Musings on the Outdoors Following his direction of Musée de la danse in Rennes (2009–2018), Boris Charmatz launches [terrain] in January 2019, in order to pursue his vision of a new space for art, a green urban choreographic terrain, radically ecological with no need for a permanent building. Last year, Boris Charmatz initiated the symposium “An Architecture of Bodies” for Zürcher Theater Spektakel as part of the first prototype of [terrain]. For this occasion Tim Etchells wrote and performed the text
“Giving Voice to the Wind” which he situates around the artist Tehching Hsieh’s one-yearlong performance, “Outdoor Piece” (1981–82). Hsieh spent a full year outdoors in New York, during which time he did not enter buildings or shelters of any sort, including cars, trains, airplanes, boats, or tents. For Magazin im August, Boris Charmatz invited Tim Etchells to, in the context of the current pandemic, take a look at his text again and revisit the notion of the ‘outside’.