Chapter 1. Why I Loved Reality TV It all began with the dream. Ever since I was young, I had wanted to be somebody who participated in the cultural conversation, rather than just observe it. Back in the 1990s, I had observed that this world was clearly divided into two kinds of people: those who made the culture that we lived in, and those who just watched other people make the culture. I was determine to be one of those who made the culture. I didn't know what I wanted to make, I didn't know what I wanted to say, but I knew I wanted to 'join the conversation', and help shape the culture.
However, there were a few problems. Firstly, I didn't know how to get into those exclusive places where they make the culture, i.e. TV studios, Hollywood, established record labels, or at least your local radio station. I knew nobody who had any connection to that world, and it seemed like most people in that world 4