FALL FESTIVALS INSIDE Taos Fall Arts Festival • The PASEO • Taos Mountain Balloon Rally Storytelling Festival • Music Festivals / Studio Tours • Arts & Crafts Fairs • and more OFFICIAL GUIDE 2022

Studio& Gallery @ 135 N. Plaza, Taos 575-770-4462 www.larimore.faso.com larimore@gmail.com Bringing the color and beauty of the Southwest’s seasons to your home! “RANCHITOS RISTRAS” 16”X20” OIL ON CANVAS, FRAMED 2 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals

“Fabulous one-of-a-kind items; helpful, attentive and informed service... just an exceptional shopping experience.” — Ellen M. « « « » » » 117 Bent Street, Taos, NM 87571 One block north of Taos Plaza on historic Bent Street (575) 737-9800 Visit us in the store or online at: www.artemisiataos.com FINE HANDWOVENS & WEARABLE ART taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 3

4 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals

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Belong to a strong community.artist Join TAO PO Box 1294 Taos, NM taosartistorg.orggmail.comorganization@taosartist87571 In kind www.taosartmuseum.orgdonation Image by Don Wallis 23 Bruce Barnes Stone Sculpture 49 Verdolaga shebear98368@yahoo.com360-301-6236Rd. 24 susanne Pinkham Fused Glass 1354 Half Moon Rd., El Prado www.susannepinkham.comspinkham4@msn.com575-770-1280 25 nancy kirk Oil, Acrylic, Casein, Watercolor 1242 Half Moon Rd, El Prado www.nancykirk.commountainsong0@gmail.com516-532-4368 26 susan Gancher Jewelry Metal—Silver 14K Gold Jewelry 511 Calle Unida, Taos www.facebook.com/susangancherjewelrysgancher@gmail.com772-480-1418 27 D. DuBay DesiGns Oil, Photography/Digital 818 K Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos www.debrahdubay.comdrdubayart@gmail.com512-627-3782 28 krysteen waszak Plein Air Oils on Canvas 818 L Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos www.krysteenwaszak.comkrysteen@krysteenwaszak.com505-250-0455 29 stuDio zanne Painting and Photography 1107 A Don Juan Valdez Ln., El Prado Located512-788-2303behind Orlando’s on Rt www.StudioZanne.com 32 Bruce katlin Oil Paintings, Wood Sculptures 162 Camino Ovejeros Rd., El Prado 575-224-2135 • www.brucekatlincreates.combruce@brucekatlincreates.com773-456-3871 31 Glory PeninGton Photography, Oil Painting 162 Camino Ovejeros Rd., El Prado photosbyglory@yahoo.com575-779-5415 https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/ photosbyglory 30 Gail russell Photo artist Photography 65 Hwy. 522, Ste. 4 A, El Prado www.gailrussellphotoartist.commtnlight@taosnet.com575-770-1507 MemberCharter 33 scotty mitchell Pastel 8 Cottonwood Lane, Arroyo Seco 575-776-2119 • 435-327-0829 (c) www.scottymitchell.comscotty@scottymitchell.com 34 sylvia luftiG Ceramic Sculpture 169 El Salto Rd., Arroyo Seco www.sylvialuftig.comsylvialuftig@gmail.com415-663-8744 22 Diana smith Watercolor, Oil, Pastel 10 Cerro Ventoso Rd., Taos www.taoswatercolorsociety.org575-224-0062 2022 Taos OrganizationArtist tom Quinn kumPf Photography 125 A La Posta Rd. #2, Taos www.tomquinnkumpf.comtkumpf1@mac.com303-859-5347 1613 Patricia keeler arts Pastel Painting/Hand Painted Silk 500 Cruz Alta Rd, Casita #2, Taos www.patriciakeelerarts.carbonmmade.compatriciakeelerphd@gmail.com303-304-0730 14 Dorothy romo manninG Acrylic Paintings 211 Cruz Alta, Taos 505-231-2009 dorothyelaineromo1@gmail.com www.arisenfromtheforestfloor.com 12 aDorn your life 2 Mosaic, Jewelry, Photography 500 Cruz Alta Rd, Casita #2, Taos https://adorn-your-life-2.square.siteerica8@q.com505-264-9022 17 Jan Bachman stuDio Water Based Oil on Gessoboard 125 A La Posta Rd. #3, Taos www.janbachmanstudio.comjanbachmanstudio@gmail.com303-817-0799 18 scott GeralD stuDio Oil Paintings on Masonite & Artist Proofs 507 A Camino de La Placita, Taos scottgeraldart@yahoo.com425-777-1196 19 ron larimore Oil Painting 135 N. Plaza, Taos Plaza, Taos www.larimore.faso.comlarimore.taos@gmail.com575-770-4462 20 inGer JirBy Gallery Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor 207 Ledoux St., Taos www.jirby.comjirby@newmex.com575-758-7333 21 sarah Bush Mixed Media 748 Ranchitos Rd, Taos www.sarahbushartworks.comsarah@sarahbushartworks.com201-563-4317 15 taos valley loDGe anD esPresso Bar Preview Gallery & Show 615 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur, Taos www.taosvalleylodge.com575-737-0447 creations By elizaBeth Paper, Clay, & Recycled Items 1505 Foothill Trail, Taos www.ejhicks.combeth@ejhicks.com505-506-4204 10 lyDia Johnston Oil & Mixed Media Paintings 500 Cruz Alta Rd, Casita #2, Taos www.lydiajohnston.comart@lydiajohnston.com575-776-7989 11 DeBBie schulze Quilt Maker, Fiber Arts 1105 Juniper Rd., Taos www.juniperquilts.comjuniperquilts@gmail.com817-253-2353 9 2 Don wallis Oil Painting and Giclees 5 Vista Del Ocaso Rd. Ranchos de www.donwallis.comdonwallis1@hotmail.com915-334-4433Taos 1 DaviD DouGlas Fine Art B & W Photography 360 Los Cordovas Rd., Ranchos de Taos www.shutteringexperiences.comdavid@shutteringexperiences.com505-263-4011 alex chavez Oil Painting on Canvas & Wood 176 Maestas Rd., Ranchos de Taos www.alexchavez.artalexcchavez@gmail.com575-779-7247 5 marGaret tanGe Acrylic Painting, Sculpture 34 Ortiz Rd., Ranchos de Taos 575-758-1652 34 Jeanine Borree Oil on Canvas/Wood 95 W. Romero, Ranchos de Taos 425-345-6769 www.jborree.studiojborree@camano.net 6 lynn fitzGeralD Lynco Design Pottery 8 Nickell Rd., Ranchos de Taos 575-758-1850 lyfitzgerald@msn.com www.lyncodesignpottery.com 8 roBert Perez Jr. Oil on Canvas 1210 Salazar Rd. Bldg. 3 Unit 1, Taos www.studiozoftaos.comrobertperezjrartist@gmail.com575-779-2671 In Memory of Sweet, Marcie Brown MemberCharter Painting was her passion—maybe obsession, ”depending on the day,” she’d say. “What a lovely way to enjoy and reflect God’s Blessing of Life!” Creativity was her way of life. Visit #7. MemberCharter 7 sweet, marcie Brown Dyes on Silk, Oils, Watercolor 432 Arroyo de Los Coyotes Ln., Taos Marcie’s575-770-9450studio tour is represented by her loving family. WeekendLaborStudioTaos2022OpenTourDay 10am3,September4&5,2022–5pm Preview Gallery & TaosShow:Valley Lodge & Espresso Bar 615 Paseo del Pueblo Sur Preview Show Party: Thurs. Sept. 1, 5-8pm Preview Gallery: Open Sept. 2-5, 10am-5pm 6 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals

