have to be careful of their development process. Same is true in case of hiring promotional companies. Ignorance towards the codes of ethics in development or promotion is likely
to attract strict and repressive measures by the platform developers like it has happened in the case of SEO.