Term: Sept 2010 - EDU605aS1 - Myers Session ID
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10/18/10 1:45 PM
Question 1: JIU Course Instructor Name, Term, and Section Question 2: Name of teacher candidate Question 2: Name of mentor Question 2: Name of school / organization Question 3: Start date Question 3: End date Question 4: Assesses students’ reading and writing ability with ongoing assessment. Question 5: Elementary Teacher Candidate: Prepares and delivers lesson plans and intervention related to phonological and linguistic skills that address phonemic awareness, systematic and explicit phonics, spelling / encoding, and fluency. All Other Teacher Candidates: are knowledgeable about phonological and linguistic skills that address phonemic awareness, systematic and explicit phonics, spelling / encoding, and fluency.
Dr. Renee Myers, Sept. 2010, EDU605A Tara Kunesh Tammy Jackson Cody High School Sept. 7, 2010 Dec. 22, 2010 3
Question 6: Prepares and delivers lesson plans that integrate: (1) comprehension skills and strategies (i.e., comprehension monitoring, visual imagery, cooperative learning, summarization, question answering / generation, use of multiple strategies, etc.) (2) content knowledge 3 Question 7: Prepares and delivers lesson plans that develop oral and written language proficiency (i.e., language usage, sentence structure, punctuation, syntax, semantics, and other structures of standard English). Question 8: Uses informational texts (including electronic sources), high quality literature and other texts and materials to: (1) support the development of decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and content knowledge (2) stimulate critical thinking, written expression, and publication (3) motivate and engage students who come from a variety of backgrounds Question 9: Differentiates instruction to fully meet the diverse needs of students, including those who are identified as At-Risk, Gifted, Developmentally Delayed, English Language Learners, etc. Question 10: Promotes independent reading by creating purposeful opportunities to engage in text through parental involvement, cooperative learning, and content rich classroom experiences.
Question 11: Utilizes appropriate K-12 state content standards in reading and writing instruction for the improvement of student achievement in all content areas. 3 Question 12: Overall performance for Knowledge of Literacy? 4 Tara brings in additional literature to supplement the literature our curriculum assigns as a way to help students connect with other cultures and points of view. Tara is very aware of Wyoming state standards and refers to them Question 13: Notes about this candidate's performance for often when she is planning lessons. Tara engages students Knowledge of Literacy? via a variety of means and uses the writing process well. Question 14: Assesses students’ mathematical ability with ongoing assessment. 3 Question 15: Elementary and Math Teacher Candidates: Prepare and deliver lesson plans and intervention related to mathematical skills that address number systems, number sense and measurement. All Other Teacher Candidates: are knowledgeable about mathematical skills that address number systems, number sense and measurement. 3 Question 16: Elementary and Math Teacher Candidates: Prepare and deliver lesson plans and intervention related to mathematical skills that address algebra. All Other Teacher Candidates: are knowledgeable about mathematical skills that address algebra.
Question 17: Elementary and Math Teacher Candidates: Prepare and deliver lesson plans and intervention related to mathematical skills that address geometry. All Other Teacher Candidates: are knowledgeable about mathematical skills that address geometry.
Question 18: Elementary and Math Teacher Candidates: Prepare and deliver lesson plans and intervention related to mathematical skills that address statistics and probability. All Other Teacher Candidates: are knowledgeable about mathematical skills that address statistics and probability. 3
Question 19: Elementary and Math Teacher Candidates: Facilitate and develop students’ ability to problem solve, reason, communicate, connect and represent mathematical ideas through the use of appropriate problem solving tools, including (1) mental arithmetic, (2) paper and pencil computation, (3) manipulatives and, (4) technology-based tools. All Other Teacher Candidates: are knowledgeable about mathematical skills related to problem solving, reasoning, communicating, connecting and representing mathematical ideas through the use of appropriate problem solving tools, including (1) mental arithmetic, (2) paper and pencil computation, (3) manipulatives and, (4) technology-based tools. 3 Question 20: Elementary and Math Teacher Candidates: Develop students’ understanding of the diverse contributions within the history of mathematics. All Other Teacher Candidates: are knowledgeable about the diverse contributions within the history of mathematics. 3 Question 21: Models and facilitates written and oral use of mathematics in real life connections. 3 Question 22: Utilizes appropriate K-12 state content standards for the improvement of student achievement in mathematics instruction. 3 Question 23: Overall performance for Knowledge of Math? 3 Truly, a high school ENGLISH teacher does not teach math in ENGLISH courses. We have had to manufacture lessons to facilitate the use of math for Tara. National standards recommend that secondary teachers teach to their subjects ONLY (see Ken Williams's recent research in professional learning communities). Please consider the realities of teaching at the secondary level where teachers specialize in their subjects rather than teach all subjects. Question 24: Notes about this candidate's performance for Specialized math such as algebra and geometry in an Knowledge of Math? English class is, quite bluntly, nonsensical. Question 25: Knows the reasons and conditions for administering various assessment measures, including formal and informal measures (including valid and reliable assessments). 4 Question 26: Knows and utilizes formal and informal assessments (both standardized and teacher developed) to (1) monitor student performance, (2) design, align and modify instruction for both the short term and long term, (3) meet standards, and (4) address diverse learning needs. 3
Question 27: Utilizes assessment data to evaluate, compare and contrast the effects of various teaching strategies on student achievement relative to content areas.