Major Sponsors • Taos Valley Lodge • www.taosvalleylodge.com • Cid’s Food Market • www.cidsfoodmarket.com • Ron Larimore • www.larimore.faso.com Gold Sponsors • Artisan/Santa Fe • www.artisansantafe.com • Bent Street Grille • www.bentstreetgrille.com • Barry Norris Studio • www.barrynorrisstudio.com • Centinel Bank of Taos • www.centinelbank.com • Five Star Burgers • www.5starburgers.com • Gutiz Restaurant • www.gutiztaos.com • Inger Jirby • www.ingerjirby.com • MARX Contemporary • www.nickimarx.com • Taos Dental Group • www.taosdentalgroup.com • The LORA Company Real Estate • www.realestatetaos.com • Unicorn School Supply • unicornss@msn.com • Wolfgang’s Spa Works • www.wolfgangspas.com Town of Taos HolyHospitalCross 110 Mabel Dodge Ln EsteEsRoad EsteEsRoadCruzAltaArroyodelosCoyotesLn LowerLasColoniasRd SantaTo Fe Albuquerque& Arroyoto Seco Valdez&Valley Coloradoto Angelto Fire Texas& To Las Vegas, NM & Texas Lower Ranchitos RdUpperRanchitosRoad Ranchitos Rd CarabajalRoadCalleUnida All distances approximate StChurchDeFrancisAssisiDrumsTaos MartinezHacienda MillicentRogersMuseum PuebloTaos VistaLindaCaminodeLosArroyos RdRomeroW. ValleLinda La Morada CaminodelMedio CottamRd PaseodelCanonWest GusdorfRoyRoad WeimerRoadMaestasRd CalleVistaLaCanada EsteElTrosEsPlace Tafoya CalledeLucia JuniperRd FoothillTrail Paseo del Canon East KitCarsonRdCaminodelaMercedLaPostaRd Cervantes LaLomitaRd San Antonio Rd MartinezValverdeStLnAmadeoLnMondragon Valverde CommonsDr Upper CardenasLnMesaVistaRoadEototoRoad MillicentRogersRdPaseodelPuebloNorte Hail Creek Rd VeteransHwy. Kit Carson Park Las Cruces RdSalazarRd TodaVista BullSnakeRd RabbitValleyRdVerdolagaSugarLnCaminoCoyoteLuzdelMonteMelaringaValerioNorte ColoniasRdBlueberryUpperLasHillRd Artist LandmarksLocations TownHallTownTaosHall CenterVisitorTaos Ledoux St LundSt Albright DolanSt walmart walgreens VegasdeTaosRdVegasMonteVista Smiths Nickell Torres Rd OrtizRdHerrera Rd MontereyDrCouseSantaCruz GuadalajaraGrillTaosPlaza PaseodelPuebloSur ReedSt 382 MuleDeerRd BB BendixDrKing 4 Placitas1 3 2 5 deTaosLoop WeimerRoad CerroVentoso SolomonLn SendaAlegre Orchard Ln Cids Map not to scale LosCordovasRd LomaladeAbajoCaminoWGolfCourse GorgeTaos Bridge UNMTaos VistadelOcasoRd ArchuletaHalfMoonRdRD TalpaCommunityCenter CaminodeLosArroyos SalazarRdChamisa CaminoOvejeros Espinoza Road Preview Gallery Preview Gallery Taos Valley Lodge N UNMTAOS 1 2 3 4 75 6 8 8 9 10 11 1213 14 151716 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30 33 343132 INSET 150 230 230 Rim Rd CottonwoodLn. GalinaCanyonRd ARROYOSECO150 El Salto Rd Hondo Seco Rd TaostoSkiValleyLaCejaValdezValley Thank You T o o ur 2022 Tao S pon S or S Visit www.TaosArtistOrg.org for more information Tour Brochures/Maps available at: • Taos News, TEMPO, September 1, 2022 • Taos Visitor Center & Artist Studios • Download at: www.taosartistorg.org Silver Sponsors • Creative Framing • www.creativeframingtaos.com • Martyrs Steakhouse • www.martyrssteakhouse.com • Reneux Consignment • Facebook: Reneux • Taos Art Supply • Facebook: Taos Art Supply • Wilder Nightingale Fine Art • www.wnightingale.com Taos Artist Organization 2022 Taos Open Studio Tour Labor Day Weekend September 3, 4 & 5, 2022 • 10am – 5pm Preview Gallery & Show: Taos Valley Lodge & Espresso Bar, 615 Paseo del Pueblo Sur Preview Show Party: Thurs. Sept. 1, 5-8pm • Preview Gallery: Open Sept. 2-5, 10am-5pm 34333231302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 David Douglas, Fine Art B & W Photography Don Wallis, Oil Painting and Giclees Jeanine Borree, Oil on Canvas/Wood Margaret Tange, Acrylic Painting, Sculpture Alex Chavez, Oil Painting on Canvas & Wood Lynn FitzGerald, Lynco Design Pottery Sweet, Marcie Brown, Dyes on Silk, Oils, Watercolor Robert Perez Jr., Oil on Canvas Debbie Schulze, Quilt Maker, Fiber Arts Creations by Elizabeth, Paper, Clay, & Recycled Items Lydia Johnston, Oil and Mixed Media Paintings Adorn Your Life 2, Mosaic, Jewelry, Photography Patricia Keeler Arts, Pastel Painting/Hand Painted Silk Dorothy Romo-Manning, Acrylic Paintings TAOS VALLEY LODGE & ESPRESSO BAR, PREVIEW GALLERY & SHOW Tom Quinn Kumpf, Photography Jan Bachman Studio, Water Based Oil Scott Gerald Studio, Oil Paintings on Masonite & Artist Proofs Ron Larimore, Oil Painting Inger Jirby Gallery, Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor Sarah Bush, Mixed Media Diana Smith, Watercolor, Oil, Pastel Bruce Barnes, Stone Sculpture Susanne Pinkham, Fused Glass Nancy Kirk, Oil, Acrylic, Casein, Watercolor Susan Gancher, Jewelry, Metal—Silver 14K Gold Jewelry D. Dubay Designs, Oil, Photography/Digital Krysteen Waszak, Plein Air Oils on Canvas Studio Zanne, Painting and Photography Gail Russell Photo Artist, Photography Glory Penington, Photography, Oil Painting Bruce Katlin, Oil Paintings, Wood Sculptures Scotty Mitchell, Pastel Sylvia Luftig, Ceramic Sculpture taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 7

It’s a common refrain — “Taos is Art” — a sentiment shared by artists and collec tors alike. And what better time of year to experience the incredible art that Taos has to offer than fall, when cool days and colorful trees light up the landscape. This year, the Fall Festivals have (largely) returned to normal, after two years of lockdowns and social distancing. Galler ies and studios are opening their doors to art lovers; musicians are performing live concerts all over the Enchanted Circle; and beloved community events like the Halloween festival in Taos Plaza are back! We have done our best to bring you this calendar of events, but best to confirm dates and times online before booking, as event details can sometimes change. With all on offer — family fun, studio tours, live music, arts & crafts and even some decidedly strange stuff — visitors and locals alike will have a ton of choices to see, hear, taste and wear the very best of El Norté’s autumn offerings.
8 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FAMILY FUN Oktoberfest German food, music and family fun in picturesque Red River PAGE Paseo102022 Festival A series of immersive participatory downtown art installations PAGE Española12 Valley Arts Festial PAGE 14 Taos Storytelling Festival Cisco Guevara, Sarah (Juba) Addison and Carmen Agra Deedy PAGE 14 Taos Mountain Balloon Rally Stunning. Get up-close and personal with balloonists each morning PAGE 16 Taos Fall Arts Festical Annual Poster Artist Award Winner: ‘Harvest’ by Suzanne Wiggin ARTS & CRAFTS Taos Artist Combo II PAGE 18 Taos Folk Handmade arts, crafts and gifts for everyone PAGE 18 Taos Fall Arts Festival More than 250 Taos artists showcase their work PAGE 20 Taos Art School PAGE 22 LIVE MUSIC Taos Chamber Music Group World Journey, Winter Scenes and Journey into Winter PAGE Music24from Angel Fire World-class chamber performances PAGE Arroyo24 Seco Live PAGE Frank24Morgan Taos Jazz Fest Four nights of world-class jazz PAGE Michael25 Hearne’s Big Barn Dance Music Festival Americana, Country, Folk and Bluegrass music PAGE 26 Red River Folk Festival Folk and Americana music and a colorful art fair PAGE 28 STUDIO TOURS Chama Valley Studio Tour Art from Tierra Amarilla, Chama, Los Ojos and Laguna Vista PAGE 30 TAO Studio Tour Taos Artist Organization hosts more than 30 Taos-based artists PAGE High30Road Artisans Studio Tour Art from Chimayó, Córdova, Truchas, Peñasco, Vadito and Placitas PAGE Abiquíu32 Studio Tour Works include jewelry, paintings, woodcarvings and mixed media PAGE Dixon32Studio Tour One of the oldest studio tours in New Mexico PAGE 32 STRANGER STUFF Glam Trash Fashion Show A vibrant, celebrationglitter-filledofrecycled fashion PAGE 34 Taos Halloween Festival A freaky family-friendly event replete with a costume contest PAGE 36 Arte de Descartes XXII A juried show of art made with discarded materials PAGE 38 CALENDAR PAGE 40
Welcome to the 2022 Fall Festivals — we can’t wait to see all.
Michael Tashji,
Magazine Editor THEY SAY TAOS IS ART TAOS NEWS STAFF Robin Martin, owner Chris Baker, publisher John Miller, editor Michael magazine/copyTashji, editor Karin Eberhardt, creative director Chris Wood, advertising director Mary Chávez, business manager Shawn ShanecirculationRoberts,managerAtkinson,sales manager Tyler Northrop, media specialist S’zanne Reynolds, media specialist Paul Gutches, production manager Zoë Urban, graphic designer Heather Owen, digital editor CONTACT Taos News 226 Albright Street, Taos, NM 575-758-2241,87571taosnews.com ON THE COVER TFAF Annual Poster Artist Award Winner: ‘The Underbrush of Fall’ by Peggy Trigg welcome