Question 28: Utilizes technology to efficiently manage assessment data and conduct data analysis. 4 Question 29: Knows how to communicate assessment results and instructional goals / modifications to students, parents, guardians, professionals, administrators and the community. 3 Question 30: Utilizes assessment results when collaborating with school-based teams to identify, address and promote student achievement (in content areas and on standardized, state mandated assessments). 3 Question 31: Ensures that instruction is aligned to school district priorities and goals, and appropriate K-12 state content standards for the improvement of student achievement in content area instruction. Question 32: Overall performance for Knowledge of Standards and Assessment?
3 Tara is doing a great job in this area. She has developed excellent rubrics for grading writing, and she understands Question 33: Notes about this candidate's performance for how to develop lessons toward the goal of summative Knowledge of Standards and Assessment? assessment. Question 34: Elementary Teacher Candidate: is knowledgeable in the following content areas: literacy mathematics, civics, economics, foreign language, geography, history, science, music, visual arts and physical education. All Other Teacher Candidates: are knowledgeable about literacy and mathematics and expert in their content endorsement area. 4 Question 35: Integrates literacy and mathematics into content area instruction. 4 Question 36: Integrates and applies knowledge of (1) evidence-based learning theory, (2) subject matter content, and (3) curriculum development / modification to enrich and extend student learning. 3 Question 37: Demonstrates knowledge of ways to promote a critical stance towards text analysis and interpretation, encouraging multiple perspectives. 3 Question 38: Facilitates students’ learning by applying content knowledge and skills across content domains, and to real life situations. 4 Question 39: Utilizes appropriate K-12 state content standards in instruction for the improvement of student achievement in relative content areas. 4 Question 40: Overall performance for Knowledge of Content? 4
Tara is very aware of the necessary standards for English. She clearly shows in her lesson planning that she has the standards firmly in mind as she designs her lessons. Because she is so well read, she brings a plethora of literature into the lesson above and beyond the Question 41: Notes about this candidate's performance for requirements for the curriculum, which in turn enriches Knowledge of Content? her lessons and engages her students. Question 42: Creates supportive learning environments where students (1) assume responsibility, (2) participate in decision making, (3) work collaboratively, and (4) engage in purposeful and disciplined learning activities that promote acquisition of student knowledge, skills and understanding. 3 Question 43: Knows a variety of classroom management / intervention strategies and disciplinary practices that promote a positive and successful learning environment. 3 Question 44: Understands how cognitive processes (e.g., memorization / recall, critical thinking, problem-solving, evaluating and invention, etc.) associated with various types of learning can be developed through evidence / standards-based instruction.
Question 45: Collaborates with resource specialists to (1) develop students’ facility in the use of informational resources (i.e., internet and libraries, including the Library of Congress) and, (2) integrate informational resources into content area curricula. 3 Question 46: Overall performance for Knowledge of Classroom and Instructional Management? 3 Tara is working on Quantum Learning teaching and learning activities, as are all teachers in our district. As she learns more how to implement Quantum Learning, she is gaining more skill in classroom management and growing professionally. She is also working on Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) strategies since I rely heavily on those strategies and am teaching them to her. These strategies relate to lesson design as well as classroom management and indeed the lesson designs lend themselves to quality classroom management. Tara is very keen on learning and Question 47: Notes about this candidate's performance for integrating both models, especially where they overlap Knowledge of Classroom and Instructional Management? and complement each other. Question 48: Knows and understands how students’ learning is influenced by culture, community, economics, linguistics, talents and disabilities. 3
Question 49: Utilizes evidence-based practices and designs and/or modifies instruction / curriculum to (1) match the instructional levels of students, (2) address learning needs of exceptional learners and English language learners and, (3) accelerate student achievement in relative content areas. 3 Question 50: Collaborates with school-based teams to individualize /differentiate instruction based on assessment results, and learning objectives and goals.
Question 51: Prepares and delivers lesson plans that are achievable, meaningful, challenging, motivating and engaging (e.g., they elicit multiple student responses and promote positive social interaction).