222FRI + SAT SEPT 16 + 17 Bringing the art of installation, performance and projection to the streets of Taos, New Mexico paseoproject.org OUTDOOR ART FESTIVAL Image Credit: “Canopy” by Pnuehaus and Bike Powered Events taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 9

RED RIVER FESTOKTOBER FRIDAY, OCT. 7 | 11 A.M.-7 P.M. SATURDAY, OCT. 8 | 11 A.M.-7 P.M. SUNDAY, OCT. 9 | 11 A.M.-4 P.M. Red River Oktoberfest celebrates autumn in Red River with New Mexico craft beer, wines and spirits, authentic German food and music, contests, kid’s activities and more. Arranged as a street-faire at Brandenburg Park, this event provides locals and out-of-town ers alike the opportunity to celebrate the gorgeous fall season in Red River with the whole family. The Miss Oktoberfest competition will begin at noon and include a stein holding contest and an obstacle course. Immediately following, the Mr. Oktober fest competition begins — this event includes a stein holding contest, an ob stacle course and maybe a special sur prise category. Sign up at the Chamber of Commerce booth when you arrive at the park. Viel Glück (Good Luck)! Visit redriverchamber.org/okt22. 10 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 family fun

taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 11

SEPT. SUNSET-1116-17 P.M. Local, national and international artists will convene in Taos this fall to participate in The PASEO 2022 festival. This year’s theme is “Transformations,” a series of immersive and participatory art installations that contemplate the changes brought about by the past two years and celebrate our coming back together as a community. This year’s festival will feature more than 20 installations, ranging from low-tech to new media, united by their active engagement with the public and with place, whether projecting on Taos’ adobe walls or lighting up Kit Carson Park. Over half of this year’s PASEO 2022 artists are from New Mexico, with more than 12 artists who are based in Taos alone. The festival will take place at Taos Plaza, Kit Carson Park, Civic Plaza Drive and surrounding alleyways and streets in Taos Historic District. This is a free Visitevent.PaseoProject.org.
AfterPrePASEO 2022andParty SEPT. 15 & 17 At Revolt Gallery (222 Paseo del Pueblo Norte). Dance into the night. Details to be announced.
WarmupPASEOThe SATURDAY, SEPT. 10 At the Millicent Rogers Museum (1504 Millicent Rogers Rd, El Prado) Festival Sneak Peak with featured artists, projection art and participatory activities for the whole family. Free entry.
family fun
12 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals
STEAM2022PASEO Week SEPT. 12-16 At local Taos schools The PASEO brings our artists into the classroom with cutting-edge technolo gies and inspiring activities. Students work directly with a visiting artist, many times contributing to their final instal lation. Times vary. Free. Email amber@ paseoproject.org for more information. Not open to the public.

www.dixonarts.org 575.579.4163 Funded in part by Rio Arriba lodger’s tax Sponsored by the Embudo Valley Arts Assn RINCONADAEMBUDODIXON68ESPAÑOLATAOS75PEÑASCOSANTAFE285CALIENTEOJO 51876 November 5th & 6th, 2022 A Fall Tradition Join us for our 40th Anniversary! 9am-5pm FRESH BEEF, HORMONE & ADDITIVE FREE — Always. 5STARBURGERS.COM BETTERBETTER1032575.758.8484PaseodelPuebloSurBEEF.BURGERS. taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 13

The 37th Annual Española Valley Arts Festival will showcase woodwork, metal, glass, sculp ture, pottery, contemporary clay, weaving, furniture, fabric art, photography, retables, bultos, tinwork, jewelry, acrylic, water color and oil paintings. The two-day family event will have food vendors and local live music and cultural dance performances. There will also be an Arts Kidz Zone with fun art activities for kids of all ages. Artists will be demonstrating their medium so kids have a hands-on experience.
Founded 23 years ago, The Taos Sto rytelling Festival has grown into one of the most exciting storytelling festivals in America. This year, our community storytelling event will take place at the Talpa Community Center on Friday. A workshop on the “Art of Storytelling” will be held on Saturday (location TBD) with the main show that evening at the Taos Center for the Arts. Visit somostaos.org or call 575-758-0081.
2–3:30 P.M. Community StorySwap A free event facilitated by Storytellers of New Mexico. Hacienda de los Martinez, 708 Hacienda Road, Taos. Call 575-758-1000. | 7 P.M. Main Show Featuring Storytellers Cisco Guevara, Sarah “Juba” Addison, Carmen Agra Deedy and perhaps a surprise teller or two! $20; students eighteen and younger are $10. Taos Center for the Arts–Stables Gallery, 133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos. Tickets available at tcataos.org/ calendar or at TCA’s Box Office before the event.
OCT. 14-15 With Storytellers Cisco Guevara, Sarah (Juba) Addison and Carmen Agra Deedy. Produced by SOMOS.
2022 FRIDAY, OCT. 14
| 6 P.M. Community Storytelling Event Free, donations welcome. Talpa Community Center, 3 Archuleta Rd, Ranchos De Taos
| 10 A.M. - NOON “The Art of Storytelling” A two-hour workshop taught by Carmen Agra Deedy. $25 SOMOS Members; $35 non-members. Students 18 and under are free. Limit 25 participants. This workshop will sell out, so buy your tickets today. Call 575-758-0081.
14 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals

WHY GO THROUGH LIFE “WHATTHINKING,IF?” Real Estate’s Forever Brand TM KRISTINE WOOD Associate Broker cell: 575-770-6258 | kristinewood@newmex.comwww.bhhstaos.com 314A Paseo del Pueblo Norte Taos • 575-758-1924 Local knowledge. Expert advice. SMITHGERIANTPHOTO: ©2022 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Information is deemed to be reliable but is not guaranteed. This is not a solicitation if you are currently working with real estate broker. Equal Housing Opportunity. taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 15

16 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals family fun TAOSMOUNTAIN BALLOON RALLY

taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 17
SATURDAY, OCT. 29 7:45-9 a.m. Mass Ascension 5:30 p.m. Balloomenshine Albright Street, behind Taos County Court House. Children are invited to trick or treat at each balloon during the event.
SUNDAY, OCT. 30 7:45-9 a.m. Mass Ascension 11:30 a.m. Closing Ceremonies (on the field in front of TMBRA tent)
OCT. 28-30 THE 39TH ANNUAL | ADMISSION: FREE The Taos Mountain Balloon Rally is truly a Taos County event, and typically hosts 35 balloons and crew each year. Because of its intimate size, the rally has be come a popular stop for balloon ists, families and crews. It’s also popular with Taoseños, as parents and kids alike get “up-close and personal” with the balloonists ev ery morning as the crews prepare for Thelaunch.TaosMountain Balloon Rally field is located behind the Taos County Court House, across from the Taos News, on the corner of Albright Street and Gusdorf Street. All events are free and weather permitting.
FRIDAY, OCT. 28 8 a.m. Mini-Ascension 8:15 a.m. Tether Rides for School Children 5-9 p.m. &RegistrationPilot/SponsorMeetGreet, LocationMerchandiseBalloonforSale.TBD

Taos Folk brings local artists out to the local community, and features a dizzying variety of affordable one-of-a-kind handmade arts, crafts and gifts for everyone on your list, including jewelry, aprons, t-shirts, soaps, candles, pottery, sculptures, ceramics, greeting cards, magnets, hats, knitted sweaters, scarves, shawls, pillows, prayer flags and wall hangings. Visit taosfolkart.com. Taos Center for the Arts–Stables Gallery, 133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte. Open daily 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
NOV. 18-DEC. 24
SEPT. 23-25 11 A.M.-5 P.M. The Taos Artist Combo II exhibition and sale will show case works from a dozen Taos artists, including paintings, pastels, graphics, photo graphic prints and crafts. Taos Center for the Arts –Stables Gallery, 133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos. Taos artists include Frederick Aragon, Bill Davis, Audrey Davis, Sara Jean Gray, Gene Gray, Mark Jackson, CJ Lucien, Rob Nightingale, Margery Reading, George Schaub, Geraint Smith, and Doug Yeager.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 23 4-7 P.M. Taos Center for the Arts–Stables Gallery 133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos 18 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals

AndeAn SoftwAre clothing • jewelry • folk art • textiles two locations for your convenience in taos between the plaza and ledoux street 121 de la placita 575.758.8605 resort center 575.776.2508 CELEBRATING 40 YEARS in TAOS SKI VALLEY CLOTHING | ETHNIC JEWELRY | FOLK ART Taos Ski Valley Upper Plaza Resort Center Open 10-5pm Daily in September Visit our booth at the Michael Hearne Barn Dance andeansoftware.com taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 19

Having more diversity and inclusion on the TFAF board is also a priority for Harris. But how do you join the com munity and cultures together without excluding anybody? “I would like to actually have a more diversified board,” Harris explained. “So, not just different cultures but also different ages. I’m super excited about having UNM–Taos students involved and I’d like to get a couple of people who know the festival’s history well — who have seen more things happen here — and actu ally help bring everybody together.”
It has been said many times that “Taos is art” — whether it comes from an artisan’s vision, a musician’s instrument, a chef’s imagination, a writer’s words or nature’s magic — it’s everywhere you look. And Fall is the signature season of arts-related events in Taos, from intimate studio tours to unique outdoor installations.In1973,theTaosFall Arts Festival (TFAF) established itself as the grande dame of them all. This year’s festival theme, New Beginnings, will bring new ideas and fresh energy — starting with new TFAF President Lisa Harris, a few new board members, new event loca tion, a UNM–Taos art student show case, live entertainment and a revival of a community-centered art venue for all to participate in and enjoy.
arts & crafts
Sarah Stolar, UNM–Taos chair of Fine Arts and Digital Media, proposed get ting digital media students involved by having them create some loop videos and images to show outside, for example. Also, for the first time in TFAF history, a special section will be dedi cated to showcasing artworks created by UNM–Taos art students. Their works will go through the same acceptance process as other artists. Scholarship awards will go to the 1st, 2nd and 3rdplace winners and is tied to the Kids Give Back award. Harris and the board like the ideas. “I think that we just need to modernize
Rosenthal, “Everybody Loves Raymond” creator, travels the world to experience local cuisines and cultures.
“Although I am new to Taos … I am not new to the TFAF, which I have enjoyed visiting throughout the years,” said Cynthia Studebaker, a festival volun teer. “I have always been amazed at the amount of artistic talent in such a small town. But sadly, I have also witnessed a decrease in the scope of involvement, participation, and inclusion related to the festival process. Now, especially in our recovery from the COVID years, I feel that it is essential that we sense the interconnectedness of our commu nity. This sense of connection requires a departure from the individualistic, introverted, and competitive approach sometimes experienced in the past.”
While opening night is still in the plan ning stage, the events are set to begin at 2 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 23 along Civic Plaza Drive and will end with a street dance party ending at 10 p.m. An ticipated festivities include traditional dance performances, digital media loops and projected art on the sides of buildings, fire twirlers, face painters, stilt walkers, hula hoopers and live Andmusic.don’tbe surprised to see a film crew milling about. Featuring Taos and Santa Fe, the Netflix series “Somebody Feed Phil,” starring Phil Rosenthal, will be filming during opening night.
“Our goal by offering these awards is to increase diversity and representa tion at TFAF to tell a broader and more nuanced story of our shared Taos his tory and culture,” said Davison Koenig, Couse-Sharp Historic Site executive director and curator.
20 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals TAOS FALL ARTS FESTIVAL SEPT. 23-OCT. 2
WHAT’S NEW TFAF returns to its venue roots as the exhibit shows at UNM–Taos Bataan Hall on Civic Plaza Drive. The multi media exhibition will feature over 250 known and yet-to-be-discovered Taos Alsoartists.new is the Taos Heritage Award; there is no longer an invite-only juried show. There are four $500 prizes for two “Indigenous: traditional and contemporary” awards and two “His pano: traditional and contemporary” awards, sponsored by Couse-Sharp Historic Site.
“Let’s make this an event that we all want to go to,” Harris said. “We’re trying to figure out how to include everybody and just raise the bar a little bit without alienating anybody — and still making it a community event, but making it a little bit nicer.”

show picks will
Other confirmed TFAF sponsors include New Mexico Arts, University of New Mexico-Taos, Berkshire Ha thaway, Taos Community Foundation, Couse-Sharp Historic Site, New Mexico Waste Management, Taos Air, Heritage Hotels & Resorts, Taos Ski Valley and Taos Tennis at Quail Ridge.
SPECIAL EXHIBITS UNM-Taos art students’ works Youth T-shirt design art show in association with Youth Heartline and in support of child advocacy Hermit’s Heroes, honoring New Mexico firefighters and rescue teams
Koenig is on board with community partnership: “I strongly believe Taos and our fellow nonprofits are stronger when we work together. So many of our nonprofits have overlapping missions and audiences. It only makes sense to find those alignments and leverage them for the betterment of our com Amunity.”TFAFbenefit brunch will be held at the Couse-Sharp Historic Site gardens on Saturday, Sept. 10 (time TBD). A fashion show will be presented by Patricia Michaels; Davison Koenig of Couse-Sharp Historic Site will give a talk on the history of art in Taos and the Couse-Sharp house; Lifetime Achieve ment award-winner; poster artists’ signings, sales, and auction; and food and music. All proceeds to benefit Youth Heartline, UNM–Taos Student Scholarship Award, and Children’s Art Programs in Taos County.
Harris has made it a mission to reach out to different organizations in hopes of getting ideas for fundraising through contacts. She feels there are so many organizations in Taos — including many that are art-centered — that don’t often work together and thus, remain sepa rated and working alone. Harris sees a growth potential for all organizations if they band together to assist with each other’s events and projects.
prizes for two “Indigenous: traditional and contem porary” awards and two “Hispano: traditional and contemporary” awards.
“I love the idea of connecting with all the other organizations in town and helping each other out as a small community,” Harris said. She met with Koenig this spring who — in a show of collaboration — offered TFAF use of the historic site’s garden for fundraisers in the ongoing search for more sponsors.
taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 21 EVENT SCHEDULE FESTIVAL OPENING Friday, Sept. 23, 2-5 p.m. GALLERY OPENING Friday, Sept. 23, 5-8 p.m. Continuing Sept. 24 through Oct. 2 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. CALL FOR ARTISTS $30 entry fee plus $15 for an entry of a mini piece. Deadline is Sept. 10. Same costs apply to sculpture, pottery, jewelry, and textiles Anything over 42-inches wide and 60-inches high, fee is doubled TFAF BOARD MEMBERS Lisa Harris, Kevin Anderson, Vicki Squires, Laurie Knox, Kathryn Hayden, Deborah Batson, Hunter Tripp, Scott Abbott and power-volunteers Gen evieve de Vellis, Carol Polichnowski and Michael Wilson. A special thanks to Bruce Bernal and his show setup crew. the festival a little bit and bring it up to date,” Harris said, “and open it up to all artists and all the arts, not just fine arts — have more sculpture and jewelry, and add dance, culinary arts — any thing that could be placed under the arts umbrella and just make it a more interesting event.” AWARDS
Annual Poster Artist Award Winners: Peggy Trigg, The Underbrush of Fall and Suzanne Wiggin, Harvest Image Artist Awards People’s Choice Awards Best of Show Visionary Artist Award Winner: Patricia Michaels Lifetime Achievement Award: Thom Wheeler UNM-Taos Scholarship Award/ Kids Give Back: 1st Place $1,000, 2nd Place $500, and 3rd Place $250. Additional Cash Awards:
This year’s TFAF curator is local gallery owner and artist Rob Nightingale of Wilder Nightingale Fine Art. Cheryl Vogel, curator and owner of the presti gious Valley House Gallery and Sculp ture Garden in Dallas, is tapped as the visiting judge. Judge Vogel’s overall receive $500 1st $300 2nd $200 3rd Mention
If someone would like to make a taxfree donation, please make out a check to Taos Fall Arts Festival and mail to Taos Fall Arts Festival P.O. Box 675, Taos, NM 87571. Email info@taosfallarts.com for questions or more information.
prize, and an Honorable
Speaking of collaboration, the Santa Fe Independent Film Festival reached out to Harris stating they want to do some cross-promoting and cross-marketing with TFAF. “So that’ll be interesting and fun,” Harris said.
The Couse-Sharp Historic Site is sponsoring four $500