Question 52: Utilizes effective verbal, non-verbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration and supportive interaction in the classroom. 3 Question 53: Knows the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004), knows how to develop and apply individualized education programs / plans (IEPs), and understands the correlation between designated / targeted instructional time and acceleration of student learning. Question 54: Utilizes knowledge of student medical conditions and medications when adjusting instruction and addressing learning needs. Question 55: Understands (1) legal responsibilities and students’ educational rights, and (2) policies and procedures mandated by local, state and federal statutes (e.g., No Child left Behind Act). Question 56: Overall performance for Knowledge of Individualization of Instruction?
3 3
Tara works well with the para educator in the class where two of our students are on IEPs. She works well individually with these students and is aware in her lesson planning of the needs of these students. She is especially good at engaging them in learning, especially when they are reluctant to try the lesson. I have observed Tara very patiently and thoughtfully working with these students to help them maximize their learning. The only criticism I have of her in this area is that her initial response occasionally is to let these students do less work or to grade them less rigorously. We have discussed this, and she is making excellent progress in making sure that she Question 57: Notes about this candidate's performance for grades these students fairly in relation to the rest of the Knowledge of Individualization of Instruction? student population.
Question 58: Knows about extensive technologies, including the use of (1) audio-visual aids, (2) computers (3) digital technology, and (4) the Internet, and utilizes them to manage and communicate information, and deliver standards based instruction. 3 Question 59: Prepares and delivers lesson plans that incorporate the use of 21st century technologies to (1) teach students basic technological skills, (2) enhance content knowledge acquisition, and (3) prepare students for new evolving technologies. Question 60: Overall performance for Knowledge of Technology? Question 61: Notes about this candidate's performance for Knowledge of Individualization of Technology?
Question 62: Teaches, models and develops productive citizenry and the principles of a democratic republic. Question 63: Teaches, models and develops positive behavior and respect for the rights of others, and the moral standards necessary for personal, family and community well-being.
3 3 Technology is the not the panacea for 21st century that some people would like to consider it. It is a TOOL, and Tara treats it as such. Her students use the Internet for research, computers for word processing, and I have introduced her to a web site for tracking students' reading, i.e. what books they have read and what they have learned from and thought about them, which she is using in her literature course. To the extent that our school will allow it, she is tracking student progress via our powerschool program.
Question 64: Understands and responds to influences on educational practice including the roles and legislative policies of governmental bodies (i.e., federal, state and local governments, school districts, school boards, etc.), and public sector input (i.e., businesses, advocacy groups, and the public). 3 Question 65: Promotes teaching careers as beneficial and worthy, and informs students of the various educational career paths (e.g., public and private education, higher education, international education, etc.).
Question 66: Continually seeks to refine and improve instructional / classroom performance through formal and informal professional development opportunities. 4 Question 67: Overall performance for Knowledge of Democracy, Educational Governance and Careers in Teaching? 3
Tara has had limited opportunities for this standard in our curriculum. She does participate in our advisory time with our students, and I anticipate that when we are working specifically on career paths with students, she will contribute well. Informally, she talks with students concerning higher education and career paths. Her lessons Question 68: Notes about this candidate's performance for have involved what it means to be a good citizen both Knowledge of Democracy, Educational Governance and directly and indirectly when she taught lessons on short Careers in Teaching? stories. Question 69: Knows and is committed to the teaching professional codes of ethical conduct, and can adapt to evolving issues and environments. 3 Question 70: Reads and applies current research on teaching, and continually improves the level of their professional practice. Teacher candidate shares current research with colleagues. 4 Question 71: Reflects on their professional practice and consults with other professionals to grow professionally. Question 72: Continually evaluates the effects of their professional decisions and actions on students, parents, professionals, etc., and modifies their behavior and practice to better serve students and promote efficacious learning environments. Question 73: Establishes and fosters positive, collaborative relationships with families and the community to promote the intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth of children. Question 74: Establishes collaborative relationships with specialists to directly support students’ learning and wellbeing. Question 75: Overall performance for Knowledge of Professional Commitment, Growth, Reflection and Evaluation?
Tara and I have had some really productive sharing in the areas involved in this standard. She has also worked well with our special education department and the para educator assigned to my class. She is interested in learning Question 76: Notes about this candidate's performance for from all of the teachers in my department and has Knowledge of Professional Commitment, Growth, observed several of them outside of the two of us with Reflection and Evaluation? whom she is working most closely. Question 77: Is the teacher candidate ready to enroll in EDU 605B: student teaching? 1 Question 78: If you answer "No", please provide justification/comments for your answer in the box below.