SEPT. 11-16 |
This class is for the complete novice who feels as if there is an irrepressible image of a horse inside, waiting to come out on paper or canvas. Ok, so maybe you were a horse till you were 12! Or perhaps you don’t even know when it started, but you’ve always had a passion for anything equine. If this sounds familiar, then we have designed a workshop especially for you. OCT. 2-7 |
22 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals THE
“I think the creative process is not about creating something else; it’s about the process of creating who I am.” — Mayumi Oda, artist & writer. Join us for an inspiring week behind the scenes in the original art colo ny of New Mexico — Taos. We’ll visit studios, share stories, and try our hand at painting/draw ing as you enter a supportive, non-judgmental environment that can generate a creative healing energy.
Oh, this class is fun! There is a very friendly donkey in class with us, both for measure ments as well as inspiration. We work on a swivel armature with real clay that will eventual ly be fired in our kiln. From be ginners to advanced, abstract to more representational, all are welcome. Bring carrots. This class was featured in Ceramics Monthly. arts & crafts
The Taos Art School offers one-of-a-kind art experiences and creative expeditions in small-class settings — and teaches local history and culture along with instruction in weaving, pottery, painting drawing, photography and equine art. The school is in session from late spring through autumn, and its campus-free learning is centered around some of the most iconic locations throughout Taos and Northern New Mexico. The classes — spanning anywhere from several days to one week —are limited to 12 participants and tend to fill up quickly. Visit taosartschool.org or call 575-758-0350.
O’KEEFFE COUNTRY TOUR Georgia O’Keeffe inspires us as much with the spirit of her life as well as the excellence of her art. This hands-on/tour combination is designed for O’Keeffe fans who would like an informal way to immerse themselves for a week in her life, landscape and art. We will walk in her footsteps in the inspiring land that changed her way of seeing forever.
Join us as we visit many dif ferent equine settings, from local barns and open fields, to see many different breeds of horses, donkeys and ponies. Along with all this fun, you will be learning a great deal about the nitty-gritty of getting great photos of horses and their people. We start out with some detailed information covering all the basics you need to know as well as set aside time each day for individual evaluation of your work. SEPT. 18-23 |

taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 23
Discover the world of Abiquiu artists as they open their studios to friends - old and new. Revel in the opportunity to tour the artists’ unique creative spaces and view works from the traditional to the contemporary.
Discover the world of Abiquiu artists as they open their studios to friends - old and new. Revel in the opportunity to tour the artists’ unique creative spaces and view works from the traditional to the contemporary.

SEPT. 1 |
Celebrating its 38th season, Music from Angel Fire is wrapping up its season of world-class chamber music performances. This year’s theme, Romance and the Silver Screen, has already delighted audiences with Romance and the Plague, Hope Springs Eternal, From my Life, Mov ie Night, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and The Todd Palmer Show. Below are details for the final two performances of the season. Visit musicfromangelfire.org.
Performing original global music composi tions, the award-winning, married duo of Suzanne Teng and Gilbert Levy will take listeners on a jour ney around the world; from a Chinese bamboo flute prayer to a Gypsy Serenade, an NancyMarkGilbertSuzannetiveMountainsMexico,withdance,Arabic-flavoredecstatictranceandbackhomeanhomagetoNewKingdomofplayedonNaAmericanbassflute.Teng,flutes;Levy,percussion;Dudrow,cello;Laupheimer,flute.
The GlebStrauss’sphraseréeallfestivelyRavel’sRespighi’snataRachmaninoff’sRussian(ScenesinTchaikovsky’sworksaIvanov,talentedastonishingly-pianist,GlebisfeaturedinrecitalofsolopianothatincludesDumkaCMinor,Op.59fromavillage),SoNo.1inDminor,Notturno,Jeuxd’eauand,cappingitoff,Grünfeld’sSoideVienne,aparaonJohannFledermaus.Ivanov,piano.
DEC. 10-11 | INTOJOURNEYWINTER 5:30 ofHarwoodp.m.,MuseumArt A program replete with sparkle and sorrow features pianist Gleb Ivanov with TCMG musicians in Nancyviolin;Bakkum,GlebTriona’s#2Gaubert’shands,11MorceauxRachmaninoff’sSergeiSixOp.forpianofourPhilippeFluteSonataandBedřichSmetaimpassionedPianoinGminor,Op.15.IvanovandKimpiano;LPHow,SallyGuenther,cello;Laupheimer,flute.ARROYO SECO LIVE Roots and Wires Presents celebrates its 25th Anniversary with three shows at the Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership. Visit secolive.org. SEPT. 10 | THE REBIRTH BRASS BAND FROM NEW ORLEANS SEPT. 23 | DAKHABRAKHA LIVE FROM UKRAINE OCT. 8 | IMARHAN LIVE FROM THE SAHARA DESERT
24 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals live music
NOV. 5-6 |
SNAPSHOTS OF EUROPE 6 p.m., Taos Community Auditorium Schumann, Three Romances, Op 22. Jacob TV, Lipstick, for flute, alto flute and audio. Concert video for Lipstick, featuring Manuel Zurria. Debussy, Premiere Rhapsodie for clarinet and chamber ensemble (arr. by Todd Palmer). Tchaikovsky, Souvenir de Florence, Op. 70. Theodore Arm, violin; Guillermo Figueroa, violin; Daniel Phillips, violin; Cathy Meng Robinson, violin; Toby Appel, viola; Ayane Kozasa, viola; Samuel Rosenthal, viola; Sterling Elliott, cello; Keith Robinson, cello; Paul Wiancko, cello; Peter Lloyd, bass; Tara Helen O’Connor, flute; Kemp Jernigan, oboe; Todd Palmer, clarinet; Molly Morkoski, piano; June Han, harp.
DEC. 9 |
SEPT. 1-3
A multimedia program that combines some of Shakespeare’s most powerful words with music connected to them. Featuring Taos thespian David Garver reciting from the plays. Elizabeth Baker, violin; Nancy Laupheimer, flute; Kim Bakkum and Martha Shepp, piano.
OCT. 1-DEC. 11
The Taos Chamber Music Group has announced its 30th Anniversary season, featuring a wide variety of concerts combining master musicians with other artistic disciplines in inspiring and moving performances at the Harwood Museum of Art. From classical masterpieces to world music and two new commissions, the season (which runs until June of next year) is chock full of exciting shows. Visit taoschambermusicgroup.org.
WINTER SCENES WITH GLEB IVANOV 5:30 ofHarwoodp.m.,MuseumArt
SOUNDS SHAKESPEARE OF 5:30 ofHarwoodp.m.,MuseumArt
SEPT. 3 | SALON CONCERT 2 p.m., Angel Fire Community Center Ravel, Introduction et Allegro. Zawinul, Birdland (arr. by Stephen Prutsman). An Ennio Morricone, Suite (arr. by Todd Palmer). Tchaikovsky, Serenade for Strings. Theodore Arm, violin; Kate Arndt, violin; Guillermo Figueroa, violin; Clara Neubauer, violin; Oliver Neubauer, violin; Daniel Phillips, violin; Cathy Meng Robinson, violin; Luther Warren, violin; Toby Appel, viola; Ayane Ko zasa, viola; Samuel Rosenthal, viola; Grace Takeda, viola; Sterling Elliott, cello; Justin Goldsmith, cello; Keith Robinson, cello; Paul Wiancko, cello; Peter Lloyd, bass; Tara Helen O’Connor, flute; Kemp Jernigan, oboe; Todd Palmer, clarinet; Molly Morkoski, piano; June Han, harp.
OCT. 1-2 |

taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 25 live music FRANK MORGAN TAOS JAZZ FEST NOV. 9-12 Now in its 8th season, the Frank Morgan Taos Jazz Fest brings four nights of world-class jazz to Taos every November. Created to honor the memory of Frank Morgan, the late-great alto saxophonist who called Taos home, the Festival presents world-famous musicians who played with Frank, along with exciting guest artists from all over the globe. Presented by Taos Jazz Bebop Society. Visit taosjazz.org. NOV. 9 | A TRIBUTE TO ’TRANE & ELVIN; KANOA KALUHIWA AND PETE AMAHL Free concert.opening-night Taos Country Club NOV. 10 | GEORGE CABLES TRIO Taos Center for the Arts NOV. 11 | LORCA HART TRIO WITH NICHOLASVOCALISTBEARDE MuseumHarwood of Art NOV. 12 | GRACE KELLY: ALBUM PREMIERE Taos Center for the Arts

26 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals live music BIGHEARNE'SMICHAELBARNDANCE FESTIVALMUSIC

The Big Barn Dance Music Festival is a listening room experience in a festival setting that concludes with the Big Barn Dance, so bring your listening ears as well as your dancing feet. Performing artists include: Balsam Range, Beat Root Revival, Bill Hearne Trio, Chuck Cannon, Jason Eady & Courtney Patton, Eliza Gilkyson, Gary P. Nunn, Hayes Carll, Mike and The Moonpies, Mountain Heart, Quebe Sisters, The Red River Songwriters, Robbie Fulks, Rodney Crowell, Seth James, Shake Russell and Michael Hearne, South By Southwest, The Lost Gonzo Band, The Rifters and The Texas Trio. Visit bigbarndance.com.
taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 27 SEPT. 8-10, 1 P.M. | KIT CARSON PARK Michael Hearne’s Big Barn Dance Mu sic Festival proudly celebrates 20 years of bringing the best of Americana, Country, Folk and Bluegrass music to Northern New Mexico. This year’s event is a return to nor mal — that’s right, the large, seated, open-air tent that we all know and love is making its return. The festival is also bringing back Saturday Night Only tick ets, so more folks can come enjoy the biggest barn dance in the Southwest. Hearne has maintained a friendship over the years with some of the finest songwriters and bands in the world. True to form, the Big Barn Dance pro vides a showcase for musical brilliance, allowing audiences an up-close and personal experience with songwriters as they spin tales revealing the creative process and the story behind the song.

28 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals
RED RIVER FOLK FESTIVAL Bitter Creek Ranch, Brandenburg Park and the Motherlode Saloon SEPT. 23-25 | ASPENCADE Brandenburg Park live music
SEPT. 22-25 Red River Folk Festival at Aspencade is a signature annual event in Red River that celebrates great Folk and Americana music and showcases talented artists and artisans from across the Southwest. This one-of-a-kind festival includes concerts and an art fair, and takes place during the anticipated aspens’ changing to their autumn colors. The Red River Folk Festival will take the stage at three venues over three days in and around Red River — downtown Bran denburg Park, the lakefront amphitheater Bitter Creek Ranch and, one of the South west’s last great honky-tonks, Motherlode PerformingSaloon. artists include Andrew Duhon, Angela Autumn, Beat Root Revival, Brennen Leigh, Caleb Caudle, Christian Wallowing Bull, Colin Brooks, Cruz Contreras, Flatland Cavalry, Jaime Wyatt, Jed Zimmerman, JoJo James, Lacy Nelson, Mason & The Gin Line, Matt Kirk and Nick Shoulders. Aspencade is a colorful 3-day arts and crafts festival in Brandenburg Park and features fine art, pottery, candles, crafts, home furnishings, jewelry, clothing and gourmet food. Visit redriverfolkfestival. com. SEPT. 22-24 |

LIVING TRADITIONS in Native Cultures LARRY MARTINEZ JEWELER 575. 758. 4169 822 Paseo del Pueblo Sur Unique Originals, Contemporary & Vintage Designs ALSO INSIDE Synchronicityofart ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOSMARCH18–24,2021 ARTANDDANCE Fusionatthe HarwoodMuseumPueblo BareissGallery•TheLaughingfamilyatChimayoTrading 2021INTAOS MACDONALD’SANGUSITALIANSOJOURN ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOS APRIL9–15,2020 ALSO INSIDE Artcontinuesonlockdown • SOMOStakespoetryonlineTaoseñaartistcherishesthehomegrownways MAGPIEGALLERYOPENSANEWSEASONWITH‘NEST’ ALSO INSIDE EmileahcelebratedRhodaBlake’slegacyisatTaosSkiValleyLujantakesherhoopdancetotheLandoftheRisingSunZoeZimmerman’sworking-classheroes ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOS MARCH5–11,2020 THESummer SantoLowrideattheHarwood•LegendaryTaosartist,JimWagnerpasses•Couse20thAnniversary ALSO INSIDE AspectacularSeniorClasssendoff•FarewelltoFred•Thefutureisnow TAOSFALLARTSGETSREADY PAINTINGEARTHANDSPIRIT INSIDE ChristineAutumnkeepsthecreativefiresburningJackLorang’ssongsofsolitudeNewbookstakeonenvironmentalmatters 2021 HERSTUDIOFORANNUALARTISTS’TOURChangingtotemsforchangingtimes•IndigenousbeadworkatCouse-Sharp ALSO INSIDE CrystalFindingserenityinchaotictimesStarr’srousingvisionandvoiceListeningtothegrandmothers ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOSAUG.6–12,2020 NICOLAIIMAGININGFECHININISOLATIONEDSANDOVALPAYSITFORWARD ThanksgivingatTaosPuebloRadio,rock’nrollandmonolithicAballerina’slife:KathleenMartintalkstoTempo ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOSNOV.25–DEC.2,2020 ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOSOCT.22–28,2020 ZOËZIMMERMAN staysclosetohome ALSO INSIDE HotelWilla’snewcreativeteam•PaseoProject’sMattThomasatArtFarm•FieldTrippin’Festgoesvirtual ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOS FEB.27–MARCH4,2020 TAOSPUEBLO’SNEWGENERATION INSIDE CelebratingliteracywiththegoodDr.SeussAnneduCoudraydesignsafundraiserfashionextravaganzaRoomtolistenwithLonePiñonattheTCA ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOS MARCH19–25,2020 SPRINGEQUINOXARTINTAOS FROMISOLATIONTOINNOVATIONTaosmusicianstakeasadsongandmakeitbetter ALSO INSIDE SmokeSignals:LittleLake’svision•Artunderlockdown•Musiciansgodigitaltokeepuptheirchops ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOS MARCH26–APRIL1,2020 ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOS MARCH12–18,2020 TAOSPUEBLOWINTERSHOWCASE atMillicenttheRogersMuseum ALSO INSIDE looksSCREEN ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOS FEB.20–26,2020 Interviewwithartist andNewMexicoFilm OfficeDirector ToddChristensen ‘Endangered’ at Untitled Fine Art ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOSOCT.15–21,2020 INSIDE TaosartistsPuebloatMillicentRogersMuseumUndertheart-makinginfluenceofapandemicTakingtheplungeatvirtualopenmic FLIES inhermanyforms ‘QUARANTINENOELLEKALOM’SREFLECTIONS’ ALSO INSIDE IsaiahTrujillo’sextraordinaryglassart•ThomWheeler’spandemicpaintings•JohannaDeBiase’s‘Gestation’poems ARTS&ENTERTAINMENTINTAOSAUG.13–19,2020 ENTERTAINMENTARTS,ANDEVERYTHINGTAOS taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 29

30 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals studio tours
SEPT. 3-4
The Chama Valley Studio Tour showcases artists from Northern New Mexico along US 64 and US 84 —Tierra Amarilla, Chama, the Brazos Canyon, Chama West, Los Ojos and Laguna Vista. Artists offer sculpture, metal works, paintings, fabric art, quilts, woven tradition al Northern New Mexican rugs and more. Visit chamavalleystudiotour.com.
SEPT. 3-5
The Taos Artist Organization (TAO) Studio Tour brings together more than 30 local artists each year who open their studio to the public over the Labor Day weekend. Participating artists include Sylvia Luftig, Krysteen Waszak, Gail Russell, Bruce Barnes, Diana Smith, Sarah Bush, Lydia Johnston and Alex Chavez. Works include paintings, pottery, quilts, jewelry, photography and sculpture. Visit taosartistorg.org.

Tom Quinn Kumpf #16 Taos Open Studio Tour 125 La Posta Road alsotomquinnkumpf.com#2openbyappointment Jan Bachman Studio #17 Taos Open Studio Tour 125 La Posta Road alsojanbachmanstudio.com#3openbyappointment TAOS OPENTOURSTUDIO LABOR DAY SEPTEMBERWEEKEND3-510AM-5PM For tour maps and artist information, go GallerySeptembertaosartistorg.orgtoPreviewShowTaosValleyLodgePreviewShowParty1,5-8PMOpenSeptember2-510AM-5PM A Heritage Hotels & Resorts Property 317 Kit Carson Rd., Taos | ElMonteSagrado.com575.758.3502 HAPPYOPENMonday-FridayHOUR4PM-5PMDAILY4PM-10PM INSPIREDSEASONALLYMENUSBREAKFASTMonday-Friday7AM-11AMDINNERDaily5PM-9PMBRUNCHSunday8AM-12PM taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 31

studio tours
The Dixon Studio Tour celebrates its 40th season this fall as one of the oldest continuously-running studio tours in New Mexico, showcasing artists from Dixon, Embudo, Rinconada, Canoncito and WorksApodaca.will include photography, painting, sculpture, jewelry and pot tery. And don’t miss the local wine. Maps for the self-guided tour are available online, or at the junction of NM 68 and NM 75, twenty miles south of Taos. Visit dixonarts.org.
The Abiquiú Studio Tour is a self-guided, driving tour that takes visitors and collectors through the village of Abiquiú and the surrounding Chama River Valley, showcasing a landscape of imposing mountains, spectacular rock formations, and the glorious rivers of the Piedra Lumbra basin. Participating artists include Tamara Kay, Lisa Baker, Leo Garcia, Darren Goins, Sasha Barrionuevo, Suzie Fowler-Tutt and Tamara Kay. Works include jewelry, paintings, woodcarvings and mixed media. Visit abiquiustudiotour.org
SEPT. 17-18 AND 24-25
32 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals
The High Road Artisans Studio Tour has showcased work by artists along the winding mountain road between Española and Taos for 25 years — communi ties that include Chimayó, Córdova, Truchas, Ojo Sarco, Las Trampas, Chamisal, Peñasco, Vadito and Placitas.
Participating artists include Sally Delap-John, Sue Leslie, Alonso Mendez, Kim Pollis, Garcia Loehr, Chris Morel, Lise Poulsen and Nick Beason. Works include weavings, sculpture, paintings, jewelry, drawings, photography, quilts and more. Visit highroadnewmexico.com.
NOV. 5-6
OCT. 8-10

TAOSCRATING.COM DISCOVERTAOS.COM Like a local know-it-all living in your back pocket. taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 33

A vibrant, glitter-filled celebration of recycled fashion, it is one of Taos’ longest-running free public art events. The Glam Trash Fash ion Show is an annual all-ages runway competition of recycled wearable art, giving artists and budding fashion designers a chance to shine as their cre ations sashay down the runway. Everyone is invited to create a wearable piece made of at least 90 percent reclaimed material. Judging is divided into three age groups (12 and under, 13- 19, adults). There is a small entry fee for each group.
Entry forms are available by emailing glamtrashtaos@gmail. com or visiting Seconds Eco Store to pick up a paper copy.
34 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals stranger stuff FASHIONTRASHGLAM SHOW SEPT. 24 5:30 P.M., TAOS PLAZA

taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 35

36 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals stranger stuff HALLOWEENTAOS FESTIVAL

The Town of Taos Community Events, Taos Plaza Merchants, Teresina Lane Merchants, Juan Largo Lane Mer chants, John Dunn Shops and Bent Street Merchants along with Taos Mila gro Rotary Club, Rocky Mountain Youth Corps and Taos High School Cheer are hosting a huge Children’s Halloween event for children of all ages and their Thefamilies.ghoulish fun will spill out from the Taos Plaza over to Teresina Lane, to Juan Largo Lane, slithering its way to the John Dunn Shops and Bent Street. The event will provide the children of Taos with a fun, safe and supervised Halloween Event. Merchants from all around the Taos Historic District (Taos Plaza, Teresina Lane, Juan Largo Lane, John Dunn Shops and Bent Street) will be hand ing out treats to trick-or-treaters. Local businesses, organizations and church groups will provide decorated “trunks” full of treats for trick-or-treating and various carnival games with prizes. Organizers will host the annual costume contest for children ages 1-12-years-old, teens, families and pets. Prizes will be awarded to the child, teen, family or pet with the Best Cos tumes. Judges will be roaming through out the Taos Plaza from 4-5 p.m. No registration needed. This will allow everyone attending the event a chance to be part of the contest. The judges will be wearing a sash labeled “Costume Judge” and will award the winners. Event organizers will also be giving out Halloween bags filled with treats and goodies to the first 1,000 children. On the John Dunn pathway, Tatyana will be doing Free Face Painting compliments of the John Dunn Shops. Taos Plaza and Bent Street will be closed to vehicular traffic from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free event parking will be avail able at our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Loretto Parking Lot, Town Hall and Taos Public Library.
OCT. 31 | 3-6 P.M., TAOS PLAZA
taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 37

38 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals You’ll find beauty, humor and ingenious work at the 22nd annual recycled art show Arte de Descartes XXII, held at the Stables Gallery. This juried show features local artists working in metal, wood, cloth, glass, paper, plastic and just about any old junk you can think of. The event is put on by Wholly Rags, a non-profit textile recycling company in Taos whose mission includes recycling used textiles, teaching sewing and producing art shows that feature the use of scraps and old materials to make art. They hope to promote the ideas of ‘waste not, want not’ and conservation of useful materials within our lives and Visitcommunity.whollyrags.org or call 575-751-9862. OCT. 29-NOV. 6 | ARTE DE DESCARTES XXII Taos Center for the Arts –Stables Gallery, 133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Taos ARTE DESCARTESDE XXII OCT. 29-NOV. 6 stranger stuff

taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 39

40 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals calendar SEPTEMBER
SEPT. 1-3 MUSIC FROM ANGEL FIRE Celebrating its 38th season! Music from Angel Fire is wrapping up its season of world-class chamber music perfor mances. This year’s theme, Romance and the Silver Screen, has already delighted audiences with Romance and the Plague, Hope Springs Eternal, From my Life, Movie Night, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and The Todd Palmer Show.
The Chama Valley Studio Tour showcases artists from Northern New Mexico along US 64 and US 84 —Tierra Amarilla, Chama, the Brazos Canyon, Chama West, Los Ojos and Laguna Vista. Artists offer sculpture, metal works, paintings, fabric art, quilts, woven traditional Northern New Mexican rugs and more.
MUTT STRUT 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Taos Ski Valley The day will be filled with a 5k Dog Fun Run/ Walk, dog activities, music, food and fun with all proceeds to benefit Taos Stray Hearts.
The Taos Artist Organization (TAO) Studio Tour brings together more than 30 local artists each year who open their studio to the public over the Labor Day weekend. Participating artists include Sylvia Luftig, Krysteen Waszak, Gail Russell, Bruce Barnes, Diana Smith, Sarah Bush, Lydia Johnston and Alex Chavez. Works include paintings, pottery, quilts, jewelry, photography and sculpture. Visit taosartistorg.org.

Local,Hand Dyed & Handspun FibersYarnsand Offering hand knitted, crocheted, felted and woven garments, knitting and crochet accessories, as well as custom shawl pins & jewelry by a local Taos silversmith. Located in the John Dunn Shops 120 B Bent Street Taos, New Mexico 10:00 am to 6:00 (575)758-9341pm taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 41

Taos Ski Valley Come Run Taos! Half and full marathon competitions, ending at Kachina Peak at 12,481 feet elevation. SEPT. 16-17 PASEO 2022 FESTIVAL Sunset-11:00 p.m. Local, national and international artists will convene in Taos this fall to participate in The PASEO 2022 festival. This year’s theme is “Transformations,” a series of immer sive and participatory art installations that contemplate the changes brought about by the past two years and celebrate our coming back together as a community. This year’s festival will feature more than 20 installations, ranging from low-tech to new media, united by their active engagement with the public and with place, whether projecting on Taos’s adobe walls or lighting up Kit Carson Park. This is a free event. See page 12 for details. Visit PaseoProject.org.
SEPT. 8-10 MICHAEL HEARNE’S BIG BARN DANCE MUSIC FESTIVAL 1 p.m., Kit Carson Park Michael Hearne’s Big Barn Dance Music Festival proudly celebrates 20 years of bringing the best of Americana, Country, Folk and Bluegrass music to Northern New Mexico. The weekend-long event is a listening room experience in a festival setting that concludes with the Big Barn Dance, so bring your listening ears as well as your dancing feet. See page 26 for details.
ARROYO SECO LIVE: THE REBIRTH BRASS BAND FROM NEW ORLEANS Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership Visit secolive.org.
42 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals calendar

5:30 p.m., Taos Plaza
Taos Ski Valley Dust off those lederhosen and join the festivities. Enjoy authentic German music, beer and food, and activities and crafts for the whole family.
SEPT. 23-25
The grande dame of Taos arts festivals, the multimedia exhibition will feature over 250 known and yet-to-be-discovered Taos artists. Expect dance performances, digital media loops and projected art on the sides of buildings, fire twirlers, face painters, stilt walkers, hula hoopers and live music. See page 20 for details.
11 a.m.-5 p.m., Taos Center for the Arts–Stables Gallery
One of Taos’ longest-running free public art events, the Glam Trash Fashion Show is a runway coampetition of recycled wearable art, giving artists and budding fashion designers a chance to shine as their creations sashay down the runway. See page 34 for details.
The High Road Artisans Studio Tour has showcased work by artists along the winding mountain road between Española and Taos for 25 years — communities that include Chimayó, Córdova, Truchas, Ojo Sarco, Las Trampas, Chamisal, Peñasco, Vadito and Placitas. Works include weavings, sculpture, paintings, jewelry, drawings, photography, quilts and more.
SEPT. 17-18 AND 24-25
Bitter Creek Ranch, Brandenburg Park and the Motherlode Saloon
ARROYO SECO LIVE: DAKHABRAKHA LIVE FROM UKRAINE Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership Visit secolive.org. SEPT. 23-OCT. 2
SEPT. 23-25
Brandenburg Park
SEPT. 17-18
The 37th Annual Espanola Valley Arts Festival will showcase woodwork, metal, glass, sculpture, pottery, weaving, furniture, fabric art, photography, retables, bultos, tinwork, jewelry and paintings.
The Taos Artist Combo II exhibition and sale will showcase works from a dozen Taos artists, including paintings, pastels, graphics, photographic prints and crafts. An artists’ reception will take place Friday (Sept. 23) from 4-7 p.m.
The two-day family event will offer food, live music and dance performances. There will also be an Arts Kidz Zone with fun art activities for kids of all ages — artists will be demonstrating their medium so kids have a hands-on experience.
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UNM–Taos Bataan Hall on Civic Plaza Drive
Plaza de Española
Aspencade is a colorful three-day arts and crafts festival in Brandenburg Park and features fine art, pottery, candles, crafts, home furnishings, jewelry, clothing and gourmet food. See page 28for details.

Arranged as a street-faire at Brandenburg Park, this event provides locals and outof-towners the opportunity to celebrate the gorgeous fall season in Red River with the whole family. See page 10 for details.
44 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals calendar
ARROYO SECO LIVE: IMARHAN LIVE FROM THE SAHARA DESERT Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership Visit secolive.org.
OCT. 1 -2 TAOS CHAMBER MUSIC GROUP: SOUNDS OF SHAKESPEARE 5:30 p.m., Harwood Museum of Art A multimedia program that combines some of Shakespeare’s most powerful words with music connected to them. Featuring Taos thespian David Garver reciting from the plays. Elizabeth Baker, violin; Nancy Laupheimer, flute; Kim Bakkum and Martha Shepp, piano.
Red River Oktoberfest celebrates autumn in Red River with local craft beer, wines and spirits, authentic German food and music, contests, kids’ activities and more.

OCT. 29-NOV. 6
You’ll find beauty, humor and ingenious work at the 22nd annual recycled art show Arte de Descartes XXII, held at the Stables Gallery. This juried show features local artists working in metal, wood, cloth, glass, paper, plastic and just about any old junk you can think of. See page 38 for details.
The Town of Taos, local merchants and other civic organizations are hosting a Halloween event for children of all ages and their families. The ghoulish fun will spill out from the Taos Plaza over to Teresina Lane, to Juan Largo Lane, slithering its way to the John Dunn Shops and Bent Street. The event will also include a costume contest, free candy, face painting and more. See page 36 for details.
The 39th Taos Mountain Balloon Rally is truly a Taos County event, and typically hosts 35 balloons and crew each year. Because of its intimate size, the rally has become a popular stop for balloonists, families and crews. It’s also popular with Taoseños, as parents and kids alike get up-close and personal with the balloonists each morning as the crews prepare for launch. See page 16 for details. Visit taosballoonrally.com.
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Founded 23 years ago, The Taos Storytelling Festival has grown into one of the most exciting storytelling festivals in America. This year, our community storytell ing event will take place at the Talpa Community Center on Friday. A workshop on the “Art of Storytelling” will be held on Saturday (location TBD) and the main show will take place that evening at the Taos Center for the Arts. Produced by SOMOS. See page 14 for details.
OCT. 8-10
Taos Center for the Arts–Stables Gallery
3-6 p.m., Taos Plaza
The Abiquiú Studio Tour is a self-guided, driving tour that takes visitors and collectors through the village of Abiquiú and the surrounding Chama River Valley. Artists’ works include jewelry, paintings, woodcarvings and mixed media.

TAOS CHAMBER MUSIC GROUP: WINTER SCENES WITH GLEB IVANOV 5:30 p.m., Harwood Museum of Art The astonishingly-talented pianist, Gleb Ivanov, is featured in a recital of solo piano works that includes Tchaikovsky’s Dumka in C Minor, Op. 59 (Scenes from a Russian village), Rachmaninoff’s Sonata No. 1 in D minor, Respighi’s Notturno, Ravel’s Jeux d’eau and, festively capping it all off, Grünfeld’s Soirée de Vienne, a paraphrase on Johann Strauss’s Fleder maus. Gleb Ivanov, piano.
DEC. 9
Now in its 8th season, the Frank Morgan Taos Jazz Fest brings four nights of worldclass jazz to Taos. Created to honor the memory of Frank Morgan, the late-great alto saxophonist who called Taos home, the festival presents world-famous musicians who played with Frank, along with exciting guest artists from all over the globe. Presented by Taos Jazz Bebop Society. See page 25 for details.
TAOS CHAMBER MUSIC GROUP: WORLD JOURNEY WITH SUZANNE TENG & GILBERT LEVY 5:30 p.m., Harwood Museum of Art Performing original global music compositions, the award-winning, married duo of Suzanne Teng and Gilbert Levy will take listeners on a journey around the world. Suzanne Teng, flutes; Gilbert Levy, percussion; Mark Dudrow, cello; Nancy Laupheimer, flute.
NOV. 9-12
TAOS FOLK Open daily 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Taos Center for the Arts–Stables Gallery Taos Folk brings local artists out to the local community, and features a dizzying variety of affordable one-of-a-kind handmade arts, crafts and gifts for everyone on your list, including jewelry, aprons, t-shirts, soaps, candles, pottery, sculptures, ceramics, greeting cards, magnets, hats, knitted sweaters, scarves, shawls, pillows, prayer flags and wall hangings. Visit taosfolkart.com.
NOV. 5-6
The Dixon Studio Tour celebrates its 40th season this fall as one of the oldest continuously-running studio tours in New Mexico, showcasing artists from Dixon, Embudo, Rinconada, Canoncito and Apodaca. Works will include photography, painting, sculpture, jewelry and pottery. Maps for the self-guided tour are available online, or at the junction of NM 68 and NM 75, twenty miles south of Taos.
46 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals DECEMBERNOVEMBER
DEC. 10-11
A program replete with sparkle and sorrow features pianist Gleb Ivanov with TCMG musicians in Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Six Morceaux Op. 11 for piano four hands, Philippe Gaubert’s Flute Sonata #2 and Bedřich Smetana’s impas sioned Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 15. Gleb Ivanov and Kim Bakkum, piano; LP How, violin; Sally Guenther, cello; Nancy Laupheimer, flute.
5:30 p.m., Harwood Museum of Art

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CUBED & unCUBED September 1 through September 20, 2022 Opening: Saturday, September 3rd 5:00-7:00pm Bareiss Gallery, 15 NM Route 150, Taos NorbertLarryVoelkelBell 48 FALL FESTIVALS 2022 taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals

101 Bent St., Taos, www.taosblue.com575.758.3561NM Fine Hand Craft on the Corner of Bent Street 575.776.3333 Located on Ski Valley Road, 470 State Highway 150 in Arroyo Seco sabrosotaos.com Locally Sourced Meats • Award Winning Wine List • Incredible Ambience • Open Wed – Mon review“Delicious Every Time” taosnews.com/magazines/fall-festivals FALL FESTIVALS 2022 49

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